Snopes Proves Me Right About The Berkeley Antifa Girl

Snopes Proves Me Right

Well, congratulations. I know you must be excited, for things like that don't often happen to folks like you. I do hope took advantage of Lady Luck's taking a shine to you and bought a lottery ticket or went to Vegas (or similar place) to try to make the most of your good luck.

You shouldn't have to self-aggrandize by noting the feat in your thread title. I'll be sure at least one of the USMB moderators knows of that. Perhaps they'll coordinate a "moment of silence," or something, in recognition of that. Perhaps they can take up a collection similar to the one at the top of the forum's main page and have printed and framed the post in which you remarked on the girl's status. Perhaps even engrave a brief laudatory statement on a small plaque that can be affixed to the frame, sort of like the ones attached to painting frames.
The point is that you are an armchair general who knows little, and that little is wrong. My posts have always said the girl got what she deserved. You have continually lied, OOM, and have continually been caught out. Compared to you, I am a shining light of American goodness, yes, and I am glad you admit that.

Now to the OP: the girl was spoiling for a fight, got hit when she could have been stomped, and the White Nationalist is now out there for the whole world to know who he is. Dumb bunny, he.
Lol...ethno nationalism is an inevitability, young grasshopper.
Nah, the Millennials will kill anyone who tries to force that nonsense on the nation. They may let you have a gulag in Alaska.

uhm... Alaska is very "diverse" friendly. Anchorage has one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the entire country. I don't think we'd be real keen on that.
The point is that you are an armchair general who knows little, and that little is wrong. My posts have always said the girl got what she deserved. You have continually lied, OOM, and have continually been caught out. Compared to you, I am a shining light of American goodness, yes, and I am glad you admit that.

Now to the OP: the girl was spoiling for a fight, got hit when she could have been stomped, and the White Nationalist is now out there for the whole world to know who he is. Dumb bunny, he.
Lol...ethno nationalism is an inevitability, young grasshopper.
Nah, the Millennials will kill anyone who tries to force that nonsense on the nation. They may let you have a gulag in Alaska.

uhm... Alaska is very "diverse" friendly. Anchorage has one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the entire country. I don't think we'd be real keen on that.
With the personnel jobs that would come with incarceration centers for the hard left and hard right crazies there, of course the Alaskans would embrace the idea.
Snopes Proves Me Right

Well, congratulations. I know you must be excited, for things like that don't often happen to folks like you. I do hope took advantage of Lady Luck's taking a shine to you and bought a lottery ticket or went to Vegas (or similar place) to try to make the most of your good luck.

You shouldn't have to self-aggrandize by noting the feat in your thread title. I'll be sure at least one of the USMB moderators knows of that. Perhaps they'll coordinate a "moment of silence," or something, in recognition of that. Perhaps they can take up a collection similar to the one at the top of the forum's main page and have printed and framed the post in which you remarked on the girl's status. Perhaps even engrave a brief laudatory statement on a small plaque that can be affixed to the frame, sort of like the ones attached to painting frames.
Cry some more.
Snopes Proves Me Right

Well, congratulations. I know you must be excited, for things like that don't often happen to folks like you. I do hope took advantage of Lady Luck's taking a shine to you and bought a lottery ticket or went to Vegas (or similar place) to try to make the most of your good luck.

You shouldn't have to self-aggrandize by noting the feat in your thread title. I'll be sure at least one of the USMB moderators knows of that. Perhaps they'll coordinate a "moment of silence," or something, in recognition of that. Perhaps they can take up a collection similar to the one at the top of the forum's main page and have printed and framed the post in which you remarked on the girl's status. Perhaps even engrave a brief laudatory statement on a small plaque that can be affixed to the frame, sort of like the ones attached to painting frames.
Cry some more.
No one, other than you over your boyfriend, is crying.

You can go to reddit right now and read about how antifa feels humiliated over what happened in Berkeley, they are talking about bringing guns to the next demonstration. One asks "What would you be more afraid of? A bunch of guys with bats and flags or a bunch of guys with bats, flags and guns?".

Well, I'm not afraid of either... But if you asked me which I would prefer, I'd prefer they came with guns. Shooting someone without a firearm on them would be harder to fight in court. But if antifa shows up and starts's go-time! The vast majority of these people do not have experience or training, they would get slaughtered.

If any of you patriots are going to Berkeley for the Ann Coulter event, take your guns and be prepared to take out some trash if needed.
Snopes Proves Me Right

Well, congratulations. I know you must be excited, for things like that don't often happen to folks like you. I do hope took advantage of Lady Luck's taking a shine to you and bought a lottery ticket or went to Vegas (or similar place) to try to make the most of your good luck.

You shouldn't have to self-aggrandize by noting the feat in your thread title. I'll be sure at least one of the USMB moderators knows of that. Perhaps they'll coordinate a "moment of silence," or something, in recognition of that. Perhaps they can take up a collection similar to the one at the top of the forum's main page and have printed and framed the post in which you remarked on the girl's status. Perhaps even engrave a brief laudatory statement on a small plaque that can be affixed to the frame, sort of like the ones attached to painting frames.
Cry some more.
No one, other than you over your boyfriend, is crying.

I don't have a boyfriend, pole smoker. That's your thing.
Sure, you do. He likes you in lace panties.

Let the LEO shoot anyone, right or left or up or down, who brandishes firearms at these events.

