SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward

no crazies have gotten hold of my firearms.

if they had it would have been a criminal act. If they had tried while I was armed they would have been shot, but you crazies want to take that option away too

Guy, a crazy already has your firearms...

Namely, you.

The best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

my employment with the school district proves you to be the typical anti-gun lair
There is the problem. You are OK with your rights being taken away. True Americans with core values will not let this one be taken.

It's life prohibitive


Ask David Koresh how well that worked out...

David Koresh is irrelevant.

NO, he isn't. He shows teh futility of "I gots to have a gun to protect myself from the Government".

He shot it up with the government. He lost. He died. Most people cheered.
no crazies have gotten hold of my firearms.

if they had it would have been a criminal act. If they had tried while I was armed they would have been shot, but you crazies want to take that option away too

Guy, a crazy already has your firearms...

Namely, you.

The best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

my employment with the school district proves you to be the typical anti-gun lair

I think if the School District read half the crazy shit that you post here, they wouldn't employ you for long.

The Aurora shooter passed a background check. Adam Lanza probably could have too. Background checks are a red herring.

Then the background checks are inadequate.

This is what you don't get.

If you have a background check that doesn't catch what the media was able to find out within a day after the shooting, then it isn't thorough enough.

Simple enough solution. Hold the gun sellers and manufacturers civilly liable for gun deaths.

Betcha at that point, they'll be very thorough as to who they issue guns to.

They don't issue guns they sell guns. Lanzas Mom passed hers just fine, and so would anyone else really. Gun makers are protected from the stupidity you recommend. It has been proven time and again by mass killings in other countries that gun or not, the killing will happen. Oddly though, there are tons of mass shootings in places with strict gun regulation, and even decent gun crime to. Mexico and all the third world shit holes south of the U.S. border are good examples.
no crazies have gotten hold of my firearms.

if they had it would have been a criminal act. If they had tried while I was armed they would have been shot, but you crazies want to take that option away too

Guy, a crazy already has your firearms...

Namely, you.

The best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

Actually, the best argument for gun control is to read your post. Clear and valid data point on the EXACT reason we have the Bill of Rights and 2A specifically.


Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?
Guy, a crazy already has your firearms...

Namely, you.

The best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

my employment with the school district proves you to be the typical anti-gun lair

I think if the School District read half the crazy shit that you post here, they wouldn't employ you for long.

I doubt very much if they would consider your opinion, or those of your ilk, seriously
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Well. Joe must have not remember the slaughter of innocent Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto. They had no guns, and no way to defend themselves.

300,000 of them were rounded up, shot, or gassed.

Yeah, four years after their country had been DEFEATED in a war.

65,000,000 people were killed in WWII. Most of them had a weapon on them at the time.

A red herring.

6,000,000 of them did not. Those who died in the Blitzkrieg didn't. I can pull statistics, but this is not relevant.
Guy, a crazy already has your firearms...

Namely, you.

The best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

Actually, the best argument for gun control is to read your post. Clear and valid data point on the EXACT reason we have the Bill of Rights and 2A specifically.


Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?

There you have it. I rest my case

Think I will roll right into picking up dog shit in the yard

It's funny how the peace creeps and freeloaders don't want you to be able to defend yourselves from the very folks that helped put Obama in office.

Those are the ones that want what you worked hard to have. Hook or crook?


Most gun deaths are sucidies, domestic arguments and accidents.

A gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a member of the household than a bad guy.

WELL BY ALL MEANS! We need to round up all those GUNS!!

AND all those other ANIMATE living breathing objects that will KILL!
AFTER ALL GUNS are alive. GUNS move! GUNS have a brain! GUNS have emotions! GUNS DO NOT NEED ANYONE to kill !
Yea... if a GUN can determine that this person should be KILLED (43 people standing in a house with one bad guy.. guess what? GUNS shoot the 43 people..why? GUNS are bad guys!) , why can't we teach the GUN to KILL OTHER GUNS!!!
JUst like in a Disney animated movie! Talking GUNS, DANCING GUNS, KISSING GUNS!
AFTER all GUNS are living, breathing ANIMATED and capable of emotional responses!

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Guy, a crazy already has your firearms...

Namely, you.

The best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

Actually, the best argument for gun control is to read your post. Clear and valid data point on the EXACT reason we have the Bill of Rights and 2A specifically.


Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?

Oh geez. You really are childish. If it weren't for me negging you already for your impudence, I'd neg you again for this gem. 'Slave Rapists'? What gall.
What a bunch of fools and idiots.

And yes, I do mean that.

While I am sorry and I grieve with them at the loss of their children, that doesn't mean they have the right to demand that I lose my rights or have my rights further restricted.

