Snopes now verifies Ashley Biden's "showers with dad" story as being "True"

And where is the actual corruption here? I don’t see any references to Joe Biden using his political position to the benefit of these people.

Take out all the long winded language and tell me where the corruption is in a succinct and factual manner.

Try his in person meetings and phone conversations with the folks that gave the crackhead millions. It's all been documented.

That's not incest any more than bathing her and changing her diapers are. That's your imagination going into deplorable overdrive.
At that age it is. Why do you insist it is anything else? You are making a bigger fool of yourself. Something I thought was impossible. Later, pervert.
At that age it is. Why do you insist it is anything else? You are making a bigger fool of yourself. Something I thought was impossible. Later, pervert.
At what age? Are you imagining knowing how old she was when these showers with daddy happened? How deep does your deplorable fantasy go?
If you were to take any video and take a freeze frame (do this sometime on TV) you’d find some weird expressions.

The disgusting blob set up a photo op.

Look dude, you’re trying to tie the two into the same type of thing. It isn’t. Either the blob or someone close to him suggested that he get into bed with his daughter, and take a picture of her kissing him. This wasn’t a candid picture or a freeze frame that was open to interpretation. This was planned.

Okay. I’ve asked you this before.

Who is a better candidate. In other words if this was a one vote election and you had that vote, who would you vote for and thus make President?
I’d abstain from voting, I don’t like Biden’s politics and I don’t like Trump as a person, thank goodness there are other candidates.
At what age? Are you imagining knowing how old she was when these showers with daddy happened? How deep does your deplorable fantasy go?
Given her statement that she was showering with her dad, most likely adolescent to young teen, certainly not infant. A person does not say they showered with someone if they are an infant being passed to Dad by Mom for a rinse in the shower. IOW, she was old enough to know what was going on.
If she was sexually active she was in puberty. That is when the showers occurred. God knows what he made her do.
Sky Daddy might know but you're doing fantasy. You have no idea how old she was for any of the things she wrote about or when they occurred in her life. You're literally fantasizing to fill in those blanks.
Given her statement that she was showering with her dad, most likely adolescent to young teen, certainly not infant. A person does not say they showered with someone if they are an infant being passed to Dad by Mom for a rinse in the shower. IOW, she was old enough to know what was going on.
I was old enough to know when my single mother was bathing me as she showered as well. Being aware of what is going on isn't the same as you proving molestation was going on. That remains a sick, Deplorable, MAGAt fantasy.
Why did she call them "inappropriate"?
I don't know. Maybe being a girl being bathed by her father made her uncomfortable. At some point it does. I was a little uncomfortable but I wasn't molested. I just had an aggressive Chinese Jamaican mother who worked long hours and had no time for my lollygagging when left to my own devices. I also ended up a single father and while I never showered with my daughter I did bathe her until she uncomfortably told me she was able to do it herself. Welcome to parenthood assclowns.
The prosecutor Biden got fired had been bribed by Burisma to drop the investigation BEFORE Hunter Biden joined the Board. The prosecutor Biden fired was announcing corruption investigations in a big shake-down scheme. He announced an investigation and the target company bribed him to stop the investigation, which he did.

ALL of this was well documented at the time it happened. This is no different than Uranium One. Republicans twisting real events to make it look like Democrats are taking bribes and are corrupt, when in reality, nothing of the kind has happened.
The Justice Department is investigating the work of a consulting firm linked to the president’s son for potential illegal lobbying, four people familiar with the probe told POLITICO.

The firm, Blue Star Strategies, took on as a client the Ukrainian energy company Burisma while Hunter Biden served on its board. Republican operatives’ efforts to investigate Burisma and the alleged corruption that surrounded the firm were at the heart of the first Trump impeachment.
Are you calling Ashley Biden a liar? Why do you children of make believe insist on playing these games its so easy to own you in?

“I am deeply saddened that I even have to write this letter because my personal private journal was stolen and sold for profit,” Biden wrote in that April 8 letter.
“The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts,” Biden wrote. “The reason I have decided to not attend tomorrow’s sentencing in person is because it would only increase my pain.
Nonetheless, I write to ask Your Honor to sentence the defendant to time in prison.”
According to Ashley Biden's statement:

An often cited page from that "leaked diary," which chronicled its author's addiction recovery in intimate detail, makes reference to sexual trauma and poses questions in search of an explanation for being "hyper-sexualized @ a young age." Along with mentions of not liking to visit a certain family's house, "being sexualized" with a female friend, and "having sex with friends @ a young age," the author noted taking "showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)."

Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden.

So Snopes claims the above is by Biden's daughter that she took showers with Biden!
Truly a pedophile and disgusting man.
The Justice Department is investigating the work of a consulting firm linked to the president’s son for potential illegal lobbying, four people familiar with the probe told POLITICO.

The firm, Blue Star Strategies, took on as a client the Ukrainian energy company Burisma while Hunter Biden served on its board. Republican operatives’ efforts to investigate Burisma and the alleged corruption that surrounded the firm were at the heart of the first Trump impeachment.

According to Ashley Biden's statement:

An often cited page from that "leaked diary," which chronicled its author's addiction recovery in intimate detail, makes reference to sexual trauma and poses questions in search of an explanation for being "hyper-sexualized @ a young age." Along with mentions of not liking to visit a certain family's house, "being sexualized" with a female friend, and "having sex with friends @ a young age," the author noted taking "showers with my dad (probably not appropriate)."

Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden.

So Snopes claims the above is by Biden's daughter that she took showers with Biden!
Truly a pedophile and disgusting man.
No. Just a father who you enjoy fantasizing as a pedophile. That actually says more about you than him.
I was old enough to know when my single mother was bathing me as she showered as well. Being aware of what is going on isn't the same as you proving molestation was going on. That remains a sick, Deplorable, MAGAt fantasy.
And if that was all that happened, she wouldn't have written that it was probably inappropriate, because that awareness comes later in life. You're basically accusing her of lying.
And if that was all that happened, she wouldn't have written that it was probably inappropriate, because that awareness comes later in life. You're basically accusing her of lying.
I haven't accused her of anything. Is she lying when she says people have distorted the words in her diary to hurt the people she loves?
I haven't accused her of anything. Is she lying when she says people have distorted the words in her diary to hurt the people she loves?
Since she knows what she wrote and why, she's not lying about that. The question remains, however, what she was talking about with the shower scandal.

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