SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

What a bunch of fools and idiots.

And yes, I do mean that.

While I am sorry and I grieve with them at the loss of their children, that doesn't mean they have the right to demand that I lose my rights or have my rights further restricted.

More people are killed by cars and drunk drivers every year and I don't see them demanding that people turn in their cars because they "might" hurt someone with it.

Did you ever consider their rights as parents?

How about the rights of their children?

btw. Drinking driving is illegal, genius.

So is walking into a classroom and shooting kids, genius.

So are unwarranted searches and seizures, genius.
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Noomi isn't even an American? And she's in here weighing in on "the right to bear arms"? WTF?!?!?!?

Okay, here's a clue for you Noomi. The minute you open your mouth on this subject, a big buzzer somewhere should go off very loudly and a voice from heaven should say, "Ohhhhhh Noomi, we're so sorry. But you are not only 100% incorrect, but each and every time you open your mouth a bucket full of stupid falls on the floor."

In America, guns are like cars Noomi. No one but an American can understand what its like when you see a 56 Corvette or a 65 Mustang driving by. If you see a parking lot with a cherry 1972 Oldmobile 442 sitting in it, I can almost guarantee you that there will be a crowd of people standing around just looking. If an American is walking down the street and hears the gutteral rumble of a 1971 'Cuda with a Hemi and headers in it, they will stop and try to locate the sound. A 55 Chevy, A 1968 Pontiac GTO, a 1932 Ford Roadster with a rumble seat, a 1969 Chevy SS, a 1966 Lincoln Towncar with suicide doors, a 1959 Cadillac El Dorado. They're not cars. They have transcended that simple definition long ago. Try to convey this to someone who is not an American, and they look at you like you're from outer space.

Likewise a Colt Peacemaker, an M-1 carbine, a 1911, an M-14, a Sharp's rifle, a S&W 44 Magnum, an 870 Remington. These aren't just guns, pistols, shotguns and rifles. They have gone beyond that. And you do not understand. You may not ever understand.

We are Americans Noomi. Unlike some of the lesser life forms on this forum who classify themselves as gun-hating liberals, we have no desire to be like Europeans or anyone else, because our ancestors were unlike anyone else. We do NOT stand in line well. We do not wait patiently until someone tells us where to go or where to stand. We go where we want, we say what we want, we DO what we want. And Washington DC be damned! Moonshine was outlawed in the 1920's and yet to this day it is so easy to get. Outlawing guns will be the same IF you don't have an outright WAR on your hands.

Love us or hate us... we really don't care. Either pull up a chair and sit down with us or get the hell away...
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I don't know what it is, but we seem to have quite a few Europeans, Aussies etc. that think we will benefit from their advice.

The sniper brings up a great point. Those who have never lived in the States have no idea what being American is and no real valid reason for their lectures.

WE DON'T CARE, get it?

It isn't that you dont know anything. It's that so much of what you know is wrong.

What I know is that EVERY study has proven that guns in the house are dangerous to the people in the house, and the NRA's solution was to get COngress to stop funding studies because they made them look bad.

Tells me the NRA knows I'm right already.

It isn't that you dont know anything. It's that so much of what you know is wrong.

What I know is that EVERY study has proven that guns in the house are dangerous to the people in the house, and the NRA's solution was to get COngress to stop funding studies because they made them look bad.

Tells me the NRA knows I'm right already.

Well, no not really. Any more than having a toothbrush in the house leads to having healthier teeth.
But nice try, Joe.

It isn't that you dont know anything. It's that so much of what you know is wrong.

What I know is that EVERY study has proven that guns in the house are dangerous to the people in the house, and the NRA's solution was to get COngress to stop funding studies because they made them look bad.

Tells me the NRA knows I'm right already.

Well, no not really. Any more than having a toothbrush in the house leads to having healthier teeth.
But nice try, Joe.

Why did the NRA sponsor legislation to get the CDC to stop funding studies on gun deaths?

What are they afraid of if so many guns are used defensively?
What I know is that EVERY study has proven that guns in the house are dangerous to the people in the house, and the NRA's solution was to get COngress to stop funding studies because they made them look bad.

Tells me the NRA knows I'm right already.

Well, no not really. Any more than having a toothbrush in the house leads to having healthier teeth.
But nice try, Joe.

Why did the NRA sponsor legislation to get the CDC to stop funding studies on gun deaths?

What are they afraid of if so many guns are used defensively?

CDC is Center for Disease Control not Center for Gun Control.

Inappropriate use of public funds
Well, no not really. Any more than having a toothbrush in the house leads to having healthier teeth.
But nice try, Joe.

Why did the NRA sponsor legislation to get the CDC to stop funding studies on gun deaths?

What are they afraid of if so many guns are used defensively?

CDC is Center for Disease Control not Center for Gun Control.

Inappropriate use of public funds

I don't know, studying causes of deaths and within what populations, that sounds like a pretty solid use.

If we call Alcoholism and Obesity "diseases", certainly gun deaths qualify.

Of course, the Food and Alcohol Industries aren't lobbying Congress to avoid reality.

It isn't that you dont know anything. It's that so much of what you know is wrong.

