So explain the difference? 1,840 children died versus 335 children's deaths, so why are schools closing?

351 deaths mean schools should close? Lordy Satan... you have no common sense!
It may sound strange, given a year of panic over school closures and reopenings, a year of masking toddlers and closing playgrounds and huddling in pandemic pods, that, according to the CDC, among children the mortality risk from COVID-19 is actually lower than from the flu. The risk of severe disease or hospitalization is about the same.

AND YOU idiots believe the MSM which HAS NOT told you this simple fact!
335 Deaths in USA of kids. And you idiots are willing to let kids be abused at home, be bullied on-line? Have a 2 parent working family lose income because they have to stay home? All of this adds up to a dumb cost for less than 335 deaths!
I do wonder why (or who) made you into what you are, a callous piece of shit.
Your really are a damn liar, and culpable for the deaths of those infected.
How am I culpable for any deaths? I didn’t pay the CCP to create it, that was Fauci, the guy you adore. I’ve also never been sick so I haven’t spread it to anyone.
Hmmm... which group thinks abortion is a crime? Hmmm...
How many killed in school shootings: 100 in ten years or 10 per year.
Hmmm... 10 per year versus... hmmm
Think about it but hey it's a woman's right to murder 862,320 babies! And you bring up 10 deaths per year!
View attachment 523671
One again, apples and oranges. Murder is a crime; abortion is either legal or illegal.

Rape and incest are crimes and yet the Texas Republicans are willing to make the victim the criminal.
According to data from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), 51 States reported Based on these data, a nationally estimated 1,840 children died from abuse or neglect in FFY 2019. - Since the start of the pandemic 18 months ago, in January 2020, a total of 335 children ages 17 and under have died of COVID-19, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In that same 18-month time period, a total of 49,725 children ages 0-17 have died from all causes. So COVID deaths account for 0.673 percent of all deaths among children under 17, based on death certificates submitted so far to the National Center for Health Statistics.
By Susan Jones | July 20, 2021

What is the difference?
As long as there is a danger that Trump will run and possibly win they will continue to posture, make believe and fabricate a phony crisis. There isn't a single agency in this nation that hasn't been politically infiltrated.
I would rather live my life and be happy, than run around in fear, not seeing loved ones or friends. For a virus that has over a 99% survival rate. Even if I die, at least I would die happy. As long as you loons let these politicians get their jollies off controlling you. It will never end.
Science and scientists, epidemiologists and medical doctors and nurses are not fear mongers. You may be happy and not take the vaccine, yet the possibilities that your loved ones and friends may be infected by fools like you.

The Democrats in office today don't make the pretense they know more than Generals and more than Epidemiologists, they promulgate speeches and hope to pass bills to keep We the People safe.
Science and scientists, epidemiologists and medical doctors and nurses are not fear mongers. You may be happy and not take the vaccine, yet the possibilities that your loved ones and friends may be infected by fools like you.

The Democrats in office today don't make the pretense they know more than Generals and more than Epidemiologists, they promulgate speeches and hope to pass bills to keep We the People safe.
Yet a vaccinated person can get covid and spread it as easy as me.
Schools closings are a false flag that we All are in a grave situation with life threatening likely
Of course we Are Not but gotta whip the public into fear compliance.
Schools closings are a false flag that we All are in a grave situation with life threatening likely
Of course we Are Not but gotta whip the public into fear compliance.
Another post without common sense. I suppose you don't have children under 12. I have two grandson, 3 and 5, the former in preschool and the later in kindergarten. Their parents are fully vaccinated as well as the teachers and all wear masks. In fact all of my family are vaccinated, respect other people by wearing masks and keeping a social distance when possible, do to the fact that my two sons and our daughter-in-law & both of my nieces work in essential jobs.

It's people like you who are listening to the Hannity/Carlson Syndrome and not to Medical Experts who are putting all like you into harms way, when these two talking heads have been vaccinated.
That's a stupid comment sans any proof of evidence. Grow up, and stop listening to the Hannity/Carlson, et al Syndrome, i.e. fiction rather than fact.
You can get covid and spread it that's a fact. Isreal almost everyone is vaccinated and they aren't doing very well. Fauci screwed the pooch in the beginning and now coronavirus is with us forever. Trump was right in the beginning.
Sounds like many of you are making a case for abortion. Had no idea that so many children had died from neglect or abuse. Maybe some of us think that they should not die for any reason that we as responsible adults could avoid, doing what ever is possible to protect them, those born & unable to protect them self's, or pull there self's up by there own boot straps.
Dickwad there doesn't post evidence just slings shit like the monkeys in the zoo.

Hey dickwad, here ya go search all those deaths and injuries until your heart is content. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

Here is just a copy of one for you have an example of what you will be seeing.. View attachment 523534
As to your source...

"Anyone could lie and put in a false report. Dr. James Laidler did just that. He submitted a report saying that after he got a flu shot, his skin turned green and his muscles swelled up; he described turning into the Incredible Hulk comic book character. His report was accepted and entered into the database. To the credit of VAERS, they noticed that the report was suspicious, so they phoned him and asked his permission to remove it, which he readily granted. Had he refused, the report would still be in the database and antivaxxers could point to proof that the flu vaccine turns people into Incredible Hulks.Anyone could lie and put in a false report. Dr. James Laidler did just that. He submitted a report saying that after he got a flu shot, his skin turned green and his muscles swelled up; he described turning into the Incredible Hulk comic book character. His report was accepted and entered into the database. To the credit of VAERS, they noticed that the report was suspicious, so they phoned him and asked his permission to remove it, which he readily granted. Had he refused, the report would still be in the database and antivaxxers could point to proof that the flu vaccine turns people into Incredible Hulks."
As to your source...

"Anyone could lie and put in a false report. Dr. James Laidler did just that. He submitted a report saying that after he got a flu shot, his skin turned green and his muscles swelled up; he described turning into the Incredible Hulk comic book character. His report was accepted and entered into the database. To the credit of VAERS, they noticed that the report was suspicious, so they phoned him and asked his permission to remove it, which he readily granted. Had he refused, the report would still be in the database and antivaxxers could point to proof that the flu vaccine turns people into Incredible Hulks.Anyone could lie and put in a false report. Dr. James Laidler did just that. He submitted a report saying that after he got a flu shot, his skin turned green and his muscles swelled up; he described turning into the Incredible Hulk comic book character. His report was accepted and entered into the database. To the credit of VAERS, they noticed that the report was suspicious, so they phoned him and asked his permission to remove it, which he readily granted. Had he refused, the report would still be in the database and antivaxxers could point to proof that the flu vaccine turns people into Incredible Hulks."
So one purposely faked report you think discredits all the others not even including those who have not reported due to the fact that even deaths reports refusing to acknowledge that the ones who died were jabbed in the previous 48 hours? Stuff you lying crap where the sunshine does not shine as I and many I know who are in the medical field are not buying what you are pushing for any reason.
Sounds like many of you are making a case for abortion. Had no idea that so many children had died from neglect or abuse. Maybe some of us think that they should not die for any reason that we as responsible adults could avoid, doing what ever is possible to protect them, those born & unable to protect them self's, or pull there self's up by there own boot straps.
"them selfs"

"there self's"

"there self's"

"there own boot straps"

You need some serious work on the proper use of "themselves" and "their"!
Had the CCP not worked with dems to get Biden elected, Fauxi would be in Gitmo and Trump would have leveled the Wuhan Institute of Mass Murder
Why would Fauci be in GTMO? The entire purpose of that prison was to keep foreign warfighters and terrorists off US soil. You cannot do that to an American citizen.

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