So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

It is blatantly obvious that nothing happen between them. She didn't even hang in the same social circles as Kavanaugh. She is lying big time.

She was simply somebody that the Democrats found that was willing to lie about Kavanaugh. They needed to go back to high school because then it would be hard to prove that it never happen. He had too stellar of a reputation as an adult for the filthy Democrats to ever hang anything on him like a public hair in coke can or something.

She is a card carrying Moon Bat from a family of Moon Bats. Perfect lying bitch for the Democrats.
No. It DIDN'T happen.
The day someone is guilty over a 40 year old "HE DID IT" by some ugly hag is the day ALL men should tread carefully.

You need to slow down your reading. What I just said DID happen was Kavanaugh's paranoid meltdown in the committee hot seat. Which --- it did.

I have to presume you're addressing me as the prior post, since you didn't quote anybody.

No it didn't, he should have been more aggressive, about the second time a commie senator asked him if he would ask for an FBI investigation, he should have asked the commie committee members for a show of hands, if he got another clean background check form the FBI, WOULD THEY VOTE FOR HIS CONFIRMATION???

You can bet your ass not one single hand would have risen. It all pure political bullshit.

You don't "ask for a show of hands" in a judicial hearing. klown shoes.

Know what else you don't do? Ask one of the Senators if she's ever been drunk to unconsciousness.

The fucking commies threw civility out the window, Kavanaugh is fighting for his professional life, if he wasn't completely pissed he wouldn't be human. And asking for a show of hands, would prove this bullshit about another investigation was just another delaying tactic, because it wouldn't change one commie vote on the committee. Nothing about this hearing was directed at obtaining the truth.

Wasn't it.

Then why did Kavanaugh immediately trot out his calendar from 1982 and immediately try to shift the attention to "weekends"?

And why did Rachel Mitchell then question the entry for July 1st, which was a weekday not a weekend, where he had listed a social/drinking gathering that matched Ford's description?

That was the last question Mitchell got to put forth, so at that point obtaining the truth was, as you noted, out the window.

Since when is 4 guys getting a beer after a workout, a party? In my day it was a cool down, relaxation and BS gathering, except we didn't drink beer. BTW where exactly was that gathering, did the location match Fords story? OH Right, she didn't have a location, did she?

You can't claim half the story is a match, it's all or nothing.


>> (BOSTON) — Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has repeatedly said that he was legally allowed to consume beer as a prep school senior in Maryland. In fact, he was never legal in high school because the state’s drinking age increased to 21 at the end of his junior year, while he was still 17.

Kavanaugh’s drinking has come under intense scrutiny after California professor Christine Blasey Ford alleged that a heavily intoxicated Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while they were both teenagers at a Maryland house party during the summer of 1982.

The legal age in that state was raised to 21 on July 1, 1982; Kavanaugh did not turn 18 until Feb. 12, 1983. << --- Linkie

The point there was, I haven't heard anyone in the "Dems" quoted in the post, even bring that up. Clearly they could have; they didn't.

The "fiction" about puking and passing out comes from Kavanaugh's own calendar and the recollections of his peers. If it be 'fiction' perhaps he should be railing against them.
No, he hasn't repeatedly said that. I can't find any instance of him ever saying that. If you believe he has, then quote it.

Love to.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.


Or ---- what? You'll huff and you'll puff?

Don't strain yourself little man.

So where did he say he puked and passed out?

Bottom line: SHE ASKED FOR IT.

Wow, just wow.

Seems like we'll never get the knuckledraggers to pick up their knuckles. On behalf of males everywhere to females I apologize for those too dense to understand that they need to.

'She asked for it'?

Yup...we now know EXACTLY what type of 'man' toobfreak was and is.

Needless to say, I wouldn't let him near any woman I remotely cared about...or even knew.

FU MeatRocket. You go out of your way to go to an all-boys party at the tender age of 15 behind your parent's backs you know they wouldn't approve of to get drunk and hang out with a bunch of older boys, and YOU ARE ASKING FOR TROUBLE.


That's a far cry from saying you WANTED the attention, or deserved it. And it doesn't make it right.

But if you end up getting grabbed and felt up by a drunk boy at such a place and were totally not expecting or wanting it to happen, then:
  1. You are one dumb girl.
  2. Your parents have totally failed to guide you while letting you out at only 15 y.o. to all hours of the night.
Now go sit on it and twist hard, MeatPuppet, like I know you really LIKE IT deep.

