SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

They can't argue their case without using the props of their slaughtered children...
Hey if this is what they want....

As I stated earlier in this thread, the particular family members I know of are appalled by the use of the slain children being used as pawns to push an agenda. The only thing they have lobbied for is the proposed amendment in the CT house to block the release of crime scene and autopsy photos to protect the minor children that were victims of a deranged individual. They want nothing to do with the press or the illusion of gun control, they wish to grieve in peace.
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It isn't that you dont know anything. It's that so much of what you know is wrong.

What I know is that EVERY study has proven that guns in the house are dangerous to the people in the house, and the NRA's solution was to get COngress to stop funding studies because they made them look bad.

Tells me the NRA knows I'm right already.


Stay out of my house Joe

I don't know what it is, but we seem to have quite a few Europeans, Aussies etc. that think we will benefit from their advice.

The sniper brings up a great point. Those who have never lived in the States have no idea what being American is and no real valid reason for their lectures.

WE DON'T CARE, get it?

Being American must mean being so scared to live in your houses you need a shiny metal gun to shoot someone who steps on your front lawn.

Being American must mean that the threat of death or serious injury is so great when you walk down the street, you need a gun to protect yourself.

It must be so dangerous in America. :( So much crime, I mean, you can't even leave your windows wide open at night for fear someone might break in!

Its a shame, I tell you, a great shame. :(
I don't know what it is, but we seem to have quite a few Europeans, Aussies etc. that think we will benefit from their advice.

The sniper brings up a great point. Those who have never lived in the States have no idea what being American is and no real valid reason for their lectures.

WE DON'T CARE, get it?

Being American must mean being so scared to live in your houses you need a shiny metal gun to shoot someone who steps on your front lawn.

Being American must mean that the threat of death or serious injury is so great when you walk down the street, you need a gun to protect yourself.

It must be so dangerous in America. :( So much crime, I mean, you can't even leave your windows wide open at night for fear someone might break in!

Its a shame, I tell you, a great shame. :(

You must watch way too much of the liberal trash from the media that tries to pass itself off as news. Crime rates have dropped in America the last couple of decades as conceal carry laws have passed in many states, despite the "perception" the media delivers. Bad news makes ratings, which is why there is never good news to report.

I feel quite safe here. I don't listen to the crap put out by the entertainment driven news outlets. The real shame is those that buy into it.
I don't know what it is, but we seem to have quite a few Europeans, Aussies etc. that think we will benefit from their advice.

The sniper brings up a great point. Those who have never lived in the States have no idea what being American is and no real valid reason for their lectures.

WE DON'T CARE, get it?

Being American must mean being so scared to live in your houses you need a shiny metal gun to shoot someone who steps on your front lawn.

Being American must mean that the threat of death or serious injury is so great when you walk down the street, you need a gun to protect yourself.

It must be so dangerous in America. :( So much crime, I mean, you can't even leave your windows wide open at night for fear someone might break in!

Its a shame, I tell you, a great shame. :(

The only shame is you...

The right to bear arms had nothing to do with this idiots hate...

But you can't see that for you have deep hate issues as well...

All this has done is drive up gun ownership in America, you need to take a bow with your smart liberal friends...
I don't know what it is, but we seem to have quite a few Europeans, Aussies etc. that think we will benefit from their advice.

The sniper brings up a great point. Those who have never lived in the States have no idea what being American is and no real valid reason for their lectures.

WE DON'T CARE, get it?

Being American must mean being so scared to live in your houses you need a shiny metal gun to shoot someone who steps on your front lawn.

Being American must mean that the threat of death or serious injury is so great when you walk down the street, you need a gun to protect yourself.

It must be so dangerous in America. :( So much crime, I mean, you can't even leave your windows wide open at night for fear someone might break in!

Its a shame, I tell you, a great shame. :(

Whoa... there's that big buzzer sound...

I live in rural Oklahoma on a 300 acre (give or take an acre) ranch. Not very big, but we raise cattle and some horses. I have a pickup, two cars, and three ranch trucks, parked by the house. All of them have the keys in them. There's a key hanger that my grandson made by the back door, but there's never any keys on it. You know, I wouldn't have a clue where the keys to the house are located because I NEVER LOCK THE FREAKIN DOOR. In the spring and summer at night, the window by my bed is open because I can hear the cattle if we get a pack of dogs chasing them. Upon rare occasions, I've also heard what I believe is a cougar or perhaps some wolves down by the river. That spooks the horses and cattle and they get all jittery which is not good, because the cattle can lose weight.

