Snowden gets web site job.

Since Snowden is such a hero to Russians it will be interesting to see if they give him a job with access to classified information
Since Snowden is such a hero to Russians it will be interesting to see if they give him a job with access to classified information

Aww your just bitter because he outed Obama for being a massive liar.

You call Snowden a "hero to Russians" because he showed Obama spies on American citizens as well as every single ally... This is in attempt to say anyone that agrees with what Snowden did is..... Russian at heart?

Now, what's interesting is that you, RW, defend Obama in all this... The actual guy that controls the illegal spying on American citizens, then openly lied about it as well as oked spying on all of our allies. That's you RW, that's where you stand.

I really don't care what you have to say RW, the world as a whole is growing to hate Obama. ATM the only reason countries accept Obama is because he literally pays them money to like him. Obama's that guy, buying friends who sadly openly talk shit about him.
We already knew our government spies on Americans. It was in all the papers.

In 2006.

And Merkel's phone has been spied on since...2002.

But go ahead and think this is all about Obama. :lol:

And remember, kids, waterboarding isn't torture if we do it!
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Since Snowden is such a hero to Russians it will be interesting to see if they give him a job with access to classified information

Aww your just bitter because he outed Obama for being a massive liar.

You call Snowden a "hero to Russians" because he showed Obama spies on American citizens as well as every single ally... This is in attempt to say anyone that agrees with what Snowden did is..... Russian at heart?

Now, what's interesting is that you, RW, defend Obama in all this... The actual guy that controls the illegal spying on American citizens, then openly lied about it as well as oked spying on all of our allies. That's you RW, that's where you stand.

I really don't care what you have to say RW, the world as a whole is growing to hate Obama. ATM the only reason countries accept Obama is because he literally pays them money to like him. Obama's that guy, buying friends who sadly openly talk shit about him.

I stand by my post

If Snowden is so enthralled with the Russians, let him see how much freedom they give him
We already knew our government spies on Americans. It was in all the papers.

In 2006.

And Merkel's phone has been spied on since...2002.

But go ahead and think this is all about Obama. :lol:

And remember, kids, waterboarding isn't torture if we do it!

G5, sometimes you're intelligent and sometimes come across as a babbling fool.

No one I have ever seen pretends Obama is the only one to spy on American citizens or allies, can you show any reputable human who said this? Hell I don;t even see it on these boards. But much like the economy and foreign policy Obama has been President for 5 years. Obama ran on being the anti Bush.

It would seem every week something comes out that shows Obama to not only be the very thing he claimed he ran against President, but in fact he is an expanded version of the very thing his base hated the most.

Bush had a 28% approval ratting in the end... That means undoubtedly even his own party had turned on him for his actions. Obama is about the same on approval rating for the time in office as Bush, but polling shows Dems make up the vast majority of the approval. This shows a hypocrisy, and really that's what this is all about.

Dem voters pretended to be upset at Bush's bail outs, his massive deficits, his stimulus to the economy, his preemptive war strategy and hell, even Bush's in ability to make it through a speech without fucking it up... Obama is all of these things expanded, right down to the worse speaker than Bush.... well, when Obama's not reading it like a txt book.

But hey, I get your point... I simply find your response nearly as bad as RW's.
Since Snowden is such a hero to Russians it will be interesting to see if they give him a job with access to classified information

Aww your just bitter because he outed Obama for being a massive liar.

You call Snowden a "hero to Russians" because he showed Obama spies on American citizens as well as every single ally... This is in attempt to say anyone that agrees with what Snowden did is..... Russian at heart?

Now, what's interesting is that you, RW, defend Obama in all this... The actual guy that controls the illegal spying on American citizens, then openly lied about it as well as oked spying on all of our allies. That's you RW, that's where you stand.

I really don't care what you have to say RW, the world as a whole is growing to hate Obama. ATM the only reason countries accept Obama is because he literally pays them money to like him. Obama's that guy, buying friends who sadly openly talk shit about him.

I stand by my post

If Snowden is so enthralled with the Russians, let him see how much freedom they give him

Well seeing that Obama kills US citizens and Snowden has been called a terrorist by the Dem party I'd say he has a lot more fucking freedom there than in his own country where all he had to do was out the President for illegally spying on citizens and allies.

