SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward


One thing you won't see is Obama using any of the families of the 508 murder victims in Chicago last year for politcal props.

Of course you are against all private ownership of firearms, because even you probably realize that places like Chicago, with some of nation's toughest gun control laws, still can not control crime .

Yet the guns did not kill all those people in your city last year on their own. Gang members did the lion's share of the killing. None of the murders in your city in recent history has been done with a gun that should have been registered with the city.

Gang members do about 80% of the killings in your city. Why do these people do the crimes in the bad areas of Chicago so often? Did the guns make them do it? The bad people in Chicago do the violence because they can usually get away with it. What are the conviction rates for murder in your city? They are pathetic.

You support banning guns. I support using current federal laws (RICO, etc.) to go after every violent street gang member who uses guns or any other type of weapon in their activities. Don't look for much action from Obama, Holder & Co.----they don't want to upset their core supporters.

See, you being knew here, I'm trying to determine if you are naturally retarded or not.

I've already conceded MUNICIPAL bans don't work. Especially in CHicago, where the gun manufacturers deliberately set up money-losing gun shops in Cicero to keep the gangs supplied with guns.

This is the funny thing about the gun manufacturers. If you guys ever stopped being scared of the scary not-white folks, they'd have no market.

Notice how quick you are to change the subject. You are either too ignorant of the criminal justice system in your city, or have no intelligent answer to address the murders that plauge it.

Do all the illegal narcotics the Chicago gangs sell come from Cicero as well? From your posts it is easy to see you are narrowly focused on gun control as opposed to criminal control. Your not-White gangs in Chicago are hardly scared of gun laws any more than they are of drug trafficing laws. Why pay attention to them when they so rarely get caught, and if placed on trial, will likely have the juries from their hoods nullify the verdicts?

I find liberal elitists very entertaining on gun issues. Their great leaders like Obama, and Emanuel don't hate modern high capacity guns---because their bodyguards use so many of them to keep their own precious hides safe. What the liberal elites hate are guns in the hands of the public they want full control of.
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But why are there so many not-white folk as you call them, in jail?

This should be good


YOu mean why does America lock up 2 million people, more people than any country in the world, even more than Communist China, when other advanced industrial Democracies only lock up 50-90K?

That's a very good question, which I've talked about in many other posts.

The point would go right over your head, though.

Pssst... Follow the money.

Could it be that America has more anti-social people?

Just in case you were wondering, people are imprisoned, not because they have guns, but because of what they do with guns.
Do people get arrested for drunk driving because there are cars and whiskey?
I suppose you could argue that, but I own a car and there is whiskey under my sink, but I never drive drunk.
this is a good one:
why does America lock up 2 million people, more people than any country in the world, even more than Communist China
the commies in china put a lead pill in the back of the head of their criminals, that is why so few are in prison......., IF we done as commie china does we would need only one prison in each state, those who would be in prison would most likely be "jay walkers" and lesser crimes like a parking ticket, running a red light would get you the lead pill !!!!!
this is a good one:
why does America lock up 2 million people, more people than any country in the world, even more than Communist China
the commies in china put a lead pill in the back of the head of their criminals, that is why so few are in prison......., IF we done as commie china does we would need only one prison in each state, those who would be in prison would most likely be "jay walkers" and lesser crimes like a parking ticket, running a red light would get you the lead pill !!!!!

We lock up more because we put people in prison for harming themselves by using a product that the government has arbitrarily decided that you are not allowed to consume.

China is an invalid comparison as they do not enforce law as we do BUT Germany, UK, Japan etc. are closer to what you would expect. We are putting an ungodly amount of Americans in prison that simply do not belong there while allowing people that do commit heinous crimes out of prison. It is sick.

You can get a LONGER sentence for methamphetamines than many get for pedophilia. Why that is allowed is beyond me.
They're not clips. If you're going to talk about guns at least learn the terminology.

And it only takes about 2 or 3 seconds to change out a magazine so 3 10 round are virtually no different than one 30 round other than the 10 round mags are less likely to jam.

I was in the army for 11 years. Depending on what unit we were in, we used "Clips" and "Magazines" pretty much interchanably.

So you've been wrong for a log time.

