So, a Constitutional Convention is now a "threat to Democracy'

Fitting that you post a gif that perfectly sums up not only the previous administration, but also the right wing, conservatism, and the present state of your belief system.
Yep, you lost your brains. I can't believe I'm saying it, but DEMOCRATS are actually the champions of individual freedoms and liberties. :auiqs.jpg:
No one is pissing in their pants right now...well, maybe except Trump. By my hasty count, the red leaning states that would call for a convention make up about 40-45%. The rest?...wouldn't happen.
Now, while this former Senator is right to call attention to the extreme ways the alt-right is moving this country, it would take an act of God to call a Constitutional convention. Individual rights and freedoms..could
be achieved and guaranteed by electing DEMOCRAT governors, state legislators, Representatives, and Senators.
Please..if Covid taught the world ANYTHING it was that Democrat leaders are authoritarian jack booted thugs. We all saw their "leadership". "1984" on steroids. No thanks.
Fitting that you post a gif that perfectly sums up not only the previous administration, but also the right wing, conservatism, and the present state of your belief system.
Yep, you lost your brains. I can't believe I'm saying it, but DEMOCRATS are actually the champions of individual freedoms and liberties. :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats are the champions of race baiting and thought control. They wouldn't know freedom if it bit them on the ass.
Please..if Covid taught the world ANYTHING it was that Democrat leaders are authoritarian jack booted thugs. We all saw their "leadership". "1984" on steroids. No thanks. March, 2020, there was a Republican in the White House..who had ignored the pandemic while he fucked off for two full months.
I'm sorry...who again is limiting individual liberties and freedoms...oh yeah..REPUBLICANS and their hand picked conservative courts. :) March, 2020, there was a Republican in the White House..who had ignored the pandemic while he fucked off for two full months.
I'm sorry...who again is limiting individual liberties and freedoms...oh yeah..REPUBLICANS and their hand picked conservative courts. :)
Hmm. Looked to me like Trump was taking things seriously without trying to destroy the nation. He managed to ramp up production for PPE and ventilators. Operation Warp Speed was a success. His worst problem was that the asshole that was paid to handle the crisis turned out to be the asshole that created the crisis. It is not lost on anyone that it was Democrats leading the charge to shut down businesses, even to jailing people who wouldn't follow their dictates. Democrats attempt to micromanage every aspect of our lives and you want to pretend they stand for freedom. smh

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