SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

And that would of stopped what?


Loughner, Holmes, Lanza, Cho.

All of whom were crazy than batshit, and they were still able to get guns.

Jared Lee Loughner? Blame Clinton for that one:

Federal law prohibits anyone who is an illegal drug user from buying a firearm, under the Gun Control Act of 1968. If the FBI had known of Loughner’s illegal drug activity he would have flunked the instant background check at the gun store.

James Holmes got his guns legally, since he had no criminal record or prior history. You cannot predict when someone will snap. Too bad you can't understand that being the armchair psychologist you are.

Adam Lanza stole his mother's gun. He was not old enough to own a firearm at the time he committed that atrocity at Sandy Hook.

Seung-Hui Cho? Same as Holmes. The people who sold him his gun remarked that he was "about as clean-cut a kid as you'd want to see." Once again you cannot predict who is mentally ill and who isn't. Cho sailed through the background check. He presented three forms of identification — a Virginia driver's license, checks imprinted with the same address and a U.S. immigration document proving that he was a permanent resident of the U.S.

Let's try to keep up.

I am keeping up. What you are admitting is that the gun checks we have NOW are inadequate to stop these guys. It was too easy for these guys to get guns.

And frankly, if the news could find out these people were batshit crazy within hours of the shootings, then why didn't the background checks? Because they were INADEQUATE. That's my whole fucking point.

Now, I have no problem with banning ALL private gun ownership.

Again, it's like saying we had a checkpoint at the airport and it cleared Mohammed Atta. Problem solved.

Oh, wait. We didn't do that.

We fired the private contractors and hired TSA screeners and Air Marshalls. We replaced the metal detectors with full body scans and X-rayed shoes and luggage. We created terroist watch lists.

Yet guns kill ten times as many people as 9/11 did. Every year.

Good thing Wayne LaPeirre doesn't work for Al Qaeda.

Man, how many times do we have to post the links to show you that background checks would of NOT stopped Sandy Hook.

Even Mr Frankenstein said so...

Feinstein: Background checks would not have prevented Sandy Hook shooting |


After Momma Lanza buys her third gun, she gets an FBI check. Because, honestly, if you are buying that many guns, you are kind of whacked.

The problem you all forget is that Adam Lanza wasn't just crazy. He was raised by a crazy person who was a "Prepper". She took him to shooting ranges and showed him how to use guns. She let him play first person shooter games all day rather than send him to school.

Again, inadequate controls from people who think the government is hiding behind every bush.
Since Joe has failed to cogently respond to coherent arguments on the subject, maybe a more dumbed down version will suffice:

Me like flow charts :clap2:


Indeed. Simple and succinct. Less headaches.

Well, it's based on a lot of assumption, like a gun really protects you.

We had 11,000 gun homicides and 19,000 gun suicides and 800 gun accidents that took lives last year.

And only 200 cases were a gun killed a bad guy.

31,000 needless gun deaths vs. 200 necessary gun deaths. Seems like the cure is worse than the disease.
Since Joe has failed to cogently respond to coherent arguments on the subject, maybe a more dumbed down version will suffice:


Me like flow charts :clap2:


That chart is somewhat incoherent but no one is disputing your right to own a gun to protect your life. You just don't need one that fires 30 rounds that go 1000 feet.

Every gun will fire 30 rounds that go 1000ft.

Thank you for helping to prove that anti-gun loons can only argu from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Has anyone ever read federal or state statutes for gun control? Try it sometime and note how many times the words and phrases like "with the exception of" preface other existing statutes, so that so-called law is completely neutered.

Fact: It's a federal crime to create or own a bomb, grenade, rocket-propelled weapon or land mine. Why? Because they are obviously military-designed and manufactured weapons for mass killing.

So boys, it make look like a gun and sound like a gun, but if an AR-15 or any weapon like it has the same effect as any of the items mentioned above and has the capacity to say, wound or kill 70 people in a Colorado theatre in less than 5 minutes, then there's nothing wrong with the same federal law being imposed.

Screw background checks. Let the only people who can own them also be fucking deployed to war zones and use them to either protect themselves or free someone else from being attacked.
The 2nd amendment SPECIFICALLY protects military type firearms. .
This is what the 2nd Amendment was referring
This is a lie.

Than you for helping to prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emoton, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
BTW- The guys at Columbine used 10 round magazines since 30 were illegal.

Same outcome


Oh, that changes everything, doesn't it? ANd an 18-year-old girl bought those guns for them too. Thanks to the gun laws in Colorado.
Federal law prohibits straw purchases.

Thank you for helping to prove that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
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This is what the 2nd Amendment was referring :This is an 18th century weapon of war that was required to be owned by the "well regulated militia"


As Thomas Jefferson said, ""I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. "

So the 1st Amendment only applies to pen and paper and old style printing presses? How about the 4th? All those new ways to spy on us are legal then right?
The first does not cover everything.
It does, however, cover all modern forms of commuication.