Again, you side with a President that spies on it's citizens and allies, then lies about it.... then admits it... then pretends it's a non issue. That's you RW. You would rather see Snowden hung rather than hold Obama accountable for the very things you once claimed to vote for him over, transparency. You and Obama are upset that Snowden made Obama transparent.

We already knew our government spies on Americans. It was in all the papers.

In 2006.

And Merkel's phone has been spied on since...2002.

But go ahead and think this is all about Obama. :lol:

And remember, kids, waterboarding isn't torture if we do it!

G5, sometimes you're intelligent and sometimes come across as a babbling fool.

No one I have ever seen pretends Obama is the only one to spy on American citizens or allies, can you show any reputable human who said this? Hell I don;t even see it on these boards. But much like the economy and foreign policy Obama has been President for 5 years. Obama ran on being the anti Bush.

It would seem every week something comes out that shows Obama to not only be the very thing he claimed he ran against President, but in fact he is an expanded version of the very thing his base hated the most.

Bush had a 28% approval ratting in the end... That means undoubtedly even his own party had turned on him for his actions. Obama is about the same on approval rating for the time in office as Bush, but polling shows Dems make up the vast majority of the approval. This shows a hypocrisy, and really that's what this is all about.

Dem voters pretended to be upset at Bush's bail outs, his massive deficits, his stimulus to the economy, his preemptive war strategy and hell, even Bush's in ability to make it through a speech without fucking it up... Obama is all of these things expanded, right down to the worse speaker than Bush.... well, when Obama's not reading it like a txt book.

But hey, I get your point... I simply find your response nearly as bad as RW's.

You made it all about Obama. It isn't. It is about our government.

The faux Right was perfectly okay with Bush doing it. But they did not think about when the baton would be passed to a Democrat. Now that Obama is doing it, all this screaming is nothing less than naked hypocrisy.

I'd buy your act if you had made it about the real issue instead of Obama. Obama would not be doing this if the Right had shut Bush down for doing it. But like I said, they were perfectly fine with it at the time. You were a traitorous asshole if you didn't go along with it back then. Show me your, flag pin!

But now that Obama is in office, the faux Right has suddenly discovered the Constitution! Give me a break...

So tell us. Is waterboarding torture? The faux Right still doesn't seem to think so. And that's the dead giveaway.
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And there you go G5, you got RW's "thanks" on your post. Because in the end Bush and other past Presidents doing something makes it ok that Obama does it. That's why your response was bullshit, because it boils down to 2 wrongs make a right.
And there you go G5, you got RW's "thanks" on your post. Because in the end Bush and other past Presidents doing something makes it ok that Obama does it. That's why your response was bullshit, because it boils down to 2 wrongs make a right.

No, dumbass. You got it all ass backwards. I have been opposed to it from the get-go. I opposed the creation of the DHS, I opposed the Patriot Act, I opposed the warrantless wiretaps, and the spying on tens of millions of Americans.

All the johnny-come-latelies making it about Obama are raging hypocrites. Dumb fucks didn't give a shit about the Constitution when Bush was doing it. They were too busy polishing their flag pins and Support Our Troops magnetic stickers back then.

So whenever someone bitches about spying on Americans and tries to stick it on Obama, then I will stomp them. If the fuckheads really gave a shit, they would have stopped Bush from doing it. Then we wouldn't even be talking about Obama doing it.

This whining is hypocritical political posturing, not real.

These assholes are the ones who created this monster and allowed it to grow and thrive. They SUPPORTED it.
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We already knew our government spies on Americans. It was in all the papers.

In 2006.

And Merkel's phone has been spied on since...2002.

But go ahead and think this is all about Obama. :lol:

And remember, kids, waterboarding isn't torture if we do it!

G5, sometimes you're intelligent and sometimes come across as a babbling fool.

No one I have ever seen pretends Obama is the only one to spy on American citizens or allies, can you show any reputable human who said this? Hell I don;t even see it on these boards. But much like the economy and foreign policy Obama has been President for 5 years. Obama ran on being the anti Bush.

It would seem every week something comes out that shows Obama to not only be the very thing he claimed he ran against President, but in fact he is an expanded version of the very thing his base hated the most.

Bush had a 28% approval ratting in the end... That means undoubtedly even his own party had turned on him for his actions. Obama is about the same on approval rating for the time in office as Bush, but polling shows Dems make up the vast majority of the approval. This shows a hypocrisy, and really that's what this is all about.

