SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

It can piss you off all you like, the fact of the matter is that a dog will be able to hear someone enter your front or back yard well before they even get close to the house.

That dog will start barking the second someone places a foot on your garden path, and if the intruder hears the dog - or dogs - barking, they are going to wonder what kind of dog you have, and probably won't risk it.

But I wouldn't think Americans would think of something like that. They like their guns too much. And they have a thing about sleeping with the bedroom window wide open - and they wonder why they experience so many break ins? DUH!

That's just it, Noomi. Crime in the U.S. is down. But the romance these rednecks are having with AR-15s is on the rise because they fear the man in the White House and they fear him because he is black. So they buy guns.

Think of it from their standpoint, wherein these are primarily white men. These poor stupid white American men have major shrinkage in their trousers over a black guy being POTUS. Sorry, but that's the long and short of it. Ahahahahaa...sad but true. That and their unfounded fear that Obama is going to take their guns away...after he takes away their women. (Do I hear the strains from "Dixie" playing in the background?

Actually, we also are concerned about folks like you and others on this board. For that, we prepare.

We will fight for America- Doubt the weak liberals will. They will just need to sit back and wait for orders.

Same thing could be said about abortion.

If it were only the mother offing herself, I'd say it was natural selection and call it a day, but instead 330,000 unborn children are being murdered every year and you don't give a damn about it.

Right wingers claim to care about the aborted fetuses, but if those babies were born, they sure wouldn't want to pay more taxes to support them all.

How many times a day do you spew that ridiculous slogan?

Its true. Its a well known fact that conservatives hate paying taxes.

Same thing could be said about abortion.

If it were only the mother offing herself, I'd say it was natural selection and call it a day, but instead 330,000 unborn children are being murdered every year and you don't give a damn about it.

if you clowns were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support welfare, socialized medicine and birth control.

But you aren't. YOu are just rubes being pulled whatever way the Koch brothers tell you to go.

I'm inclined to not do what you or Obama tells me to do and I'm not even certain who the Koch brothers are.

go fuck yourself. I'll own a gun/guns if I want .
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We aren't shooting up the schools and theaters.

It's *you guys* and your criminal, mentally ill buddies. Who pay no attention to the laws you level against those of us who could actually defend kids from your friends.

The criminals and mentally ill aren't our "buddies". We just think they shouldn't be able to go into a gun store and say, "Give me that Military Assault Rifle AND the 100 round barrel clip!"



BTW what is a barrel clip? Anything like your hairpin?
And if you guys were only offing yourselves, I write it off to natural selection and call it a day.

But instead we end up wheeling body bags out of schools and theatres, and it stops being about you.

Same thing could be said about abortion.

If it were only the mother offing herself, I'd say it was natural selection and call it a day, but instead 330,000 unborn children are being murdered every year and you don't give a damn about it.

Right wingers claim to care about the aborted fetuses, but if those babies were born, they sure wouldn't want to pay more taxes to support them all.

when are you going to adopt an unwanted baby?

We'll wait
43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy.

But as long as someone's riding out in the Cororner's van, it's all cool.

Knock it off Joe. You are the most antagonistic person on these boards hands down.


When was your last home invasion that you needed a Glock?

Keyboard warrior. Blowhard. "Cling" to them honey. Obama was so right.

never, b/c the deterrent that they just might get their asses blown off
Joe- When you are finished with your liberal studies today, take a look at these lives SAVED because they had a gun. In the world of statistics (although flawed) you like to provide, why should this demographic represent outliers?


NRA-ILA | Armed Citizen
Right-to-Carry permit holder fights off three carjackers, The Tribune Chronicle, Warren, Ohio 06/07/13

Posted on June 12, 2013

23-year-old David Ferguson was inside South Avenue Gas Mart in Youngstown, Ohio, when he heard his cousin calling for him from outside the store. When Ferguson came outside he witnessed two men inside his car, and a third with a gun outside the vehicle firing at Ferguson’s cousin who was crawling on the ground. Ferguson, a Right-to-Carry permit holder, responded to the threat by drawing a 9mm pistol and firing at the carjackers; at which point the criminals returned fire and fled.

