So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!

You have no reason to assume her story is correct.
I have not said that her story is correct nor have I said that Kavenough is guilty. Bripat has had his mind made up since day one. You have no proof she is lying. When you put your self in the public eye you are open to scrutiny . Candidates for high court are put under a great deal of scrutiny it has always been this way. Vetting is not a coup. Bripat and his piece of shit ilk have called it a coup. Called her a lying whore from the get go. They posted pictures of her with lying whore bitch carved into her face. They have said she should be killed. They have advocated death for Jeff Flake. There was a time when it was standard procedure to investigate all allegations for such a candidate and both sides of the isle supported the vetting of such candidates as it should be. The complaints must be heard and investigated for this type of position, you do not want pieces of shit on the supreme court......

THe timing is highly suggestive.

If they wanted it investigated, why wait to the last minute?

That's not what you do, when you want to find the truth. That's what you do, when you want to smear someone.
It is blatantly obvious that nothing happen between them. She didn't even hang in the same social circles as Kavanaugh. She is lying big time.

She was simply somebody that the Democrats found that was willing to lie about Kavanaugh. They needed to go back to high school because then it would be hard to prove that it never happen. He had too stellar of a reputation as an adult for the filthy Democrats to ever hang anything on him like a public hair in coke can or something.

She is a card carrying Moon Bat from a family of Moon Bats. Perfect lying bitch for the Democrats.

There is no evidence that she is "lying",
Similarly there is also no evidence that he is "lying".

There is however evidence that he would often get into situations of deep inebriation on "skis" to the point where he couldn't remember what had happened. In fact there is indication he still does. So it's entirely possible that when he says it never happened he is honestly relating what is in his memory.

--- which would mean nobody is "lying". As far as they know.

Well said, and I agree. Still, are you willing to see a man's life destroyed based on zero evidence? If that is what our Country has devolved to, we are in a sad state.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!

You have no reason to assume her story is correct.
I have not said that her story is correct nor have I said that Kavenough is guilty. Bripat has had his mind made up since day one. You have no proof she is lying. When you put your self in the public eye you are open to scrutiny . Candidates for high court are put under a great deal of scrutiny it has always been this way. Vetting is not a coup. Bripat and his piece of shit ilk have called it a coup. Called her a lying whore from the get go. They posted pictures of her with lying whore bitch carved into her face. They have said she should be killed. They have advocated death for Jeff Flake. There was a time when it was standard procedure to investigate all allegations for such a candidate and both sides of the isle supported the vetting of such candidates as it should be. The complaints must be heard and investigated for this type of position, you do not want pieces of shit on the supreme court......

THe timing is highly suggestive.

If they wanted it investigated, why wait to the last minute?

That's not what you do, when you want to find the truth. That's what you do, when you want to smear someone.
Why did it take 30 years to put Cosby behind bars. It has already been established by the accuser that she did not want to come forward until recently. I guess you want to disregard what the victim has to say. Do you think she would say the dems have mistreated her or the republicans? Seems to me she was right in her reluctance considering what the piece of shit republicans are saying about her. Please understand my last sentence I did not say republicans because not all of them have attacked her in the manor that Bripat and others have. Only the shit republicans did in this manor.
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!

You have no reason to assume her story is correct.
I have not said that her story is correct nor have I said that Kavenough is guilty. Bripat has had his mind made up since day one. You have no proof she is lying. When you put your self in the public eye you are open to scrutiny . Candidates for high court are put under a great deal of scrutiny it has always been this way. Vetting is not a coup. Bripat and his piece of shit ilk have called it a coup. Called her a lying whore from the get go. They posted pictures of her with lying whore bitch carved into her face. They have said she should be killed. They have advocated death for Jeff Flake. There was a time when it was standard procedure to investigate all allegations for such a candidate and both sides of the isle supported the vetting of such candidates as it should be. The complaints must be heard and investigated for this type of position, you do not want pieces of shit on the supreme court......

THe timing is highly suggestive.

If they wanted it investigated, why wait to the last minute?

