SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

Why do you all continue to feed the troll?

Exactly. 5 days away from this thread and the troll has filled 46 pages of his rant, bullshit and outright lies. JHC get a fucking life and get the fuck out of your basement. Some folks like the troll spend way too much time here and have a complete lack of grip on reality.:cuckoo:

Validity of laws against the Constitution, and God, are for me to decide now. If I choose, I will not comply

Special interest can't apply when blowhards in robes undermine the people


Quote me. You claim I have made statements, quote me. And then explain how legal manufacturers defeat the codes and laws and supposedly supply criminals. Be specific, cite for us all your evidence, make your case. Or admit you are a liar and dumbass.

YOu mean other than shooting down background checks, fighting the gun show loophole, fighting against the assault weapons ban.

There was no background check bill. There is no gun show loophole, and the supposed assault weapon ban is Unconstitutional.

You made specific claims do I need to quote you? These are not the claims you made. Quote me on what you claimed I said.

Validity of laws against the Constitution, and God, are for me to decide now. If I choose, I will not comply

Special interest can't apply when blowhards in robes undermine the people


There is no God, and the constitution was written by a bunch of slave-rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes.

I think it's a matter of applying a little common sense.

There's no reason for you to have a gun, and therefore no good reason for the rest of us to tolerate you having one.

Quote me. You claim I have made statements, quote me. And then explain how legal manufacturers defeat the codes and laws and supposedly supply criminals. Be specific, cite for us all your evidence, make your case. Or admit you are a liar and dumbass.

YOu mean other than shooting down background checks, fighting the gun show loophole, fighting against the assault weapons ban.

There was no background check bill. There is no gun show loophole, and the supposed assault weapon ban is Unconstitutional.

You made specific claims do I need to quote you? These are not the claims you made. Quote me on what you claimed I said.

Guy, you're just not that important. YOu are like a five-year old waving his arms saying "Pay attention to me!!!!"

Fact is, the GUn Manufacturers spend millions keeping stupid rubes like you upset so crooks can get guns so that you want more guns.

Instead of doing what any sensible country would do and make it hard for people to get guns without a damned good reason for having them to start with.

Which is what Germany, Japan, the UK, Australia, etc. have all done, and they have a fraction of our crime and murder rates.
Instead of doing what any sensible country would do and make it hard for people to get guns without a damned good reason for having them to start with.

Guns are used as many times in lawful self-defense as they are used in crimes.
Instead of doing what any sensible country would do and make it hard for people to get guns without a damned good reason for having them to start with.

Guns are used as many times in lawful self-defense as they are used in crimes.

No, they aren't.

Only 200 cases of justifiable homicide where a gun was used.

Out of 300,000,000 guns.

You have a better chance of being struck by lightening.
Instead of doing what any sensible country would do and make it hard for people to get guns without a damned good reason for having them to start with.

Guns are used as many times in lawful self-defense as they are used in crimes.

No, they aren't.

Only 200 cases of justifiable homicide where a gun was used.

Out of 300,000,000 guns.

You have a better chance of being struck by lightening.

You should check into Obama's commisssioned report on the matter.
Guns are used as many times in lawful self-defense as they are used in crimes.

No, they aren't.

Only 200 cases of justifiable homicide where a gun was used.

Out of 300,000,000 guns.

You have a better chance of being struck by lightening.

You should check into Obama's commisssioned report on the matter.


Fact is, every other industrialized democracy either bans guns or limits who can have them, and they have very low crime and murder rates.

So that makes me wonder, who is making money on our crime and murder?
No, they aren't.

Only 200 cases of justifiable homicide where a gun was used.

Out of 300,000,000 guns.

You have a better chance of being struck by lightening.

You should check into Obama's commisssioned report on the matter.


Fact is, every other industrialized democracy either bans guns or limits who can have them, and they have very low crime and murder rates.

So that makes me wonder, who is making money on our crime and murder?

Guns are used as much to lawfully protect as they are to unlawfully take.

I don't care about who is making money.
Instead of doing what any sensible country would do and make it hard for people to get guns without a damned good reason for having them to start with.

Guns are used as many times in lawful self-defense as they are used in crimes.

No, they aren't.

Only 200 cases of justifiable homicide where a gun was used.

Out of 300,000,000 guns.

You have a better chance of being struck by lightening.

How many times was a gun used for protection where no one was killed?

