SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

I don't know what it is, but we seem to have quite a few Europeans, Aussies etc. that think we will benefit from their advice.

The sniper brings up a great point. Those who have never lived in the States have no idea what being American is and no real valid reason for their lectures.

WE DON'T CARE, get it?

Being American must mean being so scared to live in your houses you need a shiny metal gun to shoot someone who steps on your front lawn.

Being American must mean that the threat of death or serious injury is so great when you walk down the street, you need a gun to protect yourself.

It must be so dangerous in America. :( So much crime, I mean, you can't even leave your windows wide open at night for fear someone might break in!

Its a shame, I tell you, a great shame. :(

as I stated in another thread, all you get done doing is badmouthing us.

more proof

why do you even come to this forum?

Is it some type of pathology?

did some american love you and leave you?


my mom's neighbor hanged himself in the basement.

Let's confiscate ropes

If ropes were designed ONLY for killing people, you might have a point.

most of my shooting is target shooting.

oh, and hunting is not killing people.

Most guns in the home are suitable only for kiling people, not as hunting weapons.

I've got no problem carving out an exemption for hunters. But most people don't need a gun in their home.
If ropes were designed ONLY for killing people, you might have a point.

most of my shooting is target shooting.

oh, and hunting is not killing people.

Most guns in the home are suitable only for kiling people, not as hunting weapons.

I've got no problem carving out an exemption for hunters. But most people don't need a gun in their home.

fortunately you have no say in the matter.

We are keeping our guns.

case closed
most of my shooting is target shooting.

oh, and hunting is not killing people.

Most guns in the home are suitable only for kiling people, not as hunting weapons.

I've got no problem carving out an exemption for hunters. But most people don't need a gun in their home.

fortunately you have no say in the matter.

We are keeping our guns.

case closed

No one including the government has a right to tell me what I need in my home.
If ropes were designed ONLY for killing people, you might have a point.

most of my shooting is target shooting.

oh, and hunting is not killing people.

Most guns in the home are suitable only for kiling people, not as hunting weapons.

I've got no problem carving out an exemption for hunters. But most people don't need a gun in their home.

Yes, guns are for killing the bad guys who are trying to harm me or my family. Not sure why that is problematic

Break into my house to steal a loaf of bread, you best be ready for lead

fortunately you have no say in the matter.

We are keeping our guns.

case closed

Laws are going to change.

You are going to have to learn how to deal.

Case closed.

You mean I get to watch another anti- American bill go up in smoke?

I like re-runs.


Guy, the Republican Party has just claimed complete ownership on the next School Shooting.

When the next guy WHO EVERYONE KNEW WAS NUTS mows down dozens of people with a gun he was ABLE TO GET TOO EASILY, then someone is going to ask the question, "HOw in God's Name did this guy get a gun?"

And the answer is going to be, "The Republican and the NRA killed background checks."
Laws are going to change.

You are going to have to learn how to deal.

Case closed.

You mean I get to watch another anti- American bill go up in smoke?

I like re-runs.


Guy, the Republican Party has just claimed complete ownership on the next School Shooting.

When the next guy WHO EVERYONE KNEW WAS NUTS mows down dozens of people with a gun he was ABLE TO GET TOO EASILY, then someone is going to ask the question, "HOw in God's Name did this guy get a gun?"

And the answer is going to be, "The Republican and the NRA killed background checks."


most of my shooting is target shooting.

oh, and hunting is not killing people.

Most guns in the home are suitable only for kiling people, not as hunting weapons.

I've got no problem carving out an exemption for hunters. But most people don't need a gun in their home.

fortunately you have no say in the matter.

We are keeping our guns.

case closed


No one including the government has a right to tell me what I need in my home.

So you have a meth lab in your kitchen and a woman locked up in the basement, then?

Oh, wait. The mean old Government says you can't have those.

Yup. A troll and village idiot. :cuckoo:
Laws are going to change.

You are going to have to learn how to deal.

Case closed.

You mean I get to watch another anti- American bill go up in smoke?

I like re-runs.


Guy, the Republican Party has just claimed complete ownership on the next School Shooting.

When the next guy WHO EVERYONE KNEW WAS NUTS mows down dozens of people with a gun he was ABLE TO GET TOO EASILY, then someone is going to ask the question, "HOw in God's Name did this guy get a gun?"