That's not what you do, when you want to find the truth. That's what you do, when you want to smear someone.
Why did it take 30 years to put Cosby behind bars. It has already been established by the accuser that she did not want to come forward until recently. I guess you want to disregard what the victim has to say. Do you think she would say the dems have mistreated her or the republicans? Seems to me she was right in her reluctance considering what the piece of shit republicans are saying about her. Please understand my last sentence I did not say republicans because not all of them have attacked her in the manor that Bripat and others have. Only the shit republicans did in this manor.

It is very convenient for the dems that the timing of the woman coming to terms with coming forward, just happened to coincide with the ending of hearings.

Lucky for them she did not need another week or two, out of 36 years, or it would have been too late.

So, very, very lucky.

YOu know what I mean?

I mean, really, REALLY, REALLY, lucky.
It is blatantly obvious that nothing happen between them. She didn't even hang in the same social circles as Kavanaugh. She is lying big time.

She was simply somebody that the Democrats found that was willing to lie about Kavanaugh. They needed to go back to high school because then it would be hard to prove that it never happen. He had too stellar of a reputation as an adult for the filthy Democrats to ever hang anything on him like a public hair in coke can or something.

She is a card carrying Moon Bat from a family of Moon Bats. Perfect lying bitch for the Democrats.

There is no evidence that she is "lying",
Similarly there is also no evidence that he is "lying".

There is however evidence that he would often get into situations of deep inebriation on "skis" to the point where he couldn't remember what had happened. In fact there is indication he still does. So it's entirely possible that when he says it never happened he is honestly relating what is in his memory.

--- which would mean nobody is "lying". As far as they know.

Well said, and I agree. Still, are you willing to see a man's life destroyed based on zero evidence? If that is what our Country has devolved to, we are in a sad state.

It is not even a question of giving the benefit of the doubt to the accused in a "he said/she said" situation.

It is a question of letting the filthy Democrats get away with a despicable campaign to gain by dishonesty what they were unable to gain at the ballot box.

There is absolutely no doubt she is lying.

She is a Liberal activist from a Liberal family that agreed to be the patsy for the Democrat's agenda to stop Kavanaugh any way possible, like they proclaimed they would do.

Lindsey Graham hit the nail on the head by exposing the dishonesty and hatred of the Democrats.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!

You have no reason to assume her story is correct.
I have not said that her story is correct nor have I said that Kavenough is guilty. Bripat has had his mind made up since day one. You have no proof she is lying. When you put your self in the public eye you are open to scrutiny . Candidates for high court are put under a great deal of scrutiny it has always been this way. Vetting is not a coup. Bripat and his piece of shit ilk have called it a coup. Called her a lying whore from the get go. They posted pictures of her with lying whore bitch carved into her face. They have said she should be killed. They have advocated death for Jeff Flake. There was a time when it was standard procedure to investigate all allegations for such a candidate and both sides of the isle supported the vetting of such candidates as it should be. The complaints must be heard and investigated for this type of position, you do not want pieces of shit on the supreme court......

THe timing is highly suggestive.

If they wanted it investigated, why wait to the last minute?

That's not what you do, when you want to find the truth. That's what you do, when you want to smear someone.
Why did it take 30 years to put Cosby behind bars. It has already been established by the accuser that she did not want to come forward until recently. I guess you want to disregard what the victim has to say. Do you think she would say the dems have mistreated her or the republicans? Seems to me she was right in her reluctance considering what the piece of shit republicans are saying about her. Please understand my last sentence I did not say republicans because not all of them have attacked her in the manor that Bripat and others have. Only the shit republicans did in this manor.

It is very convenient for the dems that the timing of the woman coming to terms with coming forward, just happened to coincide with the ending of hearings.

Lucky for them she did not need another week or two, out of 36 years, or it would have been too late.

So, very, very lucky.

YOu know what I mean?

I mean, really, REALLY, REALLY, lucky.
Well Correll, I likely know more about this than any one on this site. In 1990 I went thru a similar vetting process. I had an accuser accuse me of Financial crimes. In my case I lost a quarter of a million dollar a year job to start. I was then indicted. I received death threats, lost all the clients for my buisness. Spent over 100k in defense and for private investigators. Had an offer to be best man recinded and the wedding invataion recinded. Faced 15 years with no parole and my name was mud for years. I had to move out of town. In the end my accuser turned out to be the perp. He recently got out of prison for it. It destroyed my life for a good long time. The thing is if I were on the vetting commitee I would have acted the same way they did, it was their job. You can not have pieces of shit making decisions for the public. I will say this I did not cry like a baby in open court like this little bitch did.
Soros and Steyer are pouring money into Ford's gofundme account for payment for her lies.

