SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

Joe! How many times must you be proven wrong before you stop tossing out the same lies?

Guy, pointing out things that don't support your gun-happy, racist world view are not "lies".

They are just things you don't like.

You know, like Science. And History. Anf Facts.

Tough things for Conservatards who spin their own reality, I know.

And yet everything you have said about Fast and Furious is either a bald faced lie or you are to stupid to get the facts.
You mean as in The DEA and ATF tried to get local officials to stop it, and they wouldn't?

Hey, maybe you can catch the Roswell Aliens who brought down the world Trade Center to hide Obama's real birth certificate. Might as well do all your Loon Shopping at one stop.

No. I mean as in ATF encouraged it. Are you at all familiar with Fast and Furious?

You mean the program started by Bush?

You mean "Gun Runner"? The program the Bush DOJ tried with the knowledge of the Mexican government and abandoned because it was unworkable? The one AG Holder expanded and enlarged WITHOUT the knowledge and cooperation of Mexican authorities? That one, Joe?

Damn Joe. A sane person would abandon this thread after the ass kicking you're taking.
Why should I have to. The fact is, you can tell that slave rape was common just by the fact black people have about 30 different skin tones.

you broached the subject

name names

Below is a reference to the slaveholder status of 21 of the most prominent signatories of the Declaration of Independence. A full two thirds of these individuals were slaveholders.

The Founding Fathers and Slavery (Founding Fathers) -- Encyclopedia Britannica

prove they were rapists or STFU
Joe! How many times must you be proven wrong before you stop tossing out the same lies?

Guy, pointing out things that don't support your gun-happy, racist world view are not "lies".

They are just things you don't like.

You know, like Science. And History. Anf Facts.

Tough things for Conservatards who spin their own reality, I know.

And yet everything you have said about Fast and Furious is either a bald faced lie or you are to stupid to get the facts.

Guy, the problem with arguing with conspiracy theorists is that nothing shakes their world view.

No matter how many times you prove it was a weather baloon, they will always insist it was a flying saucer.
Guy, pointing out things that don't support your gun-happy, racist world view are not "lies".

They are just things you don't like.

You know, like Science. And History. Anf Facts.

Tough things for Conservatards who spin their own reality, I know.

And yet everything you have said about Fast and Furious is either a bald faced lie or you are to stupid to get the facts.

Guy, the problem with arguing with conspiracy theorists is that nothing shakes their world view.

No matter how many times you prove it was a weather baloon, they will always insist it was a flying saucer.

Basic facts that EVEN the ATF acknowledged are not conspiracy theories, so one must assume you are purposefully lying.
No. I mean as in ATF encouraged it. Are you at all familiar with Fast and Furious?

You mean the program started by Bush?

You mean "Gun Runner"? The program the Bush DOJ tried with the knowledge of the Mexican government and abandoned because it was unworkable? The one AG Holder expanded and enlarged WITHOUT the knowledge and cooperation of Mexican authorities? That one, Joe?

Damn Joe. A sane person would abandon this thread after the ass kicking you're taking.

So you are conceding it was as program Bush started, the ATF continued, and Holder put an end to?

Because, honestly, I'm having a hard time seeing what your point is here. If owning guns is a "Right" given by your almighty Sky Pixie, why should they be denied to Mexican Drug Lords?
Joe! How many times must you be proven wrong before you stop tossing out the same lies?

Guy, pointing out things that don't support your gun-happy, racist world view are not "lies".

They are just things you don't like.

You know, like Science. And History. Anf Facts.

Tough things for Conservatards who spin their own reality, I know.

No Joe, your continued citing of debunked studies, disproved "facts" and tired Liberal doctrine is "lies".

I spent most of my career in the sciences, Joe. I designed and developed scientific instruments used in medical research, forensics and chemical analysis. I also used to be quite a student of history.
You mean the program started by Bush?