Ferguson and his cousin suffered non-life-threatening wounds during the incident. (The Tribune Chronicle, Warren, Ohio 06/07/13)
Stabbed woman fights off attacker, WXMI, Grand Rapids, Mich. 05/22/13

Posted on June 7, 2013

Samantha Minehart was out feeding the horses on her family’s property in Castleton Township, Mich. when she was attacked by a knife-wielding criminal. The attacker stabbed Minehart in the stomach and leg, and put the knife to her throat, warning her not to “do anything stupid.” Minehart responded by drawing a gun and firing at the attacker, causing him to flee.
Minehart was carrying a firearm because the family has had recent trouble with trespassers on their property. The family believes they have been targeted because Minehart’s deceased father was a public safety officer in Kalamazoo, Mich. (WXMI, Grand Rapids, Mich. 05/22/13)
Resident fights off two armed robbers, The Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Ind. 06/03/13

Posted on June 4, 2013

A resident of Fort Wayne, Ind. was near the front steps of his home when a pair of armed robbers approached and demanded money. The resident responded to the demand by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminals several times. One robber was struck multiple times and killed, while the other escaped harm.

Following the shooting, Sgt. Mark Brooks of the Fort Wayne police said of the incident, “If someone tried to rob you on your front porch… you could be justified in using force to protect yourself, including deadly force.” A neighbor, who plans to leave the troubled south-side neighborhood where the shooting occurred, showed support for the armed citizen, telling local media, “I carry a gun myself, and if it was me, I’d have done the same thing.” (The Journal Gazette, Fort Wayne, Ind. 06/03/13)
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Same thing could be said about abortion.

If it were only the mother offing herself, I'd say it was natural selection and call it a day, but instead 330,000 unborn children are being murdered every year and you don't give a damn about it.

if you clowns were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support welfare, socialized medicine and birth control.

But you aren't. YOu are just rubes being pulled whatever way the Koch brothers tell you to go.

I'm inclined to not do what you or Obama tells me to do and I'm not even certain who the Koch brothers are.

go fuck yourself. I'll own a gun/guns if I want .

And what are you going to do if the law says you can't?

(Waiting for nuttiness about violent fantasies...)

Here's a better idea:

Lock your doors and windows before you go to bed, and buy a fucking guard dog.
And if you are still shit scared that someone might break into your house, you might want to move to another, more safer country, where you can sleep well at night.

Like Australia.

And I have an even better idea. Provide at least a shed of evidence that gun laws do anything at all to crimes rates BEFORE your ilk demands random new regulations and restricts freedom.

You don’t want to do that though, do you? That might be because the evidence is completely against the gun control advocates so, again, all that is left is pure appeal to emotion.
Joe- When you are finished with your liberal studies today, take a look at these lives SAVED because they had a gun. In the world of statistics (although flawed) you like to provide, why should this demographic represent outliers?


Because the few lives saved by guns are usually only in danger because guns are available, which hardly compensates for the number of lives lost because guns were available.

3000 people died when bad guys flew planes into a building. Statistically, a small number of the flights that occur. BUt still, they put on stricter screenings, body scanners, steel doors on the cockpits, X-ray machines for your shoes, and so on.

31,000 people a year die from gun violence, yet you guys think the problem is, "Not enough guns". :cuckoo:
We hardly have any crime at all in the rural areas of the US, where everybody is armed...and cops are few and far between.

You hardly have ANYTHING in the rural areas, because there aren't a lot of people there to start with. That's not even an argument.

I’ll tell you what they do have. SHIT LOADS of guns. Somehow, they are doing just fine.

For people who pick up dates at the family reunion, you mean?
if you clowns were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support welfare, socialized medicine and birth control.

But you aren't. YOu are just rubes being pulled whatever way the Koch brothers tell you to go.

I'm inclined to not do what you or Obama tells me to do and I'm not even certain who the Koch brothers are.

go fuck yourself. I'll own a gun/guns if I want .

And what are you going to do if the law says you can't?

(Waiting for nuttiness about violent fantasies...)

If the law is unconstitutional it is your duty to 'Not Comply', Be part of the solution Joe, not the problem

I'm inclined to not do what you or Obama tells me to do and I'm not even certain who the Koch brothers are.

go fuck yourself. I'll own a gun/guns if I want .

And what are you going to do if the law says you can't?

(Waiting for nuttiness about violent fantasies...)

If the law is unconstitutional it is your duty to 'Not Comply', Be part of the solution Joe, not the problem


I don't care if the law is constitutional or not. I simply do not use "What would a bunch of dead slave rapists have done?" as a moral standard.