Jonathan Turley: “This whole aspect of GoFundMe is relatively new, and really our ethical rules haven’t really caught up…We have all types of rules about the classic situation where someone gives you money for testimony — but this is a new creature for us.” @IngrahamAngle

Fox News (@FoxNews) September 29, 2018
I also found Arnold Schwarzenegger gripping and deeply credible in "Total Recall." But I'm still waiting for corroboration that Schwarzenegger has been to Mars.

Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 30,
You have no reason to assume her story is correct.
I have not said that her story is correct nor have I said that Kavenough is guilty. Bripat has had his mind made up since day one. You have no proof she is lying. When you put your self in the public eye you are open to scrutiny . Candidates for high court are put under a great deal of scrutiny it has always been this way. Vetting is not a coup. Bripat and his piece of shit ilk have called it a coup. Called her a lying whore from the get go. They posted pictures of her with lying whore bitch carved into her face. They have said she should be killed. They have advocated death for Jeff Flake. There was a time when it was standard procedure to investigate all allegations for such a candidate and both sides of the isle supported the vetting of such candidates as it should be. The complaints must be heard and investigated for this type of position, you do not want pieces of shit on the supreme court......

THe timing is highly suggestive.

If they wanted it investigated, why wait to the last minute?

That's not what you do, when you want to find the truth. That's what you do, when you want to smear someone.
Why did it take 30 years to put Cosby behind bars. It has already been established by the accuser that she did not want to come forward until recently. I guess you want to disregard what the victim has to say. Do you think she would say the dems have mistreated her or the republicans? Seems to me she was right in her reluctance considering what the piece of shit republicans are saying about her. Please understand my last sentence I did not say republicans because not all of them have attacked her in the manor that Bripat and others have. Only the shit republicans did in this manor.

It is very convenient for the dems that the timing of the woman coming to terms with coming forward, just happened to coincide with the ending of hearings.

Lucky for them she did not need another week or two, out of 36 years, or it would have been too late.

So, very, very lucky.

YOu know what I mean?

I mean, really, REALLY, REALLY, lucky.
Well Correll, I likely know more about this than any one on this site. In 1990 I went thru a similar vetting process. I had an accuser accuse me of Financial crimes. In my case I lost a quarter of a million dollar a year job to start. I was then indicted. I received death threats, lost all the clients for my buisness. Spent over 100k in defense and for private investigators. Had an offer to be best man recinded and the wedding invataion recinded. Faced 15 years with no parole and my name was mud for years. I had to move out of town. In the end my accuser turned out to be the perp. He recently got out of prison for it. It destroyed my life for a good long time. The thing is if I were on the vetting commitee I would have acted the same way they did, it was their job. You can not have pieces of shit making decisions for the public. I will say this I did not cry like a baby in open court like this little bitch did.

1. Sorry, how did that address my point about the timing?

2. It's a good thing that the investigation was able to find evidence to clear you, or your name would still be mud. THIS accusation was crafted so nothing like that is possible.
I have not said that her story is correct nor have I said that Kavenough is guilty. Bripat has had his mind made up since day one. You have no proof she is lying. When you put your self in the public eye you are open to scrutiny . Candidates for high court are put under a great deal of scrutiny it has always been this way. Vetting is not a coup. Bripat and his piece of shit ilk have called it a coup. Called her a lying whore from the get go. They posted pictures of her with lying whore bitch carved into her face. They have said she should be killed. They have advocated death for Jeff Flake. There was a time when it was standard procedure to investigate all allegations for such a candidate and both sides of the isle supported the vetting of such candidates as it should be. The complaints must be heard and investigated for this type of position, you do not want pieces of shit on the supreme court......

THe timing is highly suggestive.

If they wanted it investigated, why wait to the last minute?

