SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward


Well, it's only okay if a woman gets to to with her body what she pleases, but if some person commits suicide with a gun, all of a sudden a liberal cares. How about that?

I care when real people die.

I don't care so much when unwanted spooge dies. Sorry, just don't.

Lmao, you're a hopeless case.

No, I don't buy your silly moral equivlency arguments.

While I think it would be nice if we had less abortions, I'm not willing to let some religous fanatics tell a woman she can't have one. That should be between her and her doctor. I put out numerous suggestions of how we could reduce the number of abortions. - better sex education, stronger family and medical leave, expanded medicaid and so on. You guys are all for the fetus unless it imposes on your greed and selfishness.

Stopping people from killing themselves is generally considered a good idea.

Getting guns out of the homes would reduce that number. A few might still hang themselves or throw themselves off a bridge. But the number would go down.
You already admitted you do not care about rights, the law or the Constitution. All you care about is what YOU "feel" is right. You have zero evidence of any of what you have claimed. Go play in the middle of the highway with a plastic bag over your head.
I care when real people die.

I don't care so much when unwanted spooge dies. Sorry, just don't.

you are one sick spooge

No, you see, sick is letting the Plutocrats demolish your middle class lifestyle because you were sooooooo upset about what women were doing with their lady-parts that you didn't watch them do it.

It's been 40 years since Roe. Not one abortion has been prevented by the Pro-Life movement. But you keep voting for the GOP anyway.


I'm pro-choice with limits.but you just keep believing all GOPers all walk lock step.

BTW how is this issue tied to my lifestyle?

I'll wait for any logical response. I know it will never happen, but I'll wait.
You already admitted you do not care about rights,

There are no rights, jackass. If it can be taken away from you, it's not a right, it's a privilage the rest of society lets you have. Any fool who thinks he has "rights", needs to google "Japanese-Americans, 1942."

If a majority of Americans don't think you have a right to your penis compensator anymore, they are going to be taken away.

the law or the Constitution. All you care about is what YOU "feel" is right.

Or what just is a little fucking common sense.

A law that says that Joker Holmes has a "right" to walk into a gun store and get military grade weapons when EVERYONE in his life knew he was nuts is a crazy law.

You have zero evidence of any of what you have claimed.

You mean other than the tons of statistics I've quoted?

Go play in the middle of the highway with a plastic bag over your head.

Go play with your "compensator"...
you are one sick spooge

No, you see, sick is letting the Plutocrats demolish your middle class lifestyle because you were sooooooo upset about what women were doing with their lady-parts that you didn't watch them do it.

It's been 40 years since Roe. Not one abortion has been prevented by the Pro-Life movement. But you keep voting for the GOP anyway.


I'm pro-choice with limits.but you just keep believing all GOPers all walk lock step.

BTW how is this issue tied to my lifestyle?

I'll wait for any logical response. I know it will never happen, but I'll wait.

If you were one of the few sensible Republicans who realized the Religious nuts were taking over your party and you did nothing, you are kind of worse than they are... becasue you knew better.

Pro-Lifers piss me off because they don't really care about babies, they care about their religion and people are thumbing their noses at their Sky Pixie.

And, yeah, it is tied to your lifestyle. Good paying jobs went overseas, at will employment, union busting, all the good stuff working folks enjoyed before the Plutocrats got you all upset about guns and abortions and Christmas.

Seriously, you guys are such dumbasses.
What a bunch of fools and idiots.

And yes, I do mean that.

While I am sorry and I grieve with them at the loss of their children, that doesn't mean they have the right to demand that I lose my rights or have my rights further restricted.

More people are killed by cars and drunk drivers every year and I don't see them demanding that people turn in their cars because they "might" hurt someone with it.

Did you ever consider their rights as parents?

How about the rights of their children?

btw. Drinking driving is illegal, genius.

Killing people is illegal too.
No, you see, sick is letting the Plutocrats demolish your middle class lifestyle because you were sooooooo upset about what women were doing with their lady-parts that you didn't watch them do it.

