Snopes now verifies Ashley Biden's "showers with dad" story as being "True"

Since she knows what she wrote and why, she's not lying about that. The question remains, however, what she was talking about with the shower scandal.
I don't have any problem with you saying you have questions. It's when you start fantasizing answers that I start point and laughing at you for.
BAD people, selling some ones private personal thoughts for 40 thousand dollars.
That's not even counting the stealing & lies.
And you would defend people like this?

Poor commie, people don't abandon things they value. I double check before I leave a place I've rented, to make sure I haven't left anything behind. Being an air head is no excuse for irresponsibility. Did she call the owner of the AirB&B and make them aware she left some things behind and ask them to secure her property? Nothing I've heard suggests that happened. That means she abandoned her property.

I don't have any problem with you saying you have questions. It's when you start fantasizing answers that I start point and laughing at you for.
Since I haven't done that, you have no reason to do that. We can't just ignore the diary because feelz, reasons, Orange Man Bad, and besides, Jan6. People tend to not lie to their diaries, which is why they're kept private, and she writing that she took inappropriate showers with dad and started waiting until late to take a shower because she didn't want him joining her indicates that something likely happened that should not be ignored.
Since I haven't done that, you have no reason to do that.
You haven't? Whats this then?

Given her statement that she was showering with her dad, most likely adolescent to young teen, certainly not infant.
Do you have facts about how old she was during these showers or have you simply fantasized her age range?
We can't just ignore the diary because feelz, reasons, Orange Man Bad, and besides, Jan6.
I haven't mentioned Orange Man at all. You just did.
People tend to not lie to their diaries, which is why they're kept private, and she writing that she took inappropriate showers with dad and started waiting until late to take a shower because she didn't want him joining her indicates that something likely happened that should not be ignored.
"Probably inappropriate" doesn't scream molestation to me. That's absolutely inappropriate but maybe you grew up in a more deplorable environment? That would explain a lot.
I don't know. Maybe being a girl being bathed by her father made her uncomfortable. At some point it does. I was a little uncomfortable but I wasn't molested. I just had an aggressive Chinese Jamaican mother who worked long hours and had no time for my lollygagging when left to my own devices. I also ended up a single father and while I never showered with my daughter I did bathe her until she uncomfortably told me she was able to do it herself. Welcome to parenthood assclowns.

Eww! No wonder you're completely warped on this topic.
You keep thinking that Bingo. It's adorable what you think facts are. Give us another.
That is what you rely on. You think the last word comes from your ilk. Wrong again.
You haven't? Whats this then?
Do you have facts about how old she was during these showers or have you simply fantasized her age range?
I said very clearly, MOST LIKELY. That means that it's not a proven fact and I'm not pretending it's anything of the sort, I'm simply saying it's likely based on how people usually behave. Did you leave your common sense at the door?
I haven't mentioned Orange Man at all. You just did.
I know I did, because that's at the root of most of this. Remember that we were told for years that it was a fake, not real, anything to avoid even talking about what she claims happened to her, and the root of all that is Orange Man Bad, because you wouldn't be objecting so strenuously over this coming out about a politician not facing Orange Man in the election.
"Probably inappropriate" doesn't scream molestation to me. That's absolutely inappropriate but maybe you grew up in a more deplorable environment? That would explain a lot.
And you're doing amateur hour. You just can't help going juvenile, can you? I thought you knew that doesn't work on me.

For the peanut gallery, "Probably inappropriate" means she thinks something happened that SHE believes is inappropriate, because SHE WROTE THAT IT HAPPENED TO HER and called it probably inappropriate. Apparently, we're supposed to believe that girls write stuff in their diaries that aren't true and don't happen to them, because feelz and reasons.
I wonder how many children Joe Biden has sexually molested than none of us know about? We do have videos of Joe being a pervert with kids but now that Joe's brain is slipping, he is likely going too far with 5 year old's. His wife ignores it all.
Many of us have been calling Joe Biden "Pedo Joe" for years now. Apparently Snopes has substantiated that claim.


A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate."


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Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, Biden wrote "I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online."

Previous versions of this fact check noted "strong evidence" that the diary existed, but argued that no source had authenticated the contents of the pages published online, writing that "the authenticity of photographs purported to be from a diary is a separate question from the factual existence of a diary."

Have Contents of 'Ashley Biden's Diary' Been Verified?
That should be pushed more. Biden is a pervert.

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