SO GLAD the Newtown Parents Are Coming Forward


Gun Runner was in 2006 and ended in 2007. Fast and Furious was in 2009 and ended in 2011 I believe. Further more , MORON, in gun runner the Mexican Government was involved and they told the US they could not track the weapons in Mexico so the program ended as a failure.

Fast and Furious did not even notify the Mexicans of the program. No one made the slightest effort to track the weapons after the initial buy and delivery. Agents were threatened with reprimands if they interfered with the straw buyers giving the weapons to people to smuggle over the border. No tracking no accountability and a program they already knew didn't work.

Given the fact that the corruption of Mexican officials was sited as the reason why Operations Gun Runner and Operation Wide Reciever (the continuation of the program between Gun Runner and Fast and Furious) failed, you can kind of see why they didn't want to involve them.

you can come up with all the bizarre interpretations you want, but this was Bush's baby. And like everything else Bush started, it was a clusterfuck.

Sure a program starting in 2009 was Bush's baby...

How is Bush responsible for a program that started in the Obama administration when the Bush administration already ended a similiar program because it didn't work?
Those poor folks have become nothing but tools of the Liberal media.

This is really offensive! First these people lose their children, then you say the are so stupid they let the media use them.

Don't you think they minds of their owns, just as you do? Do you think you are a superior human being to them? It's really disgusting to suggest they are so dumb they can't think for themselves and know what they want. How offensive to put these people down after they have already lost so much. How low can you go?
I feel for the loss of those families that were affected by the acts of a criminal. I know that mt guns were not a part of that tragidy and that there are 2.5 million people who used their guns to stop criminals last year. It is a shame that it was a "no gun zone" and everyone was defenseless. I also know that banning guns or even just one gun will not stop one criminal from hurting people.

I would rather not punish the legal gun owners of America for the actions of criminals. Making 2.5 million more victims will not make up for the lives lost in the tragic events of the past years it will compound it.
Those poor folks have become nothing but tools of the Liberal media.

This is really offensive! First these people lose their children, then you say the are so stupid they let the media use them.

Don't you think they minds of their owns, just as you do? Do you think you are a superior human being to them? It's really disgusting to suggest they are so dumb they can't think for themselves and know what they want. How offensive to put these people down after they have already lost so much. How low can you go?

Why isn't the press talking to the parents who say these parents are wrong?

They are out there you know.
Why should I have to. The fact is, you can tell that slave rape was common just by the fact black people have about 30 different skin tones.

OMG - is this not the most offensive/racist statement in USMB history? So white people don't have different "skin tones" Joe? Asian people don't have different "skin tones" Joe?

You also can't help but laugh hysterically at Joe's idea of "facts". He perceives different skin tones so that means white slave owners "raped" black slaves - now there is some real science for you folks :lmao:

Yep - no other possible explanation but rapes from 300+ years ago... Is this guy a completely unhinged nut-job or what?!?
Those poor folks have become nothing but tools of the Liberal media.

This is really offensive! First these people lose their children, then you say the are so stupid they let the media use them.

Don't you think they minds of their owns, just as you do? Do you think you are a superior human being to them? It's really disgusting to suggest they are so dumb they can't think for themselves and know what they want. How offensive to put these people down after they have already lost so much. How low can you go?

Why isn't the press talking to the parents who say these parents are wrong?

They are out there you know.

They are. See previous page. They want nothing to do with the issue or the press and politicians. Just privacy and the right to grieve in peace. Some are only lobbying to block the release of the images from the crime scene and autopsy reports.
Those poor folks have become nothing but tools of the Liberal media.

This is really offensive! First these people lose their children, then you say the are so stupid they let the media use them.

Don't you think they minds of their owns, just as you do? Do you think you are a superior human being to them? It's really disgusting to suggest they are so dumb they can't think for themselves and know what they want. How offensive to put these people down after they have already lost so much. How low can you go?

Liberals exploit these people's tragedy for an irrational political ideology and you want to ask law abiding citizens "how low can you go"?!?!
What are you talking about? You are nowhere close to being on topic. Slave rapists and gun owners have nothing to do with one another. The story surrounding Sally Hemmings and Thomas Jefferson is ambiguous at best. The historicity of your claim is debatable at best. There are two competing points of debate on that, such as the TJHS report and the contentions made by the Smithsonian Institute in its "Paradox of Liberty" exhibit.