Dem voters pretended to be upset at Bush's bail outs, his massive deficits, his stimulus to the economy, his preemptive war strategy and hell, even Bush's in ability to make it through a speech without fucking it up... Obama is all of these things expanded, right down to the worse speaker than Bush.... well, when Obama's not reading it like a txt book.

But hey, I get your point... I simply find your response nearly as bad as RW's.

You made it all about Obama. It isn't. It is about our government.

The Right was perfectly okay with Bush doing it. But they did not think about when the baton would be passed to a Democrat. Now that Obama is doing it, all this screaming is nothing less than naked hypocrisy.

I'd buy your act if you had made it about the real issue instead of Obama. Obama would not be doing this if the Right had shut Bush down for doing it. But like I said, they were perfectly fine with it at the time. You were a traitorous asshole if you didn't go along with it back them.

But now that Obama is in office, the Right has suddenly discovered the Constitution!

I'm not part of the right, I didn't vote for Bush. I didn't like Bush. But Obama is President, not Bush. As I said, Bush was at 28% approval, that is in no way the right giving him a pass.

The problem is Government, Government that Obama runs. Obama could have stopped the illegal spying in one phone call, yet he didn't. Obama ran off being the anti Bush, yet he is not the anti Bush...

The most important fact of all is Obama is President, not Bush, not anyone else in Government... No other being in office can call up the NSA and say "stop." Obama could, but instead he directed them to do more. So this is what accountability looks like, what you are doing is giving a pass, what RW is doing is giving a pass.
And there you go G5, you got RW's "thanks" on your post. Because in the end Bush and other past Presidents doing something makes it ok that Obama does it. That's why your response was bullshit, because it boils down to 2 wrongs make a right.

No, dumbass. You got it all ass backwards. I have been opposed to it from the get-go. I opposed the creation of the DHS, I opposed the Patriot Act, I opposed the warrantless wiretaps, and the spying on tens of millions of Americans.

All the johnny-come-latelies making it about Obama are raging hypocrites. Dumb fucks didn't give a shit about the Constitution when Bush was doing it.

Soooooo, the only reason you are arguing with me is because you think what, I came late to the party? Are you being for real? Yes G5 you were the only mother fucker on the planet not ok with Bush and other Presidents spying on Americans and allies... There, you're awesome... no one else ever had a problem with it until Obama was in office.

Fucking full on retarded.
Aww your just bitter because he outed Obama for being a massive liar.

You call Snowden a "hero to Russians" because he showed Obama spies on American citizens as well as every single ally... This is in attempt to say anyone that agrees with what Snowden did is..... Russian at heart?

Now, what's interesting is that you, RW, defend Obama in all this... The actual guy that controls the illegal spying on American citizens, then openly lied about it as well as oked spying on all of our allies. That's you RW, that's where you stand.

I really don't care what you have to say RW, the world as a whole is growing to hate Obama. ATM the only reason countries accept Obama is because he literally pays them money to like him. Obama's that guy, buying friends who sadly openly talk shit about him.

I stand by my post

If Snowden is so enthralled with the Russians, let him see how much freedom they give him

Well seeing that Obama kills US citizens and Snowden has been called a terrorist by the Dem party I'd say he has a lot more fucking freedom there than in his own country where all he had to do was out the President for illegally spying on citizens and allies.

Again, you side with a President that spies on it's citizens and allies, then lies about it.... then admits it... then pretends it's a non issue. That's you RW. You would rather see Snowden hung rather than hold Obama accountable for the very things you once claimed to vote for him over, transparency. You and Obama are upset that Snowden made Obama transparent.


Welcome to post 9-11 America

We trust nobody. NSA is doing what they have always done, gather mega-rheems of data and information. That includes Americans, enemies and allies
I 100% agree that there are hypocrites on the right G5, but today there are just as many if not more on the left, like the media as a near whole, and people like RW who again are "thanking" you for your posts. Obama ran off being different, he was gonna be Mr. Fucking-transparent. It comes out that Obama is worse than Bush, expands the NSA, expands homeland security, expands the patriot act.

I did fucking writs in every single time I have ever voted for President, don't attack me as if I made this all about Obama but was once licking Bush's asshole.

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