Snopes now verifies Ashley Biden's "showers with dad" story as being "True"

I said very clearly, MOST LIKELY. That means that it's not a proven fact and I'm not pretending it's anything of the sort, I'm simply saying it's likely based on how people usually behave. Did you leave your common sense at the door?
It's not pretending? If it's not a fact then isn't it your imagination, your fantasy? What else exists beyond facts and things you imagine to be true?
I know I did, because that's at the root of most of this. Remember that we were told for years that it was a fake, not real, anything to avoid even talking about what she claims happened to her, and the root of all that is Orange Man Bad, because you wouldn't be objecting so strenuously over this coming out about a politician not facing Orange Man in the election.
Who told you and why do you let this person do your thinking for you?
And you're doing amateur hour. You just can't help going juvenile, can you? I thought you knew that doesn't work on me.
I'm not that one admitting to going beyond facts towards imagination. That's you.
For the peanut gallery, "Probably inappropriate" means she thinks something happened that SHE believes is inappropriate, because SHE WROTE THAT IT HAPPENED TO HER and called it probably inappropriate. Apparently, we're supposed to believe that girls write stuff in their diaries that aren't true and don't happen to them, because feelz and reasons.
You're doing a lot of imagining off of probably inappropriate while ignoring her very clear statement that her fluid thought exercise is being twisted and distorted in order to hurt the people she loves. You keep forgetting that part. We don't have to imagine how she feels about the words in her diary because she's told us.
It's not pretending? If it's not a fact then isn't it your imagination, your fantasy? What else exists beyond facts and things you imagine to be true?
You checked your common sense at the door, demanding total, absolute proof before you will even consider that anything inappropriate likely happened. Something did that affected her enough for her to write about it in her private correspondence for herself. You know, where people write their true feelings and experiences.
Who told you and why do you let this person do your thinking for you?
Are you absolutely certain that nothing inappropriate happened to her? If not, you're wandering into fantasy land, are you not?
I'm not that one admitting to going beyond facts towards imagination. That's you.

You're doing a lot of imagining off of probably inappropriate while ignoring her very clear statement that her fluid thought exercise is being twisted and distorted in order to hurt the people she loves. You keep forgetting that part. We don't have to imagine how she feels about the words in her diary because she's told us.
Are you absolutely certain that she lied to her diary? You seem to do an awful lot of fantasizing for someone who is supposedly aghast at people asking inconvenient questions.
Where? Post a link to her actually saying that like I poster a link to her letter to the court saying her thought exercise was being distorted to hurt the people she loves.
What was “corrupt” about the 10% for the big guy thing?

It proves xiden was in line to gain from his crackhead son selling his "brand". According to the law, xiden didn't have to personally gain from his corruption, the fact that his family did is sufficient to prove bribery.

You checked your common sense at the door, demanding total, absolute proof before you will even consider that anything inappropriate likely happened. Something did that affected her enough for her to write about it in her private correspondence for herself. You know, where people write their true feelings and experiences.
It not a check on common sense to only accept what you can prove as fact as fact. That is in fact what common sense is all about. In fact I'd argue it's nonsensical to take for fact that which you can't prove is fact.
Are you absolutely certain that nothing inappropriate happened to her? If not, you're wandering into fantasy land, are you not?
I'm only certain that she wrote about showers with daddy probably being inappropriate and that her stream of conscious exercise is being distorted to hurt the people she loves.
Are you absolutely certain that she lied to her diary? You seem to do an awful lot of fantasizing for someone who is supposedly aghast at people asking inconvenient questions.
I haven't claimed she lied to her diary at all.
At what age? Are you imagining knowing how old she was when these showers with daddy happened? How deep does your deplorable fantasy go?
We know
Just turned a teenager
No mom needs to shower with her son to save minutes. Better planning yields no inappropriate behavior
Given her statement that she was showering with her dad, most likely adolescent to young teen, certainly not infant. A person does not say they showered with someone if they are an infant being passed to Dad by Mom for a rinse in the shower. IOW, she was old enough to know what was going on.
It not a check on common sense to only accept what you can prove as fact as fact. That is in fact what common sense is all about. In fact I'd argue it's nonsensical to take for fact that which you can't prove is fact.
And I'm not taking as fact that he did inappropriate things to her, I'm noting that when a girl writes this kind of stuff in her diary, she's usually not lying to herself or writing fictional stories, so logic states that something inappropriate probably happened. And how high a bar do you set for requiring proof?
I'm only certain that she wrote about showers with daddy probably being inappropriate and that her stream of conscious exercise is being distorted to hurt the people she loves.
And yet you seem awfully eager to accuse me of being certain Quid Pro Joe molested his daughter in the shower, despite my using the same kind of language you have.
I haven't claimed she lied to her diary at all.
Then she almost certainly believes something inappropriate happened to her in the shower that made her take them late at night so he wouldn't bother her.
So you're a mind reader regarding intentions? 😜

Was your father successful in his field?

Yeah, my dad could smell a crook or a pedophile from a mile away. He'd beat the crap out of pedos and faggots back in the day.

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