SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

Look up "Sally Hemmings" some time.

Raped at 15 by Thomas Jefferson, who wasn't charged with a crime because he "owned" her.

you better prove that rape comment, or i will "neg" you forever !! :up:

were you born a fool ? or become one from attending .gov operated public indoctrination institutions ?? :up:

Sally Hemmings was Thomas Jefferson's property.

Therefore, she had no LEGAL ability to say no.

Incidently, this is the conclusion of the JEFFERSON MUSEUM at Monticello concluded.

The claim that Thomas Jefferson fathered children with Sally Hemings, a slave at Monticello, entered the public arena during Jefferson's first term as president, and it has remained a subject of discussion and disagreement for two centuries. Based on documentary, scientific, statistical, and oral history evidence, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation (TJF) Research Committee Report on Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings (January 2000) remains the most comprehensive analysis of this historical topic. Ten years later, TJF and most historians believe that, years after his wife’s death, Thomas Jefferson was the father of the six children of Sally Hemings mentioned in Jefferson's records, including Beverly, Harriet, Madison, and Eston Hemings.
Would you like me to point out that Kellerman himself now claims 2.7 times?

How many fucking times must your lies be shown before you stop repeating them?

That's the problem with this fucking prick - first he believes all lies from liberals and then he repeats them even after he knows they are lies.

He keeps claiming that Thomas Jefferson "raped" Sally Hemmings even though DNA evidence exonerated him from that libtard lie.

JoeB. is a pathological liar and he knows it. Thomas Jefferson had ZERO relationship with Sally Hemming. That was a LIE manufactured by libtards during the Bill Clinton - Monica Lewinsky scandal (you have to love libtard logic - they believed they could justify Bill Clintons infidelity in the Oval Office and perjury before a grand jury by falsely accusing a founder of "see - other presidents did it").

When I PROVED this was a lie in another thread and that Sally Hemmings had a CONSENSUAL relationship with someone else, JoeB.'s response was "it can't be consensual because she was a slave". Basically, JoeB. will tell a woman she was raped even when she wasn't because of his agenda... :lmao:

From the official Jefferson Museum.

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account « Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello

Ten years later, TJF and most historians believe that, years after his wife’s death, Thomas Jefferson was the father of the six children of Sally Hemings mentioned in Jefferson's records, including Beverly, Harriet, Madison, and Eston Hemings.

Case closed.

Would it be a bad time to point out that Mexico has become MUCH safer after those gun crackdown laws were passed. Wait… erm… um….

Just take my word for that. No need to dabble in anything like facts and stuff….

Mexico would have been better off if Arizona didn't have such liberal gun laws that anyone can drive up to Arizona and buy a shitload of them.
Oh geez. You really are childish. If it weren't for me negging you already for your impudence, I'd neg you again for this gem. 'Slave Rapists'? What gall.

Because he's on the wrong side of the Constitution (and the facts) - he has to attempt to demonize our founders that gave us our rights.

It's a documented and suggested tactic by communists such as Joseph Stalin. And JoeB. is a self-admitted communist.

If the Founding Slave Rapists ended up on the end of a British Rope, we'd be Canadians today.

I've been to Canada. Guess what, it isn't a Communist COuntry. It was actually kind of nice. Kind of cold, but other than that, nice.

The Slave-Rapists were not heroes. They were a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their taxes. If they had lost, we'd have ended slavery 30 years earlier without a civil war.

so far you have named Jefferson as a " slave rapist"

You used the plural " slave rapists".

Have any more?

Ben Franklin?

money where mouth is time

JoeB. is a pathological liar and he knows it. Thomas Jefferson had ZERO relationship with Sally Hemming. That was a LIE manufactured by libtards during the Bill Clinton - Monica Lewinsky scandal (you have to love libtard logic - they believed they could justify Bill Clintons infidelity in the Oval Office and perjury before a grand jury by falsely accusing a founder of "see - other presidents did it").

When I PROVED this was a lie in another thread and that Sally Hemmings had a CONSENSUAL relationship with someone else, JoeB.'s response was "it can't be consensual because she was a slave". Basically, JoeB. will tell a woman she was raped even when she wasn't because of his agenda... :lmao:

From the official Jefferson Museum.

