So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

Ford has gained $750,000, moron. And don't think that was all from small donors. It's Soros money.


LOL! I keep hearing that bullshit.
Soros is the go-to guy whenever the Repubes take a a hit.
Would you like to post a link providing the source of this conspiracy?
I'll be waiting.
Where did the $750,000 come from, Ma and Pa Kettle?

The absolute stone-cold lies on this board is stunning.

Click here to support Help Christine Blasey Ford organized by Team Christine Blasey Ford

View attachment 219326

Alex Jones is the one lying about $750K.
As usual.

Hey! A cool half mill for one lying skank! It was worth it for her after all.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

Interesting post & thanks for throwing that out there. There is IMO a lot of truth in your post AFA what goes on on a college campus during that time frame. I'm sure that is still going on to this day.

OK, so let's say everything went down just like you stated in the OP.
Would there be any need for anyone to lie about it re: Ford, or Kavanaugh?

Exactly. If Kavanaugh had said "OK yeah that happened but I remember it more this way...." or if he had said "I don't remember it but considering my lifestyle at the time it could have happened and if it did I apologize".... the whole thing would have blown over weeks ago and he'd prolly be on the court now.

Of course if he's sure it didn't happen he could have said that too without digging into the pit of partisan politics and conspiracy theories and obfuscation and deliberate misstatement of facts.

Any of the above would have been honest, temperate responses and the idea of being less than qualified, at least on this basis, would have dissipated.

But in the event he chose to go full partisan-conspiracy-meltdown man. Which makes the whole question of what happened in a bedroom in 1982, irrelevant. If a given Senator is looking for a reason to disqualify, Kavanaugh went out of his way to provide it.

There is never a "right" answer with you libs. It is never enough. You will always demand more.

YOur lies are fooling no one.

I like the new one...where morons like pogo are saying that since he got mad at the hearing because they are falsely accusing him of rape....that he doesn't have the composure to be a judge....

Democrats are vile, they are evil.
Commonly known as gaslighting. They really are sick SOBs.

Can anyone explain the jump from "drinking a beer" to "being a rapist"?

Easy peasy lemon squeezy:

SJW Snowflake says "Because Reasons, FEEZ and Just Shut Up."

Too late. I already answered that seriously.

No, you only think you did. It was nonsense.

Then go ahead and try to refute it. I ain't holding you back.

Oh, no now you're just looking sad, friendo.
He locked the door so no one else could come walking in to "rescue" her. He turned up the stereo to drown out her yells and covered her mouth with his hand. He attempted to rip off her clothes. He may have done it as some kind of dare or joke with his buddy, but it was anything but "that's how drunk young men acted " in any decade.

He did?
So you’ve got the evidence Blasey Fraud lacks?
Bring it forth!

But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.

She looks way older than 51.

My how catty and trollish of you.
Have anything relevant to say besides shallow criticism of her looks?
What would you look like on live camera under the klieg lights?
----------------------------------------------- she is UGLY and only early 50s i think . Course , i am happy to see it .

Fair idea of Brett in high school. Handsome, popular, fun-loving, athletic, admired.


Fair idea of Chrissy Margaret Blasey at the same time:


Wishing she could get Brett to notice her.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

I think you are looking at this from the perspective of an old geezer who has no fucking clue about what it's like to be a 15 year old girl who has two boys cornering her, jumping her, covering her mouth, pulling on her clothes, feeling her up and turning up the music so no one would hear her scream.

Not a fucking iota of empathy in your post.

It's attitudes like yours that make women yell at senators in elevators.

It's comments like yours that has spurred the #MeToo movement to a noise level in November that will be so high even old farts like you will be able to hear it.
maybe young girls should not be free to be unattended or should always be chaperoned by their husbands or Fathers , Uncles , Brothers Mac .
Yeah, and they should wear a garment that covers their entire body and their face so boys won't get overly excited.
-------------------------------------------------- might be coming in a few years the more 'muslims' that the USA Imports . And then the advertisers think they can make some money of fashionable 'burkhas' modeled by some 'kardahian' types BPat .
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Fun? Holding a girl down on a bed you hardly know and dry humping her? And having to cup her mouth to stop her from objecting? You call that 'fun'? In no remotely, possible sense of the word is that 'fun'.

Christine Blasey Ford painfully recounts alleged attack by Brett Kavanaugh

I am a heterosexual male who drank TONS of beer and went to tons of parties (in high school/university/afterwards). If that kind of behavior happened at a party I was at, I/my buddies would have grabbed the fucker and thrown him out of the friggin' house. And if he/his friends challenged us - beat the shit out of them.

I don't care how drunk you remotely decent male would do what Kavanaugh is accused of doing. Fucking pigs would...but not a decent male in the REMOTEST sense of the word. The idea would simply not even pop into a decent man's head...straight or sober.

I don't know if what Ford described happened or not. But if it did - along with the pathetic way Kavanaugh is handling it - it DEFINITELY nixs him for the SCOTUS to me.

