"So, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters...?"

Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?
Sorry, that BS was debunked long ago. The links posted MANY times in the past show it was Hillary's campaign that 1st floated the idea of going after Barry because his 1st book's jacket listed him as being from Africa. Trump was one of many who echoed the dumb-as-hell 'theory', but he did not come up with that one. You can blame your 2016 LOSER for that one.
Trump reinvented himself with that canard..he based his entire career and political rise on that lie...it was with that lie that the Trump base was formed.
Trump WAS the driving force---and to this day I bet 80% of his base believe it.

Clinton's campaign floated the idea of catching Obama in a self-serving lie--and dropped it...as pie in the sky idiocy.
Trump made his political career on being one of the American people, NOT a Washington Insider, NOT a member of the 'Deep State' - which people were sick of. He sounded like average people - he could relate to them & they could relate to him. And unlike the usual lying politicians, he delivered on his promises.

No one gives a shit if Barry was from the US, Kenya, or Mars. What is important was that he was the most criminally non-compliant President with the FOIA & FRA in US history, illegally and Un-Constitutionally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President...who criminally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election, aided terrorists, attempted a failed political coup, & more.. The 'birther' thing only appears in the top 100 criticisms of Barry to snowflakes who continues to push the lie that Trump came up with it.

All true -

Too late to worry whether he was eligible or not - it's past.

I think that he was born on a Pacific Island that had only recently became a part of the US.
It did not have a US tradition, and neither did Obama.
A lot of the islanders did not want to be part of the US.

That was always the main issue -
The main issues were:

Barry was sired by a Muslim America-hating father who wanted to see the US eliminated ads a world power and world influence - Barry Soeto was sp inspired by him and agreed with him that he changed his name to Barak Obama

Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis

Barry studied Saul Alensky's teachings 'religiously', even quoted hits writings 0 once during his Presidential Inauguration.

Barry was mentored for over a decade by a Black Liberation Theology (Socialism-based) racist, America-hating 'pastor'

Barry was pals with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed 1st responders...

And he did everything he could to fulfill his father's desires during his Presidency after promising to ''Fundamentally Change' the United States.

The Constitution is our fundamental basis, and that did not need to be changed - it still doesn't.
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.
No, he simply used predators...
Last edited:
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.

Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?
Sorry, that BS was debunked long ago. The links posted MANY times in the past show it was Hillary's campaign that 1st floated the idea of going after Barry because his 1st book's jacket listed him as being from Africa. Trump was one of many who echoed the dumb-as-hell 'theory', but he did not come up with that one. You can blame your 2016 LOSER for that one.
Trump reinvented himself with that canard..he based his entire career and political rise on that lie...it was with that lie that the Trump base was formed.
Trump WAS the driving force---and to this day I bet 80% of his base believe it.

Clinton's campaign floated the idea of catching Obama in a self-serving lie--and dropped it...as pie in the sky idiocy.
Trump made his political career on being one of the American people, NOT a Washington Insider, NOT a member of the 'Deep State' - which people were sick of. He sounded like average people - he could relate to them & they could relate to him. And unlike the usual lying politicians, he delivered on his promises.

No one gives a shit if Barry was from the US, Kenya, or Mars. What is important was that he was the most criminally non-compliant President with the FOIA & FRA in US history, illegally and Un-Constitutionally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President...who criminally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election, aided terrorists, attempted a failed political coup, & more.. The 'birther' thing only appears in the top 100 criticisms of Barry to snowflakes who continues to push the lie that Trump came up with it.

All true -

Too late to worry whether he was eligible or not - it's past.

I think that he was born on a Pacific Island that had only recently became a part of the US.
It did not have a US tradition, and neither did Obama.
A lot of the islanders did not want to be part of the US.

That was always the main issue -
The main issues were:

Barry was sired by a Muslim America-hating father who wanted to see the US eliminated ads a world power and world influence - Barry Soeto was sp inspired by him and agreed with him that he changed his name to Barak Obama

Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis

Barry studied Saul Alensky's teachings 'religiously', even quoted hits writings 0 once during his Presidential Inauguration.

Barry was mentored for over a decade by a Black Liberation Theology (Socialism-based) racist, America-hating 'pastor'

Barry was pals with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed 1st responders...

And he did everything he could to fulfill his father's desires during his Presidency after promising to ''Fundamentally Change' the United States.

