SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward


I don't need a reason other than a 'want' because it is my right Joe


Guy, there are no "rights".

It can't be a "right" if it can be taken away from you.


There is why we have the 2A. Now let this sink in- They can not and will not be taken from us. They will not have the stomach for that action.


Uh, no.

We have a crazy interpretation of the 2nd Amendment because the GUn Industry and the NRA terrifies congress into inaction.

When the day comes when they come for your guns, your neighbors will be cheering when they take them away from you. Because honestly, you were frightening the children.
Guy, there are no "rights".

It can't be a "right" if it can be taken away from you.


There is why we have the 2A. Now let this sink in- They can not and will not be taken from us. They will not have the stomach for that action.


Uh, no.

We have a crazy interpretation of the 2nd Amendment because the GUn Industry and the NRA terrifies congress into inaction.

When the day comes when they come for your guns, your neighbors will be cheering when they take them away from you. Because honestly, you were frightening the children.

There you have it. :clap2:

The problem is, the crazy interpretation won't go on forever. Mayor Bloomberg is finally providing a counter to the NRA.

And every school or theatre shooting underscores the absurdity.

Like this Santa Monica shooter. Batshit crazy, still able to get guns.
The problem is, the crazy interpretation won't go on forever. Mayor Bloomberg is finally providing a counter to the NRA.

And every school or theatre shooting underscores the absurdity.

Like this Santa Monica shooter. Batshit crazy, still able to get guns.

There are no guns allowed in Santa Monica schools, Joe. WTF is the matter with you?? ::cuckoo:
The problem is, the crazy interpretation won't go on forever. Mayor Bloomberg is finally providing a counter to the NRA.

And every school or theatre shooting underscores the absurdity.

Like this Santa Monica shooter. Batshit crazy, still able to get guns.

More facts . Guns save lives everyday
Criminal's second encounter with armed citizen proves fatal, WISTV, Columbia, S.C.)

Posted on June 3, 2013

A homeowner in Orangeburg, S.C. shot and killed a home invader after the criminal used a shovel to break a back window to gain entry to the house. Neighbors expressed support for the armed citizen and were grateful for the fact that his daughter was not at home at the time of the incident.

One neighbor in particular could empathize with the homeowner’s situation. Marion Ammonds had an encounter with the deceased criminal in 2010. At the time, Ammonds was helping to build a nearby house for his daughter when the criminal attempted to burglarize the home. Ammonds discovered the burglar, retrieved a firearm and held the criminal at gunpoint until police could arrive. (WISTV, Columbia, S.C.)

Woman captures burglar at gunpoint, WTVG, Toledo, Ohio May 16, 2013

Posted on May 24, 2013

Just before 5 a.m., Betty Collins received a phone call from her boyfriend, who was on his way to work, warning her of a suspicious person he had spotted outside her home. Having been the victim of vehicle burglaries on the last two mornings, Collins retrieved a .357 revolver and watched the outside of her home. The suspicious looking man eventually made his way up to Collins’ door and attempted to kick it in, to which Collins responded by shouting at the criminal, “Get off my porch. I have a gun. I will shoot you.” When the would-be intruder did not comply, Collins opened the door, aimed the revolver at the burglar and ordered, “put your face in the dirt and you’re gonna stay there.” The criminal obeyed and Collins held him at gunpoint until police could arrive.

Collins later spoke to the media regarding the incident, remarking, “That’s what the Second Amendment’s for.” (WTVG, Toledo, Ohio May 16, 2013)


Homeowner's son fights off home invaders, KHOU, Houston, Texas, 05/14/13

Posted on May 15, 2013

A trio of home invaders entered a house in Houston, Texas, forced the homeowner’s son into a closet and ransacked the house. While the criminals were searching for valuables, the son left the closet, retrieved a gun and fired on the intruders, striking one in the leg and neck and causing all to flee. The wounded criminal only made it to a nearby home before collapsing, at which point neighbor Craig Gaddis discovered him and called the police.

Following the incident, Gaddis showed support for the young man who was forced to defend himself, telling local media “The owner, thank God for rights, he shot one of ‘em.” Gaddis also addressed the criminal adding, “He got what he deserved… You want to come over here and rob houses? Those of us who carry guns in our houses, they are there for one reason – to keep you people out.” (KHOU, Houston, Texas, 05/14/13)
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if you clowns were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support welfare, socialized medicine and birth control.

But you aren't. YOu are just rubes being pulled whatever way the Koch brothers tell you to go.

I'm inclined to not do what you or Obama tells me to do and I'm not even certain who the Koch brothers are.

go fuck yourself. I'll own a gun/guns if I want .

And what are you going to do if the law says you can't?

(Waiting for nuttiness about violent fantasies...)

once again, the courts have decided that #2 is an individual RIGHT
The problem is, the crazy interpretation won't go on forever. Mayor Bloomberg is finally providing a counter to the NRA.

And every school or theatre shooting underscores the absurdity.

Like this Santa Monica shooter. Batshit crazy, still able to get guns.

There are no guns allowed in Santa Monica schools, Joe. WTF is the matter with you?? ::cuckoo:

Isn't that kind of like declaring 1 square meter of Ocean a "Shark Free Zone" when the ocean is swimming with sharks?

