SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

I laugh at those who talk of confiscation.

How firm in these beliefs are they?

Of course, they will sit by and want someone else to do the heavy lifting. If it's so eaay, they would have done it already.

Can't find the citizenry to lead that charge

Ask the families of the 19,000 suicides, 11,000 murders and 800 accidental shootings if they wished they hadn't had a gun in the house.

Compared to those that wished they had? So one sided Joe. So one sided.

Yes, the RIGHT side.

The side that is fact based.

Fact- actual defensive gun uses are rare. Because it take presense of mind to evaluate a threat and act on it.

But an impulse follows the bullet.

Hense, why we have 32,000 gun deaths every year, and you guys are fine with that, because nobody's taking your guns, dammit!

Best argument for gun control is a talk with a gun nut.

The only side you have is emotion. You argue with emotion you debate with emotion. Emotion is your substitute for reality. You don't debate anyone with concrete facts. There has not been 32,000 gun deaths every year, nor will there ever be. The CDC reported only 11,000 gun related homicides in 2011. Nice way to spin the facts by adding accidental gun deaths and suicides. You are a man of hyperbole, Joe. Don't lie to my face.
Uh, yeah, actually I do believe that.

Mostly because Australia instituted such a law in 1996 and haven't had a mass shooting since.

The same can be said of Japan, Germany, the UK. Mass shootings are RARE. So are gun deaths and for that matter, murder.

You really, really can reduce gun deaths by reducing guns.

So your solution is to ban guns. Gotcha.

If you guys refuse to police yourselves.

And here's the thing. Responsible, mature gun owners should WELCOME rules that keep guns out of the hands of people like HOlmes and Loughner.

But the NRA has you guys so brainwashed that you think even the most sensible restriction is "they're coming for my guns!!"

So maybe we should just ban guns, since you guys seem unwilling or unable to regulate yourselves.

Who's gonna do the policing, Joe? You? Laughable. The government? Even more hilarity.

You're just as bad as rightwinger. Responsible, mature American citizens will learn to recognize affronts to their freedoms, like your obvious overreaction to three mass shootings. Where were you when Columbine happened? What about the mass shooting at Luby's cafeteria in Texas in 1991? You use three people to justify the mindset of millions of others. That is a flawed contention. The Democratic party has you so brainwashed, that you think that even one murder justifies strict gun control legislation.

It's like saying you should ban kids from playing baseball anywhere in the city because they broke your window playing in the yard. Absolutely preposterous way of reasoning.
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what will change?

nothing that will effect me nor 99.9% of gun owners

guns will not be confiscated.

Case closed

Keep telling yourself that.

But watch for the gun laws to start changing, bucko. People are sick of the NRA and their bullshit.


what people?

the NRA had to hire temp help to process all the new membership applications.

what laws will change there Carmack?

The troll is incapable of seeing that connection, as ownership and membership rises across the country. There are even people who vote DFL in my state who support gun rights and see the problem as something rooted deeper in a society that has become too permissive, has a broken mental health system and a media that glorifies vile violence that our youth view on a daily basis. OK, a quick paste...

Research shows the average hour of television viewing has four to five acts of violence, according to Daphne White, executive director of the Lion & Lamb Project, a Bethesda, Maryland, organization created in 1995 to reduce violence in the media. Children's programming, such as cartoons, average 20 to 25 violent acts every hour, White said.

"If you add it up, the average child, with those statistics has seen 100,000 acts of violence by the time they leave elementary school on television," White said, "and 8,000 murders."

The nation's first major study on the effects of TV violence was a 1972 U.S. surgeon general's report that said, "Televised violence, indeed, does have an adverse effect on certain members of our society."

On the one hand, many schools have zero tolerance policies, White said, but the tolerance for violence in the media goes virtually unchecked.

"Kids are getting suspended for incredibly minor violations ever since Columbine," White said, "and yet in the media that they see every day, violence is shown as the way to solve problems." - Study links TV viewing among kids to later violence - March 28, 2002

Wow, that from CNN, a known libtard media outlet.

And that doesn't even cover the vile gaming industry. The biggest connection I see is that as violent imagery has increased the mass shootings have started during the last couple of decades. But, it's just easier to blame a gun than look onto our warped culture and how it has created these lone wolf killers the last couple of decades.
Keep telling yourself that.

But watch for the gun laws to start changing, bucko. People are sick of the NRA and their bullshit.


what people?

the NRA had to hire temp help to process all the new membership applications.

what laws will change there Carmack?