You mean "Gun Runner"? The program the Bush DOJ tried with the knowledge of the Mexican government and abandoned because it was unworkable? The one AG Holder expanded and enlarged WITHOUT the knowledge and cooperation of Mexican authorities? That one, Joe?

Damn Joe. A sane person would abandon this thread after the ass kicking you're taking.

So you are conceding it was as program Bush started, the ATF continued, and Holder put an end to?

Because, honestly, I'm having a hard time seeing what your point is here. If owning guns is a "Right" given by your almighty Sky Pixie, why should they be denied to Mexican Drug Lords?

Gun Runner was in 2006 and ended in 2007. Fast and Furious was in 2009 and ended in 2011 I believe. Further more , MORON, in gun runner the Mexican Government was involved and they told the US they could not track the weapons in Mexico so the program ended as a failure.

Fast and Furious did not even notify the Mexicans of the program. No one made the slightest effort to track the weapons after the initial buy and delivery. Agents were threatened with reprimands if they interfered with the straw buyers giving the weapons to people to smuggle over the border. No tracking no accountability and a program they already knew didn't work.
Quote from OP..."It's too bad that our media cannot or will not publish the photos of what the inside those classrooms looked like after Lanza literally sprayed those children's bodies to the walls. Because people who "cling to their guns" (yep, Obama was spot on about the ignorant people in this country) need to see the reality of their sheer, vapid stupidity. "

As someone who knows a relative of a shooting victim in CT. I need to correct this statement. While some family members are crusading to bring about gun control, some of the family members are actively seeking to block the release of the crime scene and autopsy photos to protect their already trashed privacy. They do not want photos of their slain children spread out on the internet and wish to grieve in peace without constant harassment by the media and citizens. Some have been stalked by private citizens who seek to put themselves into the tragedy in some sick twisted way. The family members that I know wish to have no part in this debate, and some do support gun rights and blame the shooter and a failed mental health system.

From the proposed amendment in the CT house...Bill 7575 Subst. House Bill No. 6424

File No. 780
Sec. 2. (Effective from passage and applicable to all requests for records
under chapter 14 of the general statutes pending or made on or after said date)
Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any special
act, no municipal official or municipal employee shall be required to
disclose the death certificate of any person who died at Sandy Hook
Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012,
provided the provisions of this section shall not apply to any request
for a death certificate made by a member of such person's immediate

This proposed amendment only applies to minor victims and not the shooter.

No Joe, your continued citing of debunked studies, disproved "facts" and tired Liberal doctrine is "lies".

I spent most of my career in the sciences, Joe. I designed and developed scientific instruments used in medical research, forensics and chemical analysis. I also used to be quite a student of history.

Oh, come on, guy, you can't fool me with that one.

You are a dumb redneck cracker trying to use big words.

Gun Runner was in 2006 and ended in 2007. Fast and Furious was in 2009 and ended in 2011 I believe. Further more , MORON, in gun runner the Mexican Government was involved and they told the US they could not track the weapons in Mexico so the program ended as a failure.

Fast and Furious did not even notify the Mexicans of the program. No one made the slightest effort to track the weapons after the initial buy and delivery. Agents were threatened with reprimands if they interfered with the straw buyers giving the weapons to people to smuggle over the border. No tracking no accountability and a program they already knew didn't work.

Given the fact that the corruption of Mexican officials was sited as the reason why Operations Gun Runner and Operation Wide Reciever (the continuation of the program between Gun Runner and Fast and Furious) failed, you can kind of see why they didn't want to involve them.

you can come up with all the bizarre interpretations you want, but this was Bush's baby. And like everything else Bush started, it was a clusterfuck.
Another excerpt from the same bill covering photo releases...more relevant to the protection of the families and minor victims...

(b) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes or any
special act, nothing shall require the disclosure of any record that
consists of a photograph, videotape, digital recording or other image
or audio transmission or recording depicting the physical condition of
any victim without the written consent of the victim or, if the victim is
deceased, a member of the victim's immediate family.
What a bunch of fools and idiots.