And you're still wrong.

or like most people, I just like the simpler word. So do most folks.
this is a good one:
why does America lock up 2 million people, more people than any country in the world, even more than Communist China
the commies in china put a lead pill in the back of the head of their criminals, that is why so few are in prison......., IF we done as commie china does we would need only one prison in each state, those who would be in prison would most likely be "jay walkers" and lesser crimes like a parking ticket, running a red light would get you the lead pill !!!!!

While China is one of the few countries that executes more people than the US does, (Great company to be in), they aren't really executing all that many people in this point in history. About 5000 a year. And keep in mind, they have four times as many people than we do, and they don't lock up as many.


Of course, the other thing the Chinese don't have is a Prison-Industrial complex of private concerns that make money off of prisoners and the government.

Could it be that America has more anti-social people?

We have more poor people. We have more people without hope and oppurtunity.

Just in case you were wondering, people are imprisoned, not because they have guns, but because of what they do with guns.
Do people get arrested for drunk driving because there are cars and whiskey?
I suppose you could argue that, but I own a car and there is whiskey under my sink, but I never drive drunk.[/QUOTE]

Not sure where you are going here, guy.
I was in the army for 11 years. Depending on what unit we were in, we used "Clips" and "Magazines" pretty much interchanably.

So you've been wrong for a log time.

And you're still wrong.

or like most people, I just like the simpler word. So do most folks.

No one I knew in the Marine Corps ever referred to a magazine as a clip. Now I own an M1 Gerand so I do have clips. They look and act nothing like a magazine. But then I suppose the army is less well trained and versed in proper terminology.
So you've been wrong for a log time.

And you're still wrong.

or like most people, I just like the simpler word. So do most folks.

No one I knew in the Marine Corps ever referred to a magazine as a clip. Now I own an M1 Gerand so I do have clips. They look and act nothing like a magazine. But then I suppose the army is less well trained and versed in proper terminology.

Ummm.... yeah. Then why does the Army have more divisions than the Marines.

I know a lot of Marines, most of them are good guys.

You are kind of a twit, though.
Good job Joe trying to keep the sinking boat of gun confiscation alive. I commend your efforts, although misguided and unrealistic.

The 1st Amendment is alive and well

Good job Joe trying to keep the sinking boat of gun confiscation alive. I commend your efforts, although misguided and unrealistic.

The 1st Amendment is alive and well


Like I said, the National Rampage Association is pooping itself in fear of new gun laws.

Not afraid..

The assumptions that Americans would ever comply in any event is naive and a major miscalculation. Happens all the time

I have opted out.
Most of the adjectives that can be applied to you couldn't be printed.

So you don't believe in the first amendment either?

Imagine that.

I think that saying, "Well, we should be able to do something totally irresponsible because 200 years ago, some slave rapists wrote an amendment about that" is hardly a justification.

Or do you think we should be handing out pornography at the schoolyard? First Amendment, baby!

David Koresh says God told him to have sex with Kids! First Amendment Baby.

Joker Holmes wants to buy a machine gun AND a 100 round clip! Second Amendment, Baby.

Too bad the Slave Rapists didn't include a "Practice a little common sense, dipshit" Amendment.
Most of the adjectives that can be applied to you couldn't be printed.

So you don't believe in the first amendment either?

Imagine that.

I think that saying, "Well, we should be able to do something totally irresponsible because 200 years ago, some slave rapists wrote an amendment about that" is hardly a justification.

Or do you think we should be handing out pornography at the schoolyard? First Amendment, baby!

David Koresh says God told him to have sex with Kids! First Amendment Baby.

Joker Holmes wants to buy a machine gun AND a 100 round clip! Second Amendment, Baby.

Too bad the Slave Rapists didn't include a "Practice a little common sense, dipshit" Amendment.

Owning a gun is not irresponsible.

In fact 99.999% of all gun owners will never harm themselves or anyone else with a gun

To deny people the right to effectively defend themselves because a fraction of a percent of people will be criminals is stupid that's why sheep are known for being delicious and not smart.

Owning a gun is not irresponsible.

In fact 99.999% of all gun owners will never harm themselves or anyone else with a gun

To deny people the right to effectively defend themselves because a fraction of a percent of people will be criminals is stupid that's why sheep are known for being delicious and not smart.

Again, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill someone in the home than a bad guy.

I think you need to look up the word "effective" and find out what it means. If something fails 43 times and only works right once, that's not "effective."

Just sayin'.

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