The argument that the 2nd only protects weapons available in thw 18th century only serves to illustrate the ignorance and/or dishonesty of the person presenting the argument, and was laughed at by the supreme court.
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BTW- The guys at Columbine used 10 round magazines since 30 were illegal.

Same outcome


30 round clips, they'd have killed more of their classmates.

They're not clips. If you're going to talk about guns at least learn the terminology.

And it only takes about 2 or 3 seconds to change out a magazine so 3 10 round are virtually no different than one 30 round other than the 10 round mags are less likely to jam.
BTW- The guys at Columbine used 10 round magazines since 30 were illegal.

Same outcome


30 round clips, they'd have killed more of their classmates.

They're not clips. If you're going to talk about guns at least learn the terminology.

And it only takes about 2 or 3 seconds to change out a magazine so 3 10 round are virtually no different than one 30 round other than the 10 round mags are less likely to jam.
If a shooter can be taken down during a mag change, why weren't they taken down during mag changes?
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Has anyone ever read federal or state statutes for gun control? Try it sometime and note how many times the words and phrases like "with the exception of" preface other existing statutes, so that so-called law is completely neutered.

Fact: It's a federal crime to create or own a bomb, grenade, rocket-propelled weapon or land mine. Why? Because they are obviously military-designed and manufactured weapons for mass killing.

So boys, it make look like a gun and sound like a gun, but if an AR-15 or any weapon like it has the same effect as any of the items mentioned above and has the capacity to say, wound or kill 70 people in a Colorado theatre in less than 5 minutes, then there's nothing wrong with the same federal law being imposed.

Screw background checks. Let the only people who can own them also be fucking deployed to war zones and use them to either protect themselves or free someone else from being attacked.
The 2nd amendment SPECIFICALLY protects military type firearms. .

This is what the 2nd Amendment was referring :This is an 18th century weapon of war that was required to be owned by the "well regulated militia"


As Thomas Jefferson said, ""I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. "

that's not an 18th century weapon :cuckoo:

1857 Wurttembergischen - Mauser
.54 Caliber Percussion Musket
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Loughner, Holmes, Lanza, Cho.

All of whom were crazy than batshit, and they were still able to get guns.

Jared Lee Loughner? Blame Clinton for that one:

Federal law prohibits anyone who is an illegal drug user from buying a firearm, under the Gun Control Act of 1968. If the FBI had known of Loughner’s illegal drug activity he would have flunked the instant background check at the gun store.

James Holmes got his guns legally, since he had no criminal record or prior history. You cannot predict when someone will snap. Too bad you can't understand that being the armchair psychologist you are.

Adam Lanza stole his mother's gun. He was not old enough to own a firearm at the time he committed that atrocity at Sandy Hook.

Seung-Hui Cho? Same as Holmes. The people who sold him his gun remarked that he was "about as clean-cut a kid as you'd want to see." Once again you cannot predict who is mentally ill and who isn't. Cho sailed through the background check. He presented three forms of identification — a Virginia driver's license, checks imprinted with the same address and a U.S. immigration document proving that he was a permanent resident of the U.S.

Let's try to keep up.

I am keeping up. What you are admitting is that the gun checks we have NOW are inadequate to stop these guys. It was too easy for these guys to get guns.

And frankly, if the news could find out these people were batshit crazy within hours of the shootings, then why didn't the background checks? Because they were INADEQUATE. That's my whole fucking point.

Now, I have no problem with banning ALL private gun ownership.

Again, it's like saying we had a checkpoint at the airport and it cleared Mohammed Atta. Problem solved.

Oh, wait. We didn't do that.

We fired the private contractors and hired TSA screeners and Air Marshalls. We replaced the metal detectors with full body scans and X-rayed shoes and luggage. We created terroist watch lists.

Yet guns kill ten times as many people as 9/11 did. Every year.

Good thing Wayne LaPeirre doesn't work for Al Qaeda.

One thing you won't see is Obama using any of the families of the 508 murder victims in Chicago last year for politcal props.

Of course you are against all private ownership of firearms, because even you probably realize that places like Chicago, with some of nation's toughest gun control laws, still can not control crime .

Yet the guns did not kill all those people in your city last year on their own. Gang members did the lion's share of the killing. None of the murders in your city in recent history has been done with a gun that should have been registered with the city.

Gang members do about 80% of the killings in your city. Why do these people do the crimes in the bad areas of Chicago so often? Did the guns make them do it? The bad people in Chicago do the violence because they can usually get away with it. What are the conviction rates for murder in your city? They are pathetic.

You support banning guns. I support using current federal laws (RICO, etc.) to go after every violent street gang member who uses guns or any other type of weapon in their activities. Don't look for much action from Obama, Holder & Co.----they don't want to upset their core supporters.
Why do I have to keep repeating that background checks are the law of the land and have been for decades? There is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that private sales lead TO GUN CRIMES, NONE NADA, zero.


That's like saying we didn't need to improve Airport security after 9/11 because, Gosh Darnit, we had a security checkpoint and Mohammed Atta cleared it.