And yes, I do mean that.

While I am sorry and I grieve with them at the loss of their children, that doesn't mean they have the right to demand that I lose my rights or have my rights further restricted.

More people are killed by cars and drunk drivers every year and I don't see them demanding that people turn in their cars because they "might" hurt someone with it.

Did you ever consider their rights as parents?

How about the rights of their children?

btw. Drinking driving is illegal, genius.
Talk to your liberal friends that consider the rights of criminals over the rights of their victims.

No Joe, your continued citing of debunked studies, disproved "facts" and tired Liberal doctrine is "lies".

I spent most of my career in the sciences, Joe. I designed and developed scientific instruments used in medical research, forensics and chemical analysis. I also used to be quite a student of history.

Oh, come on, guy, you can't fool me with that one.

You are a dumb redneck cracker trying to use big words.

when confronted with your multiple lies you resort to ethnic slurs and insults

How " liberal" you fucking hypocrite
You mean the program started by Bush?

You mean "Gun Runner"? The program the Bush DOJ tried with the knowledge of the Mexican government and abandoned because it was unworkable? The one AG Holder expanded and enlarged WITHOUT the knowledge and cooperation of Mexican authorities? That one, Joe?

Damn Joe. A sane person would abandon this thread after the ass kicking you're taking.

So you are conceding it was as program Bush started, the ATF continued, and Holder put an end to?

Because, honestly, I'm having a hard time seeing what your point is here. If owning guns is a "Right" given by your almighty Sky Pixie, why should they be denied to Mexican Drug Lords?

Bush started, Bush stopped after seeing it was unworkable and that Holder restarted with even less constraints on it. It was kind of like, Here's an idea to track guns moving from the US to Mexico. Lets try this with Mexican cooperation and knowledge. A year later: Damn that was a dumb fucking idea let's stop it right now. OK cool Gun Runner stopped.

New administration takes over, sees reports on Gun Runner and decides, We're enlightened Liberals. We can do a better job at Gun Runner if we change the name, make it bigger, do it without the Mexicans and run it with even less control.

Get the picture now?

No Joe, your continued citing of debunked studies, disproved "facts" and tired Liberal doctrine is "lies".

I spent most of my career in the sciences, Joe. I designed and developed scientific instruments used in medical research, forensics and chemical analysis. I also used to be quite a student of history.

Oh, come on, guy, you can't fool me with that one.

You are a dumb redneck cracker trying to use big words.

And you are Dr. Who?
Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

No..It does not.
The politically correct liberals do not want to go anywhere near the mental health issue when it comes to mass shootings.

Bush started, Bush stopped after seeing it was unworkable and that Holder restarted with even less constraints on it. It was kind of like, Here's an idea to track guns moving from the US to Mexico. Lets try this with Mexican cooperation and knowledge. A year later: Damn that was a dumb fucking idea let's stop it right now. OK cool Gun Runner stopped.

New administration takes over, sees reports on Gun Runner and decides, We're enlightened Liberals. We can do a better job at Gun Runner if we change the name, make it bigger, do it without the Mexicans and run it with even less control.

Get the picture now?

That works on the persumption that it was entirely stopped, which it wasn't.

Again, you leave out WIde Receiver, which happened between Gun Runner and F&F.

The main instigator was ATF, which has not had a permanent director since the Bush years. Big problem, leaves local offices to follow their own designs.
Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

No..It does not.
The politically correct liberals do not want to go anywhere near the mental health issue when it comes to mass shootings.

How true...and I also wonder in how many of these rampages were these perpetrators on some powerful narcotic prescribed by some quack doctor. The politically correct nutbags cannot distinguish between a mentally disabled person and one who is a sociopath. They think the sociopaths will "fit" into society if we just control the meds. An institution is a better solution for a psycho. Lock them away and throw away the key.

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