Snopes Proves Me Right About The Berkeley Antifa Girl

It is the antifa pigs who are using violent SA shout down tactics to silence the opposition, the battle has been joined, come see us in the streets bitch.
And what do you plan to do in the streets? Silence the opposition? Let them know their voice won't be tolerated? That only your voices are allowed to be heard on the streets of America? Is that your battle plan?
I don't know why anyone would condone this and/or why they would go and behave in the same manner. If you think you are better, then be better!
You and I, for the most part, come from opposite ends of the political spectrum. So it seems rather ominous that the direction the country may be heading is so bad, that it brings folks like us together in agreement.

In regards to your statement above, I was thinking exactly the same thing. I've always said, if we want a better government, then we have to be a better society. Right now, I don't think we're doing very well on the latter.
If Antifa is making m80s wine bottle IEDS, pfft ..I'll buy some m80s.

Just for the fuses. They're playing a dangerous game. This is America.

I can predict it will not go the way they expect or want.

They're doing more than that, though. I've seen video where they throw single and triple report firework mortars into the crowd.

Who condones that?
Well, if it's July 4th...

It makes me mad.
Nobody can make you mad. You're in charge of your own emotions. If you are angry, it is because you chose to be, not because someone made you be. Have you ever been in a situation with your significant other and noticed she was deliberately trying to push your buttons? And what happened when she didn't get the response she was fishing for? It was her that went off! Why? Because you realized what was going down and "chose" not to get angry. Then you had great make up sex for the rest of the night.
No problem you'll be seen in the streets, from an elevated enfilade position.
It wouldn't be this person by any chance would it?

Thanks for the invite, but I think I'll stay home that day.

Ask yourself: Is that really where I want to be to be able to riot?
I don't really ask myself questions like that. I don't even think questions like that. What kind of a question is that to ask me? How would you like it if I asked you, "How do you say no to butt stuff?"

Now hurry, you may not have much time to answer.

You may not have much time to answer.

It is antifa who are using the violent SA shout down tactics to squash the rights of the opposition, we will not back down, we will meet them in the streets, there will be no negotiation and no dialog, there will be blood, the battle has been joined come see us in the streets mother fucker.
And you're calling THEM the SA?

Yes I am you stupid fuck, we have joined the battle that they started we will not allow them to shut down our 1st amendment rights, this is America mother fucker we are going to fight and kill you fascist pigs to the death to keep the rights our forefathers bled and died for, come see us in the streets mother fucker, there you will find freemen and your fucking death.
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It is the antifa pigs who are using violent SA shout down tactics to silence the opposition, the battle has been joined, come see us in the streets bitch.
And what do you plan to do in the streets? Silence the opposition? Let them know their voice won't be tolerated? That only your voices are allowed to be heard on the streets of America? Is that your battle plan?

No you stupid faggot I intend to defend my first amendment rights against Antifa violent SA shout down tactics through force of arms, they have every right to peaceably assemble and protest not to, in their words: "shut it down," once again the battle has been joined, negotiations are over, no dialog, no surrender.

"Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice!" --Barry Goldwater

Come see us in the streets mother fucker!
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That is quite funny. THe only people who are confused about the normal referring to groups of people as groups of people are liberals.

"...the only people who are confused about the normal referring to groups of people..."

What the hell is that? Your comment is so incoherent, I don't know how to comment on it.

"...the normal referring to groups of people..."

Dude, you need to focus more before you upload total nonsense! Because "your comments" are OUT THERE!

So, by asking the question, you prove my answer.
You do know questions are not statements, right? What grade are you in?

So, you are thus, agreeing that it would be an appropriate gift for violent political thugs who like to attack Free Speech Rallies, in order to take away rights from their enemies?
Look, if you just want to make up your own passion play and choreograph all the actors on both sides, then you don't need me for input. Just go play your make believe life in your make believe world and you'll whind up make believe fine.

Ok, I've had this conversation before, so I will summarize for you to save time.

In normal human development, at a very early age, a child learns to generalize.

In that a child learns things like, all fire is hot, or that all table corners are sharp and hard.

As they grow they learn to apply this concept to people, so that they know that mommies are nice or that firemen fight fires.