It's been 40 years since Roe. Not one abortion has been prevented by the Pro-Life movement. But you keep voting for the GOP anyway.


I'm pro-choice with limits.but you just keep believing all GOPers all walk lock step.

BTW how is this issue tied to my lifestyle?

I'll wait for any logical response. I know it will never happen, but I'll wait.

If you were one of the few sensible Republicans who realized the Religious nuts were taking over your party and you did nothing, you are kind of worse than they are... becasue you knew better.

Pro-Lifers piss me off because they don't really care about babies, they care about their religion and people are thumbing their noses at their Sky Pixie.

And, yeah, it is tied to your lifestyle. Good paying jobs went overseas, at will employment, union busting, all the good stuff working folks enjoyed before the Plutocrats got you all upset about guns and abortions and Christmas.

Seriously, you guys are such dumbasses.


you never did tie lifestyle to abortion.

BTW, how is the GOP more responsible than your beloved dumm party?

I'll wait for another dodge or illogical response

PS looks like you bravely ran away once again
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Well, it's only okay if a woman gets to to with her body what she pleases, but if some person commits suicide with a gun, all of a sudden a liberal cares. How about that?

I care when real people die.

I don't care so much when unwanted spooge dies. Sorry, just don't.

Here is a good example Joe as to why you never bring a knife to a gun fight.

Guns save lives


I care when real people die.

I don't care so much when unwanted spooge dies. Sorry, just don't.

Lmao, you're a hopeless case.

No, I don't buy your silly moral equivlency arguments.

While I think it would be nice if we had less abortions, I'm not willing to let some religous fanatics tell a woman she can't have one. That should be between her and her doctor. I put out numerous suggestions of how we could reduce the number of abortions. - better sex education, stronger family and medical leave, expanded medicaid and so on. You guys are all for the fetus unless it imposes on your greed and selfishness.

Stopping people from killing themselves is generally considered a good idea.

Getting guns out of the homes would reduce that number. A few might still hang themselves or throw themselves off a bridge. But the number would go down.

And YOU are the one to lecture ME about morality? Stopping abortion for me has nothing to do with my faith! I don't care for the lives of innocent children being snuffed out so wantonly. And you're the last one to speak about "greed" and "selfishness" when you continually campaign for a so-called "choice," if you were really so benevolent, the woman would have to option to choose life instead of death. But nope, just a "choice."

And stopping people from committing murder is also a good choice, only unless it is an unborn child.

Admit it, if someone kicked down your door and tried to overpower you, what would you do? Your best Bruce Lee impersonation? Just stop, Joe. You ain't foolin' nobody.
Every time you hear about a kid that commits suicide they don't shoot themselves, they hang themselves.

Suicide by gun does represent half of all suicides. That is fact.

The problem lies in the fact that there is no evidence showing that suicides would decrease with strict gun control. There are too many ways to kill yourself.

Sorry, but your figure of half of all suicides can not be proven, people commit suicide all the time and don't leave notes behind. How many drunks who died in car accidents are not counted as suicides even though they just might have been. Statistics on suicide is a complete joke.
No you didn't.

But you're a confirmed liar. I don't think there's one person on this board who doesn't loathe you, and recognize you for the scum you are.

That's from both sides of the aisle. You're abhorrent to all.

And YOU are the one to lecture ME about morality? Stopping abortion for me has nothing to do with my faith! I don't care for the lives of innocent children being snuffed out so wantonly. And you're the last one to speak about "greed" and "selfishness" when you continually campaign for a so-called "choice," if you were really so benevolent, the woman would have to option to choose life instead of death. But nope, just a "choice."

Only reason I support a woman's right to choose.

It pisses off religous assholes.

Realistically, if you wanted to reduce the number of abortions, you'd be a liberal. You just don't care, other than trying to impose your morality on those who have no use for it.

And stopping people from committing murder is also a good choice, only unless it is an unborn child.