That's not what you do, when you want to find the truth. That's what you do, when you want to smear someone.
Why did it take 30 years to put Cosby behind bars. It has already been established by the accuser that she did not want to come forward until recently. I guess you want to disregard what the victim has to say. Do you think she would say the dems have mistreated her or the republicans? Seems to me she was right in her reluctance considering what the piece of shit republicans are saying about her. Please understand my last sentence I did not say republicans because not all of them have attacked her in the manor that Bripat and others have. Only the shit republicans did in this manor.

It is very convenient for the dems that the timing of the woman coming to terms with coming forward, just happened to coincide with the ending of hearings.

Lucky for them she did not need another week or two, out of 36 years, or it would have been too late.

So, very, very lucky.

YOu know what I mean?

I mean, really, REALLY, REALLY, lucky.
Well Correll, I likely know more about this than any one on this site. In 1990 I went thru a similar vetting process. I had an accuser accuse me of Financial crimes. In my case I lost a quarter of a million dollar a year job to start. I was then indicted. I received death threats, lost all the clients for my buisness. Spent over 100k in defense and for private investigators. Had an offer to be best man recinded and the wedding invataion recinded. Faced 15 years with no parole and my name was mud for years. I had to move out of town. In the end my accuser turned out to be the perp. He recently got out of prison for it. It destroyed my life for a good long time. The thing is if I were on the vetting commitee I would have acted the same way they did, it was their job. You can not have pieces of shit making decisions for the public. I will say this I did not cry like a baby in open court like this little bitch did.

1. Sorry, how did that address my point about the timing?

2. It's a good thing that the investigation was able to find evidence to clear you, or your name would still be mud. THIS accusation was crafted so nothing like that is possible.
This shit tends to come out when their is a spot light on you. Had I not applied for that particular job there would not have been the situation where warrantless accusations gain traction. This is the normal course for these things to happen. I no longer get involved in things that garner that type of scrutiny because I know how the spot light gets on you! So does every one that ever stepped into the public arena.
THe timing is highly suggestive.

If they wanted it investigated, why wait to the last minute?

That's not what you do, when you want to find the truth. That's what you do, when you want to smear someone.
Why did it take 30 years to put Cosby behind bars. It has already been established by the accuser that she did not want to come forward until recently. I guess you want to disregard what the victim has to say. Do you think she would say the dems have mistreated her or the republicans? Seems to me she was right in her reluctance considering what the piece of shit republicans are saying about her. Please understand my last sentence I did not say republicans because not all of them have attacked her in the manor that Bripat and others have. Only the shit republicans did in this manor.

It is very convenient for the dems that the timing of the woman coming to terms with coming forward, just happened to coincide with the ending of hearings.

Lucky for them she did not need another week or two, out of 36 years, or it would have been too late.

So, very, very lucky.

YOu know what I mean?

I mean, really, REALLY, REALLY, lucky.
Well Correll, I likely know more about this than any one on this site. In 1990 I went thru a similar vetting process. I had an accuser accuse me of Financial crimes. In my case I lost a quarter of a million dollar a year job to start. I was then indicted. I received death threats, lost all the clients for my buisness. Spent over 100k in defense and for private investigators. Had an offer to be best man recinded and the wedding invataion recinded. Faced 15 years with no parole and my name was mud for years. I had to move out of town. In the end my accuser turned out to be the perp. He recently got out of prison for it. It destroyed my life for a good long time. The thing is if I were on the vetting commitee I would have acted the same way they did, it was their job. You can not have pieces of shit making decisions for the public. I will say this I did not cry like a baby in open court like this little bitch did.

1. Sorry, how did that address my point about the timing?

2. It's a good thing that the investigation was able to find evidence to clear you, or your name would still be mud. THIS accusation was crafted so nothing like that is possible.
This shit tends to come out when their is a spot light on you. Had I not applied for that particular job there would not have been the situation where warrantless accusations gain traction. This is the normal course for these things to happen. I no longer get involved in things that garner that type of scrutiny because I know how the spot light gets on you! So does every one that ever stepped into the public arena.

1. The nomination process had been going on for months. Even if you discount the decades prior to that, the timing is STILL suspicious.