I told you that you don't understand. You never will. So why don't you accept the fact that you have no clue and weigh in on subjects that you might be taken a little seriously about? Admitted, very little... but at least you won't look like a complete imbecile.
I don't know what it is, but we seem to have quite a few Europeans, Aussies etc. that think we will benefit from their advice.

The sniper brings up a great point. Those who have never lived in the States have no idea what being American is and no real valid reason for their lectures.

WE DON'T CARE, get it?

Being American must mean being so scared to live in your houses you need a shiny metal gun to shoot someone who steps on your front lawn.

Being American must mean that the threat of death or serious injury is so great when you walk down the street, you need a gun to protect yourself.

It must be so dangerous in America. :( So much crime, I mean, you can't even leave your windows wide open at night for fear someone might break in!

Its a shame, I tell you, a great shame. :(
More support for the premise that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/on dishonesty.
When I was a 17 year old girl, we lived out in the country. We lived in a big old house, up a gated driveway, off a highway that goes between the cascades and the blues. It's a 2 lane highway, and has very little traffic.

I was sitting in my 2nd story window one afternoon, looking out the window and reading when I saw a car stop at our gate. Nobody else was home. Our German Shepherd had recently been put down. Two men got out of the car, looked both ways, looked up at the house and came through the gate, quietly. They walked slowly up the driveway, looking around every step.

So I got the 30-06 from the corner of my bedroom. Several rooms in our house had loaded guns in them, and my room was one of them. My younger brother was an avid hunter, and loved guns and always had them.

I went to the window and drew a bead on those assholes and waited. My window was open and I had the barrel poking out. They got right to our porch, and one of them looked up, right at me, right at the gun. I heard him say "somebody's here let's go".

And they left.
When I was a 17 year old girl, we lived out in the country. We lived in a big old house, up a gated driveway, off a highway that goes between the cascades and the blues. It's a 2 lane highway, and has very little traffic.

I was sitting in my 2nd story window one afternoon, looking out the window and reading when I saw a car stop at our gate. Nobody else was home. Our German Shepherd had recently been put down. Two men got out of the car, looked both ways, looked up at the house and came through the gate, quietly. They walked slowly up the driveway, looking around every step.

So I got the 30-06 from the corner of my bedroom. Several rooms in our house had loaded guns in them, and my room was one of them. My younger brother was an avid hunter, and loved guns and always had them.

I went to the window and drew a bead on those assholes and waited. My window was open and I had the barrel poking out. They got right to our porch, and one of them looked up, right at me, right at the gun. I heard him say "somebody's here let's go".

And they left.
If Noomi had her way, you would have been beaten, raped and then murdered.
They can't argue their case without using the props of their slaughtered children...
Hey if this is what they want....

As I stated earlier in this thread, the particular family members I know of are appalled by the use of the slain children being used as pawns to push an agenda. The only thing they have lobbied for is the proposed amendment in the CT house to block the release of crime scene and autopsy photos to protect the minor children that were victims of a deranged individual. They want nothing to do with the press or the illusion of gun control, they wish to grieve in peace.

From 2001 to 2007 I lived that area and you're absolutely right. I looked at several homes in Newtown and ended up in Brookfield, which is the next town. It's actually a well off pretty conservative area. Sure, there are scattered liberals there, but that the parents would across the board support the liberal gun control agenda is preposterous. It would in fact be the liberal gun control agenda that maximized the carnage by preventing anyone from having the means to shoot back. Liberals are responsible for how bad what happened was. Their agenda is no solution.
I don't know what it is, but we seem to have quite a few Europeans, Aussies etc. that think we will benefit from their advice.

The sniper brings up a great point. Those who have never lived in the States have no idea what being American is and no real valid reason for their lectures.

WE DON'T CARE, get it?

Being American must mean being so scared to live in your houses you need a shiny metal gun to shoot someone who steps on your front lawn.

Being American must mean that the threat of death or serious injury is so great when you walk down the street, you need a gun to protect yourself.

It must be so dangerous in America. :( So much crime, I mean, you can't even leave your windows wide open at night for fear someone might break in!

Its a shame, I tell you, a great shame. :(

No, Noomie. Being American means you have a right to protect yourselves. I am NOT afraid to live in my home or to walk down the street, but anyone who enters my home or accosts me on the street should be VERY afraid.

Yes. It IS dangerous in America. I am armed because I would prefer it be more dangerous for criminals than for the law abiding.
No, Noomie. Being American means you have a right to protect yourselves

And to protect you liberals ensure that after you and your family are murdered, a cop will definitely be there to fill in a report. The guy who murdered you is entitled to a lawyer to get them out on a technicality or by attacking anyone who witnessed the crime.