Somewhat recently, leftist started convincing themselves that such normal use of language was wrong, and since then have been pretending to not understand it.

Now, I referred to you as part of the group that is or supporters the violent thugs that we were discussing.

This confused you.

And you asked a question, that showed that you do not understand the concept of generalizations.

Thus, proving I was right, that you are a lefty.

I went though this very slowly for you, step by step. I hope that you were able to follow it this time.

If needed, I can dumb it down even more, for you.

NOw. back to the topic. The lefty thugs are the ones using brown shirt tactics for the fascistic goal of suppressing the Free Speech of their political enemies.
It is the antifa pigs who are using violent SA shout down tactics to silence the opposition, the battle has been joined, come see us in the streets bitch.
And what do you plan to do in the streets? Silence the opposition? Let them know their voice won't be tolerated? That only your voices are allowed to be heard on the streets of America? Is that your battle plan?

ONly someone living in complete denial (or isolation) could even ask that question.

Lefties are the ones doing what you describe.

Conservatives are just fighting BACK, so that they CAN speak so their voice can be heard.
Damingo or whatever his name is should have just told the gimp media hacks he was self-identifying as a woman that moment, so it was an equal fight. The Left and its deviant idiots can't argue with that.
Yes I am you stupid fuck, we have joined the battle that they started we will not allow them to shut down our 1st amendment rights, this is America mother fucker we are going to fight and kill you fascist pigs to the death to keep the rights our forefathers bled and died for, come see us in the streets mother fucker, there you will find freemen and your fucking death.
Well, if you kill me, then I won't be allowed to exercise my 1st amendment freedoms. Are you saying you're the only mother-fucker who gets 1st amendment freedoms?
ONly someone living in complete denial (or isolation) could even ask that question.
Only a complete pussy would not answer it. Do questions scare you? Are you afraid to give answers?

Lefties are the ones doing what you describe.
It wasn't lefties who shot those people at the church in North Carolina. It's not lefties treating Black Lives Matter like they are a terrorist organization. It's not lefties who elected a racist government.

Conservatives are just fighting BACK, so that they CAN speak so their voice can be heard.
Wrong! Conservatives are initiating the majority of the violence. Conservatives are the ones who invaded Afghanistan. Conservatives are the ones who invaded Iraq. Conservatives are the ones who support the police in Ferguson and Baltimore. At every level and in every case, conservatives are the ones who are okay with violence and are the first to use it.
ONly someone living in complete denial (or isolation) could even ask that question.
Only a complete pussy would not answer it. Do questions scare you? Are you afraid to give answers?

I did answer the question, just a few sentences after this point in my post. Are you too stupid to make the connection or just such a lying fuck, that you pretended otherwise.

Lefties are the ones doing what you describe.
It wasn't lefties who shot those people at the church in North Carolina. It's not lefties treating Black Lives Matter like they are a terrorist organization. It's not lefties who elected a racist government.[/QUOTE]

Lefties are the ones using street violence to suppress Speech they don't like. You are to much a coward to admit this, so you attempt to distract from that truth.

Conservatives are just fighting BACK, so that they CAN speak so their voice can be heard.
Wrong! Conservatives are initiating the majority of the violence. Conservatives are the ones who invaded Afghanistan. Conservatives are the ones who invaded Iraq. Conservatives are the ones who support the police in Ferguson and Baltimore. At every level and in every case, conservatives are the ones who are okay with violence and are the first to use it.[/QUOTE]

a. Your attempt to muddy the waters with foreign policy is noted and dismissed. Conservatives are fighting back so that they CAN speak and have their voices heard.

b. The issue of police use of force is a valid one, and quite distinct from the issue of brown shirt tactics being used to oppress American citizens. Your attempt to bring it up here is merely another dodge attempt to avoid the central truth that you guys are the ones who are violent fascist thugs.

c. In this case, it is lefties who are ok with violence, and the first to use it, again and again and again.
Ok, I've had this conversation before, so I will summarize for you to save time.

In normal human development, at a very early age, a child learns to generalize.

In that a child learns things like, all fire is hot, or that all table corners are sharp and hard.

As they grow they learn to apply this concept to people, so that they know that mommies are nice or that firemen fight fires.

