SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

I knew that they would not stay silent. I knew this time a slaughter like Sandy Hook would not go the way of all the ones before it. Good for them, I will do everything I can to support their cause.

It's too bad that our media cannot or will not publish the photos of what the inside those classrooms looked like after Lanza literally sprayed those children's bodies to the walls. Because people who "cling to their guns" (yep, Obama was spot on about the ignorant people in this country) need to see the reality of their sheer, vapid stupidity.




Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

Reading (and thinking) is not your strong suit.

Same thing could be said about abortion.

If it were only the mother offing herself, I'd say it was natural selection and call it a day, but instead 330,000 unborn children are being murdered every year and you don't give a damn about it.

if you clowns were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support welfare, socialized medicine and birth control.

But you aren't. YOu are just rubes being pulled whatever way the Koch brothers tell you to go.
We aren't shooting up the schools and theaters.

It's *you guys* and your criminal, mentally ill buddies. Who pay no attention to the laws you level against those of us who could actually defend kids from your friends.

The criminals and mentally ill aren't our "buddies". We just think they shouldn't be able to go into a gun store and say, "Give me that Military Assault Rifle AND the 100 round barrel clip!"

Here's a better idea:

Lock your doors and windows before you go to bed, and buy a fucking guard dog.
And if you are still shit scared that someone might break into your house, you might want to move to another, more safer country, where you can sleep well at night.

Like Australia.
I'm willing to take that chance

my choice

.... fuck you

And if you guys were only offing yourselves, I write it off to natural selection and call it a day.

But instead we end up wheeling body bags out of schools and theatres, and it stops being about you.

Same thing could be said about abortion.

If it were only the mother offing herself, I'd say it was natural selection and call it a day, but instead 330,000 unborn children are being murdered every year and you don't give a damn about it.

Right wingers claim to care about the aborted fetuses, but if those babies were born, they sure wouldn't want to pay more taxes to support them all.
I knew that they would not stay silent. I knew this time a slaughter like Sandy Hook would not go the way of all the ones before it. Good for them, I will do everything I can to support their cause.

It's too bad that our media cannot or will not publish the photos of what the inside those classrooms looked like after Lanza literally sprayed those children's bodies to the walls. Because people who "cling to their guns" (yep, Obama was spot on about the ignorant people in this country) need to see the reality of their sheer, vapid stupidity.




Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

You'd think different if it was YOUR kid.

Millions of minorities were finally allowed to attend public schools because of the Little Rock Nine. It always takes a handful of people to help make morons like yourself see what has to be done and what is right. So comes now the Sandy Hook parents.

Now, please go take your "rights" to own military killing machines shove them up your arse. Please make sure they are fully loaded before doing so.

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Here's a better idea:

Lock your doors and windows before you go to bed, and buy a fucking guard dog.
And if you are still shit scared that someone might break into your house, you might want to move to another, more safer country, where you can sleep well at night.

Like Australia.

Outstanding! I have two dogs and they hear everything outside my walls. I sleep well at night and no one ever has to pull a trigger.

Here's a better idea:

Lock your doors and windows before you go to bed, and buy a fucking guard dog.
And if you are still shit scared that someone might break into your house, you might want to move to another, more safer country, where you can sleep well at night.

Like Australia.

I'm sorry, that was pretty stupid Noomi. Not to mention incredibly snide. My dad had a German Shepherd, and two Shar-Pei's, he still had 2 9mm's a .44 Magnum and an M16-A1. If a criminal can bust a window and kill the dogs, he's coming after you, and you had better have a gun under your pillow, or you're a dead man/woman.

Australia? Are you kidding me? I'm staying right here in the country I love. If you don't like it, well, stay where you are, don't naturalize here.

Actually, that comment pissed me off a little bit. :(

43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy.

But as long as someone's riding out in the Cororner's van, it's all cool.

Back that claim up with a reasonable current evidence trail. It has been debunked. In other words it is a bald faced lie. I demand evidence to support your claim.

I had a gun pointed just inches from my face many years ago. I am really sorry it didn't get reported to the police so you could have your "evidence". It was within my household and totally by mistake, but as described above.
It can piss you off all you like, the fact of the matter is that a dog will be able to hear someone enter your front or back yard well before they even get close to the house.