The neo fascist anti first amendment alt righties need a lesson that they will obey the law or else. So do their enemies if they come armed.
Calls are going out for volunteers to go to the Berkley campus to insure she is able to safely speak to those who invited her there.

I wouldn't be surprised if all those brave demonstrators tuck their tails between their legs and slink off somewhere.
Calls are going out for volunteers to go to the Berkley campus to insure she is able to safely speak to those who invited her there.

I wouldn't be surprised if all those brave demonstrators tuck their tails between their legs and slink off somewhere.
Alt Right neo-fascists slinking away? Of course. The far and hard and alt right have always been cowardly sorts.
Let the LEO shoot anyone, right or left or up or down, who brandishes firearms.

The neo fascist anti first amendment alt righties need a lesson that they will obey the law or else. So do their enemies if they come armed.
The only reason I disagree with this is because the LEO's in Berkeley seem to be too cowardly to do anything but sit and spectate from the sidelines. I'm not advocating starting anything, I do advocate finishing it should the situation come to shoot-outs.
Can't trust that the cops in that city will do their jobs, so keeping a gun on you for self defense purposes is necessary.
Sure, you do. He likes you in lace panties.

Let the LEO shoot anyone, right or left or up or down, who brandishes firearms at these events.

The neo fascist anti first amendment alt righties need a lesson that they will obey the law or else. So do their enemies if they come armed.
Lol.....the alt-righters are the ones standing up for free speech, dipshit. It's antifa that tries to shut down any speech they disagree with.

You sure do live in crazy backwards land.
Let the LEO shoot anyone, right or left or up or down, who brandishes firearms.

The neo fascist anti first amendment alt righties need a lesson that they will obey the law or else. So do their enemies if they come armed.
The only reason I disagree with this is because the LEO's in Berkeley seem to be too cowardly to do anything but sit and spectate from the sidelines. I'm not advocating starting anything, I do advocate finishing it should the situation come to shoot-outs.
Can't trust that the cops in that city will do their jobs, so keeping a gun on you for self defense purposes is necessary.
No problem with that, snowflake. CCW is a good thing, imo.
Sure, you do. He likes you in lace panties.

Let the LEO shoot anyone, right or left or up or down, who brandishes firearms at these events.

The neo fascist anti first amendment alt righties need a lesson that they will obey the law or else. So do their enemies if they come armed.
Lol.....the alt-righters are the ones standing up for free speech, dipshit. It's antifa that tries to shut down any speech they disagree with.

You sure do live in crazy backwards land.
Nope, that alt righties are as vicious and anti-American as the hard left.
Here's one of the baddies from the left in the late sixties.

The point is that you are an armchair general who knows little, and that little is wrong. My posts have always said the girl got what she deserved. You have continually lied, OOM, and have continually been caught out. Compared to you, I am a shining light of American goodness, yes, and I am glad you admit that.

Now to the OP: the girl was spoiling for a fight, got hit when she could have been stomped, and the White Nationalist is now out there for the whole world to know who he is. Dumb bunny, he.
Lol...ethno nationalism is an inevitability, young grasshopper.
Nah, the Millennials will kill anyone who tries to force that nonsense on the nation. They may let you have a gulag in Alaska.

uhm... Alaska is very "diverse" friendly. Anchorage has one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the entire country. I don't think we'd be real keen on that.
With the personnel jobs that would come with incarceration centers for the hard left and hard right crazies there, of course the Alaskans would embrace the idea.

IDK, Alaskan's don't put up with criminals. We also shoot them a fairly often... Our police have a 98% caught track record (how much of that is because the criminal didn't escape or survive after being shot is unknown) but Alaskan's also throw huge tantrums when the crime rates go up and devalue our properties - even if we're not selling, in most of the "past shitty startup" circles it's a matter of course to disclose property values - I call it dick wagging Alaska style heh I know both the assessed tax value and current price of at least three houses in each of my Alaska friend's neighborhoods. I also know how much each of them paid for their cabins, and how much they could get for it. I don't know why exactly that's a thing up here but it is...
Snopes Proves Me Right

Well, congratulations. I know you must be excited, for things like that don't often happen to folks like you. I do hope took advantage of Lady Luck's taking a shine to you and bought a lottery ticket or went to Vegas (or similar place) to try to make the most of your good luck.

You shouldn't have to self-aggrandize by noting the feat in your thread title. I'll be sure at least one of the USMB moderators knows of that. Perhaps they'll coordinate a "moment of silence," or something, in recognition of that. Perhaps they can take up a collection similar to the one at the top of the forum's main page and have printed and framed the post in which you remarked on the girl's status. Perhaps even engrave a brief laudatory statement on a small plaque that can be affixed to the frame, sort of like the ones attached to painting frames.
Cry some more.
Let the LEO shoot anyone, right or left or up or down, who brandishes firearms.

The neo fascist anti first amendment alt righties need a lesson that they will obey the law or else. So do their enemies if they come armed.
The only reason I disagree with this is because the LEO's in Berkeley seem to be too cowardly to do anything but sit and spectate from the sidelines. I'm not advocating starting anything, I do advocate finishing it should the situation come to shoot-outs.
Can't trust that the cops in that city will do their jobs, so keeping a gun on you for self defense purposes is necessary.

Berkley police officers have already indicated their reluctance to enter the campus to do anything about demonstrators or violence that might break out there.

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