So... After We The People Fire Mueller

This is so fucking funny.

All we heard in the election was how Hillary committed all these crimes, and six months into Trump's Presidency, we aren't talking about all the charges Hillary is facing but rather that Trump might pardon himself for his involvement in assisting a foreign country interfere in our election.

And the rubes think this is just fine.
Me thinks swift impeachment, troll, fool if you think Trump has any means at his disposal to just make this go away.

I disagree. Mueller needs fired to protect National Security. He can't control leaks from his team and is a partisan hack

POTUS will issue pardons if required and our great Nation can move on... Much work to do to repair Obama's damage to our reputation and standing within our shores.

Our nation would move on the exact same way it did after Nixon was forced from office to avoid impeachment. You want your man to commit open obstruction of justice and then abuse his powers to get out of it, that shit just is not going to work. It would be an awesome political spectacle though that would critically damage the GOP brand. Part of me seriously wants him to do exactly as you suggest.
Impeachment for what crime?
This is so fucking funny.

All we heard in the election was how Hillary committed all these crimes, and six months into Trump's Presidency, we aren't talking about all the charges Hillary is facing but rather that Trump might pardon himself for his involvement in assisting a foreign country interfere in our election.

And the rubes think this is just fine.

There isn't any evidence Russia interfered in our elections, much less that Trump assisted them, much less a conviction, much less needing a pardon of any kind.

Liberals still seem to think that Hillary and DNC emails being leaked was somehow "interfering in the election".
After looking into Comey and his career, I see a man devoted to the law rather than politics. If he felt he had to force an investigation it means simply that he felt the law was being broken, the guy is a total boy scout.
I disagree, at best, he was weak and ineffectual

He allowed himself to be cowed by Lynch and also testified that he was intimidated by Trump

If he had any integrity, he would have recommended charges against Hillary and forced Lynch to publically quash the whole thing - might have prevented Trump from winning the general by doing so

This discussion highlights my frustration with most on the left - selective outrage

The idea that the Trump team actively colluded with the Russians is nothing short of ludicrous

Could I buy that they thought the Russians had info & tried to get it?

Probably, but that does not rise to something that warrants a special conclusion or the destroy Trump hysteria

You're up...
There have been numerous investigations by congress into practically everything that Hillary and her bunch ever did, nothing of substance has ever been found, a bunch of smoke to be sure, but no fire. This may be the result of the Mueller investigation as well, I am waiting for those results. The problem here is there is no wish by Trump's supporters to settle the question of collusion, just a desire for it to all go away with the question unanswered. This is not possible at this late date. What is the problem with allowing the investigation to continue to it's conclusion? You feel the Trump team has done nothing wrong, OK, the findings will reflect that if you are correct. Again, any findings reported by Mueller will have to be lawyer proof, supported by evidence and stand up in court.
Do you even paragraph and space between thoughts baw?

Anywho, I would argue that many on the left just "wanted investigations to go away"

I'm going to bed let's pick this up again (in another thread) , I'm enjoying it


what's a baw"/

would you like to try that again in English?

French Cajun or country for "boy" - it's a term of endearment

You were so much nicer before Trump derangement syndrome set in

Prayer sent
I beg to differ. Silly Jilly was never nice.

She is your typical CNN propagandized leftist. Full of hate.
Trump can shoot someone in the face in the middle of 5th ave, issue a pardon for himself and these mindless lemmings will be talking about how he totally can do that and how they love it when Trump gets liberals mad.
You supported Hillary Rodham, who is as corrupt as they come

Your outrage falls on deaf ears

Bullshit, tell me one instance of corruption Trump did not already one-up. Hillary is a scout girl by comparison. And I didn't uncritically support her, she was a boring, uninspired politico. But she was Dem's best candidate and much better than embarrassing clown-show Trump.

I'm going to quote you Don:


So there you have it,even Trump believes he doesn't belong in that office.
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This is so fucking funny.

All we heard in the election was how Hillary committed all these crimes, and six months into Trump's Presidency, we aren't talking about all the charges Hillary is facing but rather that Trump might pardon himself for his involvement in assisting a foreign country interfere in our election.

And the rubes think this is just fine.

There isn't any evidence Russia interfered in our elections, much less that Trump assisted them, much less a conviction, much less needing a pardon of any kind.

Liberals still seem to think that Hillary and DNC emails being leaked was somehow "interfering in the election".

Then why is the WH talking about pardons?

If there is nothing, then Trump supporters should welcome the investigation because it would clear everything up.

But Trump is certainly acting like he has something to hide.
I disagree, at best, he was weak and ineffectual

He allowed himself to be cowed by Lynch and also testified that he was intimidated by Trump

If he had any integrity, he would have recommended charges against Hillary and forced Lynch to publically quash the whole thing - might have prevented Trump from winning the general by doing so

This discussion highlights my frustration with most on the left - selective outrage

The idea that the Trump team actively colluded with the Russians is nothing short of ludicrous

Could I buy that they thought the Russians had info & tried to get it?

