SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward


And YOU are the one to lecture ME about morality? Stopping abortion for me has nothing to do with my faith! I don't care for the lives of innocent children being snuffed out so wantonly. And you're the last one to speak about "greed" and "selfishness" when you continually campaign for a so-called "choice," if you were really so benevolent, the woman would have to option to choose life instead of death. But nope, just a "choice."

Only reason I support a woman's right to choose.

It pisses off religous assholes.

Realistically, if you wanted to reduce the number of abortions, you'd be a liberal. You just don't care, other than trying to impose your morality on those who have no use for it.

And stopping people from committing murder is also a good choice, only unless it is an unborn child.

Admit it, if someone kicked down your door and tried to overpower you, what would you do? Your best Bruce Lee impersonation? Just stop, Joe. You ain't foolin' nobody.
Guy, I'm six foot tall and pretty stout. Anyone who broke into my house would be in for the worst surprise of his life.

But I don't live in fear to the degree I put something in my house that is 43 times more likely to kill someone I cared about than that hypothetical bad guy.

I have asked before, cite the relevant current study, or paper that supports your claim of 43 percent. or just admit you are a liar and prefer to make shit up as you go along.

He is a liar, and he does make shit up as he goes.

This is well documented and accepted as fact at usmb.

And YOU are the one to lecture ME about morality? Stopping abortion for me has nothing to do with my faith! I don't care for the lives of innocent children being snuffed out so wantonly. And you're the last one to speak about "greed" and "selfishness" when you continually campaign for a so-called "choice," if you were really so benevolent, the woman would have to option to choose life instead of death. But nope, just a "choice."

Only reason I support a woman's right to choose.

It pisses off religous assholes.

Realistically, if you wanted to reduce the number of abortions, you'd be a liberal. You just don't care, other than trying to impose your morality on those who have no use for it.

And stopping people from committing murder is also a good choice, only unless it is an unborn child.

Admit it, if someone kicked down your door and tried to overpower you, what would you do? Your best Bruce Lee impersonation? Just stop, Joe. You ain't foolin' nobody.

Guy, I'm six foot tall and pretty stout. Anyone who broke into my house would be in for the worst surprise of his life.

But I don't live in fear to the degree I put something in my house that is 43 times more likely to kill someone I cared about than that hypothetical bad guy.

All of your responses are rooted in spite. Your attitude is deplorable. Realistically, if you wanted murder rates to go down, you would allow people to arm themselves as a means of self defense! And your facts are way, way off. I don't care how tall you are, if the other guy has a gun, you're fucked. I'm 5' 9" and a slim diet controlled 265 lbs. I'm capable of taking guys a foot taller and 100 lbs heavier than me, but it won't matter how buff you or I are if the guy comes in and pops a cap in our heads and steals our shit. The simple solution? Become a deterrent instead of a target. Own a gun.

That 43 times stat is old. If you are the only one living in your home right now, what would the gun do? Sprout legs, jump up, and shoot you? Add rank paranoia to the list.
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No you didn't.

But you're a confirmed liar. I don't think there's one person on this board who doesn't loathe you, and recognize you for the scum you are.

That's from both sides of the aisle. You're abhorrent to all.

Never had anyone on the left say any such thing to me, and a few people on the right I get along with very well.

On the other hand, most folks on the right consider you sort of an embarrassment, because you're like... oh, I don't know, what's that word- NUTZ!


tell us again how many slaves were raped by Ben Franklin, George Washington and John Adams.

All of your responses are rooted in spite. Your attitude is deplorable.

Yes, I have nothing but spite for people who use Bronze Age Superstition to justify their douchebaggery.

Realistically, if you wanted murder rates to go down, you would allow people to arm themselves as a means of self defense!

There's no evidence to prove that. IN fact, countries that LIMIT gun ownership have LOWER murder rates.

To wit- The top G7 countries-

USA- 15953 Homicide, 11,101 with guns.
UK - 724 homicides, 24 with guns.
Canada 610 homicides 171 with guns,
Germany - 690 homicides, 158 with guns
France 428 homicides- 134 with guns
Italy 590 homicides, 218 with guns
Japan - 582 homicides, 11 with guns

Data Comparison from Facts

Data Comparison from Facts

And your facts are way, way off. I don't care how tall you are, if the other guy has a gun, you're fucked. I'm 5' 9" and a slim diet controlled 265 lbs. I'm capable of taking guys a foot taller and 100 lbs heavier than me, but it won't matter how buff you or I are if the guy comes in and pops a cap in our heads and steals our shit. The simple solution? Become a deterrent instead of a target. Own a gun.

Or how about this. NOBODY gets to own a gun. This is why you fuckwads are a riot. You all say you need a gun to protect yourselves from the bad guys, but you don't want to do ANYTHING to keep criminals or crazy people from getting them. because the Founding Slave Rapists thought they might need that guy for the revolution. Or something.

That 43 times stat is old. If you are the only one living in your home right now, what would the gun do? Sprout legs, jump up, and shoot you? Add rank paranoia to the list.