You're not saying that's not enough are you?
When I was a 17 year old girl, we lived out in the country. We lived in a big old house, up a gated driveway, off a highway that goes between the cascades and the blues. It's a 2 lane highway, and has very little traffic.

I was sitting in my 2nd story window one afternoon, looking out the window and reading when I saw a car stop at our gate. Nobody else was home. Our German Shepherd had recently been put down. Two men got out of the car, looked both ways, looked up at the house and came through the gate, quietly. They walked slowly up the driveway, looking around every step.

So I got the 30-06 from the corner of my bedroom. Several rooms in our house had loaded guns in them, and my room was one of them. My younger brother was an avid hunter, and loved guns and always had them.

I went to the window and drew a bead on those assholes and waited. My window was open and I had the barrel poking out. They got right to our porch, and one of them looked up, right at me, right at the gun. I heard him say "somebody's here let's go".

And they left.
If Noomi had her way, you would have been beaten, raped and then murdered.

And if anyone was arrested, I would have been accused of antagonizing them.
It must be so dangerous in America. :( So much crime, I mean, you can't even leave your windows wide open at night for fear someone might break!

Yeah, because nobody locks their doors and windows in Australia, uh Noomi? Oh please tell me you don't! Please! I would love for reality to hit you between your big, ugly face (and then we wouldn't have to listen to your senseless foreign drivel any more) :lmao:

This is how unhinged this twat is - she wants to pretend like her country is "safe" so she can attempt to make a case for disarming Americans:

Australians convicted of murder.
Randall Ludlow Askeland, one of the few Australian lawyers convicted of murder, bashed his wife with an iron bar in her bed. Sentenced to life imprisonment, paroled in 1999 and struck off the Supreme Court of Tasmania roll
Dante Arthurs, murdered Sofia Rodriguez-Urrutia-Shu[52]
Valmae Beck, sentenced to life for the murder of Sian Kingi, died in 2008[53]
Lindsay Beckett and Leslie Camilleri, convicted of the Bega schoolgirl murders[54][55]
James Beauregard-Smith, convicted triple murderer and rapist
Kenneth Brown, explorer and pastoralist hanged for murdering his wife[56]
Martin Bryant, convicted of 35 murders in the Port Arthur massacre[57]
Wayne Butler, convicted of murdering Celia Douty
Patricia Margaret Byers, Dubbed the Black Widow, convicted of murder and attempted murder of separate spouses[58]
Sudo Cavkic, convicted murderer, with Costas Athanasi and Julian Michael Clarke, of Melbourne solicitor Keith William Allan
John Leslie Coombes, convicted triple murderer.[59]
Roger Kingsley Dean, pled guilty to 11 counts of murder following the deaths of elderly residents at a Quakers Hill nursing home fire.[60][61]
Jason Alexander Downie, repeatedly stabbed Andrew, Rose and Chantelle Rowe in a frenzied attack at their home in Kapunda, South Australia [62][63]
Bevan Spencer von Einem, murderer[64][65]
Keith Faure, convicted Melbourne underworld killings murderer[3]
Christopher Dale Flannery, known as "Mr-Rent-A-Kill", rapist and armed robber who shot an undercover policeman[66]
Andrew Garforth, convicted killer of 9 year old Ebony Simpson in Bargo, New South Wales[67]
Sef Gonzales, murdered his mother, father and sister[68]
Maddison Hall, murdered a hitchhiker, had a sex change operation in prison[69]
Murray Walter Hearne, killed Constable Peter Forsyth and maliciously wounded Constables Semple & Neville.[70]
Edward "Ned" Kelly, (1854/1855–1880), famous armour wearing Victorian bushranger[71] also murdered three Troopers (policemen) named Lonigan, Scanlon and Kennedy, as well as former friend turned police informer Aaron Sherritt.
Henry Keogh, convicted of strangling his fiancée[72]
Julian Knight, Hoddle Street Massacre[73]
Katherine Knight, murdered John Charles Thomas Price on 29 February 2000. The first Australian woman to be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.[74]
Keli Lane, convicted of the 1996 murder of her newborn daughter Tegan on 13 December 2010.[75]
Wendy Lange: Dubbed the Black Widow, murdered her husband, sentenced to life imprisonment, changed name to Julie Sage.[76]
Martin Leach: bound, gagged and stabbed Charmaine Ariet and bound, gagged, stabbed, raped and slit the throat of her cousin Janice Carnegie before burying their bodies in a gully at Berry Springs.
Robert Arthur Selby Lowe, convicted in 1994 of the sexual assault and murder of six year-old Sheree Beasley at Rosebud on 29 July 1991. Sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.[77]
Francesco Mangione, the Mr Whippy ice cream turf war murderer[78]
William Harold Matheson, convicted of murdering ex-girlfriend Lyndsay Van Blanken in 2003[79]
Craig Minogue, Russell Street bombing[80]
Bradley John Murdoch, convicted for the murder of Peter Falconio[81]
Michael Murdoch, convicted of the Anita Cobby murder[82]
Gary Murphy, convicted of the Anita Cobby murder[82]
Les Murphy, convicted of the Anita Cobby murder[82]
Michael Murphy, convicted of the Anita Cobby murder[82]
Anthony Perish, convicted of murdering Terry Falconer.[83]
James Ryan O'Neill, a Victorian convicted of murder in Tasmania[84]
Ronald Ryan, last person executed in Australia[85]
John Sharpe, spear gun murderer of his wife and child[86]
Anu Singh, murdered her boyfriend Joe Cinque[87]
Neddy Smith, convicted of the murder of Sydney brothel owner, Harvey Jones[88]
John Travers, convicted ringleader of the Anita Cobby murder[82]
Damien Peter Willis, Co-accused in the murder of Bruno Furina.[89]
Steven Bradley Wood, Convicted of the murder of Bruno Furina.[89]
Joseph Schwab, murdered five tourists across the Northern Territory and Western Australia in 1987.[90]