Somewhat recently, leftist started convincing themselves that such normal use of language was wrong, and since then have been pretending to not understand it.

Now, I referred to you as part of the group that is or supporters the violent thugs that we were discussing.

This confused you.

And you asked a question, that showed that you do not understand the concept of generalizations.

Thus, proving I was right, that you are a lefty.

I went though this very slowly for you, step by step. I hope that you were able to follow it this time.

If needed, I can dumb it down even more, for you.

NOw. back to the topic. The lefty thugs are the ones using brown shirt tactics for the fascistic goal of suppressing the Free Speech of their political enemies.
Much like a neutered dog, you don't get it, do you?

Were you home schooled? Because intelligent people don't make irrational generalizations. Just because I said it is wrong to walk up and punch a woman in the face, you think that means I support the entire antifa movement? Lets say you don't like the Ford Taurus. Does that mean you don't like any Ford cars? What you generalized, was stupid! And irrational.

What normal use of language are you talking about? There was nothing normal about your statement. It was nonsensical. The problem was not with me. The problem was you not being able to make a lucid point.

Now you saying I support violent thugs is a baseless accusation. Especially when your group commits more of violence. When your group wants more violence. And your group is the one that uses violence as a first response.

They have every right in the world to stand on the other side of the street and tell you how fucked you are and you have no right in the world to answer their free speech with a full frontal assault.
Ok, I've had this conversation before, so I will summarize for you to save time.

In normal human development, at a very early age, a child learns to generalize.

In that a child learns things like, all fire is hot, or that all table corners are sharp and hard.

As they grow they learn to apply this concept to people, so that they know that mommies are nice or that firemen fight fires.

Somewhat recently, leftist started convincing themselves that such normal use of language was wrong, and since then have been pretending to not understand it.

Now, I referred to you as part of the group that is or supporters the violent thugs that we were discussing.

This confused you.

And you asked a question, that showed that you do not understand the concept of generalizations.

Thus, proving I was right, that you are a lefty.

I went though this very slowly for you, step by step. I hope that you were able to follow it this time.

If needed, I can dumb it down even more, for you.

NOw. back to the topic. The lefty thugs are the ones using brown shirt tactics for the fascistic goal of suppressing the Free Speech of their political enemies.
Much like a neutered dog, you don't get it, do you?

Were you home schooled? Because intelligent people don't make irrational generalizations. Just because I said it is wrong to walk up and punch a woman in the face, you think that means I support the entire antifa movement? Lets say you don't like the Ford Taurus. Does that mean you don't like any Ford cars? What you generalized, was stupid! And irrational.

What normal use of language are you talking about? There was nothing normal about your statement. It was nonsensical. The problem was not with me. The problem was you not being able to make a lucid point.

Now you saying I support violent thugs is a baseless accusation. Especially when your group commits more of violence. When your group wants more violence. And your group is the one that uses violence as a first response.

They have every right in the world to stand on the other side of the street and tell you how fucked you are and you have no right in the world to answer their free speech with a full frontal assault.

NOthing irrational about my generalization.

You are a lefty.

THe lefty thugs are the ones that are motivated by the very idea of Free Speech to attack.

The conservatives in this are just defending themselves.

By lying about this you demonstrate that you are supporting these violent leftist thugs.
I did answer the question, just a few sentences after this point in my post. Are you too stupid to make the connection or just such a lying fuck, that you pretended otherwise.
You didn't tell me what your battle plan was. You didn't tell me why it is okay for you to deny them their 1st amendment rights. You didn't say anything to address those questions, so cut the foreplay!

Lefties are the ones using street violence to suppress Speech they don't like. You are to much a coward to admit this, so you attempt to distract from that truth.
Since Trump got elected, there are over 700 documented cases of hate crime. That's not coming from the left.

a. Your attempt to muddy the waters with foreign policy is noted and dismissed. Conservatives are fighting back so that they CAN speak and have their voices heard.
Conservatives are lashing out because they think it is okay to hate.

b. The issue of police use of force is a valid one, and quite distinct from the issue of brown shirt tactics being used to oppress American citizens. Your attempt to bring it up here is merely another dodge attempt to avoid the central truth that you guys are the ones who are violent fascist thugs.
Using Gestapo tactics against people exercising their Constitutional rights is the mark of a fascist, totalitarian government. And we're not talking about a mere use of force. We are talking about an excessive use of force.

c. In this case, it is lefties who are ok with violence, and the first to use it, again and again and again.
So when I say it is wrong to punch a woman in the face, it's because I support punching a woman in the face?

