SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

There are laws on the books ALREADy to prevent the mentally ill from purchasing a firearm. They are called 'prohibited persons'.

Enforce current laws


Ah, well they worked at Virginia Tech.

Noomi is completely right - background checks are essential here. It's common sense.

Its because the government chooses not to enforce the laws on the books. What makes you think new laws will be enforced?

No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

There are laws on the books ALREADy to prevent the mentally ill from purchasing a firearm. They are called 'prohibited persons'.

Enforce current laws


Ah, well they worked at Virginia Tech.

Noomi is completely right - background checks are essential here. It's common sense.

The Aurora shooter passed a background check. Adam Lanza probably could have too. Background checks are a red herring.
Bayoubill -

Yes, shooting people is illegal. And yet (in many states) there are no background checks, no 'drivers licenses' for guns, no compulsory safety training, and no clear system of disarming offenders.

Cars have been made safer by the mandatory use of safety belts, tail lights and so forth. Unsafe cars have been taken off the streets, and unsafe drivers frequently banned from dirivng.

All most people want of gun owners is a similar sense of respect and social responsibility.

The vast majority of gun owners, over 99%, are law abiding citizens
Bayoubill -

Yes, shooting people is illegal. And yet (in many states) there are no background checks, no 'drivers licenses' for guns, no compulsory safety training, and no clear system of disarming offenders.

Cars have been made safer by the mandatory use of safety belts, tail lights and so forth. Unsafe cars have been taken off the streets, and unsafe drivers frequently banned from dirivng.

All most people want of gun owners is a similar sense of respect and social responsibility.

which states?
Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

Those things are already law. But nice try.

Noomi and Saigon are from foreign countries and get their info from liberal sources. Unfortunately they pass themselves off as experts in our country
The vast majority of gun owners, over 99%, are law abiding citizens

So are the majority of drivers - and yet we still have drivers licenses and a host of other laws to ensure puvlic safety.

Until gun supporters start to talk about public safety and the civil rights of victims of gun shootings, you do not have a point.
The vast majority of gun owners, over 99%, are law abiding citizens

So are the majority of drivers - and yet we still have drivers licenses and a host of other laws to ensure puvlic safety.

Until gun supporters start to talk about public safety and the civil rights of victims of gun shootings, you do not have a point.


every time there is a shooting gun owners know there will be an uproar

you know nothing. quit pretending to know
The vast majority of gun owners, over 99%, are law abiding citizens

So are the majority of drivers - and yet we still have drivers licenses and a host of other laws to ensure puvlic safety.

Until gun supporters start to talk about public safety and the civil rights of victims of gun shootings, you do not have a point.

I have civil rights as well and they are JUST and equally important. The 2A is non-negotiable. My responsibility is to protect my family and self. In this equation, you're and everyone else needs, wants, and desires are moot. No matter the logic that is subject to interpretation.

Move along- Nothing to see here

The vast majority of gun owners, over 99%, are law abiding citizens

So are the majority of drivers - and yet we still have drivers licenses and a host of other laws to ensure puvlic safety.

Until gun supporters start to talk about public safety and the civil rights of victims of gun shootings, you do not have a point.

We have many laws about guns that are supposed to do the same thing. What is your point?
Bayoubill -

Yes, shooting people is illegal. And yet (in many states) there are no background checks, no 'drivers licenses' for guns, no compulsory safety training, and no clear system of disarming offenders.

Cars have been made safer by the mandatory use of safety belts, tail lights and so forth. Unsafe cars have been taken off the streets, and unsafe drivers frequently banned from dirivng.

All most people want of gun owners is a similar sense of respect and social responsibility.
You idiot people can vote without an id, and that can prove more dangerous than a gun. Just look at the last election.
The guns are NOT the problem. That part they have correct. ALL these problems could go away.
It's funny how the peace creeps and freeloaders don't want you to be able to defend yourselves from the very folks that helped put Obama in office.

Those are the ones that want what you worked hard to have. Hook or crook?


Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

If the law abiding citizens can't enjoy their HOBBY without keeping them out of the hands of a crazy, yes.

Frankly, I haven't heard anything from your side on how to keep guns out of the hands of crazies.
It's funny how the peace creeps and freeloaders don't want you to be able to defend yourselves from the very folks that helped put Obama in office.

Those are the ones that want what you worked hard to have. Hook or crook?


Most gun deaths are sucidies, domestic arguments and accidents.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.
It's funny how the peace creeps and freeloaders don't want you to be able to defend yourselves from the very folks that helped put Obama in office.

Those are the ones that want what you worked hard to have. Hook or crook?


Most gun deaths are sucidies, domestic arguments and accidents.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

I like data- Links help, but at face value..... Cursory look indicates 2/3 of gun deaths are by suicide. I'm down with that

Acceptable risk.

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What a bunch of fools and idiots.

And yes, I do mean that.

While I am sorry and I grieve with them at the loss of their children, that doesn't mean they have the right to demand that I lose my rights or have my rights further restricted.

More people are killed by cars and drunk drivers every year and I don't see them demanding that people turn in their cars because they "might" hurt someone with it.

No, but what we do have are stricter laws on drunk driving. Blood Alcohol levels are lowered, bars can be held accountable for overserving people, etc.

We see more traffic restrictions, sometimes entire engineering controls are put into place- Airbags in cars, Seat Belt Laws, changes in traffic signs, and so on.

And no one screams "But...but...but... what about my freedoms?"

That's probably because the Auto INdustry and the Liqour industry are responsible. They don't insist on their ability to sell to the irresponsible like the gun industry does.
Bayoubill -

Yes, shooting people is illegal. And yet (in many states) there are no background checks, no 'drivers licenses' for guns, no compulsory safety training, and no clear system of disarming offenders.

Cars have been made safer by the mandatory use of safety belts, tail lights and so forth. Unsafe cars have been taken off the streets, and unsafe drivers frequently banned from dirivng.

All most people want of gun owners is a similar sense of respect and social responsibility.

Bull shit.
I knew that they would not stay silent. I knew this time a slaughter like Sandy Hook would not go the way of all the ones before it. Good for them, I will do everything I can to support their cause.

It's too bad that our media cannot or will not publish the photos of what the inside those classrooms looked like after Lanza literally sprayed those children's bodies to the walls. Because people who "cling to their guns" (yep, Obama was spot on about the ignorant people in this country) need to see the reality of their sheer, vapid stupidity.




Taking your cue from obammy? You still have a lot to learn,you left out the photos of the children.
Amateur hour ......

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