Snopes Proves Me Right About The Berkeley Antifa Girl

Here's one of the baddies from the left in the late sixties.

Well....obviously they never stopped being losers.
Let the LEO shoot anyone, right or left or up or down, who brandishes firearms.

The neo fascist anti first amendment alt righties need a lesson that they will obey the law or else. So do their enemies if they come armed.
The only reason I disagree with this is because the LEO's in Berkeley seem to be too cowardly to do anything but sit and spectate from the sidelines. I'm not advocating starting anything, I do advocate finishing it should the situation come to shoot-outs.
Can't trust that the cops in that city will do their jobs, so keeping a gun on you for self defense purposes is necessary.

Berkley police officers have already indicated their reluctance to enter the campus to do anything about demonstrators or violence that might break out there.
Yep. That's why if you go, you should CCW.
I lived in Alaska for a number of years. Greet place. Amazing people.

Yeah we're still pretty traditional so we tend to raise our kids right. You lower 48ers seem to have fucked up everything that could possibly be fucked up heh
Fairbanks? Drug megalopolis and haven for child abusers. Native villages with 80% alcoholism? Anchorage known as hooker heaven? Careful, pard.
I lived in Alaska for a number of years. Greet place. Amazing people.

Yeah we're still pretty traditional so we tend to raise our kids right. You lower 48ers seem to have fucked up everything that could possibly be fucked up heh
Fairbanks? Drug megalopolis and haven for child abusers. Native villages with 80% alcoholism? Anchorage known as hooker heaven? Careful, pard.

hmm I didn't know that about Fairbanks, not in the news up here but okay. IDK a lot of Alaskan's think drugs should all be legalized, let the stupid shits get all loopy and pass out in a snowbank at -30 below, keeps the population down. Yeah natives for some reason get addicted to booze way easy, they've got their own laws though, and drinking in most of them is a whatever. The only solution they have is to say "dry village" so then all the natives just go the next village over and get plowed - and they've no interest in any interventions to try to figure out a solution. That's on the Tribal Council's not American Alaskan's. As far as hookers, it's their body if they want to make money that way not many really give a shit up here. I'd say like 80% of population is live and let live bordering on anarchist, even the religious folks are like who cares about her soul anymore. They used to be real uppity when they had folks in politics, but that got rejected a while back. Not that I don't like the church folk, they're good people, but I don't want them running the show cause they come up with shit like "It's illegal for a woman not to have socks and shoes on in the car" (Was based on some old wives tale idk)
No they got their faggot asses stomped and run out of their own city, next time we will pave the streets with their broken and bloodied corpses, like I said come see us in the streets you little bitch, and as for moldy locks? That bitch is marked for death, she's going to die screaming.
You make such a fine German.
Your people are the ones who were outraged at the idea of a Free Speech Rally and came to shut it down, with street violence.
I wasn't there. Am I still a "you people"?

That is quite funny. THe only people who are confused about the normal referring to groups of people as groups of people are liberals.

So, by asking the question, you prove my answer.

Do you know where the phrase "brown shirt" even comes from?
Yes I do.[/QUOTE]

So, you are thus, agreeing that it would be an appropriate gift for violent political thugs who like to attack Free Speech Rallies, in order to take away rights from their enemies?
There will be no negotiation, no dialog, only dead antifa scum, come see us in the streets cock sucker.
You're just pissed because they give you a taste of your own medicine. They do to you, what you do to others. They make it obvious you're not the bad ass bully you think you are. In fact, your reactions show you're really a pussy! You can dish it out, but you can't take it.

No problem you'll be seen in the streets, from an elevated enfilade position.

Ask yourself: Is that really where I want to be to be able to riot?

You may not have much time to answer.
If Antifa is making m80s wine bottle IEDS, pfft ..I'll buy some m80s.

Just for the fuses. They're playing a dangerous game. This is America.

I can predict it will not go the way they expect or want.

They're doing more than that, though. I've seen video where they throw single and triple report firework mortars into the crowd.

Who condones that? It makes me mad.
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No they got their faggot asses stomped and run out of their own city, next time we will pave the streets with their broken and bloodied corpses, like I said come see us in the streets you little bitch, and as for moldy locks? That bitch is marked for death, she's going to die screaming.
You make such a fine German.

It is the antifa pigs who are using violent SA shout down tactics to silence the opposition, the battle has been joined, come see us in the streets bitch.
Come see us in the streets you little faggot, I got something for ya.
A brown shirt?

It is antifa who are using the violent SA shout down tactics to squash the rights of the opposition, we will not back down, we will meet them in the streets, there will be no negotiation and no dialog, there will be blood, the battle has been joined come see us in the streets mother fucker.
That is quite funny. THe only people who are confused about the normal referring to groups of people as groups of people are liberals.

"...the only people who are confused about the normal referring to groups of people..."

What the hell is that? Your comment is so incoherent, I don't know how to comment on it.

"...the normal referring to groups of people..."

Dude, you need to focus more before you upload total nonsense! Because "your comments" are OUT THERE!

So, by asking the question, you prove my answer.
You do know questions are not statements, right? What grade are you in?

So, you are thus, agreeing that it would be an appropriate gift for violent political thugs who like to attack Free Speech Rallies, in order to take away rights from their enemies?
Look, if you just want to make up your own passion play and choreograph all the actors on both sides, then you don't need me for input. Just go play your make believe life in your make believe world and you'll whind up make believe fine.
It is antifa who are using the violent SA shout down tactics to squash the rights of the opposition, we will not back down, we will meet them in the streets, there will be no negotiation and no dialog, there will be blood, the battle has been joined come see us in the streets mother fucker.
And you're calling THEM the SA?

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