There's no good reason why an average citizen should own a gun.
Joe- When you are finished with your liberal studies today, take a look at these lives SAVED because they had a gun. In the world of statistics (although flawed) you like to provide, why should this demographic represent outliers?


Because the few lives saved by guns are usually only in danger because guns are available, which hardly compensates for the number of lives lost because guns were available.

3000 people died when bad guys flew planes into a building. Statistically, a small number of the flights that occur. BUt still, they put on stricter screenings, body scanners, steel doors on the cockpits, X-ray machines for your shoes, and so on.

31,000 people a year die from gun violence, yet you guys think the problem is, "Not enough guns". :cuckoo:

No, the problem is not enough prisons.

Let me ask- If a criminal knows the odds of a homeowner having a gun are high, they are not even that stupid to go there. Yes, no, maybe? They will go to a 'gun free' zone. Just like the car thief that would rather not smash your windows to get your property, will go to a unlocked car.

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed.

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And what are you going to do if the law says you can't?

(Waiting for nuttiness about violent fantasies...)

If the law is unconstitutional it is your duty to 'Not Comply', Be part of the solution Joe, not the problem


I don't care if the law is constitutional or not. I simply do not use "What would a bunch of dead slave rapists have done?" as a moral standard.

There's no good reason why an average citizen should own a gun.

I don't need a reason other than a 'want' because it is my right Joe


No, the problem is not enough prisons.

We lock up more people than any country in the world.

How it is that Germany only locks up 78,000 people, few citizens own guns, and they have less than 600 murders a year.

We lock up 2 million, have 200 million guns, and we have 16,000 murders a year?

Sorry, if guns and prisons made us safe, we'd be the safest place on earth. Foreign countries would not be publishing "How not to get killed when visiting America" brochures for their tourists.

(Japan actually did this after one of their exchange students got plugged by a redneck.)

Let me ask- If a criminal knows the odds of a homeowner having a gun are high, they are not even that stupid to go there. Yes, no, maybe? They will go to a 'gun free' zone. Just like the car thief that would rather not smash your windows to get your property, will go to a unlocked car.

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed.


If a criminal knows you have a gun, he'll case your place, figure out when you are at work, and break in and steal it.

Most break ins happen either when no one is home, or because the bad guy thought no one was home. (And usually, they run like hell when they find out someone is, gun or not.)

No, the problem is not enough prisons.

We lock up more people than any country in the world.

How it is that Germany only locks up 78,000 people, few citizens own guns, and they have less than 600 murders a year.

We lock up 2 million, have 200 million guns, and we have 16,000 murders a year?

Sorry, if guns and prisons made us safe, we'd be the safest place on earth. Foreign countries would not be publishing "How not to get killed when visiting America" brochures for their tourists.

(Japan actually did this after one of their exchange students got plugged by a redneck.)

Let me ask- If a criminal knows the odds of a homeowner having a gun are high, they are not even that stupid to go there. Yes, no, maybe? They will go to a 'gun free' zone. Just like the car thief that would rather not smash your windows to get your property, will go to a unlocked car.

Society is safer when criminals don't know who's armed.


If a criminal knows you have a gun, he'll case your place, figure out when you are at work, and break in and steal it.

Most break ins happen either when no one is home, or because the bad guy thought no one was home. (And usually, they run like hell when they find out someone is, gun or not.)

LMAO- How can he steal my gun when it is on my person? Get back with me on that.

You should charge us admission to view your ignorance/incompetence in text.


I don't need a reason other than a 'want' because it is my right Joe


Guy, there are no "rights".

It can't be a "right" if it can be taken away from you.

Any fool who thinks he has rights needs to look up "Japanese Americans, 1942".

What we have are privilages that the rest of society lets you have. If society decides you don't need a gun and condone whatever it takes for you not to have one, you won't have one.

And up until a couple of years ago, I'd have been all for letting you ahve a gun even though I have no desire to own one myself.

But clearly, when you guys say, "Shit, we can't have background checks to keep guns out of the hands of Joker Holmes. Joker was exactly the kind of guy the Founding Slave Rapists had in mind when they couldn't properly syntax an amendment about militias!" I just have to conclude the privilage probably needs to be revoked until you guys get more responsible.

LMAO- How can he steal my gun when it is on my person? Get back with me on that.

You should charge us admission to view your ignorance/incompetence in text.


Yes, I'm sure you cradle your gun lovingly every day, making sweeet, sweet love to it. clinging to your gun and your bible.

Again- best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

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