2. And how did that address my point about how this accusation does not allow for an investigation to clear the accused?
Why did it take 30 years to put Cosby behind bars. It has already been established by the accuser that she did not want to come forward until recently. I guess you want to disregard what the victim has to say. Do you think she would say the dems have mistreated her or the republicans? Seems to me she was right in her reluctance considering what the piece of shit republicans are saying about her. Please understand my last sentence I did not say republicans because not all of them have attacked her in the manor that Bripat and others have. Only the shit republicans did in this manor.

It is very convenient for the dems that the timing of the woman coming to terms with coming forward, just happened to coincide with the ending of hearings.

Lucky for them she did not need another week or two, out of 36 years, or it would have been too late.

So, very, very lucky.

YOu know what I mean?

I mean, really, REALLY, REALLY, lucky.
Well Correll, I likely know more about this than any one on this site. In 1990 I went thru a similar vetting process. I had an accuser accuse me of Financial crimes. In my case I lost a quarter of a million dollar a year job to start. I was then indicted. I received death threats, lost all the clients for my buisness. Spent over 100k in defense and for private investigators. Had an offer to be best man recinded and the wedding invataion recinded. Faced 15 years with no parole and my name was mud for years. I had to move out of town. In the end my accuser turned out to be the perp. He recently got out of prison for it. It destroyed my life for a good long time. The thing is if I were on the vetting commitee I would have acted the same way they did, it was their job. You can not have pieces of shit making decisions for the public. I will say this I did not cry like a baby in open court like this little bitch did.

1. Sorry, how did that address my point about the timing?

2. It's a good thing that the investigation was able to find evidence to clear you, or your name would still be mud. THIS accusation was crafted so nothing like that is possible.
This shit tends to come out when their is a spot light on you. Had I not applied for that particular job there would not have been the situation where warrantless accusations gain traction. This is the normal course for these things to happen. I no longer get involved in things that garner that type of scrutiny because I know how the spot light gets on you! So does every one that ever stepped into the public arena.

1. The nomination process had been going on for months. Even if you discount the decades prior to that, the timing is STILL suspicious.

2. And how did that address my point about how this accusation does not allow for an investigation to clear the accused?
Again who do you think Ford will say mistreated her?
Soros and Steyer are pouring money into Ford's gofundme account for payment for her lies.

Jonathan Turley: “This whole aspect of GoFundMe is relatively new, and really our ethical rules haven’t really caught up…We have all types of rules about the classic situation where someone gives you money for testimony — but this is a new creature for us.” @IngrahamAngle

Fox News (@FoxNews) September 29, 2018

According to snopes, what you say about Soros is not true.
It is very convenient for the dems that the timing of the woman coming to terms with coming forward, just happened to coincide with the ending of hearings.

Lucky for them she did not need another week or two, out of 36 years, or it would have been too late.

So, very, very lucky.

YOu know what I mean?

I mean, really, REALLY, REALLY, lucky.
Well Correll, I likely know more about this than any one on this site. In 1990 I went thru a similar vetting process. I had an accuser accuse me of Financial crimes. In my case I lost a quarter of a million dollar a year job to start. I was then indicted. I received death threats, lost all the clients for my buisness. Spent over 100k in defense and for private investigators. Had an offer to be best man recinded and the wedding invataion recinded. Faced 15 years with no parole and my name was mud for years. I had to move out of town. In the end my accuser turned out to be the perp. He recently got out of prison for it. It destroyed my life for a good long time. The thing is if I were on the vetting commitee I would have acted the same way they did, it was their job. You can not have pieces of shit making decisions for the public. I will say this I did not cry like a baby in open court like this little bitch did.

1. Sorry, how did that address my point about the timing?

2. It's a good thing that the investigation was able to find evidence to clear you, or your name would still be mud. THIS accusation was crafted so nothing like that is possible.
This shit tends to come out when their is a spot light on you. Had I not applied for that particular job there would not have been the situation where warrantless accusations gain traction. This is the normal course for these things to happen. I no longer get involved in things that garner that type of scrutiny because I know how the spot light gets on you! So does every one that ever stepped into the public arena.

1. The nomination process had been going on for months. Even if you discount the decades prior to that, the timing is STILL suspicious.

2. And how did that address my point about how this accusation does not allow for an investigation to clear the accused?
Again who do you think Ford will say mistreated her?

