SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

SO it's really closer to 43 million gunowners, then.

I mean, I'm assuming you aren't calling this person a gunowners.


Again, Gun Nuts don't find anything disturbing here...

what I find disturbing is that anyone thinks that pic is proof of anything

You mean other than how disturbed gun nuts are?

how do you know they are not Diane Feinstein's grand kids?
I laugh at those who talk of confiscation.

How firm in these beliefs are they?

Of course, they will sit by and want someone else to do the heavy lifting. If it's so eaay, they would have done it already.

Can't find the citizenry to lead that charge


Actually WHEN guns are banned, I expect the vast majority of you guys will turn them in voluntarily, for all your talk, most of you are cowards or you wouldn't hide behind guns.

wanna bet?

let the board take note that Joe bravely ran away

the courts have already decided that the 2nd is an individual right.

You are too stupid to actually comprehend that

Actually, the Supreme Court has found its a Collective Right in the past.

One septegenarian justice. THat's all that stands in the way of gun whacks and sensible gun laws.

That didn't seem to matter when they upheld Obamacare.
165 million guns? Yeah that's it.

43-55 million households owning at least 1 to 3 guns.

Private gun ownership is estimated to be anywhere between 190 to 300 million guns.

So what was that, Joe?

Guns | Gallup Historical Trends

SO it's really closer to 43 million gunowners, then.

I mean, I'm assuming you aren't calling this person a gunowners.


Again, Gun Nuts don't find anything disturbing here...

what I find disturbing is that anyone thinks that pic is proof of anything

Child soldiers in Africa? Joe doesn't give a shit. Children in America learning marksmanship with their soldier dad or mom? Uh-oh, his head reverts to a tinderbox, ready to catch fire at any moment.

the courts have already decided that the 2nd is an individual right.

You are too stupid to actually comprehend that

Actually, the Supreme Court has found its a Collective Right in the past.

One septegenarian justice. THat's all that stands in the way of gun whacks and sensible gun laws.

That didn't seem to matter when they upheld Obamacare.
Never mind he fact his statement that "the Supreme Court has found its a Collective Right in the past" is a lie.
If my words were capable of killing someone, you might have a point.

I wouldn't mind revisiting the First Amdendments part about allowing religious hucksters to tell people bullshit.

Do that and you will lose your right to spout stupid shit, I actually do support your right to spout that idiotic diatribe. I really see no difference between religious hucksters and the bullshit individuals as yourself inflict upon others. But I will not stifle any individuals rights as protected in the Constitution.

Well, there is a major difference.

You can agree or disagree with what I say. BUt I'm not going to threaten you with eternal punishment if you disagree with me. Nor am I going to start that propaganda with children and brain wash them into thinking they are going to burn in hell if they touch themselves.

You can accept or reject what I say with no consequences.

For your second amendment rights, you have every right to belong to a well-regulated militia.

Just go and sign up...


You are beyond retarded the Supreme Court affirmed that the 2nd is an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT separate and distinct from any need to belong to a militia.

the courts have already decided that the 2nd is an individual right.

You are too stupid to actually comprehend that

Actually, the Supreme Court has found its a Collective Right in the past.

One septegenarian justice. THat's all that stands in the way of gun whacks and sensible gun laws.

And therein lays your argument. Not that it is constitutional to pass the laws you want because it is not. Not that there is any data to support your claim because you have presented none. Not that your ideas will even save lives because they will not.

Only that you cannot wait for a court that will remove constitutional rights. Utter fail.

Better yet is that the court, no matter how liberal they get, is ever likely to do so. SCOTUS rarely overturns previous rulings and it is even rarer when they are removing a right that had already been affirmed.

Hense, why we have 32,000 gun deaths every year, and you guys are fine with that, because nobody's taking your guns, dammit!

Best argument for gun control is a talk with a gun nut.