It's one thing to be a fucking pig when you were in high school, that is bad enough...maybe too bad alone. But to still be in total denial about it 30+ years later? That shows strong, mental problems (and a clear case of misogyny). That sort of person should not be on the highest court in the land, IMO.
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Indeed. Liking beer is not the same as being a rapist. And teenage immaturity is a thing in the distant past for healthy adults.
This is definitely one of more annoying things the Dems have been doing, acting surprised, offended, and concerned that a guy drank a lot of beer in college. In a vacuum, that means zero, and they know that.

Partisan politics. Yuck.

Haven't seen or heard anyone "act surprised, offended, concerned that a guy drank a lot of beer in college" --- haven't even seen anyone bring up that at the time the Maryland drinking age was 21 and therefore he was illegal.

What I have heard is questioning on what he did while drunk, and his history of drinking to the excessive point of puking, passing out, etc.

The drinking age in MD was 18 when Brett drank beer as a senior. I am not going to clutch my pearls that teenagers drank beer. The fiction about puking and passing out is Dem Smear Spin. It's rather beneath you to indulge it.


>> (BOSTON) — Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has repeatedly said that he was legally allowed to consume beer as a prep school senior in Maryland. In fact, he was never legal in high school because the state’s drinking age increased to 21 at the end of his junior year, while he was still 17.

Kavanaugh’s drinking has come under intense scrutiny after California professor Christine Blasey Ford alleged that a heavily intoxicated Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while they were both teenagers at a Maryland house party during the summer of 1982.

The legal age in that state was raised to 21 on July 1, 1982; Kavanaugh did not turn 18 until Feb. 12, 1983. << --- Linkie

The point there was, I haven't heard anyone in the "Dems" quoted in the post, even bring that up. Clearly they could have; they didn't.

The "fiction" about puking and passing out comes from Kavanaugh's own calendar and the recollections of his peers. If it be 'fiction' perhaps he should be railing against them.
No, he hasn't repeatedly said that. I can't find any instance of him ever saying that. If you believe he has, then quote it.

Love to.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.


Or ---- what? You'll huff and you'll puff?

Don't strain yourself little man.
Can anyone explain the jump from "drinking a beer" to "being a rapist"?

Easy peasy lemon squeezy:

SJW Snowflake says "Because Reasons, FEEZ and Just Shut Up."

Too late. I already answered that seriously.

No, you only think you did. It was nonsense.

Then go ahead and try to refute it. I ain't holding you back.

Oh, no now you're just looking sad, friendo.

Dunno about that but I am looking like I just made a point that can't be challenged.

It's a gift, really. "I am only a messenger" :eusa_angel:
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.

She looks way older than 51.

My how catty and trollish of you.
Have anything relevant to say besides shallow criticism of her looks?
What would you look like on live camera under the klieg lights?
----------------------------------------------- she is UGLY and only early 50s i think . Course , i am happy to see it .

Fair idea of Brett in high school. Handsome, popular, fun-loving, athletic, admired.

View attachment 219331

Fair idea of Chrissy Margaret Blasey at the same time:

View attachment 219332

Wishing she could get Brett to notice her.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy:

SJW Snowflake says "Because Reasons, FEEZ and Just Shut Up."

Too late. I already answered that seriously.

No, you only think you did. It was nonsense.

Then go ahead and try to refute it. I ain't holding you back.

Oh, no now you're just looking sad, friendo.

Dunno about that but I am looking like I just made a point that can't be challenged.

It's a gift, really. "I am only a messenger"

I'm not interested in this fork of the conversation, but if you are, carry on.
Here is what I think happened:

Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk - Wikipedia

Wasted describes in detail the author's secondary education memories, particularly those involving heavy alcohol usage by his peers and himself at Georgetown Preparatory School.[2][6][27] The author writes that the social environment of his peers at the school was, "positively swimming in alcohol".[10][9][11] Judge recounts a hookup culture involving binge drinking, especially during a period of time at the school known as "Beach Week".[6][7][8] Judge defined "Beach Week" at Georgetown Preparatory School as a "week-long bacchanalia of drinking and sex, or at least attempts at sex".[8][28][29] The author discusses a phrase, "100 Kegs Or Bust", in relation to excessive alcohol drinking during his times at Georgetown Preparartory School.[30][27][31] Judge remembers a student he refers to as Bart O'Kavanaugh who passed out and threw up in a car.[32][33][34] The author recounts going to drink alcohol with his friends at bars for many evenings in a row.[2] He presents in-depth memories of orgies and attempts to have sex fueled with alcohol at residences along the beach shoreline.[2][35]

So, I believe Mark Judge & Bart O'Kavanaugh aka Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape a very young Dr. Ford.
Blasey Ford has a great life in Palo Alto, CA.
Four degrees: BA, two Masters and a PhD.
Kids and a great career.
She was hoping her letter to Feinstein would stay confidential.
It didn't.
So she rose to the occasion of her accusations and showed bigger stones that Kavanaughty has ever had in his entire, alcohol-soaked, gambling-indebted life.