I know who both of them are. You will not put words in my mouth, Joe. But what you love to do is stereotype people. One murderer does not make them all. Such thinking I would expect from a child, not from you. Or, wait, broad generalization is a personality trait of yours.

She had no LEGAL right to say "No". Therefore- Rape.

No real dispute on this, other than not wanting to admit a guy who has a thousand monuments to him was a rapist. But in the words of Mal Reynolds- "Everyone who had a statue made to him was some kind of son of a bitch or another."

There were no laws regarding rape, either, Joe. But I still fail to grasp how this has anything to do with the thread. Do you always try to pull people off topic when your arguments are debunked?
Those poor folks have become nothing but tools of the Liberal media.

This is really offensive! First these people lose their children, then you say the are so stupid they let the media use them.

Don't you think they minds of their owns, just as you do? Do you think you are a superior human being to them? It's really disgusting to suggest they are so dumb they can't think for themselves and know what they want. How offensive to put these people down after they have already lost so much. How low can you go?

Ma'am/sir, yes I must reply in the affirmative.

And for the record, I am a superior being to all.

They aren't "dumb" people, just susceptible.
“Let me share a story. Back in 1992, I lived in Los Angeles, surrounded by Hollywood liberals. Does that year ring a bell? Think L.A. riots. I remember looking out from a nearby mountain hiking trail and seeing the entire city burning, fires in all directions. Sirens were wailing from every corner of the city. News reports warned of heavily armed gangs headed for wealthy neighborhoods. The police were out-manned and out-gunned. They refused to go into violent neighborhoods. Store and homeowners” were on their own. It was every man for himself.

Politically correct Hollywood liberals panicked, especially our friends with children. Guess who it was that they called? Yours truly. Our friends knew I was armed. They knew because they had argued with me for years that individuals had no right to own a gun.

In the middle of crisis and violence, with the smell of smoke in their nostrils, suddenly my liberal friends exhibited a change of heart. All of them, and I mean all, called to ask if they could come to our home with their families to stay. They knew the police could not protect them so they turned to Wayne Root for protection. For several days we had a full house, while I kept watch, armed and ready to defend my home, family, and friends. But I wasn’t alone. Entire neighborhoods in the Hollywood Hills were patrolled by armed homeowners, who set up checkpoints and roadblocks with guns and walkie-talkies. Only residents with proof of ID were let in. The police were nowhere to be found.”

Excerpt From: Wayne Allyn Root. “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Regnery Publishing, 2013-03-26. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.

Check out this book on the iBookstore:
I knew that they would not stay silent. I knew this time a slaughter like Sandy Hook would not go the way of all the ones before it. Good for them, I will do everything I can to support their cause.

It's too bad that our media cannot or will not publish the photos of what the inside those classrooms looked like after Lanza literally sprayed those children's bodies to the walls. Because people who "cling to their guns" (yep, Obama was spot on about the ignorant people in this country) need to see the reality of their sheer, vapid stupidity.




You don't want pics of the massacre. People would be outraged and ask why nobody could defend themselves (as is their Constitutional right). No, no. You don't want that, boy. But you will use the pics of grieving parents b/c you want cogs for your agenda.
Ya cause after all Millions upon millions of law abiding citizens should loss their rights cause a crazy killed some kids.

No, but background checks might be a good idea. Banning the mentally ill from buying a gun might be a better idea. But that violates your 2nd Amendment rights, doesn't it?

Ok, I've purchased guns in my home state (new York), gun shows in Oklahoma, and Nevada. I have yet not NOT have had a background check at any of these locations, and I own a total for 41 firearms.
There are cases where people driving cars, have deliberately ran over individuals or groups, causing serious injuries and deaths. Across the nation, individuals have run over people accidentally yet drive away without stopping. Cars aren't in the Constitution but I don't see the anti-gun groups calling for a ban on cars and a return to the horse for transportation to reduce the number of deaths on the highways and streets. Oh right. That's because the gun-control groups own cars and it would inconvenience them. Guns on the other hand, are mentioned in the Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court (highest court in the land) has affirmed the right of the people to own a firearm in their home for protection. The vast majority of crimes with guns are committed by individuals who have obtained them illegally, or by individuals who were mentally-ill and slipped through the cracks when it came to screening them. The blame for that rests with their mental-health providers.
Why should I have to. The fact is, you can tell that slave rape was common just by the fact black people have about 30 different skin tones.