What I know is that EVERY study has proven that guns in the house are dangerous to the people in the house, and the NRA's solution was to get COngress to stop funding studies because they made them look bad.

Tells me the NRA knows I'm right already.

What link? What study? Seems a bit off base to say EVERY study and provide absolutely zero evidence to support this claim. Most of the gun deaths in this country are black on black gang shootings, but you will never see this administration address this issue as any talk of race brings out the PC idiots screaming racism.

Still no one addresses the deeper social issues and the mass medias influence on young minds that cannot separate reality from fantasy. The media from TV, movies, gaming glorify vile violence in a way not seen 30 years ago. Can no one see this connection?

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin
I don't know what it is, but we seem to have quite a few Europeans, Aussies etc. that think we will benefit from their advice.

The sniper brings up a great point. Those who have never lived in the States have no idea what being American is and no real valid reason for their lectures.

WE DON'T CARE, get it?

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Noomi isn't even an American? And she's in here weighing in on "the right to bear arms"? WTF?!?!?!?

Okay, here's a clue for you Noomi. The minute you open your mouth on this subject, a big buzzer somewhere should go off very loudly and a voice from heaven should say, "Ohhhhhh Noomi, we're so sorry. But you are not only 100% incorrect, but each and every time you open your mouth a bucket full of stupid falls on the floor."

In America, guns are like cars Noomi. No one but an American can understand what its like when you see a 56 Corvette or a 65 Mustang driving by. If you see a parking lot with a cherry 1972 Oldmobile 442 sitting in it, I can almost guarantee you that there will be a crowd of people standing around just looking. If an American is walking down the street and hears the gutteral rumble of a 1971 'Cuda with a Hemi and headers in it and they will stop and try to locate the sound. A 55 Chevy, A 1968 Pontiac GTO, a 1932 Ford Roadster with a rumble seat, a 1969 Chevy SS, a 1966 Lincoln Towncar with suicide doors, a 1959 Cadillac El Dorado. They're not cars. They have transcended that simple definition long ago. Try to convey this to someone who is not an American, and they look at you like you're from outer space.

Likewise a Colt Peacemaker, an M-1 carbine, a 1911, an M-14, a Sharp's rifle, a S&W 44 Magnum, an 870 Remington. These aren't just guns, pistols, shotguns and rifles. They have gone beyond that. And you do not understand. You may not ever understand.

We are Americans Noomi. Unlike some of the lesser life forms on this forum who classify themselves as gun-hating liberals, we have no desire to be like Europeans or anyone else, because our ancestors were unlike anyone else. We do NOT stand in line well. We do not wait patiently until someone tells us where to go or where to stand. We go where we want, we say what we want, we DO what we want. And Washington DC be damned! Moonshine was outlawed in the 1920's and yet to this day it is so easy to get. Outlawing guns will be the same IF you don't have an outright WAR on your hands.

Love us or hate us... we really don't care. Either pull up a chair and sit down with us or get the hell away...

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
On black on black violence...

The March Pew study, drawn from numbers obtained from the Bureau of Justice Statistics and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, also found a dramatic drop in gun crime over the past two decades. Their accounting shows a 49 percent decline in the homicide rate, and a 75 percent decline of non-fatal violent crime victimization. More than 8 in 10 gun homicide victims in 2010 were men and boys. Fifty-five percent of the homicide victims were black, far beyond their 13 percent share of the population.

According to DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. gun-related homicides dropped 39 percent over the course of 18 years, from 18,253 during 1993, to 11,101 in 2011. During the same period, non-fatal firearm crimes decreased even more, a whopping 69 percent. The majority of those declines in both categories occurred during the first 10 years of that time frame. Firearm homicides declined from 1993 to 1999, rose through 2006, and then declined again through 2011. Non-fatal firearm violence declined from 1993 through 2004, then fluctuated in the mid-to-late 2000s.

Is John Lott, the author of “More Guns, Less Crime” right? Does the rapid growth of gun ownership and armed citizens have anything to do with a diminishing gun violence trend? His expansive research concludes that state “shall issue” laws which allow citizens to carry concealed weapons do produce a steady decrease in violent crime. He explains that this is logical because criminals are deterred by the risk of attacking an armed target, so as more citizens arm themselves, danger to the criminals increases.

Full article at Disarming Realities: As Gun Sales Soar, Gun Crimes Plummet - Forbes
They can't argue their case without using the props of their slaughtered children...
Hey if this is what they want....

It isn't that you dont know anything. It's that so much of what you know is wrong.

What I know is that EVERY study has proven that guns in the house are dangerous to the people in the house, and the NRA's solution was to get COngress to stop funding studies because they made them look bad.

Tells me the NRA knows I'm right already.

So you have no current unbiased link to back up your SPECIFIC claim, why does that not surprise me? Tell ya what stop making claims you can not back up.
The thing you have to remember about libtards like Noomi and Saigon is that communism is a global game. You look at the power-hungry control freak leftists (Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, etc.) is that they were never happy with "just" total control over their own country. They wanted control over everyone in the entire planet.

And that's why these useful idiots show up here - they hate the fact that were armed free. And they believe (hilarious as it is) that they can convince the masses to turn to communism.

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