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account « Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello

Ten years later, TJF and most historians believe that, years after his wife’s death, Thomas Jefferson was the father of the six children of Sally Hemings mentioned in Jefferson's records, including Beverly, Harriet, Madison, and Eston Hemings.

Case closed.

how do you know it was not consensual?
Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

Neither would have prevented this.

So what. That is not the point. The point is we can't even pass reasonable "checks" in this country because of the NRA and people like you.

You can buy a gun while drunk. You can buy a gun at gun shows with little to no checks.

I think ammo count and banning guns is down right stupid and pointless. The idea this nation can't pass the other few things is downright embarrassing.
Sally Hemmings was Thomas Jefferson's property.

Therefore, she had no LEGAL ability to say no

So she says "no" - Thomas Jefferson walks away, but it's still rape in your mind because you need it to be?

So she says "yes" - and they have consensual sex, but it's still rape in your mind because you need it to be?

Nobody humiliates himself quite like JoeB...

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Sally Hemmings was Thomas Jefferson's property.

Therefore, she had no LEGAL ability to say no

So she says "no" - Thomas Jefferson walks away, but it's still rape in your mind because you need it to be?

So she says "yes" - and they have consensual sex, but it's still rape in your mind because you need it to be?

Nobody humiliates himself quite like JoeB...


Jefferson didn't walk away. He fathered six children on her.

And since she was property, the concept of consent is moot.

JoeB. is a pathological liar and he knows it. Thomas Jefferson had ZERO relationship with Sally Hemming. That was a LIE manufactured by libtards during the Bill Clinton - Monica Lewinsky scandal (you have to love libtard logic - they believed they could justify Bill Clintons infidelity in the Oval Office and perjury before a grand jury by falsely accusing a founder of "see - other presidents did it").

When I PROVED this was a lie in another thread and that Sally Hemmings had a CONSENSUAL relationship with someone else, JoeB.'s response was "it can't be consensual because she was a slave". Basically, JoeB. will tell a woman she was raped even when she wasn't because of his agenda... :lmao:

From the official Jefferson Museum.

Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: A Brief Account « Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello

Ten years later, TJF and most historians believe that, years after his wife’s death, Thomas Jefferson was the father of the six children of Sally Hemings mentioned in Jefferson's records, including Beverly, Harriet, Madison, and Eston Hemings.

Case closed.

Hey stupid - DNA evidence trumps libtard run websites and historical sites with an agenda. It's DNA evidence you fuck'n buffoon.... :lmao:

You got one thing right though - it is CASE CLOSED. And as always, you LOSE

so far you have named Jefferson as a " slave rapist"

You used the plural " slave rapists".

Have any more?

Ben Franklin?

money where mouth is time

Do you actually concede that Jefferson did Rape his Slave?

you used the plural form

put up or shut up asshole

Before you "concede" anything - here are the FACTS (those pesky little things that JoeB. is adverse to...):

It was a proven FACT through DNA that Thomas Jefferson did NOT father Sally Hemming's child:

"However, after only 8 weeks after the initial blockbuster DNA story was issued, it was retracted quietly and without fanfare, with the scientific researcher who had conducted the DNA test announcing that it actually had not proven that Jefferson fathered any children with Hemings".

Excerpt From page 3: David Barton. “The Jefferson Lies.” WallBuilder Press Publishing, 2013-02-15.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Hey stupid - DNA evidence trumps libtard run websites and historical sites with an agenda. It's DNA evidence you fuck'n buffoon.... :lmao:

You got one thing right though - it is CASE CLOSED. And as always, you LOSE

Guy, I don't even think you understand DNA. It's one of those sciences that doesn't involve talking snakes.

The Thomas Jefferson Foundation has conceded that Jefferson fathered Hemming's children.

The DNA only proves that someone in Jefferson's MALE LINE fathered them. The Y Chromosone repeats in both Hemmings and Jefferson's descendents, and is passed down from the male line.

Now, while it is HYPOTHETICALLY possible that one of Jefferson's sons, nephews or brothers could have slipped Sally that Y-Chromosone , Jefferson was the only one alleged AT THE TIME to have had a relationship with her.

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