OMG - is this not the most offensive/racist statement in USMB history? So white people don't have different "skin tones" Joe? Asian people don't have different "skin tones" Joe?

You also can't help but laugh hysterically at Joe's idea of "facts". He perceives different skin tones so that means white slave owners "raped" black slaves - now there is some real science for you folks :lmao:

Yep - no other possible explanation but rapes from 300+ years ago... Is this guy a completely unhinged nut-job or what?!?

Poodle, the only person I see getting unhinged is you.

Fact is, the "Old South" was more like Mandingo than Gone with the Wind.

Do you actually concede that Jefferson did Rape his Slave?

Do you concede you actually have no argument against gun rights?

No, I've made my case quite clearly.

1) The Second Amendment was about Militias, not guns.

2) The reason you whacks give for wanting guns- that you need to defend yourselves against all the scary criminals- is undermined by the fact a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

3) The other reason you whacks give- that you might have to fight the mean old Gummit, is destroyed by the fact they have tanks, planes, artilery and nukes.
Bayoubill -

Yes, shooting people is illegal. And yet (in many states) there are no background checks, no 'drivers licenses' for guns, no compulsory safety training, and no clear system of disarming offenders.

Cars have been made safer by the mandatory use of safety belts, tail lights and so forth. Unsafe cars have been taken off the streets, and unsafe drivers frequently banned from dirivng.

All most people want of gun owners is a similar sense of respect and social responsibility.

You apparently don't know your ass from a hole in the ground on this issue, Saigon...

there are background checks in all states...

granted, the system could be better... but, all in all, it's done a fairly good job of keeping guns out of the hands of bad players in legitimate gun sales...

'course, the bad players could always go to an illegitimate source (i.e., black market) for their guns... whatcha gonna do 'bout that...?

and, btw, regarding your comment about unsafe (i.e., DUI/OUI/DWI/) drivers being banned from driving...

it's illegal for such impaired folks to do this, and yet, annually, hundreds of thousands are arrested for doing it...

and tens of thousands of such impaired folks are implicated for traffic accidents that kill or seriously injure other folks...

all the laws in the land haven't prevented this...

in comparison, gun deaths have been relatively few...

but my main point is that laws don't prevent bad players from doing bad things...

Do you actually concede that Jefferson did Rape his Slave?

Do you concede you actually have no argument against gun rights?

No, I've made my case quite clearly.

1) The Second Amendment was about Militias, not guns.

2) The reason you whacks give for wanting guns- that you need to defend yourselves against all the scary criminals- is undermined by the fact a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

3) The other reason you whacks give- that you might have to fight the mean old Gummit, is destroyed by the fact they have tanks, planes, artilery and nukes.

You have to be paid by the hour to post such BS.

Good luck.

If present trends continue, by 2015, there will be more people in US killed by guns than by automobiles.

Far too many times in the past few years we have seen multiple people killed by a looney with a war weapon. For that is what the rapid fire semi-automatic weapons are.

Now we have a situation where, because of the NRA and other fruitloop organizations actions, we have a vast proliferation of these kinds of weapons in the general population. All too many of whom are not safe handling a single shot .22. The inevitable result is going to be more 'Sandy Hook' type of slaughters, and then the screaming of the people that created the situation that guns don't kill people.

Well, fruitloops, guns do kill people. That is what they are designed to do. And when you put them in the hands of the crazies they slaughter innocent children. As has been proven from coast to coast, and sundry point in between.
Do you concede you actually have no argument against gun rights?

No, I've made my case quite clearly.

1) The Second Amendment was about Militias, not guns.

2) The reason you whacks give for wanting guns- that you need to defend yourselves against all the scary criminals- is undermined by the fact a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy.

3) The other reason you whacks give- that you might have to fight the mean old Gummit, is destroyed by the fact they have tanks, planes, artilery and nukes.

You have to be paid by the hour to post such BS.

Good luck.


Duly noted you couldn't refute any point I made.

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