That dog will start barking the second someone places a foot on your garden path, and if the intruder hears the dog - or dogs - barking, they are going to wonder what kind of dog you have, and probably won't risk it.

But I wouldn't think Americans would think of something like that. They like their guns too much. And they have a thing about sleeping with the bedroom window wide open - and they wonder why they experience so many break ins? DUH!

When was your last home invasion that you needed a Glock?

Keyboard warrior. Blowhard. "Cling" to them honey. Obama was so right.

Exactly the point.

They want the illusion they control their lives.

Having guns gives them a false sense of control...while they wait for the black helicopters to land and then take them off to the FEMA work camps.

I can't imagine living a life full of so much fear.

43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy.

But as long as someone's riding out in the Cororner's van, it's all cool.

Back that claim up with a reasonable current evidence trail. It has been debunked. In other words it is a bald faced lie. I demand evidence to support your claim.

It hasn't been debunked at all.

In fact, most of us could prove it by our own lives.

1) How many people have you known to have shot a burglar or crook attacking them? My guess is, for most of you ZERO.

2) How many people have you known of who have committed suicide or been victims of murder. My guess. More than Zero.

I know of two sucides and one murder committed with guns. Never knew anyone who had to use deadly force to defend themselves.
It can piss you off all you like, the fact of the matter is that a dog will be able to hear someone enter your front or back yard well before they even get close to the house.

That dog will start barking the second someone places a foot on your garden path, and if the intruder hears the dog - or dogs - barking, they are going to wonder what kind of dog you have, and probably won't risk it.

But I wouldn't think Americans would think of something like that. They like their guns too much. And they have a thing about sleeping with the bedroom window wide open - and they wonder why they experience so many break ins? DUH!

That's just it, Noomi. Crime in the U.S. is down. But the romance these rednecks are having with AR-15s is on the rise because they fear the man in the White House and they fear him because he is black. So they buy guns.

Think of it from their standpoint, wherein these are primarily white men. These poor stupid white American men have major shrinkage in their trousers over a black guy being POTUS. Sorry, but that's the long and short of it. Ahahahahaa...sad but true. That and their unfounded fear that Obama is going to take their guns away...after he takes away their women. (Do I hear the strains from "Dixie" playing in the background?
We hardly have any crime at all in the rural areas of the US, where everybody is armed...and cops are few and far between.
Wow, what a bunch of leftist moronic diatribe the last few pages. The fact is you will never get true gun control without confiscation from law abiding citizens, something that will NEVER happen in a free America. The assumptions and generalizations of redneck religious nutcases as the primary owners of guns in America is so far off base, but by all means continue that irrationality as it only cements my view that the anti-Federalists were correct when they insisted that the first 10 amendments to the constitution become the Bill of Rights...Rights granted to the individual. That can never be refuted.

Fact is you are more likely to die in rush hour by an inattentive idiot talking on the phone than by ever being the victim in a mass shooting. The government does not have the ability to control anything, can you say controlled substance? ie. failed drug war(which by the way has fueled most gun violence). The government cannot even control its spending, growth, or intrusion into the personal lives of it's citizens.

Strange how in a country that has always had a gun culture cannot look into the social sickness it has created in the last couple of decades as it has become more permissive, with a media that glorifies disgusting violence in movies and video games, has a broken mental health and educational system, and is more concerned about the rights of perpetrators than victims. Guess it is easier to blame the "evil" gun than look into the deeper social causes that have created these lone wolf killers the last couple of decades.

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither safety nor liberty. Benjamin Franklin
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And if you guys were only offing yourselves, I write it off to natural selection and call it a day.

But instead we end up wheeling body bags out of schools and theatres, and it stops being about you.

Same thing could be said about abortion.

If it were only the mother offing herself, I'd say it was natural selection and call it a day, but instead 330,000 unborn children are being murdered every year and you don't give a damn about it.

Right wingers claim to care about the aborted fetuses, but if those babies were born, they sure wouldn't want to pay more taxes to support them all.

How many times a day do you spew that ridiculous slogan?

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