SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

Most gun deaths are sucidies, domestic arguments and accidents.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

I like data- Links help, but at face value..... Cursory look indicates 2/3 of gun deaths are by suicide. I'm down with that

Acceptable risk.


Not to me. Or to most sane people.

Just becaue you are scared doesn't mean the rest of have to put up with your paranoia.

What have you got to worry about? You live in the safest gun free city in America.
Actually, the best argument for gun control is to read your post. Clear and valid data point on the EXACT reason we have the Bill of Rights and 2A specifically.


Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?

Oh geez. You really are childish. If it weren't for me negging you already for your impudence, I'd neg you again for this gem. 'Slave Rapists'? What gall.

Look up "Sally Hemmings" some time.

Raped at 15 by Thomas Jefferson, who wasn't charged with a crime because he "owned" her.
Ask David Koresh how well that worked out...

David Koresh is irrelevant.

NO, he isn't. He shows teh futility of "I gots to have a gun to protect myself from the Government".

He shot it up with the government. He lost. He died. Most people cheered.

So, how does it contribute to this discussion? Most of his guns were illegally obtained, Joe. That's why the Government came in. His right hand man killed him. The Branch Dividians began setting fire to their own complex, and burned themselves to death, so what futility? He broke the law.
Well. Joe must have not remember the slaughter of innocent Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. They had no guns, and no way to defend themselves.

300,000 of them were rounded up, shot, or gassed.

Yeah, four years after their country had been DEFEATED in a war.

65,000,000 people were killed in WWII. Most of them had a weapon on them at the time.

This has to make the all time stupid post list.
Bayoubill -

Yes, shooting people is illegal. And yet (in many states) there are no background checks, no 'drivers licenses' for guns, no compulsory safety training, and no clear system of disarming offenders.

Cars have been made safer by the mandatory use of safety belts, tail lights and so forth. Unsafe cars have been taken off the streets, and unsafe drivers frequently banned from dirivng.

All most people want of gun owners is a similar sense of respect and social responsibility.

Coast-to-Coast, there are more than 30x's as many gun laws as there are laws for automobiles. :lmao:

Furthermore, more than 10,000 people die every year from automobiles than guns. Yet you irrationally focus on the SMALLER problem. Why?

(Hint - because you don't give a fuck about children dying - you just have an irrational fear of guns)
Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?

Oh geez. You really are childish. If it weren't for me negging you already for your impudence, I'd neg you again for this gem. 'Slave Rapists'? What gall.

Look up "Sally Hemmings" some time.

Raped at 15 by Thomas Jefferson, who wasn't charged with a crime because he "owned" her.

This, is also irrelevant. Can you not stay on topic for more than 5 minutes?
Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?

Oh geez. You really are childish. If it weren't for me negging you already for your impudence, I'd neg you again for this gem. 'Slave Rapists'? What gall.

Because he's on the wrong side of the Constitution (and the facts) - he has to attempt to demonize our founders that gave us our rights.

It's a documented and suggested tactic by communists such as Joseph Stalin. And JoeB. is a self-admitted communist.

If the Founding Slave Rapists ended up on the end of a British Rope, we'd be Canadians today.

I've been to Canada. Guess what, it isn't a Communist COuntry. It was actually kind of nice. Kind of cold, but other than that, nice.

The Slave-Rapists were not heroes. They were a bunch of assholes who didn't want to pay their taxes. If they had lost, we'd have ended slavery 30 years earlier without a civil war.
Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

up your ass with background checks !!

prove to me and a few thousand others here where a background check will stop any crazy fool from committing the crime of murder, nearly every mass shooter in the past 50 years would have passed your demanded BACKFUCKINGGROUND check.

your fellow citizens have lost all their GOD given right to defend themselves and family due to stupid fools like you !! :up:
Oh geez. You really are childish. If it weren't for me negging you already for your impudence, I'd neg you again for this gem. 'Slave Rapists'? What gall.

Look up "Sally Hemmings" some time.

Raped at 15 by Thomas Jefferson, who wasn't charged with a crime because he "owned" her.

This, is also irrelevant. Can you not stay on topic for more than 5 minutes?

I am on topic.

If your argument is, "David Koresh and Adam Lanza should have unrestricted access to guns because the founding Slave Rapists said so", then you should really examine who these guys were.
Actually, the best argument for gun control is to read your post. Clear and valid data point on the EXACT reason we have the Bill of Rights and 2A specifically.


Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?

Oh geez. You really are childish. If it weren't for me negging you already for your impudence, I'd neg you again for this gem. 'Slave Rapists'? What gall.

