"So, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters...?"

I like how Biden told the guy not to jump off the balcony, because he cares about his black welfare.
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The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

LOL! Biden never used the term 'super-predators'--that was a Hillary thing.

Yeah..he sponsored the bill..are you against it?

When the opposition has to lie..just to keep up..as you are doing..it usually it is a sign of desperation.

Fingers Joe's line is " I dont want my kids growing up in a racial jungle."

Any comments on this one?
I agree with him. Are you aware of the context of that remark? Biden opposed Busing..as, I'm pretty sure, you did. It is amusing to watch you guys castigate Biden for positions that, in all likelihood, you support..to this day..while he has disavowed his positions of 45 years ago.

Now Trump...he of the Birther hoax....was..what..a Democrat at the time those remarks were made?

Most Blacks don't give a hoot about Biden's past..they assume that given his age, race and gender..that he's racist to a degree--but being that he is not Trump...they are willing to accept it.

Ok. Give us your take on Fingers racial jungle QUOTE.
The only time Biden faced any real challenge / tough questions last night was when a young black man stood up and asked Joe this:

“Many people believe that the true swing demographic in this election will be black voters under the age of 30 — not because they will be voting for Trump but because they won’t vote at all. So my question for you then is, besides ‘you ain’t black,’ what do you have to say to young black voters who see voting for you as further participation in a system that fails to protect them?”

'Biden slurred and stumbled through his answer and made absolutely no sense.'

He should have stammered and stumbled - Joe Biden supported segregation, sponsored the 1994 crime bill that put millions of blacks in jail, and called blacks 'Super-Predators'. He also has supported Obama's / the Democrats' policies of Economic Slavery for 4+ decades. So, it is not a surprise when challenged by a young black voter Joe was not able to give a strong, confident response.

When a voter asks, 'Why should I vote for you', you had better have a damn good convincing reason. Joe did not have one.

Democrats have been trying to do more than the republicans. The democrats elected the first black President and are trying to get the first woman of color elected as VP. Compare and contrast that to right wing propaganda and rhetoric when they claim we don't need minimum wage laws or that free market capitalism can solve all of our problems, all the while implementing their socialism on a national and international basis with their expensive and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; some on the more conspiratorial left may believe that is just code for "keeping those affect the most by those police-State policies in jail more often, even on a for-profit prison system basis."
Unlike the bigots on the right who prefer no minimum wage laws at all, to keep wages low like they used be in the good ol' right wing days.
Bwuhahahaha.....under Trump the economy soared while unemployment nose-dived. Salaries climbed, workers got bonuses and raises, and no one needed the government to oppressively step in and dictate to private businesses had to pay their people. Trump proved such govt intervention was not needed.
Unlike the bigots on the right who prefer no minimum wage laws at all, to keep wages low like they used be in the good ol' right wing days.
Bwuhahahaha.....under Trump the economy soared while unemployment nose-dived. Salaries climbed, workers got bonuses and raises, and no one needed the government to oppressively step in and dictate to private businesses had to pay their people. Trump proved such govt intervention was not needed.
In right wing fantasy, you are always right. In the real world of economics, you are merely fantastical. Your guy was blessed with continuing upward trends not a Recession from the republicans.
Screenshot from 2020-10-16 18-55-56.png

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