I see what you JUST DID:

You made it perfectly OK to RAPE young females only because
1. they are dumb
2. their parents failed

I tell you what: you are ONE SICK BASTARD

And his fellow traveller Fingerboy says it's OK as long as the male is, to use his term, "blotto".
No, he hasn't repeatedly said that. I can't find any instance of him ever saying that. If you believe he has, then quote it.

Love to.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.


Or ---- what? You'll huff and you'll puff?

Don't strain yourself little man.

So where did he say he puked and passed out?

Bottom line: SHE ASKED FOR IT.

Wow, just wow.

Seems like we'll never get the knuckledraggers to pick up their knuckles. On behalf of males everywhere to females I apologize for those too dense to understand that they need to.

'She asked for it'?

Yup...we now know EXACTLY what type of 'man' toobfreak was and is.

Needless to say, I wouldn't let him near any woman I remotely cared about...or even knew.

FU MeatRocket. You go out of your way to go to an all-boys party at the tender age of 15 behind your parent's backs you know they wouldn't approve of to get drunk and hang out with a bunch of older boys, and YOU ARE ASKING FOR TROUBLE.


That's a far cry from saying you WANTED the attention, or deserved it. And it doesn't make it right.

But if you end up getting grabbed and felt up by a drunk boy at such a place and were totally not expecting or wanting it to happen, then:
  1. You are one dumb girl.
  2. Your parents have totally failed to guide you while letting you out at only 15 y.o. to all hours of the night.
Now go sit on it and twist hard, MeatPuppet, like I know you really LIKE IT deep.

I see what you JUST DID:

You made it perfectly OK to RAPE young females only because
1. they are dumb
2. their parents failed

I tell you what: you are ONE SICK BASTARD

And his fellow traveller Fingerboy says it's OK as long as the male is, to use his term, "blotto".

Do you ever stop lying?
This is definitely one of more annoying things the Dems have been doing, acting surprised, offended, and concerned that a guy drank a lot of beer in college. In a vacuum, that means zero, and they know that.

Partisan politics. Yuck.

Haven't seen or heard anyone "act surprised, offended, concerned that a guy drank a lot of beer in college" --- haven't even seen anyone bring up that at the time the Maryland drinking age was 21 and therefore he was illegal.

What I have heard is questioning on what he did while drunk, and his history of drinking to the excessive point of puking, passing out, etc.

The drinking age in MD was 18 when Brett drank beer as a senior. I am not going to clutch my pearls that teenagers drank beer. The fiction about puking and passing out is Dem Smear Spin. It's rather beneath you to indulge it.


>> (BOSTON) — Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has repeatedly said that he was legally allowed to consume beer as a prep school senior in Maryland. In fact, he was never legal in high school because the state’s drinking age increased to 21 at the end of his junior year, while he was still 17.

Kavanaugh’s drinking has come under intense scrutiny after California professor Christine Blasey Ford alleged that a heavily intoxicated Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while they were both teenagers at a Maryland house party during the summer of 1982.

The legal age in that state was raised to 21 on July 1, 1982; Kavanaugh did not turn 18 until Feb. 12, 1983. << --- Linkie

The point there was, I haven't heard anyone in the "Dems" quoted in the post, even bring that up. Clearly they could have; they didn't.

The "fiction" about puking and passing out comes from Kavanaugh's own calendar and the recollections of his peers. If it be 'fiction' perhaps he should be railing against them.
No, he hasn't repeatedly said that. I can't find any instance of him ever saying that. If you believe he has, then quote it.

Love to.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.


Or ---- what? You'll huff and you'll puff?

Don't strain yourself little man.

Hey Pogo, go have a beer. You seem to need one. It might do you some good.

I recommend a Dinkelaker Dark in a frosted mug.
Here is what I think happened:

Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk - Wikipedia

Wasted describes in detail the author's secondary education memories, particularly those involving heavy alcohol usage by his peers and himself at Georgetown Preparatory School.[2][6][27] The author writes that the social environment of his peers at the school was, "positively swimming in alcohol".[10][9][11] Judge recounts a hookup culture involving binge drinking, especially during a period of time at the school known as "Beach Week".[6][7][8] Judge defined "Beach Week" at Georgetown Preparatory School as a "week-long bacchanalia of drinking and sex, or at least attempts at sex".[8][28][29] The author discusses a phrase, "100 Kegs Or Bust", in relation to excessive alcohol drinking during his times at Georgetown Preparartory School.[30][27][31] Judge remembers a student he refers to as Bart O'Kavanaugh who passed out and threw up in a car.[32][33][34] The author recounts going to drink alcohol with his friends at bars for many evenings in a row.[2] He presents in-depth memories of orgies and attempts to have sex fueled with alcohol at residences along the beach shoreline.[2][35]

So, I believe Mark Judge & Bart O'Kavanaugh aka Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape a very young Dr. Ford.