More people are killed by cars and drunk drivers every year and I don't see them demanding that people turn in their cars because they "might" hurt someone with it.

Did you ever consider their rights as parents?

How about the rights of their children?

btw. Drinking driving is illegal, genius.

And yet it is NOT stopping hundreds of thousands from dying every year, is it?
Guy, a crazy already has your firearms...

Namely, you.

The best argument for gun control is a conversation with a gun nut.

Actually, the best argument for gun control is to read your post. Clear and valid data point on the EXACT reason we have the Bill of Rights and 2A specifically.


Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?

What a bunch of fools and idiots.

And yes, I do mean that.

While I am sorry and I grieve with them at the loss of their children, that doesn't mean they have the right to demand that I lose my rights or have my rights further restricted.

More people are killed by cars and drunk drivers every year and I don't see them demanding that people turn in their cars because they "might" hurt someone with it.

Did you ever consider their rights as parents?

How about the rights of their children?

btw. Drinking driving is illegal, genius.

examine your logic, Einstein...

shooting people is also illegal...

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
I like data- Links help, but at face value..... Cursory look indicates 2/3 of gun deaths are by suicide. I'm down with that

Acceptable risk.


Not to me. Or to most sane people.

Just becaue you are scared doesn't mean the rest of have to put up with your paranoia.

No it just means you need to MYOB. The 2A protects me from the likes of you and you're ilk. Thank god the founding fathers had the foresight to realize I would need these tools for years to come.


No, the 2A just means that the gun industry can sell guns to paranoid loons, and they fight like hell every time one of you goes nuts and shoots up a crowd.

Case in point.

Santa Monica shooter's background steeped in trauma, violence -

At Olympic High, Santa Monica's alternative school for students who have struggled in traditional programs, inappropriate behavior is not uncommon. But what a veteran English teacher saw on the computer screen of a student named John Zawahri stopped him cold.

The solitary teen who regularly ditched class was surfing the Internet for assault weapons, the teacher recalled Monday. Alarmed, he sent Zawahri to the principal's office. Within days, the police were involved and Zawahri was admitted to UCLA's psychiatric ward.

Authorities want to know how Zawahri, an unemployed 23-year-old with what associates said was a history of mental problems, obtained vast quantities of ammunition. Several sources said Zawahri had 40 large-capacity magazines in pouches in his clothing and in a bag he carried. Each magazine held about 30 rounds. The ammunition was strapped to his body — including his chest and thighs — as well as in pouches in his clothing and protective vest, they added.

Yup, the Founding Slave Rapists had this guy TOTALLY in mind when they wrote the Second Amendment.
Actually, the best argument for gun control is to read your post. Clear and valid data point on the EXACT reason we have the Bill of Rights and 2A specifically.


Because a bunch of Slave Rapists couldn't properly define what a Militia was?

Oh geez. You really are childish. If it weren't for me negging you already for your impudence, I'd neg you again for this gem. 'Slave Rapists'? What gall.

Because he's on the wrong side of the Constitution (and the facts) - he has to attempt to demonize our founders that gave us our rights.

It's a documented and suggested tactic by communists such as Joseph Stalin. And JoeB. is a self-admitted communist.

They don't issue guns they sell guns. Lanzas Mom passed hers just fine, and so would anyone else really. Gun makers are protected from the stupidity you recommend. It has been proven time and again by mass killings in other countries that gun or not, the killing will happen. Oddly though, there are tons of mass shootings in places with strict gun regulation, and even decent gun crime to. Mexico and all the third world shit holes south of the U.S. border are good examples.

Mexico has gun laws that are as liberal as ours. That argument doesn't work.

If Momma Lanza got a gun, guns are too easy to get. That woman was pretty clearly nuts.

And gun sellers SHOULD be held responsible. Just like if a bartender can be held accountable if he gave a bottle of 80 Proof Skullcracker to a guy who went off and ran over a family, a gun seller should be held responsible for selling 12 weapons to Crazy Nancy and her Crazy kid.
Bayoubill -

Yes, shooting people is illegal. And yet (in many states) there are no background checks, no 'drivers licenses' for guns, no compulsory safety training, and no clear system of disarming offenders.

Cars have been made safer by the mandatory use of safety belts, tail lights and so forth. Unsafe cars have been taken off the streets, and unsafe drivers frequently banned from dirivng.

All most people want of gun owners is a similar sense of respect and social responsibility.

How do "drivers license" prevents DRUNK DRIVERS from KILLING people?

How do "tail lights" prevents DRUNK DRIVERS from KILLING people?

How does banning "unsafe drivers" prevents DRUNK DRIVERS from KILLING people?

Thank you for showing the world what an irrational, unhinged libtard you are...

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