SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward



Now the gloves came off Joe. I'll give you credit for that.

Keep fighting for what you believe in


Guy, if you've been paying the least bit attention, that is always what I've been about here.

From 1980 to 2007, I was a hard core Republican. Brought up in a Union home with a father who thought Nixon was a great guy.

And I went along with all the GOP bullshit for years. In 2006, I would have been totally on your side on this argument.

Then I realized that the gun nuts, like the abortion nuts, are just "rubes". They cling to their guns and their bibles because they can't control the things that are really important in their lives. I figured this out when after I required expensive medical operations, my employer engaged in a one year campaign to get me off the payroll despite six years of hard work for their company. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union", my boss smirked. He also like to fire ladies when they got pregnant and thought Mitt Romney would be a wonderful president.

30 years of Republican war on the Middle class has done that.

Get the guns and the abortion issues put to bed, the Plutocrats would have to run naked. And they'd get maybe 20% of the vote.

So, yeah, I'll point out that you guys are tools of the gun industry, an industry that does not give a fuck about your safety, that will gladly sell Nancy Lanza the gun her son uses to kill her.

^ this is how you know Joe gots nothing to say.


Now the gloves came off Joe. I'll give you credit for that.

Keep fighting for what you believe in


Guy, if you've been paying the least bit attention, that is always what I've been about here.

From 1980 to 2007, I was a hard core Republican. Brought up in a Union home with a father who thought Nixon was a great guy.

And I went along with all the GOP bullshit for years. In 2006, I would have been totally on your side on this argument.

Then I realized that the gun nuts, like the abortion nuts, are just "rubes". They cling to their guns and their bibles because they can't control the things that are really important in their lives. I figured this out when after I required expensive medical operations, my employer engaged in a one year campaign to get me off the payroll despite six years of hard work for their company. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union", my boss smirked. He also like to fire ladies when they got pregnant and thought Mitt Romney would be a wonderful president.

30 years of Republican war on the Middle class has done that.

Get the guns and the abortion issues put to bed, the Plutocrats would have to run naked. And they'd get maybe 20% of the vote.

So, yeah, I'll point out that you guys are tools of the gun industry, an industry that does not give a fuck about your safety, that will gladly sell Nancy Lanza the gun her son uses to kill her.

^ this is how you know Joe gots nothing to say.

Actually, I got a lot to say.

It's just that most of you working class rubes who really get nothing out of GOP policies keep voting for them because they know how to push your buttons.

It's why the rich got their free trade, their tax cuts, their right to work and at will employment laws...

And abortion is still legal.

Someone was a rube. And it wasn't the rich guy. He got what he wanted out of the deal.

What did you get?

So it is ok if I beat someone to death? Or have a dog maul them to death?

NOt really. But you probably would need to use excessive force.

How's this for a simple proposal. We let private citizens have non-lethal guns-

Tasers, tear gas, whatever.

But you guys seem to have your hearts set on shooting someone.

So you want to set off a tear gas bomb in your home? Like I said sheep are known for being delicious not smart.

And Tasers don't always work and can have a 30 second cycle between shots so if you miss you're fucked. And so called non lethal guns can still kill like the girl the fucking cops in Boston killed with a rubber bullet.

And I'll ask again: Why do all your scenarios have to end up with the criminal being killed or even shot? A gun can prevent a crime without firing a shot.

Defeating the TASER in Combat for Police Officers


Now the gloves came off Joe. I'll give you credit for that.

Keep fighting for what you believe in


Guy, if you've been paying the least bit attention, that is always what I've been about here.

From 1980 to 2007, I was a hard core Republican. Brought up in a Union home with a father who thought Nixon was a great guy.

And I went along with all the GOP bullshit for years. In 2006, I would have been totally on your side on this argument.

Then I realized that the gun nuts, like the abortion nuts, are just "rubes". They cling to their guns and their bibles because they can't control the things that are really important in their lives. I figured this out when after I required expensive medical operations, my employer engaged in a one year campaign to get me off the payroll despite six years of hard work for their company. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union", my boss smirked. He also like to fire ladies when they got pregnant and thought Mitt Romney would be a wonderful president.

30 years of Republican war on the Middle class has done that.

Get the guns and the abortion issues put to bed, the Plutocrats would have to run naked. And they'd get maybe 20% of the vote.

So, yeah, I'll point out that you guys are tools of the gun industry, an industry that does not give a fuck about your safety, that will gladly sell Nancy Lanza the gun her son uses to kill her.

So basically after pages of calling us nuts and crazy we find out the "crazy" is you. You don't really care about guns, you just want revenge for a perceived affront and have picked this as your method. Talk about insane....

Guy, I was in the army for 11 years. And My MOS was 76Y which means I've probably handled more guns than your biggest fantasy would allow.

I could go my whole life and never see another gun and be perfectly happy.


So you were just a supply SGT? HA

Another REMF who thinks they were Rambo just because you were in the Army. Many of the biggest jerks I saw while I was serving were supply people. You fit the mold perfectly.

I'll look for another expert on guns. Thanks.
But the police can't?

Are the police at your house all the time?

When seconds count the cops are only minutes (10, 20, 30 or more depending on where you live) away

They constantly patrol the city where I live. Where do you live that you're 30 minutes from the police? A survivalist compound in Montana?