I don't know. Maybe if I invited my neice and her kids over, her 3 year old might find the gun. Maybe my nephew might start listening to too many Pink Floyd albums and decide to use Uncle Joe's gun to end it all after his girlfriend dumped him. While these scenarios are unlikely, the are MORE likely than me having to shoot a bad guy.

19,000 suicides.
800 accidents.
200 gun defensive homicides.

how about a limk.

You also forgot to slander Adams and Washington.


Washington's Slaves-

History News Network

According to Linda Allen Bryant, Washington initiated a sexual relationship with a female slave named Venus around 1784. Her claim is based on her family’s two hundred year old oral history and on conspicuous evidence showing that the Washington family afforded special treatment to West Ford. Bryant, a direct descendent of West Ford, points to correspondence between George and his brother, John Augustine, to argue that George Washington visited his brother’s plantation in 1784, and that a gap in Washington’s personal diary that year could account for a sexual liaison during this visit.

As the advertisement attests, iUniverse took a chance when the company decided to publish a book with such a controversial subject. Bryant’s claim, however, is not new. The paternity of West Ford has been the subject of discussion for decades. As far back as the 1940s the story found its way into print. Today, encouraged by the emergence of new historical revelations, the story of West Ford continues to excite debate.

In 1977, a local historian in Fairfax County, Virginia, discovered a freed slave register that proved that West Ford had been the slave of Hannah Washington, George Washington’s sister-in-law.1 The register itself, however, did not shed light on speculation that Ford had been the illegitimate child of George Washington.

All of your responses are rooted in spite. Your attitude is deplorable.

Yes, I have nothing but spite for people who use Bronze Age Superstition to justify their douchebaggery.

Realistically, if you wanted murder rates to go down, you would allow people to arm themselves as a means of self defense!

There's no evidence to prove that. IN fact, countries that LIMIT gun ownership have LOWER murder rates.

To wit- The top G7 countries-

USA- 15953 Homicide, 11,101 with guns.
UK - 724 homicides, 24 with guns.
Canada 610 homicides 171 with guns,
Germany - 690 homicides, 158 with guns
France 428 homicides- 134 with guns
Italy 590 homicides, 218 with guns
Japan - 582 homicides, 11 with guns

Data Comparison from Facts

Data Comparison from Facts

And your facts are way, way off. I don't care how tall you are, if the other guy has a gun, you're fucked. I'm 5' 9" and a slim diet controlled 265 lbs. I'm capable of taking guys a foot taller and 100 lbs heavier than me, but it won't matter how buff you or I are if the guy comes in and pops a cap in our heads and steals our shit. The simple solution? Become a deterrent instead of a target. Own a gun.

Or how about this. NOBODY gets to own a gun. This is why you fuckwads are a riot. You all say you need a gun to protect yourselves from the bad guys, but you don't want to do ANYTHING to keep criminals or crazy people from getting them. because the Founding Slave Rapists thought they might need that guy for the revolution. Or something.

That 43 times stat is old. If you are the only one living in your home right now, what would the gun do? Sprout legs, jump up, and shoot you? Add rank paranoia to the list.

I don't know. Maybe if I invited my neice and her kids over, her 3 year old might find the gun. Maybe my nephew might start listening to too many Pink Floyd albums and decide to use Uncle Joe's gun to end it all after his girlfriend dumped him. While these scenarios are unlikely, the are MORE likely than me having to shoot a bad guy.

19,000 suicides.
800 accidents.
200 gun defensive homicides.

Is your mind so vacuous that you must stereotype people for the acts of people long dead? I have nothing to do with the Crusaders! Get that through your thick head, Joe.

Your overreaction is noted. If nobody gets to own a gun, no woman alive in America gets to have an abortion, for any reason whatsoever. Want to play that little game? I can be just as irrational as you. But in a country with 314 million people, the fact that there are ONLY 11,101 gun related deaths each year is quite low and commendable. But oh hey, one person dies at gunpoint and you liberals go apeshit.

You repeat the same bullshit over and over. Frankly you are overly predictable. You nor the government will not get your hands on my gun or any of my possessions, so long as I am able to draw breath on this mortal plane. Got it? You are quite candidly the most disturbing individual I have met either on a forum or in a real life situation. There were some pretty bad people on my local forum, but you are a rank sadist.

You would kick someone just to watch them writhe in pain. You make stupidity and misinformation a hobby, you seem not to care if you are wrong in any way. In reality you are a gutless coward, who wouldn't dare say anything like that to anyone in person.


And YOU are the one to lecture ME about morality? Stopping abortion for me has nothing to do with my faith! I don't care for the lives of innocent children being snuffed out so wantonly. And you're the last one to speak about "greed" and "selfishness" when you continually campaign for a so-called "choice," if you were really so benevolent, the woman would have to option to choose life instead of death. But nope, just a "choice."

Only reason I support a woman's right to choose.

It pisses off religous assholes.

Realistically, if you wanted to reduce the number of abortions, you'd be a liberal. You just don't care, other than trying to impose your morality on those who have no use for it.

And stopping people from committing murder is also a good choice, only unless it is an unborn child.

