SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward


Suicides ‘don’t count’ because you have not presented any evidence that gun control reduces suicide. They are not any less dead when they jump of a building either but you don’t want to admit that. You want to spout off random platitudes.

You make suicides more difficult to commit, less suicides occur.

When ovens were redesigned so you couldn't suffocate yourself by sticking your head in one, guess what, suicides in the UK dropped by 30%.

MYOB- If someone wants to off themselves, why does your opinion matter?


Suicides ‘don’t count’ because you have not presented any evidence that gun control reduces suicide. They are not any less dead when they jump of a building either but you don’t want to admit that. You want to spout off random platitudes.

You make suicides more difficult to commit, less suicides occur.

When ovens were redesigned so you couldn't suffocate yourself by sticking your head in one, guess what, suicides in the UK dropped by 30%.

MYOB- If someone wants to off themselves, why does your opinion matter?


If you had known the parent of a child who killed himself, you'd have never said anything so ass-poundingly retarded.

Oh, wait. You might.
You make suicides more difficult to commit, less suicides occur.

When ovens were redesigned so you couldn't suffocate yourself by sticking your head in one, guess what, suicides in the UK dropped by 30%.

MYOB- If someone wants to off themselves, why does your opinion matter?


If you had known the parent of a child who killed himself, you'd have never said anything so ass-poundingly retarded.

Oh, wait. You might.

I repeat- MYOB

Zero evidence that background checks would save anyone from mass shootings, zero evidence that banning supposed assault weapons would prevent mass shootings, zero evidence that private sales contribute to murder or any armed crime statistic, zero evidence that banning high capacity magazines would effect murder rates or mass shooting occurrences.

You are batting 1000 Joe.

By the way suicides occur with or with out firearms. And unless you are proposing the collection of all privately owned firearms no ban on weapons will effect the suicide rate.

Guy, please don't have any delusions I care about your gun rights.

I don't. If we have to take every privately owned gun away, I'm TOTALLY GOOD WITH THAT.

Point is, Holmes couldn't have pulled off what he did if he couldn't get assault weapons and a 100 round magazine.

Actually dumb ass the 100 round clip saved lives because they DON'T work. It jammed right off the bat.
Zero evidence that background checks would save anyone from mass shootings, zero evidence that banning supposed assault weapons would prevent mass shootings, zero evidence that private sales contribute to murder or any armed crime statistic, zero evidence that banning high capacity magazines would effect murder rates or mass shooting occurrences.

You are batting 1000 Joe.

By the way suicides occur with or with out firearms. And unless you are proposing the collection of all privately owned firearms no ban on weapons will effect the suicide rate.

Guy, please don't have any delusions I care about your gun rights.

I don't. If we have to take every privately owned gun away, I'm TOTALLY GOOD WITH THAT.

Point is, Holmes couldn't have pulled off what he did if he couldn't get assault weapons and a 100 round magazine.

Actually dumb ass the 100 round clip saved lives because they DON'T work. It jammed right off the bat.

Oh, so all those people he killed didn't really die? Interesting. I'll bet they were just faking.

If you had known the parent of a child who killed himself, you'd have never said anything so ass-poundingly retarded.

Give up your gun because some parent didn't control their gun or kid ?

Give up your gun because it's a threat to the rest of us.

Tird of watching kids get dragged out in body bags because you're compensating for a tiny penis.
Ah. That's it. They hired ACTORS to play these bereaved kids.

It's all a conspiracy to take away your penis compensation.


I have no position on the actors crap- i just post the video and let others decide if this parents response is typical.

What say you?


Suicides ‘don’t count’ because you have not presented any evidence that gun control reduces suicide. They are not any less dead when they jump of a building either but you don’t want to admit that. You want to spout off random platitudes.

You make suicides more difficult to commit, less suicides occur.

When ovens were redesigned so you couldn't suffocate yourself by sticking your head in one, guess what, suicides in the UK dropped by 30%.

MYOB- If someone wants to off themselves, why does your opinion matter?


Well, it's only okay if a woman gets to to with her body what she pleases, but if some person commits suicide with a gun, all of a sudden a liberal cares. How about that?
Every time you hear about a kid that commits suicide they don't shoot themselves, they hang themselves.

Well, it's only okay if a woman gets to to with her body what she pleases, but if some person commits suicide with a gun, all of a sudden a liberal cares. How about that?

I care when real people die.

I don't care so much when unwanted spooge dies. Sorry, just don't.

you are one sick spooge

No, you see, sick is letting the Plutocrats demolish your middle class lifestyle because you were sooooooo upset about what women were doing with their lady-parts that you didn't watch them do it.

It's been 40 years since Roe. Not one abortion has been prevented by the Pro-Life movement. But you keep voting for the GOP anyway.
Every time you hear about a kid that commits suicide they don't shoot themselves, they hang themselves.

Suicide by gun does represent half of all suicides. That is fact.

The problem lies in the fact that there is no evidence showing that suicides would decrease with strict gun control. There are too many ways to kill yourself.

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