SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

We already have background checks. You don't keep the mentally ill from getting guns by violating the rights of law abiding citizens, come on... This isn't too hard.

Thing is, you need a method of screening out the mentally ill from the mentally sufficient. The way a liberal sees it, any gun owner is mentally ill and needs to have their gun(s) taken from them "for the children".
I knew that they would not stay silent. I knew this time a slaughter like Sandy Hook would not go the way of all the ones before it. Good for them, I will do everything I can to support their cause.

It's too bad that our media cannot or will not publish the photos of what the inside those classrooms looked like after Lanza literally sprayed those children's bodies to the walls. Because people who "cling to their guns" (yep, Obama was spot on about the ignorant people in this country) need to see the reality of their sheer, vapid stupidity.

The only ignorance and "vapid stupidity" on exhibit is yours.
No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

We already have background checks. You don't keep the mentally ill from getting guns by violating the rights of law abiding citizens, come on... This isn't too hard.

Thing is, you need a method of screening out the mentally ill from the mentally sufficient. The way a liberal sees it, any gun owner is mentally ill and needs to have their gun(s) taken from them "for the children".

Yup. Likewise, anybody who believes in the resurrection of Christ and attends church is a "fundamentalist/extremist" and should be thrown in jail.
Most of the same people who are claiming that any and all regulations over gun ownership are legal and Constitutional are the same people who argue that any and all regulations over abortion are illegal and Unconstitutional.
No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

We already have background checks. You don't keep the mentally ill from getting guns by violating the rights of law abiding citizens, come on... This isn't too hard.

Thing is, you need a method of screening out the mentally ill from the mentally sufficient. The way a liberal sees it, any gun owner is mentally ill and needs to have their gun(s) taken from them "for the children".

To liberals it's always about the children, until the children become an inconvenience... Then, not so much.
You have to recognize that liberals are always about the lowest denomination....

Depravity, lack of honor, brutality, dishonesty, craven cowardice, totalitarianism....these are the hallmarks of progressivism.
We already have background checks. You don't keep the mentally ill from getting guns by violating the rights of law abiding citizens, come on... This isn't too hard.

Thing is, you need a method of screening out the mentally ill from the mentally sufficient. The way a liberal sees it, any gun owner is mentally ill and needs to have their gun(s) taken from them "for the children".

Yup. Likewise, anybody who believes in the resurrection of Christ and attends church is a "fundamentalist/extremist" and should be thrown in jail.

That too.
sure, let the anti gun lunatics drag these poor victims through a little more hell. amazing, they have no compassion except for the cause.
I knew that they would not stay silent. I knew this time a slaughter like Sandy Hook would not go the way of all the ones before it. Good for them, I will do everything I can to support their cause.

Every time some psycho loonie gets a gun and murders a bunch of people, you libs turn around and work harder to ensure the next psycho loonie won't have anyone shooting back at them either. Well done on that, your plan is working great.
American children are now the *go to* group for psychotic retards who want to make the news.

They know they'll be able to make a statement in blood, because you loons do everything but put up flashing neon signs saying "Helpless children that nobody will protect HERE! Fire away!"
There are already laws on the books to keep "crazy" people from owning guns. You should ask yourself why aren't they enforced rather than attacking legal gun owners rights.

There are already laws on the books that keep criminals from having, and carrying guns but they do it anyway, why aren't the laws enforced?

Ask yourself why criminals and crazy people are released back onto the street before they serve their sentence or are stable. As long as criminals are rewarded for being criminals then they will continue to break the law - the fact that over 50% of those in prison are repeat offenders proves that to be true.
There are already laws on the books to keep "crazy" people from owning guns. You should ask yourself why aren't they enforced rather than attacking legal gun owners rights.

There are already laws on the books that keep criminals from having, and carrying guns but they do it anyway, why aren't the laws enforced?

Ask yourself why criminals and crazy people are released back onto the street before they serve their sentence or are stable. As long as criminals are rewarded for being criminals then they will continue to break the law - the fact that over 50% of those in prison are repeat offenders proves that to be true.

The problem is, the laws are inadequate, not that they aren't being enforced. The National Rampage Association has prevented laws with real teeth from being on the books.

And most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and domestic arguments.
We aren't shooting up the schools and theaters.

It's *you guys* and your criminal, mentally ill buddies. Who pay no attention to the laws you level against those of us who could actually defend kids from your friends.
I'm willing to take that chance

my choice

.... fuck you

And if you guys were only offing yourselves, I write it off to natural selection and call it a day.

But instead we end up wheeling body bags out of schools and theatres, and it stops being about you.

Same thing could be said about abortion.

If it were only the mother offing herself, I'd say it was natural selection and call it a day, but instead 330,000 unborn children are being murdered every year and you don't give a damn about it.
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