The troll is incapable of seeing that connection, as ownership and membership rises across the country. There are even people who vote DFL in my state who support gun rights and see the problem as something rooted deeper in a society that has become too permissive, has a broken mental health system and a media that glorifies vile violence that our youth view on a daily basis. OK, a quick paste...

Research shows the average hour of television viewing has four to five acts of violence, according to Daphne White, executive director of the Lion & Lamb Project, a Bethesda, Maryland, organization created in 1995 to reduce violence in the media. Children's programming, such as cartoons, average 20 to 25 violent acts every hour, White said.

"If you add it up, the average child, with those statistics has seen 100,000 acts of violence by the time they leave elementary school on television," White said, "and 8,000 murders."

The nation's first major study on the effects of TV violence was a 1972 U.S. surgeon general's report that said, "Televised violence, indeed, does have an adverse effect on certain members of our society."

On the one hand, many schools have zero tolerance policies, White said, but the tolerance for violence in the media goes virtually unchecked.

"Kids are getting suspended for incredibly minor violations ever since Columbine," White said, "and yet in the media that they see every day, violence is shown as the way to solve problems." - Study links TV viewing among kids to later violence - March 28, 2002

Wow, that from CNN, a known libtard media outlet.

And that doesn't even cover the vile gaming industry. The biggest connection I see is that as violent imagery has increased the mass shootings have started during the last couple of decades. But, it's just easier to blame a gun than look onto our warped culture and how it has created these lone wolf killers the last couple of decades.

No. Nice try, but no. Stop parroting that crap from Dianne Feinstein. A study by Texas A&M disproves the notion of video games causing actual violence. I've played video games for most of my life, none of which spurred me to kill throngs of people.

Yet More Proof That Violent Videogames Don't Cause Aggression - Forbes

Video games don't cause violence - San Francisco Chronicle

Do violent video games breed violent behavior? No |

Study: Violent video games do not cause real violence | The Daily Caller
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Who's gonna do the policing, Joe? You? Laughable. The government? Even more hilarity.

You're just as bad as rightwinger. Responsible, mature American citizens will learn to recognize affronts to their freedoms, like your obvious overreaction to three mass shootings. Where were you when Columbine happened? What about the mass shooting at Luby's cafeteria in Texas in 1991? You use three people to justify the mindset of millions of others. That is a flawed contention. The Democratic party has you so brainwashed, that you think that even one murder justifies strict gun control legislation.

It's like saying you should ban kids from playing baseball anywhere in the city because they broke your window playing in the yard. Absolutely preposterous way of reasoning.

If baseball killed 31,000 people a year, it would be banned. Or at least seriously limited.

Incidently, when Columbine happened, I was as right wing as you are.

Today, I realize that the big gun companies only see gun owners as RUBES. They don't care about you, or your safety. They look at Crazy Nancy Lanza stocking up on guns like the Zombie Apocolypse is coming, and they just count their money.

There is no good reason for the average citizen to own a firearm. There is no good reason for him to own a military grade firearm.

But there's a simple enough solution. Restrict private ownership to non-lethal weapons that can incapacitate an evildoer. If you guys are really afraid of that supposed army of criminals, that's adequate protection. You still have protection, and there won't be that kid who shoots himself because he played an album backwards or the white trash couple arguing over who drank the last can of Old Milwaukee.
I laugh at those who talk of confiscation.

How firm in these beliefs are they?

Of course, they will sit by and want someone else to do the heavy lifting. If it's so eaay, they would have done it already.

Can't find the citizenry to lead that charge


Actually WHEN guns are banned, I expect the vast majority of you guys will turn them in voluntarily, for all your talk, most of you are cowards or you wouldn't hide behind guns.
Who's gonna do the policing, Joe? You? Laughable. The government? Even more hilarity.

You're just as bad as rightwinger. Responsible, mature American citizens will learn to recognize affronts to their freedoms, like your obvious overreaction to three mass shootings. Where were you when Columbine happened? What about the mass shooting at Luby's cafeteria in Texas in 1991? You use three people to justify the mindset of millions of others. That is a flawed contention. The Democratic party has you so brainwashed, that you think that even one murder justifies strict gun control legislation.

It's like saying you should ban kids from playing baseball anywhere in the city because they broke your window playing in the yard. Absolutely preposterous way of reasoning.

If baseball killed 31,000 people a year, it would be banned. Or at least seriously limited.

Incidently, when Columbine happened, I was as right wing as you are.

Today, I realize that the big gun companies only see gun owners as RUBES. They don't care about you, or your safety. They look at Crazy Nancy Lanza stocking up on guns like the Zombie Apocolypse is coming, and they just count their money.

