So Biden wants to raise taxes that Trump lowered... what can be the net effect???

Trump exacerbated the effects of the global recession. Great Britain and other countries were devastated economies to end ww2. They were are pulled back by a few basic measures. Massive infrastructure funding and forms of universal healthcare……Trump and the gop could have seized the moment and changed everything……without GOP support, we’re left with clean up messes of gop incompetence. The gop loves recessions. It promotes them.
Its where more wealth shifts from the shrinking middle class to the rich. Trump with his fking massive tax cuts did it again just before the pandemic and left the US so deep in debt, they couldn’t handle the economy…..typical

It can be argued that Obama exacerbated the 2008 Recessiin
Trump exacerbated the effects of the global recession. Great Britain and other countries were devastated economies to end ww2. They were are pulled back by a few basic measures. Massive infrastructure funding and forms of universal healthcare……Trump and the gop could have seized the moment and changed everything……without GOP support, we’re left with clean up messes of gop incompetence. The gop loves recessions. It promotes them.
Its where more wealth shifts from the shrinking middle class to the rich. Trump with his fking massive tax cuts did it again just before the pandemic and left the US so deep in debt, they couldn’t handle the economy…..typical
Obama exacerbated the 2008 Recession. His priorities were not to get the US back on track. His priorities were to raise healthcare costs on every working family, pursue energy policies that “necessarily go up”, “take care of friends and punish enemies” (See Solyndra). Cash stayed on the sidelines during Obama. You people said it was “racist” but in reality it was his “fundamental transformation of America” over regulating that scared off capital.
Trump exacerbated the effects of the global recession. Great Britain and other countries were devastated economies to end ww2. They were are pulled back by a few basic measures. Massive infrastructure funding and forms of universal healthcare……Trump and the gop could have seized the moment and changed everything……without GOP support, we’re left with clean up messes of gop incompetence. The gop loves recessions. It promotes them.
Its where more wealth shifts from the shrinking middle class to the rich. Trump with his fking massive tax cuts did it again just before the pandemic and left the US so deep in debt, they couldn’t handle the economy…..typical
The Middle Class loves tax cuts. The only people who don’t like tax cuts are wealthy elite liberals and non-working people living off the state.
Dufus, in blue states on average, taxpayers have much higher income. Dufus, they pay more taxes. You’re foolish if you don’t think everyone pays property tax either directly, or indirectly to their land lords and businesses that have that expense.