The only side you have is emotion. You argue with emotion you debate with emotion. Emotion is your substitute for reality. You don't debate anyone with concrete facts. There has not been 32,000 gun deaths every year, nor will there ever be. The CDC reported only 11,000 gun related homicides in 2011. Nice way to spin the facts by adding accidental gun deaths and suicides. You are a man of hyperbole, Joe. Don't lie to my face.

Oh, I'm sorry. Are the 19,000 suicide and 800 accident victims LESS DEAD than the murder victims?

I mean, I knew a nice lady whose son killed himself with that gun her husband bought for protection.

Guess what, they didn't say, "Oh, shoot, that don't count. It was only a suicide!"

Suicides ‘don’t count’ because you have not presented any evidence that gun control reduces suicide. They are not any less dead when they jump of a building either but you don’t want to admit that. You want to spout off random platitudes.
SO it's really closer to 43 million gunowners, then.

I mean, I'm assuming you aren't calling this person a gunowners.


Again, Gun Nuts don't find anything disturbing here...

what I find disturbing is that anyone thinks that pic is proof of anything

Child soldiers in Africa? Joe doesn't give a shit. Children in America learning marksmanship with their soldier dad or mom? Uh-oh, his head reverts to a tinderbox, ready to catch fire at any moment.

Sorry, guy, if you think the kids up there are practicing any kind of gun safety, you're really kind of a whack.

But you're right. I don't give a flip about child soldiers in Africa or anything else going on there that doesn't effect Americans.

Suicides ‘don’t count’ because you have not presented any evidence that gun control reduces suicide. They are not any less dead when they jump of a building either but you don’t want to admit that. You want to spout off random platitudes.

You make suicides more difficult to commit, less suicides occur.

When ovens were redesigned so you couldn't suffocate yourself by sticking your head in one, guess what, suicides in the UK dropped by 30%.

the courts have already decided that the 2nd is an individual right.

You are too stupid to actually comprehend that

Actually, the Supreme Court has found its a Collective Right in the past.

One septegenarian justice. THat's all that stands in the way of gun whacks and sensible gun laws.

That didn't seem to matter when they upheld Obamacare.

Well, the argument against ObamaCare was kind of retarded, actually. Even Roberts couldn't go along with it.
Zero evidence that background checks would save anyone from mass shootings, zero evidence that banning supposed assault weapons would prevent mass shootings, zero evidence that private sales contribute to murder or any armed crime statistic, zero evidence that banning high capacity magazines would effect murder rates or mass shooting occurrences.

You are batting 1000 Joe.

By the way suicides occur with or with out firearms. And unless you are proposing the collection of all privately owned firearms no ban on weapons will effect the suicide rate.

Suicides ‘don’t count’ because you have not presented any evidence that gun control reduces suicide. They are not any less dead when they jump of a building either but you don’t want to admit that. You want to spout off random platitudes.

You make suicides more difficult to commit, less suicides occur.

When ovens were redesigned so you couldn't suffocate yourself by sticking your head in one, guess what, suicides in the UK dropped by 30%.

And your evidence substantiating this claim would be: Maybe you could point to the drop in suicides in Chicago? Perhaps how gun control in England let to fewer suicides there? Anywhere?

Evidence Joe, you need it to make a resoned argument.
Zero evidence that background checks would save anyone from mass shootings, zero evidence that banning supposed assault weapons would prevent mass shootings, zero evidence that private sales contribute to murder or any armed crime statistic, zero evidence that banning high capacity magazines would effect murder rates or mass shooting occurrences.

You are batting 1000 Joe.

By the way suicides occur with or with out firearms. And unless you are proposing the collection of all privately owned firearms no ban on weapons will effect the suicide rate.

Guy, please don't have any delusions I care about your gun rights.

I don't. If we have to take every privately owned gun away, I'm TOTALLY GOOD WITH THAT.

Point is, Holmes couldn't have pulled off what he did if he couldn't get assault weapons and a 100 round magazine.

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