Admit it, if someone kicked down your door and tried to overpower you, what would you do? Your best Bruce Lee impersonation? Just stop, Joe. You ain't foolin' nobody.

Guy, I'm six foot tall and pretty stout. Anyone who broke into my house would be in for the worst surprise of his life.

But I don't live in fear to the degree I put something in my house that is 43 times more likely to kill someone I cared about than that hypothetical bad guy.

Winner winner chicken dinner......

That's right Joe because you have a CHOICE.

So do we


how about a limk.

You also forgot to slander Adams and Washington.


Washington's Slaves-

History News Network

According to Linda Allen Bryant, Washington initiated a sexual relationship with a female slave named Venus around 1784. Her claim is based on her family’s two hundred year old oral history and on conspicuous evidence showing that the Washington family afforded special treatment to West Ford. Bryant, a direct descendent of West Ford, points to correspondence between George and his brother, John Augustine, to argue that George Washington visited his brother’s plantation in 1784, and that a gap in Washington’s personal diary that year could account for a sexual liaison during this visit.

As the advertisement attests, iUniverse took a chance when the company decided to publish a book with such a controversial subject. Bryant’s claim, however, is not new. The paternity of West Ford has been the subject of discussion for decades. As far back as the 1940s the story found its way into print. Today, encouraged by the emergence of new historical revelations, the story of West Ford continues to excite debate.

In 1977, a local historian in Fairfax County, Virginia, discovered a freed slave register that proved that West Ford had been the slave of Hannah Washington, George Washington’s sister-in-law.1 The register itself, however, did not shed light on speculation that Ford had been the illegitimate child of George Washington.

speculation is not proof spooge
I care when real people die.

I don't care so much when unwanted spooge dies. Sorry, just don't.

Here is a good example Joe as to why you never bring a knife to a gun fight.

Guns save lives


NO, they don't.

Guns take lives.

There were 32,000 gun deaths last year.

Only 200 of them were ruled "Justifiable" by law enforcement.

That 200 is good enough for those and their families I'm sure

Good enough for me too


And YOU are the one to lecture ME about morality? Stopping abortion for me has nothing to do with my faith! I don't care for the lives of innocent children being snuffed out so wantonly. And you're the last one to speak about "greed" and "selfishness" when you continually campaign for a so-called "choice," if you were really so benevolent, the woman would have to option to choose life instead of death. But nope, just a "choice."

Only reason I support a woman's right to choose.

It pisses off religous assholes.

Realistically, if you wanted to reduce the number of abortions, you'd be a liberal. You just don't care, other than trying to impose your morality on those who have no use for it.

And stopping people from committing murder is also a good choice, only unless it is an unborn child.

Admit it, if someone kicked down your door and tried to overpower you, what would you do? Your best Bruce Lee impersonation? Just stop, Joe. You ain't foolin' nobody.

Guy, I'm six foot tall and pretty stout. Anyone who broke into my house would be in for the worst surprise of his life.

But I don't live in fear to the degree I put something in my house that is 43 times more likely to kill someone I cared about than that hypothetical bad guy.

Winner winner chicken dinner......

That's right Joe because you have a CHOICE.

So do we



Is your mind so vacuous that you must stereotype people for the acts of people long dead? I have nothing to do with the Crusaders! Get that through your thick head, Joe.

No, you just celebrate the douchebags of the middle ages who went around killing folks for not being born into the right religion. And then got killed by their fellow Christians because their fellow Chistians wanted their gold. (Do you actually know what a Templar is?)

Again, I'm not so much worried about medieval douchebaggery by the religious as current douchebaggery.

Your overreaction is noted. If nobody gets to own a gun, no woman alive in America gets to have an abortion, for any reason whatsoever. Want to play that little game? I can be just as irrational as you.

Yeah, that would be irrational. Here's the thing. Guns have to be manufacture. Abortions can be induced in any number of ways... many of them going back to ancient times.

But in a country with 314 million people, the fact that there are ONLY 11,101 gun related deaths each year is quite low and commendable. But oh hey, one person dies at gunpoint and you liberals go apeshit.

We go apeshit because you gun nuts don't take it terribly seriously. If you WERE responsible, you'd be for bending heaven and earth to keep the next Lanza from getting a gun. But the Gun Industry considers that their prime customer, so you don't.

You repeat the same bullshit over and over. Frankly you are overly predictable. You nor the government will not get your hands on my gun or any of my possessions, so long as I am able to draw breath on this mortal plane. Got it? You are quite candidly the most disturbing individual I have met either on a forum or in a real life situation. There were some pretty bad people on my local forum, but you are a rank sadist.

You work on the assumption I care what happens to gun nuts when we come for their guns and they don't obey the law.

For the record, I don't. Let the chips fall where they may.

You would kick someone just to watch them writhe in pain. You make stupidity and misinformation a hobby, you seem not to care if you are wrong in any way. In reality you are a gutless coward, who wouldn't dare say anything like that to anyone in person.

Actually I say this shit all the time. Not professionally, of course. People know not to discuss religion or politics with me.

Duly noted you didn't answer my point. Why is it countries that ban guns don't have our murder rates.

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