Income is at best only indirectly related to property taxes. What we are talking about here is that those in blue states pay a higher percentage of taxes on property. Income makes no difference as to the milage rate that is charged against property. That is the problem and thus why they want the federal government to give them a tax deduction.
Trump's tax cuts for the rich raised yearly deficits and the national debt. Republicans used to value balanced budgets. What happened to that?
Income is at best only indirectly related to property taxes. What we are talking about here is that those in blue states pay a higher percentage of taxes on property.
Well, there you have it. Blue states have higher average income, and they pay more property taxes. The cost of living is higher also for one reason…….capitalism. Businesses, whether it be for commodities or energy, the prices are higher. Hence, any sales tax, state income and PROPERTY TAXES are higher in blue states. Everyone pays property taxes. Either directly by taxation or indirectly through the rental costs to the property holder. Owners of rental property aren’t benevolent. If their federal income taxes go up because the can’t claim their property taxes on their income from rentals, they increase their rental fees. This should be OBVIOUS.
The Middle Class loves tax cuts. The only people who don’t like tax cuts are wealthy elite liberals and non-working people living off the state.
Really ? Everyone loves tax cuts. The problem is, the Fed pays between 20% and 35% to states in federal aid. A moderate tax cut to the middle class on the federal level is more then offset by increase in local rates due to the lack of federal aid. Really, ANYONE who works in local govt knows how devastating to local budgets the loss of grant money can be, both from the state and fed . It’s hilarious to think cuts in federal taxes doesn’t result in increases in local taxes.
Anyone who doesn't see the connection, has never worked in local and state govt. Geesus, local police training is often funded by state grants, also funded and supported by the Fed through the fbi.
The Middle Class loves tax cuts. The only people who don’t like tax cuts are wealthy elite liberals and non-working people living off the state.
That’s a fallacy. There are few non working people living off they state compared to hard working poor who still pay payroll taxes, state and local taxes, is much smaller. The free loaders are those who vote to cut taxes while still expecting their SS and Medicare aling with all their emergency services. The biggest free loaders are conservative tax cutting retirees.
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Obama exacerbated the 2008 Recession. His priorities were not to get the US back on track. His priorities were to raise healthcare costs on every working family, pursue energy policies that “necessarily go up”, “take care of friends and punish enemies” (See Solyndra). Cash stayed on the sidelines during Obama. You people said it was “racist” but in reality it was his “fundamental transformation of America” over regulating that scared off capital.
Fundamental change occurs during recessions when it’s the middle class who gets fired ( over 80%) in the Bush recession. Their property is then scooped up by the rich for pennies on the dollar to be resold for big profits when the middle class recovers with lower paying jobs.
Trump himself admitted in realestate, he loves recessions, as do many of the wealthy.
That’s a fallacy. There are few non working people living off they state compared to hard working poor who still pay payroll taxes, state and local taxes, is much smaller. The free loaders are those who vote to cut taxes while still expecting their SS and Medicare aling with all their emergency services. The biggest free loaders are conservative tax cutting retirees.
Yea we just love our tax dollars going to fund $10M gender studies in Pakistan.
Yea we just love our tax dollars going to fund $10M gender studies in Pakistan.
Ha ha.
At some point it always gets to blaming a minority with little to no power. Geesus, why blame the rich with all the poor hoarding all the money. You have it back ass-wards.
That’s a fallacy. There are few non working people living off they state compared to hard working poor who still pay payroll taxes, state and local taxes, is much smaller. The free loaders are those who vote to cut taxes while still expecting their SS and Medicare aling with all their emergency services. The biggest free loaders are conservative tax cutting retirees.
Last I checked, SS and Medicare are separate from income taxes. Working people pay both.
Last I checked, SS and Medicare are separate from income taxes. Working people pay both.
Exactly… be clear, only working people who receive a salary or payroll. You get paid otherwise, you don’t.
Ha ha.
At some point it always gets to blaming a minority with little to no power. Geesus, why blame the rich with all the poor hoarding all the money. You have it back ass-wards.
Minority? Minority where? How does a worthless study in a foreign land to the tune of $10M benefit US? That is back-asswards.
So why tax more?
Seriously. With the top 10% holding 70% of the country’s wealth, you’re proposing what ? We tax everyone equally ? Or we don’t tax anyone for infrastructure, defense, business loans etc. Ridiculous. The survival of the country TOTALLY depends upon taxation support of the Fed.

When was the last time Apple or GM funded the interstate system or optic cable installation for the internet.
Minority? Minority where? How does a worthless study in a foreign land to the tune of $10M benefit US? That is back-asswards.
You don’t give a shit about peoples rights in other countries ?
Ridiculous. We live off their labor and resources. Medical profession alone needs F- nationals in med field to keep your heart ticking. Ever look at the names of doctors in most modern hospitals ?
Yea we just love our tax dollars going to fund $10M gender studies in Pakistan.
18,000 Pakistan doctors alone work in the US. If the number of non contributing worthless Trump supports alone are any indication, we need more help from abroad.
Seriously. With the top 10% holding 70% of the country’s wealth, you’re proposing what ? We tax everyone equally ? Or we don’t tax anyone for infrastructure, defense, business loans etc. Ridiculous. The survival of the country TOTALLY depends upon taxation support of the Fed.

When was the last time Apple or GM funded the interstate system or optic cable installation for the internet.
The top 10 percent of the earners pay 70 percent of the income taxes. The survival of this country depends on responsible spending and not throwing everything under the Infrastructure blanket. Line item veto would help.
You don’t give a shit about peoples rights in other countries ?
Ridiculous. We live off their labor and resources. Medical profession alone needs F- nationals in med field to keep your heart ticking. Ever look at the names of doctors in most modern hospitals ?
Now you are saying foreign nationals are entitled to my tax dollars or else I don’t support their rights???
18,000 Pakistan doctors alone work in the US. If the number of non contributing worthless Trump supports alone are any indication, we need more help from abroad.
I welcome Pakistani doctors to work in this country. That doesn’t build the case for US taxpayer-funded bullshit studies in their country, Canada, or other foreign nation.

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