Snopes Proves Me Right About The Berkeley Antifa Girl

Where is the bottle?

I see the girl and the white supremacist (who was dishonorably discharged from the military), but I don't see any bottle.
Where is the bottle?

I see the girl and the white supremacist (who was dishonorably discharged from the military), but I don't see any bottle.

That's because you're a blind faggot the video haa been provided several times, by several people, in several threads so eat a fucking dick. But to be honest she shouldn't have been hit she should have had that bottle shoved up her diseased cunnt, then had it smashed before slitting her god damn throat, but luckily we have her full name, she is a dead bitch walking.
That's because you're a blind faggot the video haa been provided several times, by several people, in several threads so eat a fucking dick. But to be honest she shouldn't have been hit she should have had that bottle shoved up her diseased cunnt, then had it smashed before slitting her god damn throat, but luckily we have her full name, she is a dead bitch walking.
You act like she spat on a black Congressman! Or shot a female Congresswoman in the head? Just because she was holding a bottle, doesn't mean you have the right to attack her.
That's because you're a blind faggot the video haa been provided several times, by several people, in several threads so eat a fucking dick. But to be honest she shouldn't have been hit she should have had that bottle shoved up her diseased cunnt, then had it smashed before slitting her god damn throat, but luckily we have her full name, she is a dead bitch walking.
You act like she spat on a black Congressman! Or shot a female Congresswoman in the head? Just because she was holding a bottle, doesn't mean you have the right to attack her.

She was attacking others you dumb fuck. As for the whore traitor to western civilization Jo Cox, she is just the beginning and that lying n!gger was debunked by the video.
Looks to me like you're a blind faggot it is clearly a large green wine bottle, fucking kill yourself.
So its a wine bottle, junior, big deal. You can't hit people holding bottles of wine. I swear, you little pricks on the right run around just looking for things to hit. I bet you sit down when you pee.
This girl is a dumbass, but talking about slitting her throat and raping her are just as disgusting if not even more so! I can't even believe the stuff I'm reading. People are so mentally ill.
Looks to me like you're a blind faggot it is clearly a large green wine bottle, fucking kill yourself.
So its a wine bottle, junior, big deal. You can't hit people holding bottles of wine. I swear, you little pricks on the right run around just looking for things to hit. I bet you sit down when you pee.

She was attacking people with bottles you stupid little faggot but in all honest I really don't give a fuck if she was or not all antifa are marked for death in my book bitch.
She was attacking others you dumb fuck. As for the whore traitor to western civilization Jo Cox, she is just the beginning and that lying n!gger was debunked by the video.
You must be blind as a bat, because neither of the videos show what you claim, fuckface.

They clearly do you lying faggot, the bottle even has a red circle around it.
This girl is a dumbass, but talking about slitting her throat and raping her are just as disgusting if not even more so! I can't even believe the stuff I'm reading. People are so mentally ill.

The war that antifa started has been joined come see us in the streets faggots, Ill be there collecting heads.
This girl is a dumbass, but talking about slitting her throat and raping her are just as disgusting if not even more so! I can't even believe the stuff I'm reading. People are so mentally ill.

The war that antifa started has been joined come see us in the streets faggots, Ill be there collecting heads.

Are you trying to claim some kind of "moral superiority" over this person, as you talk about sticking a bottle in her, smashing it inside her and slitting her throat? Really?

Does nobody else think this shit is just over the top crazy??
Snopes Takes On Punched Antifa Woman In Berkeley, Whether She Was Holding Glass Bottle Or IED

Snopes Takes On Punched Antifa Woman In Berkeley, Whether She Was Holding Glass Bottle Or IED



Earlier this week there was quite a dustup online between the alt-right and the left regarding whether or not white supremacist/separatist Nathan Damigo was justified in assaulting a 95-pound woman during the street brawling that occurred following a rally and counter-protest last Saturday in Berkeley. Many pointed to a Reuters photo, taken by Stephen Lam that appeared to show the woman, 20-year-old Louise Rosealma of Ventura County, holding a glass bottle as a weapon, apparently taken moments before Damigo was seen punching her on the now infamous video. As often happens with Reddit and elsewhere on the internet, that bottle became, for some, an improvised incendiary device, with people claiming that Rosealma had filled the bottle with explosives, and Damigo was a hero for stopping her from launching the bottle into the crowd nearby. As best and objectively as they can, Snopes has now taken on the photo and video evidence, analyzed both, and concluded that yes, probably the photo is not doctored and Rosealma likely was wielding a glass bottle, however that bottle was empty and does not appear to have been an IED.

Also, they explain, that you can partly see Rosealma as she was hit a first time by Damigo, just off camera — which is the moment that seems to have been captured in Lam's photo. In that photo, she is still wearing a mask that partially covers her face, as well as a black hat, which has been knocked off by the time we see Damigo hitting her a second time. If you take it frame by frame, *you can also see the green glass bottle in Rosealma's hand before she is hit the first time*."

Notice the line between the bulletpoints.

Told ya so, libtards.

as with other common terrorists

she was flinging IEDs

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