Well. Joe must have not remember the slaughter of innocent Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. They had no guns, and no way to defend themselves.

300,000 of them were rounded up, shot, or gassed.

Yeah, four years after their country had been DEFEATED in a war.

65,000,000 people were killed in WWII. Most of them had a weapon on them at the time.

This has to make the all time stupid post list.

Stupid is what JoeB. does best. In all seriousness, he admitted to being a communist in another thread - so you can't really take anything he says seriously.

By the way, he also admitted at the beginning of another gun thread that he doesn't care at all about the gun issue. Then he forgot he did that, and several pages in (and a few days later), he proceeded to whail incessantly about banning guns (ie he is a TROLL looking to get a reaction out of you - don't give him the satisfaction).
I like data- Links help, but at face value..... Cursory look indicates 2/3 of gun deaths are by suicide. I'm down with that

Acceptable risk.


Not to me. Or to most sane people.

Just becaue you are scared doesn't mean the rest of have to put up with your paranoia.

What have you got to worry about? You live in the safest gun free city in America.

JoeB. is crying for guns to be banned because he is a scared little bitch who is afraid of them. And he has the gall to call other people "scared"? :lmao:
It's funny how the peace creeps and freeloaders don't want you to be able to defend yourselves from the very folks that helped put Obama in office.

Those are the ones that want what you worked hard to have. Hook or crook?


Most gun deaths are sucidies, domestic arguments and accidents.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

Still using that bullshit debunked study from one county in Oregon I see,

Fucking hack.
If you libtards want to do something to prevent future Sandy Hook type shootings, support laws that make it easier to commit the mentally ill to institutions. Get crazy people off the streets, not guns.
Look up "Sally Hemmings" some time.

Raped at 15 by Thomas Jefferson, who wasn't charged with a crime because he "owned" her.

This, is also irrelevant. Can you not stay on topic for more than 5 minutes?

I am on topic.

If your argument is, "David Koresh and Adam Lanza should have unrestricted access to guns because the founding Slave Rapists said so", then you should really examine who these guys were.

What are you talking about? You are nowhere close to being on topic. Slave rapists and gun owners have nothing to do with one another. The story surrounding Sally Hemmings and Thomas Jefferson is ambiguous at best. The historicity of your claim is debatable at best. There are two competing points of debate on that, such as the TJHS report and the contentions made by the Smithsonian Institute in its "Paradox of Liberty" exhibit.

I know who both of them are. You will not put words in my mouth, Joe. But what you love to do is stereotype people. One murderer does not make them all. Such thinking I would expect from a child, not from you. Or, wait, broad generalization is a personality trait of yours.
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Guy, a crazy already has your firearms...

Namely, you.

The best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

Actually, the best argument for gun control is to read your post. Clear and valid data point on the EXACT reason we have the Bill of Rights and 2A specifically.


Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?

:lmao: That shit was funny as hell.
Look up "Sally Hemmings" some time.

Raped at 15 by Thomas Jefferson, who wasn't charged with a crime because he "owned" her.

you better prove that rape comment, or i will "neg" you forever !! :up:

were you born a fool ? or become one from attending .gov operated public indoctrination institutions ?? :up:
Look up "Sally Hemmings" some time.

Raped at 15 by Thomas Jefferson, who wasn't charged with a crime because he "owned" her.

you better prove that rape comment, or i will "neg" you forever !! :up:

were you born a fool ? or become one from attending .gov operated public indoctrination institutions ?? :up:

No, let him. I enjoy using him as my whipping boy.
David Koresh is irrelevant.

NO, he isn't. He shows teh futility of "I gots to have a gun to protect myself from the Government".

He shot it up with the government. He lost. He died. Most people cheered.

So, how does it contribute to this discussion? Most of his guns were illegally obtained, Joe. That's why the Government came in. His right hand man killed him. The Branch Dividians began setting fire to their own complex, and burned themselves to death, so what futility? He broke the law.

You have to love JoeB. "logic"... just because Koresh had guns means who knew how to use them? Means he was trained in proper tactics?

Let me ask you - do you really believe that Koresh knew anything about "slicing the pie", clearing a room, or moving as a team as opposed to solo? :lmao:

You also have to love the fact that he uses one failed example as "proof". Hey JoeB. - we got our asses handed to us in Vietnam. I guess that means we couldn't possibly win a war in a place like - oh, I don't know - say, Afghanistan? And we certainly wouldn't be able to kill an extremely wealthy and well protected terrorist like Osama Bin Laden. :lmao:

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