There is no good reason for the average citizen to own a firearm. There is no good reason for him to own a military grade firearm.

But there's a simple enough solution. Restrict private ownership to non-lethal weapons that can incapacitate an evildoer. If you guys are really afraid of that supposed army of criminals, that's adequate protection. You still have protection, and there won't be that kid who shoots himself because he played an album backwards or the white trash couple arguing over who drank the last can of Old Milwaukee.

It's absolutely impossible to reason with you Joe. You're like a parrot sitting on the captain's shoulder repeating the same phrase over and over and over.. There is no good reason for you to infringe on the constitutionally protected rights of American citizens. If you fought for freedom as much as you did for labor unions... imagine the possibilities. I won't be shooting beanbags or pepperspray at my aggressor. I will make sure he's dead before he reaches me, my family or my property. You can deal with it, or make your way out of the country.
I laugh at those who talk of confiscation.

How firm in these beliefs are they?

Of course, they will sit by and want someone else to do the heavy lifting. If it's so eaay, they would have done it already.

Can't find the citizenry to lead that charge


Actually WHEN guns are banned, I expect the vast majority of you guys will turn them in voluntarily, for all your talk, most of you are cowards or you wouldn't hide behind guns.

Actually, there's a difference between a ban, and actual confiscation. We know our rights, you want to abolish them. We will defend our rights, not surrender them. You will have to pry our guns from our cold dead hands.
Templar... didn't want to re-quote my wall of text. For the majority of the population, your statement is true, and even my own son plays the games and is well adjusted. I am speaking of that subset that is incapable of separating reality from fantasy. The Columbine shooters were perfect examples of this as they glorified the Matrix, even dressed the part, and were known players of first person shooter games.

These acts of violence simply didn't occur 30 tears ago, and kids used to bring a gun to school to go hunting afterwards. No one ever thought of using a gun to solve their social issues. I just can't ignore the connection, but I also stated the overly permissive society and a failed mental health system.
I would also bring up the point that we used to teach kids to respect guns and gun safety, I learned to shoot at a YMCA camp as a kid.
I laugh at those who talk of confiscation.

How firm in these beliefs are they?

Of course, they will sit by and want someone else to do the heavy lifting. If it's so eaay, they would have done it already.

Can't find the citizenry to lead that charge


Actually WHEN guns are banned, I expect the vast majority of you guys will turn them in voluntarily, for all your talk, most of you are cowards or you wouldn't hide behind guns.

Epic miss-calculation

Just saying

Templar... didn't want to re-quote my wall of text. For the majority of the population, your statement is true, and even my own son plays the games and is well adjusted. I am speaking of that subset that is incapable of separating reality from fantasy. The Columbine shooters were perfect examples of this as they glorified the Matrix, even dressed the part, and were known players of first person shooter games.

These acts of violence simply didn't occur 30 tears ago, and kids used to bring a gun to school to go hunting afterwards. No one ever thought of using a gun to solve their social issues. I just can't ignore the connection, but I also stated the overly permissive society and a failed mental health system.
I would also bring up the point that we used to teach kids to respect guns and gun safety, I learned to shoot at a YMCA camp as a kid.

Your argument died when you quoted an 11 year old study. I did quote your wall of lies. I disproved it with a wall of truth.

Have a good morning.
Just keep giving these kids more ritalin. That fixes everything.

They push that crap like Pez dispensers


It's absolutely impossible to reason with you Joe. You're like a parrot sitting on the captain's shoulder repeating the same phrase over and over and over.. There is no good reason for you to infringe on the constitutionally protected rights of American citizens.

Fuck the Constitution. Seriously. Because some slave rapists couldn't phrase a milita clause properly is NOT a good reason for you to have lethal firepower.

If you fought for freedom as much as you did for labor unions... imagine the possibilities.

Yeah, those mean old labor unions making sure you had a day off and that the machines at work wouldn't suck up little Molly... those bastards fighting against Freedom!!

Hey, dumbass, why is it you guys define freedom as "the ability of the wealthy to irresponsibly fuck over the rest of us".

I won't be shooting beanbags or pepperspray at my aggressor. I will make sure he's dead before he reaches me, my family or my property. You can deal with it, or make your way out of the country.

Guy, this is EXACTLY making my point. You just are too anxious to kill someone. You want to make someone dead. because they totally deserve it, I'm sure.

31,000 Americans die every year because there are too many guns in this country. Most of them didn't deserve it.

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