The Constitution is our fundamental basis, and that did not need to be changed - it still doesn't.

Of course
I was simply providing some context regarding the probable place of birth.
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.


He was also asked about ME peace.

The questioner rightly asked with the great success that President Trump has had in the Middle East, why wouldn't you acknowledge that? (paraphrased)

Biden answered that he didn't like Trump.
Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?
Sorry, that BS was debunked long ago. The links posted MANY times in the past show it was Hillary's campaign that 1st floated the idea of going after Barry because his 1st book's jacket listed him as being from Africa. Trump was one of many who echoed the dumb-as-hell 'theory', but he did not come up with that one. You can blame your 2016 LOSER for that one.
Trump reinvented himself with that canard..he based his entire career and political rise on that lie...it was with that lie that the Trump base was formed.
Trump WAS the driving force---and to this day I bet 80% of his base believe it.

Clinton's campaign floated the idea of catching Obama in a self-serving lie--and dropped it...as pie in the sky idiocy.
Trump made his political career on being one of the American people, NOT a Washington Insider, NOT a member of the 'Deep State' - which people were sick of. He sounded like average people - he could relate to them & they could relate to him. And unlike the usual lying politicians, he delivered on his promises.

No one gives a shit if Barry was from the US, Kenya, or Mars. What is important was that he was the most criminally non-compliant President with the FOIA & FRA in US history, illegally and Un-Constitutionally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, and a President...who criminally used the IRS against Americans who legally opposed his re-election, aided terrorists, attempted a failed political coup, & more.. The 'birther' thing only appears in the top 100 criticisms of Barry to snowflakes who continues to push the lie that Trump came up with it.

All true -

Too late to worry whether he was eligible or not - it's past.

I think that he was born on a Pacific Island that had only recently became a part of the US.
It did not have a US tradition, and neither did Obama.
A lot of the islanders did not want to be part of the US.

That was always the main issue -
The main issues were:

Barry was sired by a Muslim America-hating father who wanted to see the US eliminated ads a world power and world influence - Barry Soeto was sp inspired by him and agreed with him that he changed his name to Barak Obama

Barry was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis

Barry studied Saul Alensky's teachings 'religiously', even quoted hits writings 0 once during his Presidential Inauguration.

Barry was mentored for over a decade by a Black Liberation Theology (Socialism-based) racist, America-hating 'pastor'

Barry was pals with a domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed 1st responders...

And he did everything he could to fulfill his father's desires during his Presidency after promising to ''Fundamentally Change' the United States.

The Constitution is our fundamental basis, and that did not need to be changed - it still doesn't.

He thanks them for their mommas stocking the shelves in the stores he shops at.
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

Which party elected the first black President of our Republic?
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.

poor kids can be just as smart as white kids, amiright?
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.

poor kids can be just as smart as white kids, amiright?
He seemed like a "mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean...I mean, that's a storybook, man."
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.

poor kids can be just as smart as white kids, amiright?
He seemed like a "mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean...I mean, that's a storybook, man."

yeah! What are the odds of a black guy being both clean AND articulate?!!! Like a trillion to 1, right?
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

Which party elected the first black President of our Republic?

None yet

Barack Hussein - was a bi-racial fraud, - As Al Sharpton first said - He was never down for the struggle - Kind of an interloper, really.

Kamala is also not Black.

We do Democrats keep promoting fake American Black people - do you all not like real ones?
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.

poor kids can be just as smart as white kids, amiright?
He seemed like a "mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean...I mean, that's a storybook, man."

Really, he was only articulate when he was reading a prompter, otherwise ......
yeah! What are the odds of a black guy being both clean AND articulate?!!! Like a trillion to 1, right?
When Biden 1st heard a black man had won the nomination in his mind he saw a mix between

The Big Feed: Un-Dy-No-Mite!

J.J. Walked from 'Good Times'...

Redd Foxx Fred Sanford costume from Sanford and Son. Lot 1040 |  #1874681735

Fred Sanford...and

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Will Smith The Fresh Prince of Bell-Air' Smith
We do Democrats keep promoting fake American Black people - do you all not like real ones?
Because they believe real blacks are stupid, easily controlled, yet are more loyal to their own people than half-black frauds like Barry and Kamala.
Entered into the Oct 2, 1975 Congressional record, an interview with a Delaware paper-

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