You have yet to answer that question because it will skew your twisted stats and mess up your argument.

Guns are used as much to lawfully protect as they are to unlawfully take.

I don't care about who is making money.

Well, maybe you should.

You say you need a gun to protect yourself from all the bad people out there. Okay. Fair enough.

Then you'd really want laws to make sure the bad people can't get guns. Oh, but wait. The gun lobby is against background checks, closing the gun show loophole, monitoring private transfers of guns or any other method to keep guns out of the hands of said bad guys.

So who are they working for? The gun owners or the gun manufacturers?

Get rid of the crime, and less people will want to own a gun. The gun manufacturers can't have that.

Guns are used as much to lawfully protect as they are to unlawfully take.

I don't care about who is making money.

Well, maybe you should.

You say you need a gun to protect yourself from all the bad people out there. Okay. Fair enough.

Then you'd really want laws to make sure the bad people can't get guns. Oh, but wait. The gun lobby is against background checks, closing the gun show loophole, monitoring private transfers of guns or any other method to keep guns out of the hands of said bad guys.

So who are they working for? The gun owners or the gun manufacturers?

Get rid of the crime, and less people will want to own a gun. The gun manufacturers can't have that.

You eliminate crime and I'll give up my guns.

Let me know when that happens.

Joe- My guess is you may be a frustrated 'prohibitive person(s)' on the ATF list that can't buy a gun.. So if you can't have one, we can't

If not, there are drugs for your condition.

30mg of Lithium could do wonders


Guy, I was in the army for 11 years. And My MOS was 76Y which means I've probably handled more guns than your biggest fantasy would allow.

I could go my whole life and never see another gun and be perfectly happy.

But my REAL hostility towards you gun nuts is that you aided and abetted the Plutocrats in destroying the middle class in this country. You cased the joints, and the religious right drove the getaway car.

This is about revenge. I lost something I care about, you guys lose something you care about.

That is among the stupidest things you have ever posted, and that's saying something considering I know you from the Fred.

Guy, I was in the army for 11 years. And My MOS was 76Y which means I've probably handled more guns than your biggest fantasy would allow.

I could go my whole life and never see another gun and be perfectly happy.

But my REAL hostility towards you gun nuts is that you aided and abetted the Plutocrats in destroying the middle class in this country. You cased the joints, and the religious right drove the getaway car.

This is about revenge. I lost something I care about, you guys lose something you care about.

That is among the stupidest things you have ever posted, and that's saying something considering I know you from the Fred.

If you mean the Fred Thompson days, you know what I took out of that?

Fred Thompson was a distraction. He was never seriously running. He was there for a pacifier for the far right until they would come around to who the Establishment decided to pick.

In short, they tried to pull a fast one on me, which just got me to thinking, hmmmm, what else are they trying to pull a fast one on me on? (Incidently, in 2008, I ended up voting for McCain in both the primary and the general elections.)

Five years later, I'm more liberal than conservative, because I've concluded that there are the interests of the rich, and the issues they use to try to fool the rest of us into voting agianst our own economic interests.

the gun issue is a great one in point. If you were really a responsible gun owner, you wouldn't want Joker Holmes or the guy with a criminal record to get a gun.

But the gun makers know that if you remove the fear, you shrink the market.

How many times was a gun used for protection where no one was killed?

You have yet to answer that question because it will skew your twisted stats and mess up your argument.

If you didn't need to kill him, you probably weren't in any danger.



That's bullshit.

If a guy breaks into your house and is armed with a knife you are not in danger?


How many times was a gun used for protection where no one was killed?

You have yet to answer that question because it will skew your twisted stats and mess up your argument.

If you didn't need to kill him, you probably weren't in any danger.



That's bullshit.

If a guy breaks into your house and is armed with a knife you are not in danger?


Almost never happens... so no, not really. If he came in with a knife, you'd probably need to shoot him.

But again, you guys are just soo scared of the "guy who breaks into your house" when m ost people are killed by folks they know.
If you didn't need to kill him, you probably weren't in any danger.



That's bullshit.

If a guy breaks into your house and is armed with a knife you are not in danger?


Almost never happens... so no, not really. .

Knife Wielding Intruder Shot Dead By Homeowner ? Houston ? Station 4 News: Guns In Self Defense News & Other Hot Button News Coverage

A Fourth Ward townhome owner shot and killed a man who walked into his garage wielding a hunting knife Sunday night, police said.

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