Clearly, if he GOT his gun at the library, you might have had a point. He was able to get one from somewhere else, and bring it INTO the library. (Although 4 of the five people he killed weren't in the library, but never mind.... you guys have a meme and you are going with it.)

once again, the courts have decided that #2 is an individual RIGHT

Scalia leaves the court. Obama appoints his replacement. #2 is a collective right about militias again- which is was before Heller.

a federal circuit court made the ruling long before Heller


Until saner judges prevail.

History is against you. Every mass shooting brings us closer to gun bans.

Deal with it.
The problem is, the crazy interpretation won't go on forever. Mayor Bloomberg is finally providing a counter to the NRA.

And every school or theatre shooting underscores the absurdity.

Like this Santa Monica shooter. Batshit crazy, still able to get guns.

There are no guns allowed in Santa Monica schools, Joe. WTF is the matter with you?? ::cuckoo:

Isn't that kind of like declaring 1 square meter of Ocean a "Shark Free Zone" when the ocean is swimming with sharks?

Clearly, if he GOT his gun at the library, you might have had a point. He was able to get one from somewhere else, and bring it INTO the library. (Although 4 of the five people he killed weren't in the library, but never mind.... you guys have a meme and you are going with it.)

Yes, that's exactly what it's like. That's why a gun ban is futile. Are you finally getting it, Joe? We have 300M guns in this country. After a gun ban we will still have 300M guns in this country. Except law abiding citizens wont be able to get them. That leaves criminals.
Is this starting to make sense to you??

once again, the courts have decided that #2 is an individual RIGHT

Scalia leaves the court. Obama appoints his replacement. #2 is a collective right about militias again- which is was before Heller.

Even if that happened--and that's not how the Supreme Court decides cases--it wouldn't matter. The general feeling was the 2A was not individual pretty much until Heller. And there were no gun bans outside of small areas of the country. Most states have gun rights in their state constitutions. And that wont gun away.
Face it, banning guns is not going to happen. At least not in your lifetime.
a federal circuit court made the ruling long before Heller


Until saner judges prevail.

History is against you. Every mass shooting brings us closer to gun bans.

Deal with it.

how do you think the confiscation aspect will work out?

I think you will have one or two idiots who will shoot it out with federal officials. That will only turn the public more strongly against the gun nuts.

You see, the probelm with the whole "We needs guns to fight the government" is when you fools actually try to do it, people are rightfully outraged.

Now, maybe I'm old. No, wait. I am old. But I remember when people talked this nonsense back in the 1990's. Waco and OK City happened, and suddenly, the gun nuts weren't so popular anymore. Those self-styled Militias all kind of hung it up and were embarrassed by the whole thing.

Yes, that's exactly what it's like. That's why a gun ban is futile. Are you finally getting it, Joe? We have 300M guns in this country. After a gun ban we will still have 300M guns in this country. Except law abiding citizens wont be able to get them. That leaves criminals.
Is this starting to make sense to you??

After a gun ban, most people will turn their guns in rather than pay the fines or do the jail time.

Criminals aren't the problem. Most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and dometic murders. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy. 80% of women who are murdered are killed by their husbands or boyfriends.

If you bought a dog for protection, and it kept biting your kids and the neighbor's kids, you'd put that dog down.

But the gun nuts have a solution that is more dangerous than the problem, and they've been conditioned to think nothing of it.
Until saner judges prevail.

History is against you. Every mass shooting brings us closer to gun bans.

Deal with it.

how do you think the confiscation aspect will work out?

I think you will have one or two idiots who will shoot it out with federal officials. That will only turn the public more strongly against the gun nuts.

You see, the probelm with the whole "We needs guns to fight the government" is when you fools actually try to do it, people are rightfully outraged.

Now, maybe I'm old. No, wait. I am old. But I remember when people talked this nonsense back in the 1990's. Waco and OK City happened, and suddenly, the gun nuts weren't so popular anymore. Those self-styled Militias all kind of hung it up and were embarrassed by the whole thing.

first of all it will not happen and secondly there will be a civil war if it did

Yes, that's exactly what it's like. That's why a gun ban is futile. Are you finally getting it, Joe? We have 300M guns in this country. After a gun ban we will still have 300M guns in this country. Except law abiding citizens wont be able to get them. That leaves criminals.
Is this starting to make sense to you??

After a gun ban, most people will turn their guns in rather than pay the fines or do the jail time.

Criminals aren't the problem. Most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and dometic murders. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy. 80% of women who are murdered are killed by their husbands or boyfriends.

If you bought a dog for protection, and it kept biting your kids and the neighbor's kids, you'd put that dog down.

But the gun nuts have a solution that is more dangerous than the problem, and they've been conditioned to think nothing of it.

It isn't that you dont know anything. It's that so much of what you know is wrong.

Yes, that's exactly what it's like. That's why a gun ban is futile. Are you finally getting it, Joe? We have 300M guns in this country. After a gun ban we will still have 300M guns in this country. Except law abiding citizens wont be able to get them. That leaves criminals.
Is this starting to make sense to you??

After a gun ban, most people will turn their guns in rather than pay the fines or do the jail time.

Criminals aren't the problem. Most gun deaths are suicides, accidents and dometic murders. A gun in the house is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your family than a bad guy. 80% of women who are murdered are killed by their husbands or boyfriends.

If you bought a dog for protection, and it kept biting your kids and the neighbor's kids, you'd put that dog down.

But the gun nuts have a solution that is more dangerous than the problem, and they've been conditioned to think nothing of it.

But by your logic we would then put down every other dog in the neighborhood, even the little ones, because "one dog did X, thus all dogs are now bad"

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