So Donald Sterling's A Republican After All???

Want proof? Google it... I did!

God... is this country great, or what? :lol:

Donald Sterling is a Republican, not a Democrat -- but does it matter? -

So doubters are welcome to check the official Los Angeles county registrar's website, here. Plug in Sterling's name, house number (808), zip code (90210) and birth date from our readout (or track them down yourself) and have fun.
I can prove you're a Republican from that website when it doesn't display your name on the final readout.
Want proof? Google it... I did!

God... is this country great, or what? :lol:

Donald Sterling is a Republican, not a Democrat -- but does it matter? -

So doubters are welcome to check the official Los Angeles county registrar's website, here. Plug in Sterling's name, house number (808), zip code (90210) and birth date from our readout (or track them down yourself) and have fun.
The LA Times? Another liberal rag. Sorry that isn't proof. It's been proven that the liberal media lie. If Sterling is a Republican there should be ample evidence of it. So far you don't have any.

So he can only be proven to be a Republican if we find it reported in some conservative media outlet dedicated to covering the Republican ass, and happy to lie to do it?

lol, heads you win...etc.
NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award

The NAACP said today they are still willing to work with Los Angeles Clippers' owner Donald Sterling despite yanking an offer of a lifetime achievement award over an audio tape containing racist comments that Sterling allegedly made. At a news conference today, NAACP Los Angeles president Leon Jenkins said that an audio recording that surfaced this weekend on TMZ, which purportedly had Sterling's voice recorded making racist comments, was "devastating." But the organization would be open to talking to Sterling, with whom they've worked for nearly 20 years. "God teaches us to forgive, and the way I look at it,...

NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News


Dems and Blacks, a Love Story. A tale of love made of abuse, cruelty, sadism, battery, slavery; but Dems really Love blacks, they really do and next time they're going to treat blacks differently, we're sure of it. Dems will stop the beatings anytime now
The LA Times? Another liberal rag. Sorry that isn't proof. It's been proven that the liberal media lie. If Sterling is a Republican there should be ample evidence of it. So far you don't have any.

The conservative National Review, that initially identified Sterling as a Democrat, has posted the following correction to that article on their website:

Update: An earlier version of this post identified Sterling as a Democrat. Although his political donations appear to have been exclusively to Democrats, a search of the L.A. County Registrar/Record confirms that he is a registered Republican. A Clippers representative did not respond to requests for comment.

Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Has Only Contributed to Democrats | National Review Online

So now will you do us a favor and quit making a fool of yourself?
The LA Times? Another liberal rag. Sorry that isn't proof. It's been proven that the liberal media lie. If Sterling is a Republican there should be ample evidence of it. So far you don't have any.

The conservative National Review, that initially identified Sterling as a Democrat, has posted the following correction to that article on their website:

Update: An earlier version of this post identified Sterling as a Democrat. Although his political donations appear to have been exclusively to Democrats, a search of the L.A. County Registrar/Record confirms that he is a registered Republican. A Clippers representative did not respond to requests for comment.

Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Has Only Contributed to Democrats | National Review Online

So now will you do us a favor and quit making a fool of yourself?



How will they excuse this one?
AND from the Washington Post story....

Although Sterling is a registered Republican he has supported Democratic candidates in the past. He gave $5,000 to Gray Davis' gubernatorial campaign in 2002, and $1,000 in support of a group pushing for Proposition 2 in 2008, which sought to give farm animals larger living quarters. He gave another $1,000 to Davis in 1991, a year when he also gave $1,000 to Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy. In 1989, he gave $2,000 to former basketball player and Democratic senator from New Jersey Bill Bradley. If Republicans wanted to go really deep, they could also mention that Sterling attended the wedding of Jeff Greene in 2007, who ran in the 2010 Democratic Senate primaries in Florida -- to disastrous result.

In 2009, the Los Angeles chapter of the NAACP gave Sterling a Lifetime Achievement Award, and he won the NAACP Presidents Award in 2008. His 2009 award coincided with Baylor's lawsuit. The NAACP chapter's president told the Los Angeles Times, "We can't speak to the allegations, but what we do know is that for the most part [Sterling] has been very, very kind to the minority youth community." He was scheduled to receive another Lifetime Achievement Award this week, but the chapter changed its mind.

Seems ahe might have been a Registered Rep. BUT ghe sure didn't ACT or spend his money on them!

Donald Sterling is a Republican and has given money to Democrats. His politics don?t matter.