There is nothing in there about raping anyone.

Thanks for letting us know you already read the book; that was fast.

Judge defined "Beach Week" at Georgetown Preparatory School as a "week-long bacchanalia of drinking and sex, or at least attempts at sex".

Kavanaugh's own calendar, submitted to the Senate committee, contains the date that is in question, July 1st, and that was during 'Beach Week.'

What a coinky dink.
Attempts at sex doesnt imply anything other than drunk boys probably can't get it up.

You planning more leaps of logic?

>> (BOSTON) — Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has repeatedly said that he was legally allowed to consume beer as a prep school senior in Maryland. In fact, he was never legal in high school because the state’s drinking age increased to 21 at the end of his junior year, while he was still 17.

Kavanaugh’s drinking has come under intense scrutiny after California professor Christine Blasey Ford alleged that a heavily intoxicated Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her while they were both teenagers at a Maryland house party during the summer of 1982.

The legal age in that state was raised to 21 on July 1, 1982; Kavanaugh did not turn 18 until Feb. 12, 1983. << --- Linkie

The point there was, I haven't heard anyone in the "Dems" quoted in the post, even bring that up. Clearly they could have; they didn't.

The "fiction" about puking and passing out comes from Kavanaugh's own calendar and the recollections of his peers. If it be 'fiction' perhaps he should be railing against them.
No, he hasn't repeatedly said that. I can't find any instance of him ever saying that. If you believe he has, then quote it.

Love to.

Otherwise, shut the fuck up.


Or ---- what? You'll huff and you'll puff?

Don't strain yourself little man.

So where did he say he puked and passed out?

Bottom line: SHE ASKED FOR IT.

Wow, just wow.

Seems like we'll never get the knuckledraggers to pick up their knuckles. On behalf of males everywhere to females I apologize for those too dense to understand that they need to.

'She asked for it'?

Yup...we now know EXACTLY what type of 'man' toobfreak was and is.

Needless to say, I wouldn't let him near any woman I remotely cared about...or even knew.

FU MeatRocket. You go out of your way to go to an all-boys party at the tender age of 15 behind your parent's backs you know they wouldn't approve of to get drunk and hang out with a bunch of older boys, and YOU ARE ASKING FOR TROUBLE.


That's a far cry from saying you WANTED the attention, or deserved it. And it doesn't make it right.

But if you end up getting grabbed and felt up by a drunk boy at such a place and were totally not expecting or wanting it to happen, then:
  1. You are one dumb girl.
  2. Your parents have totally failed to guide you while letting you out at only 15 y.o. to all hours of the night.
Now go sit on it and twist hard, MeatPuppet, like I know you really LIKE IT deep.

I see what you JUST DID


You just tried to think and be clever.

Stop that.

You aren't smart enough and will only end up hurting your brain.
No it didn't, he should have been more aggressive, about the second time a commie senator asked him if he would ask for an FBI investigation, he should have asked the commie committee members for a show of hands, if he got another clean background check form the FBI, WOULD THEY VOTE FOR HIS CONFIRMATION???

You can bet your ass not one single hand would have risen. It all pure political bullshit.

You don't "ask for a show of hands" in a judicial hearing. klown shoes.

Know what else you don't do? Ask one of the Senators if she's ever been drunk to unconsciousness.

The fucking commies threw civility out the window, Kavanaugh is fighting for his professional life, if he wasn't completely pissed he wouldn't be human. And asking for a show of hands, would prove this bullshit about another investigation was just another delaying tactic, because it wouldn't change one commie vote on the committee. Nothing about this hearing was directed at obtaining the truth.

Wasn't it.

Then why did Kavanaugh immediately trot out his calendar from 1982 and immediately try to shift the attention to "weekends"?

And why did Rachel Mitchell then question the entry for July 1st, which was a weekday not a weekend, where he had listed a social/drinking gathering that matched Ford's description?

That was the last question Mitchell got to put forth, so at that point obtaining the truth was, as you noted, out the window.
Parties are generally held on weekends, not weekdays when most people have to work.

He didn't say a thing about drinking, turd.

There is no truth in your post.

7/1/82 was a Thursday, dolt. Look it up.

And what do you think "skis" refers to? Going skiing? In Maryland in July?