Average response time in most locations is 10 to 30 minutes. But you go ahead and depend on those cops to protect you. mostly cops are for after the crime, the clean up and investigation.
Are the police at your house all the time?

When seconds count the cops are only minutes (10, 20, 30 or more depending on where you live) away

They constantly patrol the city where I live. Where do you live that you're 30 minutes from the police? A survivalist compound in Montana?

Average response time in most locations is 10 to 30 minutes. But you go ahead and depend on those cops to protect you. mostly cops are for after the crime, the clean up and investigation.

Thanks, I think I will. I've got a gun for the apocalypse but until then, I'm not keeping it anywere the kids could get to it.
They constantly patrol the city where I live. Where do you live that you're 30 minutes from the police? A survivalist compound in Montana?

Average response time in most locations is 10 to 30 minutes. But you go ahead and depend on those cops to protect you. mostly cops are for after the crime, the clean up and investigation.

Thanks, I think I will. I've got a gun for the apocalypse but until then, I'm not keeping it anywere the kids could get to it.

One can store a firearm in a quick to reach spot and still have it secure from kids.
They constantly patrol the city where I live. Where do you live that you're 30 minutes from the police? A survivalist compound in Montana?

Average response time in most locations is 10 to 30 minutes. But you go ahead and depend on those cops to protect you. mostly cops are for after the crime, the clean up and investigation.
Thanks, I think I will.
So... what are you going to do between the time you call and the 5-15 munites before the police arrive?


Now the gloves came off Joe. I'll give you credit for that.

Keep fighting for what you believe in


Guy, if you've been paying the least bit attention, that is always what I've been about here.

From 1980 to 2007, I was a hard core Republican. Brought up in a Union home with a father who thought Nixon was a great guy.

And I went along with all the GOP bullshit for years. In 2006, I would have been totally on your side on this argument.

Then I realized that the gun nuts, like the abortion nuts, are just "rubes". They cling to their guns and their bibles because they can't control the things that are really important in their lives. I figured this out when after I required expensive medical operations, my employer engaged in a one year campaign to get me off the payroll despite six years of hard work for their company. "I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union", my boss smirked. He also like to fire ladies when they got pregnant and thought Mitt Romney would be a wonderful president.

30 years of Republican war on the Middle class has done that.

Get the guns and the abortion issues put to bed, the Plutocrats would have to run naked. And they'd get maybe 20% of the vote.

So, yeah, I'll point out that you guys are tools of the gun industry, an industry that does not give a fuck about your safety, that will gladly sell Nancy Lanza the gun her son uses to kill her.

So basically after pages of calling us nuts and crazy we find out the "crazy" is you. You don't really care about guns, you just want revenge for a perceived affront and have picked this as your method. Talk about insane....

That is if you can believe that someone refusing to acknowledge rights at all because what he really ascribes to is that you have privileges that the government is so nicely allowing you to have, believes that the founders are worthless POS, feels that the second amendment can be utterly ignored and pretty much believes in the core testaments of communism was somehow ‘conservative’ at any point in time.

That, we all know, is a load of utter bullshit.
But the police can't?

Are the police at your house all the time?

When seconds count the cops are only minutes (10, 20, 30 or more depending on where you live) away

They constantly patrol the city where I live. Where do you live that you're 30 minutes from the police? A survivalist compound in Montana?

I live in a semi-rural area that has one state cop assigned to the town hall.

Quite frankly you couldn't pay me enough to live in a city.

And you do know that even 5 minutes waiting for a cop or on hold with 9-1-1 is a long enough time to be seriously hurt or killed by a criminal don't you?
Are the police at your house all the time?

When seconds count the cops are only minutes (10, 20, 30 or more depending on where you live) away

They constantly patrol the city where I live. Where do you live that you're 30 minutes from the police? A survivalist compound in Montana?

I live in a semi-rural area that has one state cop assigned to the town hall.

Quite frankly you couldn't pay me enough to live in a city.

And you do know that even 5 minutes waiting for a cop or on hold with 9-1-1 is a long enough time to be seriously hurt or killed by a criminal don't you?

I live just outside the city limits in a Housing area. Not much crime but the County Sheriff is responsible and the chances a cop is near by is not real high. I do not keep my weapons loaded though as I would forget to change out the magazine and ruin the spring. I have 100 rounds and 3 magazines in a draw over my computer desk. A 5 round mag and 2 10 round mags. Rifle is in the closet.
The author of this thread is a traitor and should be treated as such.

I own more guns than I can keep up with and I will die on the flag to keep the 7 stripes red.

You liberal scumbags make me sick.
So... what are you going to do between the time you call and the 5-15 munites before the police arrive?
You're going to have to describe the scenario.
No scneario was specified when you said you'd wait for the police..?
Witout a specifiec scenario, how do you know you'll wait for the police?

Well first off, I didn't say I'd 'wait' for the police. When RetiredGySgt said 'But you go ahead and depend on those cops to protect you.' I said I would. What I was implying was that the deterent the cops provide is probably sufficient to ensure that I won't be in a position to wish I had a gun on me.

There are hundreds of ways an intruder could enter a home and render its occupants helpless before they could grab their gun. I'm big and fit enough that a baseball bat or even my rusty martial arts skills keep me from worrying about it too much.

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