Spin Spin Spin

Please refute any or all of this, or you're just another asshole, that knows nothing!
The LA Times? Another liberal rag. Sorry that isn't proof. It's been proven that the liberal media lie. If Sterling is a Republican there should be ample evidence of it. So far you don't have any.

The conservative National Review, that initially identified Sterling as a Democrat, has posted the following correction to that article on their website:

Update: An earlier version of this post identified Sterling as a Democrat. Although his political donations appear to have been exclusively to Democrats, a search of the L.A. County Registrar/Record confirms that he is a registered Republican. A Clippers representative did not respond to requests for comment.

Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Has Only Contributed to Democrats | National Review Online

So now will you do us a favor and quit making a fool of yourself?



How will they excuse this one?

Their standard practice is to run off and start a new thread on the topic that then of course doesn't contain all the posts proving that they're full of shit. That's one reason you see so many rightwing nuts' duplicate threads.

more and more it's clear the rightwingnut freak brigade doesn't care what they say.

Its like they get mad at liberals when the republican rags are the ones lying to them.

Drudge even deleted the tweet about Sterling being a Democrat but does that stop these nutballs. Nope, the info they were first given HAS to be true and if someone finds something different....ATTACK THEM TOO just like Avatar found out.
Well, I must leave for now. However, let us all say a prayer for old white racists like welfare queen Bundy and slave master Sterling.

Hiya! Long time no see Lakhota.

It's quite ironic you would be calling anyone a "welfare queen" when the term was a) coined by Ronald Reagan, b) people in your party have tried vehemently to disprove the "welfare queen myth," and c) your party advocates entitlement programs which encourage this type of mentality.
Man, I tried to warn the Republican apologists against making too much of a deal about this.
The truth is that racism exists within both political parties. But by being so determined to give Democrats a black-eye, you wind up with a black-eye yourself.

The radical right certainly appears to go off half-cocked with incomplete or incorrect information a lot more than anyone else? Why is that? I have to think that the information sources they rely upon are fatally flawed.
NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award

The NAACP said today they are still willing to work with Los Angeles Clippers' owner Donald Sterling despite yanking an offer of a lifetime achievement award over an audio tape containing racist comments that Sterling allegedly made. At a news conference today, NAACP Los Angeles president Leon Jenkins said that an audio recording that surfaced this weekend on TMZ, which purportedly had Sterling's voice recorded making racist comments, was "devastating." But the organization would be open to talking to Sterling, with whom they've worked for nearly 20 years. "God teaches us to forgive, and the way I look at it,...

NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

The NAACP thought about the millions Sterling gave them and shit their pants.
NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award

The NAACP said today they are still willing to work with Los Angeles Clippers' owner Donald Sterling despite yanking an offer of a lifetime achievement award over an audio tape containing racist comments that Sterling allegedly made. At a news conference today, NAACP Los Angeles president Leon Jenkins said that an audio recording that surfaced this weekend on TMZ, which purportedly had Sterling's voice recorded making racist comments, was "devastating." But the organization would be open to talking to Sterling, with whom they've worked for nearly 20 years. "God teaches us to forgive, and the way I look at it,...

NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News


Dems and Blacks, a Love Story. A tale of love made of abuse, cruelty, sadism, battery, slavery; but Dems really Love blacks, they really do and next time they're going to treat blacks differently, we're sure of it. Dems will stop the beatings anytime now

the Naacp has become one huge joke...they will forgive sterling, but wanted to arrest and charge a poor little rodeo clown for wearing an Obama mask with a hate crime

unfortunately too many black people still take what they say as the gospel

they are in the game of dividing our country, like shaprton, Jackson and Obama and stirring up the races
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Yep, he found out what happens when your wife sues your mistress for more than a million dollars you gave her. Woman scorned, ring a bell. The little whore bated the boy into a conversation with malice and led him exactly where she wanted the conversation to go, all the while illegally taping him.

I think the NBA should say we can not act on a private conversation that was obtained illegally.

What is cali law on this? It may not be illegal.
If the republican party is racist because Sterling is a registered republican then wouldn't that make the NAACP racist since Sterling supported and gave money to the NAACP while holding his NAACP lifetime achievement award? I'm sure we can all agree that Sterling's racism came from his democrat side and his philanthropy came from his republican side.
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Yep, he found out what happens when your wife sues your mistress for more than a million dollars you gave her. Woman scorned, ring a bell. The little whore bated the boy into a conversation with malice and led him exactly where she wanted the conversation to go, all the while illegally taping him.

I think the NBA should say we can not act on a private conversation that was obtained illegally.

What is cali law on this? It may not be illegal.

Yeah, what's the law on that?

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