Again? You have not asked me that before. And I have no idea of the context. Are you talking about the supposed assault decades ago, or the hearing where she got some tough questioning?

AND, my point stands. You was cleared by the investigation. kavanaugh does not have that as a possibility. No one is going to remember shit, and his reputation will be destroyed and his family is going to have to deal with this unsupported bullshit for the rest of their lives.

THAT is the real crime here.
Kavanaugh never raped or attempted rape on anyone. No one should just "believe" an accusation just because it comes from women. Show the evidence. My guess is that Chrissy was having problems with her boyfriend back then. She was probably an annoying kook back then too, and an unpopular girl.
Soros and Steyer are pouring money into Ford's gofundme account for payment for her lies.

Jonathan Turley: “This whole aspect of GoFundMe is relatively new, and really our ethical rules haven’t really caught up…We have all types of rules about the classic situation where someone gives you money for testimony — but this is a new creature for us.” @IngrahamAngle

Fox News (@FoxNews) September 29, 2018

According to snopes, what you say about Soros is not true.

Snopes is run by two Left Wing assholes and quite often spin political fact checking.

Not a trusted site.

You have no reason to assume her story is correct.
I have not said that her story is correct nor have I said that Kavenough is guilty. Bripat has had his mind made up since day one. You have no proof she is lying. When you put your self in the public eye you are open to scrutiny . Candidates for high court are put under a great deal of scrutiny it has always been this way. Vetting is not a coup. Bripat and his piece of shit ilk have called it a coup. Called her a lying whore from the get go. They posted pictures of her with lying whore bitch carved into her face. They have said she should be killed. They have advocated death for Jeff Flake. There was a time when it was standard procedure to investigate all allegations for such a candidate and both sides of the isle supported the vetting of such candidates as it should be. The complaints must be heard and investigated for this type of position, you do not want pieces of shit on the supreme court......

THe timing is highly suggestive.

If they wanted it investigated, why wait to the last minute?

That's not what you do, when you want to find the truth. That's what you do, when you want to smear someone.
Why did it take 30 years to put Cosby behind bars. It has already been established by the accuser that she did not want to come forward until recently. I guess you want to disregard what the victim has to say. Do you think she would say the dems have mistreated her or the republicans? Seems to me she was right in her reluctance considering what the piece of shit republicans are saying about her. Please understand my last sentence I did not say republicans because not all of them have attacked her in the manor that Bripat and others have. Only the shit republicans did in this manor.

It is very convenient for the dems that the timing of the woman coming to terms with coming forward, just happened to coincide with the ending of hearings.

Lucky for them she did not need another week or two, out of 36 years, or it would have been too late.

So, very, very lucky.

YOu know what I mean?

I mean, really, REALLY, REALLY, lucky.
Well Correll, I likely know more about this than any one on this site. In 1990 I went thru a similar vetting process. I had an accuser accuse me of Financial crimes. In my case I lost a quarter of a million dollar a year job to start. I was then indicted. I received death threats, lost all the clients for my buisness. Spent over 100k in defense and for private investigators. Had an offer to be best man recinded and the wedding invataion recinded. Faced 15 years with no parole and my name was mud for years. I had to move out of town. In the end my accuser turned out to be the perp. He recently got out of prison for it. It destroyed my life for a good long time. The thing is if I were on the vetting commitee I would have acted the same way they did, it was their job. You can not have pieces of shit making decisions for the public. I will say this I did not cry like a baby in open court like this little bitch did.
Well, you're still a piece of shit. You just admitted that being innocent doesn't matter to you.
Kavanaugh never raped or attempted rape on anyone. No one should just "believe" an accusation just because it comes from women. Show the evidence. My guess is that Chrissy was having problems with her boyfriend back then. She was probably an annoying kook back then too, and an unpopular girl.
My guess is that she conspired with Feinstein and the other Democrat douchebags on the Judiciary Committee to concoct a story to smear Kavanuagh with. She never experienced any sexual assault of any kind. She was a spoiled pampered child of a DC power couple.
You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...

Sure is instructive who thinks investigation of a sexual assault/physical assault is "funny".

I believe this site even has recent rules about trolling posts like that.

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