SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward


speculation is not proof spooge

Keep that in mind next time you accuse Obama of plotting against the Teabaggers.

he referred to them as "the enemy" and you now also admit to being a lair

Again, an out of context statement isn't proof.

Wonder why Issa isn't talking shit about the IRS anymore?

Could it because a REgistered Republican IRS official admitted HE was the one who centralized all the Teabagger applications.

Nope. Not doing a link. Look it up.

Is your mind so vacuous that you must stereotype people for the acts of people long dead? I have nothing to do with the Crusaders! Get that through your thick head, Joe.

1. No, you just celebrate the douchebags of the middle ages who went around killing folks for not being born into the right religion. And then got killed by their fellow Christians because their fellow Chistians wanted their gold. (Do you actually know what a Templar is?)

Again, I'm not so much worried about medieval douchebaggery by the religious as current douchebaggery.

Your overreaction is noted. If nobody gets to own a gun, no woman alive in America gets to have an abortion, for any reason whatsoever. Want to play that little game? I can be just as irrational as you.

2. Yeah, that would be irrational. Here's the thing. Guns have to be manufacture. Abortions can be induced in any number of ways... many of them going back to ancient times.

3. We go apeshit because you gun nuts don't take it terribly seriously. If you WERE responsible, you'd be for bending heaven and earth to keep the next Lanza from getting a gun. But the Gun Industry considers that their prime customer, so you don't.

You repeat the same bullshit over and over. Frankly you are overly predictable. You nor the government will not get your hands on my gun or any of my possessions, so long as I am able to draw breath on this mortal plane. Got it? You are quite candidly the most disturbing individual I have met either on a forum or in a real life situation. There were some pretty bad people on my local forum, but you are a rank sadist.

4. You work on the assumption I care what happens to gun nuts when we come for their guns and they don't obey the law.

For the record, I don't. Let the chips fall where they may.

You would kick someone just to watch them writhe in pain. You make stupidity and misinformation a hobby, you seem not to care if you are wrong in any way. In reality you are a gutless coward, who wouldn't dare say anything like that to anyone in person.

Actually I say this shit all the time. Not professionally, of course. People know not to discuss religion or politics with me.

Duly noted you didn't answer my point. Why is it countries that ban guns don't have our murder rates.

Bold: Which proves my point entirely, I am the exception to your rule. If you slander anyone of faith on these boards, I will come after you with unmitigated fury. You wish us conservative types to be sensitive and tolerant, but you dare not show the same to anyone you disagree with.

1. As for your contention, I do not condone what the Crusaders did. That is not how the bible teaches us to spread our faith. The Conquistadors? Same thing. We are taught not to force the faith on anyone who doesn't care for it.

2. See, here's the thing, it doesn't matter who manufactures them. There's also something we call anti-discrimination law, which forbids you from going after a business based solely for religious, political or other beliefs for want of your own disagreement.

3. I do take owning a gun seriously. I bought a combination vault for my Glock and M16, children cannot reach them. I take this stuff deadly seriously, no pun intended. I'd bend heaven and earth to stop criminals and the mentally ill from getting guns, if that didn't involve people such as yourself being hellbent on banning guns altogether.

4. Once again, thank you for proving my point. You are a sick individual. Fine, I don't care about what happens to any woman who gets an abortion, let the chips fall where they may. Lets see how badly that would piss you off.
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Fuzzy math that the Senate rejected at all cost

They represented the people.

Now hows that for statistics?


They represent special interests, mostly because we have bizarre methods of selecting Congress.

But the next mass shooting, these assholes are going to be done.

If a gun stops that mass shooting before it starts, you, JoeBlow, will be toast. As it has been said, "what stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun." It's quite that simple.
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Why do I have to keep repeating that background checks are the law of the land and have been for decades? There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that private sales lead TO GUN CRIMES, NONE NADA, zero.

Nothing proposed by the Senate bill addressed Joe's claim that the background check system was broken, nothing in it changed how when or why background checks were done for FTL's. Nothing in it addressed States that did not properly report mentally adjudged incompetents to the Background check system. Further only one of the people Joe keeps harping on was actually legally judged to be incompetent.

There is no compelling reason to have private sales preform a background check. No law has been proposed that would force those States that do not report the mental incompetent to do so.

The law that was shut down was shut down because it was ignorant and unworkable. Further it had no value to the issue at hand.
the 90% who want background checks...

And that would of stopped what?


Loughner, Holmes, Lanza, Cho.

All of whom were crazy than batshit, and they were still able to get guns.

Jared Lee Loughner? Blame Clinton for that one:

An old policy memo from the Clinton administration paved the way for accused Arizona gunman Jared Loughner to buy his first firearm.

Put in place by then-Attorney General Janet Reno, the policy prohibited the military from reporting certain drug abusers to the FBI, which manages the national list of prohibited gun-buyers, federal officials said.
Loughner attempted to enlist in the Army in December 2008 but was rejected because he failed a drug-screening process.

- The Washington Post

Federal law prohibits anyone who is an illegal drug user from buying a firearm, under the Gun Control Act of 1968. If the FBI had known of Loughner’s illegal drug activity he would have flunked the instant background check at the gun store.

James Holmes got his guns legally, since he had no criminal record or prior history. You cannot predict when someone will snap. Too bad you can't understand that being the armchair psychologist you are.

Adam Lanza stole his mother's gun. He was not old enough to own a firearm at the time he committed that atrocity at Sandy Hook.

Seung-Hui Cho? Same as Holmes. The people who sold him his gun remarked that he was "about as clean-cut a kid as you'd want to see." Once again you cannot predict who is mentally ill and who isn't. Cho sailed through the background check. He presented three forms of identification — a Virginia driver's license, checks imprinted with the same address and a U.S. immigration document proving that he was a permanent resident of the U.S.

Let's try to keep up.
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the 90% who want background checks...

And that would of stopped what?


Loughner, Holmes, Lanza, Cho.

All of whom were crazy than batshit, and they were still able to get guns.

Man, how many times do we have to post the links to show you that background checks would of NOT stopped Sandy Hook.

Even Mr Frankenstein said so...

Feinstein: Background checks would not have prevented Sandy Hook shooting |


Fuzzy math that the Senate rejected at all cost

They represented the people.

Now hows that for statistics?


They represent special interests, mostly because we have bizarre methods of selecting Congress.

But the next mass shooting, these assholes are going to be done.

M<an, I have never seen someone so excited to witness mass murder.

There's drugs for that you know...

My bad- Of course you know that :confused:

At least now I know why you don't own guns....

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Since Joe has failed to cogently respond to coherent arguments on the subject, maybe a more dumbed down version will suffice:

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