Serial killers[edit]
Australians convicted of multiple murders
David Birnie, rape and murder of four women in Perth in 1986[91]
Catherine Birnie, rape and murder of four women in Perth in 1986[91]
John Bunting, Murdered 11 people in South Australia. Murders known as the Snowtown murders[92]
Eric Edgar Cooke, The Nedlands monster[93]
Paul Denyer, Melbourne based serial killer during early 1990s dubbed the 'Frankston Serial Killer'.[94]
Peter Dupas, Melbourne based serial killer who killed several times upon release from prison. Peter's case is well known in law, as he had attempted to appeal that due to the previous convictions, that for his third charge, due to pre-trial publicity and the notion that it would be impossible to have a fair trial. His appeal was subsequently dismissed, as it was ruled that it could be overcome by the judge giving the jury adequate direction. [95]
John Wayne Glover, the Sydney North Shore granny murderer[96]
Paul Steven Haigh, Convicted of the murders of six people in the late 1970s and another in 1991. Currently serving six life sentences without the possibility of parole.[97]
Eddie Leonski, American serial killer known as the Brownout Strangler[98]
Ivan Milat, Backpacker murders[99]
Arnold Sodeman, the schoolgirl strangler [100]
Robert Lindsay Wright, an associate of Paul Steven Haigh, sentenced to life imprisonment for three murders in the late 1970s.[101][102]
Child sex offenders[edit]

Australians convicted of child sex offences.
Geoffrey Robert Dobbs, labeled Australia's worst pedophile, pleaded guilty to 124 sex offences and one count of attempting to pervert the course of justice committed against 63 girls under his care as a teacher and youth leader from January 1972 to September 2000, sentenced to two consecutive terms of indefinite imprisonment with a nominal sentence of 30 years[103]
Robert 'Dolly' Dunn, homosexual pedophile,[104] died in 2009 while serving a 20 year sentence
Dennis Ferguson, pedophile who has caused controversy in NSW and Queensland[105] found dead in December 2012[106]
Andrew Garforth, convicted of the kidnapping, rape and murder of Ebony Simpson[107]
Ronald Vikash Gander, convicted of attempting to sell the Boeing house in Brisbane's CBD and sentenced to five years imprisonment; after his release on parole, he was then involved in the imprisonment, prostitution and mistreatment of a minor [35]
Ronald John Hendrie, serial pedophile who molested 17 children in Queensland, the Northern Territory and South Australia between January 1968 and July 2004; sentenced to a total of 25 years, 6 months and 25 days imprisonment with a non-parole period of 19 years, 6 months and 25 days [108]
Brian Keith Jones aka "Mr Baldy", serial pedophile, jailed indefinitely in 2006 for breaches of parole[109]
Andrew Dean McIntosh, convicted of 42 charges against four boys from 1979 and 1990, sentenced to 32 years imprisonment with a non-parole period of 20 years[110]
Milton Orkopoulos, NSW state MP and child sex offender[111]
Patrick Power, Crown prosecutor convicted of possessing child pornography[112]
Deryck James Ward, a was-to-be contestant on Australia's The Biggest Loser who was convicted of possessing child pornography weeks before the show was to air, causing Channel 10 to edit him and his sister (who appeared on the show with him) out of the show completely[113]
David Shane Whitby, convicted of 120 child sex offences committed against eight children between 1999 and 2008, sentenced to 32 years imprisonment with a non-parole period of 26 years[114][115]

Australians convicted of rape
Peter Dupas, serial killer[95]
Ashfield gang rapes
Sydney gang rapes
Bilal Skaf - ring leader[116]

List of Australian criminals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, Noomie. Being American means you have a right to protect yourselves

And to protect you liberals ensure that after you and your family are murdered, a cop will definitely be there to fill in a report. The guy who murdered you is entitled to a lawyer to get them out on a technicality or by attacking anyone who witnessed the crime.

