Snopes Proves Me Right About The Berkeley Antifa Girl

So he wasn't "apprehending" her.....

I never said he was.
He's punchin

Follow the convo. HereWeGoAgain used an analogy about cops apprehending a criminal. I'm not surprised that he seems to have abandoned that line of thinking. I didnt.

"So,I mean Mathew. Lets say a cop sees you with a gun in your hand but you toss it in the bushes when he loses sight of you momentarily. Does that mean you wont be apprehended?"

You didn't write that? If not, the quotes are screwed up.

Are you fucking stupid?
You said I abandoned that train of thought,I said I didnt.
What part confuses you?

I thought that you were denying typing it in he first place. Are you always this touchy? Have a tranquilizer or something.
I never said he was.
He's punchin

Follow the convo. HereWeGoAgain used an analogy about cops apprehending a criminal. I'm not surprised that he seems to have abandoned that line of thinking. I didnt.

"So,I mean Mathew. Lets say a cop sees you with a gun in your hand but you toss it in the bushes when he loses sight of you momentarily. Does that mean you wont be apprehended?"

You didn't write that? If not, the quotes are screwed up.

Are you fucking stupid?
You said I abandoned that train of thought,I said I didnt.
What part confuses you?

I thought that you were denying typing it in he first place. Are you always this touchy? Have a tranquilizer or something.

Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension.
From that day in Berkeley, spraypainted by antifa:
Don't know. And neither do you. You cannot assume she threw them or hit someone, anymore than I can assume she just dropped them.
She was throwing them.

What? Wtf requires any evidence?

That she threw bottles. Or hit anyone with one.

So she just happened to bring bottles to a riot with no intention of throwing them at people.
That takes a special kind of stupid to come to that conclusion.

Don't know. And neither do you. You cannot assume she threw them or hit someone, anymore than I can assume she just dropped them.
She was throwing them.


That video did not show her throwing a bottle. I don't even think she was "about" to throw it. Not held that close in front of her.

I know you're really invested in defending this guy, but there's no evidence that she hurt anyone.

It shows the bottle in her hand though. Sorry you lose.

She was just holding an empty bottle for no reason. Fucking libtards, have to lie to themselves to maintain their stupid ideology.

All this to convince yourselves that the man wasn't a piece of shit to sucker punch a small woman!
Snopes Takes On Punched Antifa Woman In Berkeley, Whether She Was Holding Glass Bottle Or IED

Snopes Takes On Punched Antifa Woman In Berkeley, Whether She Was Holding Glass Bottle Or IED



Earlier this week there was quite a dustup online between the alt-right and the left regarding whether or not white supremacist/separatist Nathan Damigo was justified in assaulting a 95-pound woman during the street brawling that occurred following a rally and counter-protest last Saturday in Berkeley. Many pointed to a Reuters photo, taken by Stephen Lam that appeared to show the woman, 20-year-old Louise Rosealma of Ventura County, holding a glass bottle as a weapon, apparently taken moments before Damigo was seen punching her on the now infamous video. As often happens with Reddit and elsewhere on the internet, that bottle became, for some, an improvised incendiary device, with people claiming that Rosealma had filled the bottle with explosives, and Damigo was a hero for stopping her from launching the bottle into the crowd nearby. As best and objectively as they can, Snopes has now taken on the photo and video evidence, analyzed both, and concluded that yes, probably the photo is not doctored and Rosealma likely was wielding a glass bottle, however that bottle was empty and does not appear to have been an IED.

Also, they explain, that you can partly see Rosealma as she was hit a first time by Damigo, just off camera — which is the moment that seems to have been captured in Lam's photo. In that photo, she is still wearing a mask that partially covers her face, as well as a black hat, which has been knocked off by the time we see Damigo hitting her a second time. If you take it frame by frame, *you can also see the green glass bottle in Rosealma's hand before she is hit the first time*."

Notice the line between the bulletpoints.

Told ya so, libtards.

Here is she, standing against the wall, than away from the wall holding the bottleneck. Notice the bandana over the face and she has a hat.


In this photo taken from the back, she's clearly away from the wall, on the sidewalk where she joined the fight, with bottle and her hat falling down. She did not get punched in the forehead yet.


These images were ignored by the left because antifa protester was attacker, and not the victim.

Here is the image that fits the leftist narrative, where poor girl gets hit by the guy. That's the only image the left is referring to and wants to be seen. Notice, there is no hat, she lost it in the previous fight on the sidewalk.


Poor girl, she dindu nufin. Media is all over it, she's the victim.

What? Wtf requires any evidence?

That she threw bottles. Or hit anyone with one.

So she just happened to bring bottles to a riot with no intention of throwing them at people.
That takes a special kind of stupid to come to that conclusion.

That video did not show her throwing a bottle. I don't even think she was "about" to throw it. Not held that close in front of her.

I know you're really invested in defending this guy, but there's no evidence that she hurt anyone.

It shows the bottle in her hand though. Sorry you lose.

She was just holding an empty bottle for no reason. Fucking libtards, have to lie to themselves to maintain their stupid ideology.

All this to convince yourselves that the man wasn't a piece of shit to sucker punch a small woman!