'I find it very hard to imagine that he never blacked out': Registered Republican Yale classmate speaks out to detail how Brett Kavanaugh DID repeatedly drink in excess
Republican Yale classmate speaks out to detail how Brett Kavanaugh DID repeatedly drink to excess | Daily Mail Online

She was hoping it would stay confidential, but just in case it did not she took a lie detector test and wiped her social media clean! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

Holy shit you have a great imagination! :290968001256257790-final:
Why do you believe her and not Judge?

First of all, because Judge has reason to lie in denial of Ford's claims. But Ford has gained nothing by making her claims.

But more broadly, I have the ability to listen to someone and evaluate what they say in a rational and objective manner. That is something you lack. You believe what you want, just because you want.

But Ford has gained nothing by making her claims.
Yeah, except pro bono lawyers that lied to her and a $500K go fund me account. Where do I sign up?


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.

Also 'she' looks more like a Chris than a Chrissy and, why does a full grown woman sound like a mousy teenager? He/she was obviously heavily coached.

BINGO. And this is supposed to be a "professor?"

How'd you like to have HER as your "professor" at $83,000 a year?

"What was that professor? Can you speak up? Why did I get a C?"

"Why, you rough man, you! I feel violated! Quit yelling at me! I'm very terrified now."
Here is what I think happened:

Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk - Wikipedia

Wasted describes in detail the author's secondary education memories, particularly those involving heavy alcohol usage by his peers and himself at Georgetown Preparatory School.[2][6][27] The author writes that the social environment of his peers at the school was, "positively swimming in alcohol".[10][9][11] Judge recounts a hookup culture involving binge drinking, especially during a period of time at the school known as "Beach Week".[6][7][8] Judge defined "Beach Week" at Georgetown Preparatory School as a "week-long bacchanalia of drinking and sex, or at least attempts at sex".[8][28][29] The author discusses a phrase, "100 Kegs Or Bust", in relation to excessive alcohol drinking during his times at Georgetown Preparartory School.[30][27][31] Judge remembers a student he refers to as Bart O'Kavanaugh who passed out and threw up in a car.[32][33][34] The author recounts going to drink alcohol with his friends at bars for many evenings in a row.[2] He presents in-depth memories of orgies and attempts to have sex fueled with alcohol at residences along the beach shoreline.[2][35]

So, I believe Mark Judge & Bart O'Kavanaugh aka Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape a very young Dr. Ford.

There is nothing in there about raping anyone.

But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.

Also 'she' looks more like a Chris than a Chrissy and, why does a full grown woman sound like a mousy teenager? He/she was obviously heavily coached.
------------------------------------------------ agree , i noticed that little girl talking . Good old ElRushbo gave his opinion that she was practicing ' down talking ' which is a technique to get sympathy according to Rush Leo .
Too late. I already answered that seriously.

No, you only think you did. It was nonsense.

Then go ahead and try to refute it. I ain't holding you back.

Oh, no now you're just looking sad, friendo.

Dunno about that but I am looking like I just made a point that can't be challenged.

It's a gift, really. "I am only a messenger"

I'm not interested in this fork of the conversation, but if you are, carry on.

I accept your humble concession. But please, don't grovel. I hate that.[/QUOTE]

Think that if it gives you comfort. It's nice to see you have a healthy fantasy life.
Here is what I think happened:

Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk - Wikipedia

Wasted describes in detail the author's secondary education memories, particularly those involving heavy alcohol usage by his peers and himself at Georgetown Preparatory School.[2][6][27] The author writes that the social environment of his peers at the school was, "positively swimming in alcohol".[10][9][11] Judge recounts a hookup culture involving binge drinking, especially during a period of time at the school known as "Beach Week".[6][7][8] Judge defined "Beach Week" at Georgetown Preparatory School as a "week-long bacchanalia of drinking and sex, or at least attempts at sex".[8][28][29] The author discusses a phrase, "100 Kegs Or Bust", in relation to excessive alcohol drinking during his times at Georgetown Preparartory School.[30][27][31] Judge remembers a student he refers to as Bart O'Kavanaugh who passed out and threw up in a car.[32][33][34] The author recounts going to drink alcohol with his friends at bars for many evenings in a row.[2] He presents in-depth memories of orgies and attempts to have sex fueled with alcohol at residences along the beach shoreline.[2][35]

So, I believe Mark Judge & Bart O'Kavanaugh aka Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape a very young Dr. Ford.

There is nothing in there about raping anyone.

Thanks for letting us know you already read the book; that was fast.

Judge defined "Beach Week" at Georgetown Preparatory School as a "week-long bacchanalia of drinking and sex, or at least attempts at sex".

Kavanaugh's own calendar, submitted to the Senate committee, contains the date that is in question, July 1st, and that was during 'Beach Week.'

What a coinky dink.

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