You know what, while we're about it, and waiting with bated breath for the same retard who can't understand "skis" to astutely prove a negative, why don't you also regale us with what you think "devil's triangle" refers to. Or "boof". Or a reference to "Renate Alumnius"

Here's a vague hint to the second one.... at 1:39

That was actually the first time I ever heard of "boof" and had to have it explained. And the record came out.......... 1982. The same year and the same summer, as Kavanaugh's calendar entry.

BOOF wasn't mentioned anywhere in that "song", LMAO.

It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.
If you touch someone without their permission or against their will that is assault. If the touch involves certain parts of the anatomy then it's considered sexual assault. If you're making out with someone and they decide they want to stop even if previously they consent or seemed to have consented perhaps because they don't like how you're responding or they just suddenly changed their mind, then legally you're obligated to stop.

This is what the law says but it would appear that the majority of men and a significant number of women believe that anything less than being assaulted or raped at the point of gun or knife by a stranger is the only thing that consitutes sexual assault or rape.

And women are often blamed when men can't control themselves.
Thanks for letting us know you already read the book; that was fast.

Judge defined "Beach Week" at Georgetown Preparatory School as a "week-long bacchanalia of drinking and sex, or at least attempts at sex".

Kavanaugh's own calendar, submitted to the Senate committee, contains the date that is in question, July 1st, and that was during 'Beach Week.'

What a coinky dink.

I am well aware of what Beach Week is, experienced it myself.

"attempts at sex" does not mean rape, it means a guy tried to get lucky and got shot down. Pretty simple concept, even bet it has happened to you a few times.
Thanks for letting us know you already read the book; that was fast.

Judge defined "Beach Week" at Georgetown Preparatory School as a "week-long bacchanalia of drinking and sex, or at least attempts at sex".

Kavanaugh's own calendar, submitted to the Senate committee, contains the date that is in question, July 1st, and that was during 'Beach Week.'

What a coinky dink.

I am well aware of what Beach Week is, experienced it myself.

"attempts at sex" does not mean rape
, it means a guy tried to get lucky and got shot down. Pretty simple concept, even bet it has happened to you a few times.

the attempted rape scenario is exactly what Ford is accusing Kavanaugh of & the time frame looks as if it could have been during one of those Beach Week events. The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened.
What is a 15 year old doing at and adult party.

17 is "adult" huh?

Old enough to join the Army and go fight in a war defending your country.

I wasn't talking to you Knuckles. I was addressing the poster who characterized a group of mid-teens as "adults". Why don't you let him try to answer instead of charging in on yon white steed to defend milady's fuckup.

STFU butthole lying quack. I WAS talking to you and will do so any time I choose. 17 is not a mid teen and IS old enough to serve in the military.

At 17, you are only ONE YEAR SHY of being legally able to:
Join the military.
Work full time.
Play the lottery.
Obtain special driving permits.
Purchase and use tobacco products (in some states).
Establish a checking and savings account and apply for loans.
Apply for credit cards.
Change your birth name.
File a lawsuit.
Get married.
Create your Will.
Purchase a house and a vehicle.
And move out of your parents’ home.

That's a lot closer to adulthood than being a kid, Twerk.
It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.
If you touch someone without their permission or against their will that is assault. If the touch involves certain parts of the anatomy then it's considered sexual assault. If you're making out with someone and they decide they want to stop even if previously they consent or seemed to have consented perhaps because they don't like how you're responding or they just suddenly changed their mind, then legally you're obligated to stop.

This is what the law says but it would appear that the majority of men and a significant number of women believe that anything less than being assaulted or raped at the point of gun or knife by a stranger is the only thing that consitutes sexual assault or rape.

And women are often blamed when men can't control themselves.

A regressive lectures us about what is sexual assault. Mac just must, must be too stupid to know! Put him to a re-education camp immediately.

After he has promised not to rape, he can be released back to the normal society consisting of morally superior people like Newswine who know that rape is bad.
Last edited:
All of a sudden the "lock her up" crowd is interested in due process. :laugh:

So I assume you have the evidence? What are you waiting for in presenting it?

It's well known fact that Clinton did bleach bit her server.
Indeed. Liking beer is not the same as being a rapist. And teenage immaturity is a thing in the distant past for healthy adults.
This is definitely one of more annoying things the Dems have been doing, acting surprised, offended, and concerned that a guy drank a lot of beer in college. In a vacuum, that means zero, and they know that.

Partisan politics. Yuck.
Democrats haven’t been doing that.

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