You're not saying that's not enough are you?

Am I the only one who finds Noomi a complete and total mystery? Why would you go to a foreign nations web site and demean everything about them and their culture? And then, after doing so, why would you continue to come back when everyone hates you?

I mean, I would NEVER go to a muslim website and tell them their religion is evil and they should all stop treating women like animals. Of course, ALL of that is TRUE - but what would be the point of doing so? Is she truly so stupid, that she thinks she is going to convince American's to stop being Americans and instead become a bunch of surrendering pussies? It's not who we are. We don't surrender and we don't disarm. We prepare - and we go with a gun so that if there is trouble, we can protect ourselves and our families instead of cowering in the corner crying and praying that law enforcement will make it in time, like Australians do....
No, Noomie. Being American means you have a right to protect yourselves

And to protect you liberals ensure that after you and your family are murdered, a cop will definitely be there to fill in a report. The guy who murdered you is entitled to a lawyer to get them out on a technicality or by attacking anyone who witnessed the crime.

You're not saying that's not enough are you?

Am I the only one who finds Noomi a complete and total mystery? Why would you go to a foreign nations web site and demean everything about them and their culture? And then, after doing so, why would you continue to come back when everyone hates you?

I mean, I would NEVER go to a muslim website and tell them their religion is evil and they should all stop treating women like animals. Of course, ALL of that is TRUE - but what would be the point of doing so? Is she truly so stupid, that she thinks she is going to convince American's to stop being Americans and instead become a bunch of surrendering pussies? It's not who we are. We don't surrender and we don't disarm. We prepare - and we go with a gun so that if there is trouble, we can protect ourselves and our families instead of cowering in the corner crying and praying that law enforcement will make it in time, like Australians do....
We are citizens.
They are subjects.
Being American must mean being so scared to live in your houses you need a shiny metal gun to shoot someone who steps on your front lawn.

Being American must mean that the threat of death or serious injury is so great when you walk down the street, you need a gun to protect yourself.

It must be so dangerous in America. :( So much crime, I mean, you can't even leave your windows wide open at night for fear someone might break in!

Its a shame, I tell you, a great shame. :(

No, being an American means my ancestors CHOSE to come here for a better life. They were not SENTENCED to move here because the "mother country" no longer wanted to tolerate their presence because they were criminals.

Being an American means I am a CITIZEN, not a subject, something you can't understand.

Being American means I can CHOOSE to own a firearm or CHOOSE not to own one based on my desires because I'm a free man.

I have nothing against Australians and have enjoyed the ones I have met. Of course, they were not petty and mean spirited, as your post made you appear. I now have to decide if they were the exception to the common Australian or if you are the odd duck.

What link? What study? Seems a bit off base to say EVERY study and provide absolutely zero evidence to support this claim. Most of the gun deaths in this country are black on black gang shootings, but you will never see this administration address this issue as any talk of race brings out the PC idiots screaming racism.

Still no one addresses the deeper social issues and the mass medias influence on young minds that cannot separate reality from fantasy. The media from TV, movies, gaming glorify vile violence in a way not seen 30 years ago. Can no one see this connection?

This simply isn't true.

Most gun deaths are sucidies - 19,000 of the 31,000 a year.

Another 1000 or so are accidents.

of the 11,000 murders, the fact is, 80% of murder victims know their killers.

What link? What study? Seems a bit off base to say EVERY study and provide absolutely zero evidence to support this claim. Most of the gun deaths in this country are black on black gang shootings, but you will never see this administration address this issue as any talk of race brings out the PC idiots screaming racism.

Still no one addresses the deeper social issues and the mass medias influence on young minds that cannot separate reality from fantasy. The media from TV, movies, gaming glorify vile violence in a way not seen 30 years ago. Can no one see this connection?

This simply isn't true.

Most gun deaths are sucidies - 19,000 of the 31,000 a year.

Another 1000 or so are accidents.

of the 11,000 murders, the fact is, 80% of murder victims know their killers.

my mom's neighbor hanged himself in the basement.

Let's confiscate ropes

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