What's wrong with sluggin' chiks? Or pussygrabbing? We're american men damnit, this is who we are.
Follow the convo. HereWeGoAgain used an analogy about cops apprehending a criminal. I'm not surprised that he seems to have abandoned that line of thinking. I didnt.

"So,I mean Mathew. Lets say a cop sees you with a gun in your hand but you toss it in the bushes when he loses sight of you momentarily. Does that mean you wont be apprehended?"

You didn't write that? If not, the quotes are screwed up.

Are you fucking stupid?
You said I abandoned that train of thought,I said I didnt.
What part confuses you?

I thought that you were denying typing it in he first place. Are you always this touchy? Have a tranquilizer or something.

Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension.

Actually, what you wrote worked for both meanings. That's ok. Just remember you are absolutely right to get this angry over some type on a screen!
What? Wtf requires any evidence?

That she threw bottles. Or hit anyone with one.

So she just happened to bring bottles to a riot with no intention of throwing them at people.
That takes a special kind of stupid to come to that conclusion.

That video did not show her throwing a bottle. I don't even think she was "about" to throw it. Not held that close in front of her.

I know you're really invested in defending this guy, but there's no evidence that she hurt anyone.

It shows the bottle in her hand though. Sorry you lose.

She was just holding an empty bottle for no reason. Fucking libtards, have to lie to themselves to maintain their stupid ideology.

All this to convince yourselves that the man wasn't a piece of shit to sucker punch a small woman!

I don't need any convincing Damigo is a piece of shit. Nice projection though.. You're the one jumping through hoops and doing mental gymnastics in order to justify what the stupid bitch did
Well at least she didn't go all Zimmerman on him, and there was no stalking.

Going to a riot intending to do harm is stalking.
And dissent is rioting now, I know, that's authoritarianism, go crack some skulls bub.

So you dont call what went down in bezerkly rioting?
Are all liberals afflicted with the special kind of stupid?
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, "liberals blah blah blah ....." Pass. I have a television I can turn on if I want that distraction and confusion.
Well at least she didn't go all Zimmerman on him, and there was no stalking.

Going to a riot intending to do harm is stalking.
And dissent is rioting now, I know, that's authoritarianism, go crack some skulls bub.

So you dont call what went down in bezerkly rioting?
Are all liberals afflicted with the special kind of stupid?
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, "liberals blah blah blah ....." Pass. I have a television I can turn on if I want that distraction and confusion.
You're a moron and sadly will probably die one.
What? Wtf requires any evidence?

That she threw bottles. Or hit anyone with one.

So she just happened to bring bottles to a riot with no intention of throwing them at people.
That takes a special kind of stupid to come to that conclusion.

That video did not show her throwing a bottle. I don't even think she was "about" to throw it. Not held that close in front of her.

I know you're really invested in defending this guy, but there's no evidence that she hurt anyone.

It shows the bottle in her hand though. Sorry you lose.

She was just holding an empty bottle for no reason. Fucking libtards, have to lie to themselves to maintain their stupid ideology.

All this to convince yourselves that the man wasn't a piece of shit to sucker punch a small woman!

I don't need any convincing Damigo is a piece of shit. Nice projection though.. You're the one jumping through hoops and doing mental gymnastics in order to justify what the stupid bitch did

You don't need no stinkin' convincing or information at all do ya shoog.
What? Wtf requires any evidence?

That she threw bottles. Or hit anyone with one.

So she just happened to bring bottles to a riot with no intention of throwing them at people.
That takes a special kind of stupid to come to that conclusion.

That video did not show her throwing a bottle. I don't even think she was "about" to throw it. Not held that close in front of her.

I know you're really invested in defending this guy, but there's no evidence that she hurt anyone.

It shows the bottle in her hand though. Sorry you lose.

She was just holding an empty bottle for no reason. Fucking libtards, have to lie to themselves to maintain their stupid ideology.

All this to convince yourselves that the man wasn't a piece of shit to sucker punch a small woman!

I don't need any convincing Damigo is a piece of shit. Nice projection though.. You're the one jumping through hoops and doing mental gymnastics in order to justify what the stupid bitch did

I'm not defending her, I'm just not conjecturing about her actions.

The videos and photos show her holding a bottle. They do not show her throwing or hitting with the bottle. What the videos do show is a man punch a woman a couple of times. Those are facts.
What? Wtf requires any evidence?

That she threw bottles. Or hit anyone with one.

So she just happened to bring bottles to a riot with no intention of throwing them at people.
That takes a special kind of stupid to come to that conclusion.

That video did not show her throwing a bottle. I don't even think she was "about" to throw it. Not held that close in front of her.

I know you're really invested in defending this guy, but there's no evidence that she hurt anyone.

It shows the bottle in her hand though. Sorry you lose.

She was just holding an empty bottle for no reason. Fucking libtards, have to lie to themselves to maintain their stupid ideology.

All this to convince yourselves that the man wasn't a piece of shit to sucker punch a small woman!

I don't need any convincing Damigo is a piece of shit. Nice projection though.. You're the one jumping through hoops and doing mental gymnastics in order to justify what the stupid bitch did

You don't need no stinkin' convincing or information at all do ya shoog.

Hey fucktard! I just said Damigo is a piece of shit

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