Are you on crack?
NOthing irrational about my generalization.

You are a lefty.

THe lefty thugs are the ones that are motivated by the very idea of Free Speech to attack.

The conservatives in this are just defending themselves.

By lying about this you demonstrate that you are supporting these violent leftist thugs.
You keep repeating these bullshit right wing talking points, but you're not saying what they are based on. You not giving examples that lead you to those conclusions. If this is what you believe, I'm fine with that. But don't try and push that crap off as a fact without being able to provide the evidence to back it up. And you haven't provided jack shit! Right now, you're nothing but a parrot.
I did answer the question, just a few sentences after this point in my post. Are you too stupid to make the connection or just such a lying fuck, that you pretended otherwise.
You didn't tell me what your battle plan was. You didn't tell me why it is okay for you to deny them their 1st amendment rights. You didn't say anything to address those questions, so cut the foreplay!

The battle plan of the RIght is obvious by what occurred. Self defense.

No conservatives are trying to take away anyone 1st amendment rights. Try to be less bat shit crazy.

Lefties are the ones using street violence to suppress Speech they don't like. You are to much a coward to admit this, so you attempt to distract from that truth.
Since Trump got elected, there are over 700 documented cases of hate crime. That's not coming from the left.[/QUOTE]

LOL!! What a load of crap.

Lefties are the ones using street violence to suppress Speech they don't like. We have the video. We have their own statements saying that they would shut down speech. We have the speeches of those the Left don't like being repeatedly canceled or shut down.

And you are supporting that, with your deflections and lies.

a. Your attempt to muddy the waters with foreign policy is noted and dismissed. Conservatives are fighting back so that they CAN speak and have their voices heard.
Conservatives are lashing out because they think it is okay to hate.[/QUOTE]

Your delusions are not valid outside of your head.

Conservatives are fighting back so that they CAN have their speeches heard.

b. The issue of police use of force is a valid one, and quite distinct from the issue of brown shirt tactics being used to oppress American citizens. Your attempt to bring it up here is merely another dodge attempt to avoid the central truth that you guys are the ones who are violent fascist thugs.
Using Gestapo tactics against people exercising their Constitutional rights is the mark of a fascist, totalitarian government. And we're not talking about a mere use of force. We are talking about an excessive use of force. [/QUOTE]

Local leadership standing down and allowing paramilitary political thugs to attack their shared political enemies is also Brown Shirt tactics and the one that is the topic of this thread.

One that you are refusing to honestly address because you want to support the violence and oppression while still maintaining a thin veneer of being a civilized human being.

Though it is not clear who you are trying to fool, yourself, or some potential gullible fool who might be reading this exchange.

c. In this case, it is lefties who are ok with violence, and the first to use it, again and again and again.
So when I say it is wrong to punch a woman in the face, it's because I support punching a woman in the face?

Are you on crack?[/QUOTE]

That woman was part of a group that was attacking people in an attempt to suppress their Free Speech.

She was the bad guy and she got less, far less than she deserved for her crimes.

By siding with the brown shirt in question, you are supporting their use of political violence and oppression.

Do you consider yourself a marxist?
NOthing irrational about my generalization.

You are a lefty.

THe lefty thugs are the ones that are motivated by the very idea of Free Speech to attack.

The conservatives in this are just defending themselves.

By lying about this you demonstrate that you are supporting these violent leftist thugs.
You keep repeating these bullshit right wing talking points, but you're not saying what they are based on. You not giving examples that lead you to those conclusions. If this is what you believe, I'm fine with that. But don't try and push that crap off as a fact without being able to provide the evidence to back it up. And you haven't provided jack shit! Right now, you're nothing but a parrot.

What part of this do you deny?

That you are a left?

THat the lefty thugs are the ones that were motivated by the very idea of Free Speech to Attack?
So how can we blame the dreaded (2nd grade insult) Libtards when 95 % of our counties are good ol red boys and girls?

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