Admit it, if someone kicked down your door and tried to overpower you, what would you do? Your best Bruce Lee impersonation? Just stop, Joe. You ain't foolin' nobody.

Guy, I'm six foot tall and pretty stout. Anyone who broke into my house would be in for the worst surprise of his life.

But I don't live in fear to the degree I put something in my house that is 43 times more likely to kill someone I cared about than that hypothetical bad guy.
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No you didn't.

But you're a confirmed liar. I don't think there's one person on this board who doesn't loathe you, and recognize you for the scum you are.

That's from both sides of the aisle. You're abhorrent to all.

Never had anyone on the left say any such thing to me, and a few people on the right I get along with very well.

On the other hand, most folks on the right consider you sort of an embarrassment, because you're like... oh, I don't know, what's that word- NUTZ!

Well, it's only okay if a woman gets to to with her body what she pleases, but if some person commits suicide with a gun, all of a sudden a liberal cares. How about that?

I care when real people die.

I don't care so much when unwanted spooge dies. Sorry, just don't.

Here is a good example Joe as to why you never bring a knife to a gun fight.

Guns save lives


NO, they don't.

Guns take lives.

There were 32,000 gun deaths last year.

Only 200 of them were ruled "Justifiable" by law enforcement.

And YOU are the one to lecture ME about morality? Stopping abortion for me has nothing to do with my faith! I don't care for the lives of innocent children being snuffed out so wantonly. And you're the last one to speak about "greed" and "selfishness" when you continually campaign for a so-called "choice," if you were really so benevolent, the woman would have to option to choose life instead of death. But nope, just a "choice."

Only reason I support a woman's right to choose.

It pisses off religous assholes.

Realistically, if you wanted to reduce the number of abortions, you'd be a liberal. You just don't care, other than trying to impose your morality on those who have no use for it.

And stopping people from committing murder is also a good choice, only unless it is an unborn child.

Admit it, if someone kicked down your door and tried to overpower you, what would you do? Your best Bruce Lee impersonation? Just stop, Joe. You ain't foolin' nobody.

Guy, I'm six foot tall and pretty stout. Anyone who broke into my house would be in for the worst surprise of his life.

But I don't live in fear to the degree I put something in my house that is 43 times more likely to kill someone I cared about than that hypothetical bad guy.

I have asked before, cite the relevant current study, or paper that supports your claim of 43 percent. or just admit you are a liar and prefer to make shit up as you go along.
Uh huh.

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I care when real people die.

I don't care so much when unwanted spooge dies. Sorry, just don't.

Here is a good example Joe as to why you never bring a knife to a gun fight.

Guns save lives


NO, they don't.

Guns take lives.

There were 32,000 gun deaths last year.

Only 200 of them were ruled "Justifiable" by law enforcement.

Criminals get guns illegally and kill each other off. Also illegally.

I have asked before, cite the relevant current study, or paper that supports your claim of 43 percent. or just admit you are a liar and prefer to make shit up as you go along.

Kellerman Study. Never debunked.

it's 43Times, not 43 percent.

Kellerman did a second study that was even more solid.

A gun in the home increases personal safety

In an attempt to answer this question, a team led by Dr. Arthur Kellermann of Emory University conducted a survey of 388 homes that had experienced homicides. (1) They found that 76.7 percent of the victims were killed by a spouse, family member or someone they knew, and there was no forced entry into the home 84.3 percent of the time. Strangers comprised only 3.6 percent of the killers. However, the killer was never identified in 17.4 percent of the cases.

Of the 420 homicides they originally investigated, 96.4 percent were illegal. Only 3.6 percent were ruled legally excusable homicide (that is, self-defense).

After eliminating the impact of other variables like illegal drugs and domestic violence, the researchers found that the risk of getting killed was 2.7 times greater in homes with a gun than without them. No protective benefit of possessing a firearm was ever found, not even for a single one of the 14 subgroups studied.

Look, guy, the gun manufacturers wouldn't have a business if this shit got out. It's why they told the CDC to stop doing studies.

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