Probably, but that does not rise to something that warrants a special conclusion or the destroy Trump hysteria

You're up...
There have been numerous investigations by congress into practically everything that Hillary and her bunch ever did, nothing of substance has ever been found, a bunch of smoke to be sure, but no fire. This may be the result of the Mueller investigation as well, I am waiting for those results. The problem here is there is no wish by Trump's supporters to settle the question of collusion, just a desire for it to all go away with the question unanswered. This is not possible at this late date. What is the problem with allowing the investigation to continue to it's conclusion? You feel the Trump team has done nothing wrong, OK, the findings will reflect that if you are correct. Again, any findings reported by Mueller will have to be lawyer proof, supported by evidence and stand up in court.
Do you even paragraph and space between thoughts baw?

Anywho, I would argue that many on the left just "wanted investigations to go away"

I'm going to bed let's pick this up again (in another thread) , I'm enjoying it


what's a baw"/

would you like to try that again in English?

French Cajun or country for "boy" - it's a term of endearment

You were so much nicer before Trump derangement syndrome set in

Prayer sent
I beg to differ. Silly Jilly was never nice.

She is your typical CNN propagandized leftist. Full of hate.

And a partisan hack

This is so fucking funny.

All we heard in the election was how Hillary committed all these crimes, and six months into Trump's Presidency, we aren't talking about all the charges Hillary is facing but rather that Trump might pardon himself for his involvement in assisting a foreign country interfere in our election.

And the rubes think this is just fine.

There isn't any evidence Russia interfered in our elections, much less that Trump assisted them, much less a conviction, much less needing a pardon of any kind.

Liberals still seem to think that Hillary and DNC emails being leaked was somehow "interfering in the election".

Then why is the WH talking about pardons?

If there is nothing, then Trump supporters should welcome the investigation because it would clear everything up.

But Trump is certainly acting like he has something to hide.

Why should we welcome an investigation on anyone if there was no wrong-doing in the first place? For the Feds to investigate anything, there should be a crime first.

Why don't we send the FBI to investigate you? How would you like that? Anyone that hasn't done anything wrong would be annoyed that they are being investigated for a crime they know they didn't commit. Especially when the Feds have a track record of looking the other way when actual crimes were committed, like Obama administration abusing its powers, and Hillary destroying emails on an illegal server.
This is so fucking funny.

All we heard in the election was how Hillary committed all these crimes, and six months into Trump's Presidency, we aren't talking about all the charges Hillary is facing but rather that Trump might pardon himself for his involvement in assisting a foreign country interfere in our election.

And the rubes think this is just fine.

There isn't any evidence Russia interfered in our elections, much less that Trump assisted them, much less a conviction, much less needing a pardon of any kind.

Liberals still seem to think that Hillary and DNC emails being leaked was somehow "interfering in the election".

Then why is the WH talking about pardons?

If there is nothing, then Trump supporters should welcome the investigation because it would clear everything up.

But Trump is certainly acting like he has something to hide.

Why should we welcome an investigation on anyone if there was no wrong-doing in the first place? For the Feds to investigate anything, there should be a crime first.

Why don't we send the FBI to investigate you? How would you like that? Anyone that hasn't done anything wrong would be annoyed that they are being investigated for a crime they know they didn't commit. Especially when the Feds have a track record of looking the other way when actual crimes were committed, like Obama administration abusing its powers, and Hillary destroying emails on an illegal server.

There was a lot of wrong doing - a mountain of lying about Russian contacts and firing of FBI director with Russia in mind.
The American people could care less about the Russians




60%+ people think it's a problem.


A Harvard-Harris poll released Friday found that 64 percent of voters believe the investigations are “hurting the country” and 56 percent want Congress to instead work on issues like national security, the economy and health care, The Hill reported. The online survey was conducted from June 19 to June 21 and gathered responses from 2,237 registered voters.

Still, 73 percent of voters said they believe Congress has become distracted by the Trump-Russia saga, and the numbers aren’t exactly partisan. Eighty-one percent of Republican voters said they were concerned about Congress’s work, as were 68 percent of Democrats and 74 percent of independents.

Hey, Congress, get off Trump-Russia probe and do something else, majority of Americans say in poll
Me thinks swift impeachment, troll, fool if you think Trump has any means at his disposal to just make this go away.

I disagree. Mueller needs fired to protect National Security. He can't control leaks from his team and is a partisan hack

POTUS will issue pardons if required and our great Nation can move on... Much work to do to repair Obama's damage to our reputation and standing within our shores.

Our nation would move on the exact same way it did after Nixon was forced from office to avoid impeachment. You want your man to commit open obstruction of justice and then abuse his powers to get out of it, that shit just is not going to work. It would be an awesome political spectacle though that would critically damage the GOP brand. Part of me seriously wants him to do exactly as you suggest.
Impeachment for what crime?
Obstruction of justice, the same thing they were going to impeach Nixon for after he fired the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate break in. Pay attention.
The American people could care less about the Russians




60%+ people think it's a problem.