And the answer is going to be, "The Republican and the NRA killed background checks."

You have been told repeatedly that background checks are already the law. been the law for decades. 100 percent background check on any FFL that sells a firearm of ANY kind. There is no compelling reason to require private sales to do a background check since there is zero evidence that private sales have ever had anything to do with mass shootings or the vast majority of people murdered or wounded by firearms.

You have further been told that the myth that large scale selling of private arms occurs at gun shows is just that, a myth. The ATF monitors private sales and if someone openly sells more than a couple firearms through private sales the ATF investigates and those people are either told to desist or get an FFL. Or they are charged with gun running.

You have been told repeatedly that background checks are already the law. been the law for decades. 100 percent background check on any FFL that sells a firearm of ANY kind. There is no compelling reason to require private sales to do a background check since there is zero evidence that private sales have ever had anything to do with mass shootings or the vast majority of people murdered or wounded by firearms.

You have further been told that the myth that large scale selling of private arms occurs at gun shows is just that, a myth. The ATF monitors private sales and if someone openly sells more than a couple firearms through private sales the ATF investigates and those people are either told to desist or get an FFL. Or they are charged with gun running.

Honestly, this is kind of a retarded statement. besides the fact that I didn't talk about private sales or gun shows, I pointed out that Holmes or Cho or Lanza were able to get guns too easily.

Therefore, the background checks are too weak. Period.

Hey, put it to you another way. We actually HAD airport security before 9/11. it was made up of inadequate insurance and people who were being paid minimum wage, but we had security, right?

Did we all shrug our shoulders after THIS happened and say that was "good enough"?


Nope. We put in full body scanners and x-ray machines and created the TSA and the Air Marshalls and required metal cockpit doors. We even made everyone take off their shoes because one idiot lit his shoes on fire.

You have been told repeatedly that background checks are already the law. been the law for decades. 100 percent background check on any FFL that sells a firearm of ANY kind. There is no compelling reason to require private sales to do a background check since there is zero evidence that private sales have ever had anything to do with mass shootings or the vast majority of people murdered or wounded by firearms.

You have further been told that the myth that large scale selling of private arms occurs at gun shows is just that, a myth. The ATF monitors private sales and if someone openly sells more than a couple firearms through private sales the ATF investigates and those people are either told to desist or get an FFL. Or they are charged with gun running.

Honestly, this is kind of a retarded statement. besides the fact that I didn't talk about private sales or gun shows, I pointed out that Holmes or Cho or Lanza were able to get guns too easily.

Therefore, the background checks are too weak. Period.

Hey, put it to you another way. We actually HAD airport security before 9/11. it was made up of inadequate insurance and people who were being paid minimum wage, but we had security, right?

Did we all shrug our shoulders after THIS happened and say that was "good enough"?


Nope. We put in full body scanners and x-ray machines and created the TSA and the Air Marshalls and required metal cockpit doors. We even made everyone take off their shoes because one idiot lit his shoes on fire.

Americans allowed the increased checks.

Americans WILL not allow weapons to be banned

Neither will elected officials


You have been told repeatedly that background checks are already the law. been the law for decades. 100 percent background check on any FFL that sells a firearm of ANY kind. There is no compelling reason to require private sales to do a background check since there is zero evidence that private sales have ever had anything to do with mass shootings or the vast majority of people murdered or wounded by firearms.

You have further been told that the myth that large scale selling of private arms occurs at gun shows is just that, a myth. The ATF monitors private sales and if someone openly sells more than a couple firearms through private sales the ATF investigates and those people are either told to desist or get an FFL. Or they are charged with gun running.

Honestly, this is kind of a retarded statement. besides the fact that I didn't talk about private sales or gun shows, I pointed out that Holmes or Cho or Lanza were able to get guns too easily.

Therefore, the background checks are too weak. Period.

Hey, put it to you another way. We actually HAD airport security before 9/11. it was made up of inadequate insurance and people who were being paid minimum wage, but we had security, right?

Did we all shrug our shoulders after THIS happened and say that was "good enough"?


Nope. We put in full body scanners and x-ray machines and created the TSA and the Air Marshalls and required metal cockpit doors. We even made everyone take off their shoes because one idiot lit his shoes on fire.

There has been no proposal put forward that would change how background checks are handled. And again for the slow and criminally stupid, zero evidence that crime, murder and shootings are related to a lax background check system.

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