If these guys got guns, then the background checks are inadequate.

NO ONE proposed changing the way background checks are done, the Senate bill had nothing in it changing background checks, your entire argument is a failure as no one has suggested anything you have claimed was defeated.
This is what the 2nd Amendment was referring :This is an 18th century weapon of war that was required to be owned by the "well regulated militia"


Irrelevant, even if true. The framers of the 2nd specidfically wanted to encourage the private ownership of such arms which could be emplyed succesfully in the defense of our country in order to repel invasions. So, unless it is your wish to have our military equipped with muskets and believe that is sufficient, then your argument is frivolous. Besides, this would be way cooler:


but you would want it banned, Huh?

As Thomas Jefferson said, ""I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. "

Yep, and thankfully there is a method to alter the Constitution to keep pace with progress. It is outlined in Article V of the Constitution. All you need due is convince 2/3rds of the US Senate and 2/3rds of the US House to propose an amendment to the states, then all you need to do is convince 38 states to ratify it and you are done. Should not be too difficult, have fun.
BTW- The guys at Columbine used 10 round magazines since 30 were illegal.

Same outcome


30 round clips, they'd have killed more of their classmates.

They're not clips. If you're going to talk about guns at least learn the terminology.

And it only takes about 2 or 3 seconds to change out a magazine so 3 10 round are virtually no different than one 30 round other than the 10 round mags are less likely to jam.

I was in the army for 11 years. Depending on what unit we were in, we used "Clips" and "Magazines" pretty much interchanably.
I'm still waiting to hear which of the leftest so wanting to disarm us is actually up to the task?


Stand by and let others do the heavy lifting.



One thing you won't see is Obama using any of the families of the 508 murder victims in Chicago last year for politcal props.

Of course you are against all private ownership of firearms, because even you probably realize that places like Chicago, with some of nation's toughest gun control laws, still can not control crime .

Yet the guns did not kill all those people in your city last year on their own. Gang members did the lion's share of the killing. None of the murders in your city in recent history has been done with a gun that should have been registered with the city.

Gang members do about 80% of the killings in your city. Why do these people do the crimes in the bad areas of Chicago so often? Did the guns make them do it? The bad people in Chicago do the violence because they can usually get away with it. What are the conviction rates for murder in your city? They are pathetic.

You support banning guns. I support using current federal laws (RICO, etc.) to go after every violent street gang member who uses guns or any other type of weapon in their activities. Don't look for much action from Obama, Holder & Co.----they don't want to upset their core supporters.

See, you being knew here, I'm trying to determine if you are naturally retarded or not.

I've already conceded MUNICIPAL bans don't work. Especially in CHicago, where the gun manufacturers deliberately set up money-losing gun shops in Cicero to keep the gangs supplied with guns.

This is the funny thing about the gun manufacturers. If you guys ever stopped being scared of the scary not-white folks, they'd have no market.

One thing you won't see is Obama using any of the families of the 508 murder victims in Chicago last year for politcal props.

Of course you are against all private ownership of firearms, because even you probably realize that places like Chicago, with some of nation's toughest gun control laws, still can not control crime .

Yet the guns did not kill all those people in your city last year on their own. Gang members did the lion's share of the killing. None of the murders in your city in recent history has been done with a gun that should have been registered with the city.

Gang members do about 80% of the killings in your city. Why do these people do the crimes in the bad areas of Chicago so often? Did the guns make them do it? The bad people in Chicago do the violence because they can usually get away with it. What are the conviction rates for murder in your city? They are pathetic.

You support banning guns. I support using current federal laws (RICO, etc.) to go after every violent street gang member who uses guns or any other type of weapon in their activities. Don't look for much action from Obama, Holder & Co.----they don't want to upset their core supporters.

See, you being knew here, I'm trying to determine if you are naturally retarded or not.

I've already conceded MUNICIPAL bans don't work. Especially in CHicago, where the gun manufacturers deliberately set up money-losing gun shops in Cicero to keep the gangs supplied with guns.

This is the funny thing about the gun manufacturers. If you guys ever stopped being scared of the scary not-white folks, they'd have no market.

But why are there so many not-white folk as you call them, in jail?

This should be good


But why are there so many not-white folk as you call them, in jail?

This should be good


YOu mean why does America lock up 2 million people, more people than any country in the world, even more than Communist China, when other advanced industrial Democracies only lock up 50-90K?

That's a very good question, which I've talked about in many other posts.

The point would go right over your head, though.

Pssst... Follow the money.
30 round clips, they'd have killed more of their classmates.

They're not clips. If you're going to talk about guns at least learn the terminology.

And it only takes about 2 or 3 seconds to change out a magazine so 3 10 round are virtually no different than one 30 round other than the 10 round mags are less likely to jam.

I was in the army for 11 years. Depending on what unit we were in, we used "Clips" and "Magazines" pretty much interchanably.

So you've been wrong for a log time.

And you're still wrong.

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