A Harvard-Harris poll released Friday found that 64 percent of voters believe the investigations are “hurting the country” and 56 percent want Congress to instead work on issues like national security, the economy and health care, The Hill reported. The online survey was conducted from June 19 to June 21 and gathered responses from 2,237 registered voters.

Still, 73 percent of voters said they believe Congress has become distracted by the Trump-Russia saga, and the numbers aren’t exactly partisan. Eighty-one percent of Republican voters said they were concerned about Congress’s work, as were 68 percent of Democrats and 74 percent of independents.

Hey, Congress, get off Trump-Russia probe and do something else, majority of Americans say in poll

So whats the bullshit? Just because you think it's a problem doesn't mean you want Congress to prioritize it (and they aren't, but people think that because it gets covered more)

Though special prosecutor Muller is not Congress last I checked.
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This is so fucking funny.

All we heard in the election was how Hillary committed all these crimes, and six months into Trump's Presidency, we aren't talking about all the charges Hillary is facing but rather that Trump might pardon himself for his involvement in assisting a foreign country interfere in our election.

And the rubes think this is just fine.

There isn't any evidence Russia interfered in our elections, much less that Trump assisted them, much less a conviction, much less needing a pardon of any kind.

Liberals still seem to think that Hillary and DNC emails being leaked was somehow "interfering in the election".

Then why is the WH talking about pardons?

If there is nothing, then Trump supporters should welcome the investigation because it would clear everything up.

But Trump is certainly acting like he has something to hide.

Why should we welcome an investigation on anyone if there was no wrong-doing in the first place? For the Feds to investigate anything, there should be a crime first.

Why don't we send the FBI to investigate you? How would you like that? Anyone that hasn't done anything wrong would be annoyed that they are being investigated for a crime they know they didn't commit. Especially when the Feds have a track record of looking the other way when actual crimes were committed, like Obama administration abusing its powers, and Hillary destroying emails on an illegal server.

So if Trump committed a crime you're okay with it? Because you voted for him, he is above the law? That's what you appear to be saying.

I don't know if he's committed any crime. I assume he hasn't. But for months, they denied having contact with the Russians. Now we know they lied to us since his son met them. What else have they lied about? This is what happens when you nominate the most untransparent candidate in modern times.

And most of these special prosecutors end up finding nothing.
This is so fucking funny.

All we heard in the election was how Hillary committed all these crimes, and six months into Trump's Presidency, we aren't talking about all the charges Hillary is facing but rather that Trump might pardon himself for his involvement in assisting a foreign country interfere in our election.

And the rubes think this is just fine.

There isn't any evidence Russia interfered in our elections, much less that Trump assisted them, much less a conviction, much less needing a pardon of any kind.

Liberals still seem to think that Hillary and DNC emails being leaked was somehow "interfering in the election".

Then why is the WH talking about pardons?

If there is nothing, then Trump supporters should welcome the investigation because it would clear everything up.

But Trump is certainly acting like he has something to hide.

Why should we welcome an investigation on anyone if there was no wrong-doing in the first place? For the Feds to investigate anything, there should be a crime first.

Why don't we send the FBI to investigate you? How would you like that? Anyone that hasn't done anything wrong would be annoyed that they are being investigated for a crime they know they didn't commit. Especially when the Feds have a track record of looking the other way when actual crimes were committed, like Obama administration abusing its powers, and Hillary destroying emails on an illegal server.

So if Trump committed a crime you're okay with it? Because you voted for him, he is above the law? That's what you appear to be saying.

I don't know if he's committed any crime. I assume he hasn't. But for months, they denied having contact with the Russians. Now we know they lied to us since his son met them. What else have they lied about? This is what happens when you nominate the most untransparent candidate in modern times.

And most of these special prosecutors end up finding nothing.

That depends on what your definition of 'contact' is. In this case, contact more surely applies to collusion... So, no contact when taken within that context

Ya'll are wanting to call a random conversation with a girl on the street a date

Trump's only sin is that he's nether part of the Deep State nor their puppet. I'm sure Deep State was absolutely unprepared for Hillary loss and now they basically have no idea what to do with Trump (who is going to destroy their plans and thus waste a lot of money they've already spent ). That's why we are seeing all those convulsions of Deep State: "investigations", fake stories, "secret meetings" among 200 people, "ties to Russia", etc.

P.S. Even main Republican candidates were controlled by Soros. So, basically, Soros has arranged a show for the country with the name "Presidential Elections" where whoever won would have been his next puppet in the WH. Thanks God, Trump destroyed those plans.
Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016 - Breitbart
Oh please! Just shut up Stratford, enough of your pro Russian PROPAGANDA!

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