So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?


Senator Whitehouse is a former prosecutor; what fucking rock did you slime from under?

And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.


Go look at the successful case % for Senator Whitehouse as a prosecutor.

You people are so full of shit you don't even know when the prison door has been slammed & locked on your poor asses.
How is success relevant?
Kav is extremely successful but that doesnt stop you smearing him with baseless sexual misconduct, and now alcoholism, nonsense allegations.
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Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.
What does college have to do with high school

15 is what, freshman/sophomore

No 15 year old girl should be hanging out with,
17 and 18 year olds...especially boys...
Let alone, drinking

I think she has issues and is lying

She's a professor of psychology and a research psychologist

I think she is desperately trying to save her marriage
The intent always was to have the allegation as vague and unspecific as possible. By doing so and then screaming as loud as possible they avoided the pitfall of anything specific which he could easily prove is a lie.

If they named a specific address, there was always the possibility that it could be proven that the house was vacant at that time or owned by an elderly couple with no kids.

If a specific date was used, they didn't know what Kavanaugh's real schedule was and what if he had been in another state, country or whatever?

If she named who had brought her to the party or how she had gotten home with and with whom, what if they popped up and said, hey, I never hung out with those kids, or I hadn't moved to that area until a year later.

MUCH better to keep all the allegations as vague as possible and let the Progressive lemmings do their thing.
The intent always was to have the allegation as vague and unspecific as possible. By doing so and then screaming as loud as possible they avoided the pitfall of anything specific which he could easily prove is a lie.

If they named a specific address, there was always the possibility that it could be proven that the house was vacant at that time or owned by an elderly couple with no kids.

If a specific date was used, they didn't know what Kavanaugh's real schedule was and what if he had been in another state, country or whatever?

If she named who had brought her to the party or how she had gotten home with and with whom, what if they popped up and said, hey, I never hung out with those kids, or I hadn't moved to that area until a year later.

MUCH better to keep all the allegations as vague as possible and let the Progressive lemmings do their thing.
You gotta wonder how these hosebags can walk around in broad daylight as if they were respectable people.
Kavanaugh never tried to rape anyone in high school, douchebag.

Well, someone says he did... but never mind. I know you guys are invested.

Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

I'm starting to really think it might have happened that way or not at all, which is more likely. Her lawyers don't want to give over the therapy notes because they would reveal that she recovered the "full memory" during either hypnosis or "recovered memory therapy", which is totally inadmissible in court of law because it's notoriously faulty.

Let's see those therapy notes. If she was hypnotized or this was truly "recovered memory", we know what happened. Nothing. Or at least nothing with Kav.
Bottom line: SHE ASKED FOR IT.

Wow, just wow.

Seems like we'll never get the knuckledraggers to pick up their knuckles. On behalf of males everywhere to females I apologize for those too dense to understand that they need to.

Your people are on Twitter right now falling all over Matt Damon for SNL last night. He was tight friends with Weinstein, but that doesn't matter, it's all about political expediency. So on my behalf, save your apology. I'm blessed to know plenty of good men, really fine men, men actually like Brett Kavanaugh. I think if more women did, they wouldn't be such shrill lost little harpies. But here we are in modern America.
Where’s the part where he dragged her from the bed by the ankles? Oh, that’s right..... that behavior to be ignored by today’s Democrats.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Fun? Holding a girl down on a bed you hardly know and dry humping her? And having to cup her mouth to stop her from objecting? You call that 'fun'? In no remotely, possible sense of the word is that 'fun'.

Christine Blasey Ford painfully recounts alleged attack by Brett Kavanaugh

I am a heterosexual male who drank TONS of beer and went to tons of parties (in high school/university/afterwards). If that kind of behavior happened at a party I was at, I/my buddies would have grabbed the fucker and thrown him out of the friggin' house. And if he/his friends challenged us - beat the shit out of them.

I don't care how drunk you remotely decent male would do what Kavanaugh is accused of doing. Fucking pigs would...but not a decent male in the REMOTEST sense of the word. The idea would simply not even pop into a decent man's head...straight or sober.

I don't know if what Ford described happened or not. But if it did - along with the pathetic way Kavanaugh is handling it - it DEFINITELY nixs him for the SCOTUS to me.

It's one thing to be a fucking pig when you were in high school, that is bad enough...maybe too bad alone. But to still be in total denial about it 30+ years later? That shows strong, mental problems (and a clear case of misogyny). That sort of person should not be on the highest court in the land, IMO.

You do realize that is a work of fiction?
The intent always was to have the allegation as vague and unspecific as possible. By doing so and then screaming as loud as possible they avoided the pitfall of anything specific which he could easily prove is a lie.

If they named a specific address, there was always the possibility that it could be proven that the house was vacant at that time or owned by an elderly couple with no kids.

If a specific date was used, they didn't know what Kavanaugh's real schedule was and what if he had been in another state, country or whatever?

If she named who had brought her to the party or how she had gotten home with and with whom, what if they popped up and said, hey, I never hung out with those kids, or I hadn't moved to that area until a year later.

MUCH better to keep all the allegations as vague as possible and let the Progressive lemmings do their thing.

It's the way Dims do things. Scream and rant but never, ever, be specific.
The intent always was to have the allegation as vague and unspecific as possible. By doing so and then screaming as loud as possible they avoided the pitfall of anything specific which he could easily prove is a lie.

If they named a specific address, there was always the possibility that it could be proven that the house was vacant at that time or owned by an elderly couple with no kids.

If a specific date was used, they didn't know what Kavanaugh's real schedule was and what if he had been in another state, country or whatever?

If she named who had brought her to the party or how she had gotten home with and with whom, what if they popped up and said, hey, I never hung out with those kids, or I hadn't moved to that area until a year later.

MUCH better to keep all the allegations as vague as possible and let the Progressive lemmings do their thing.

It's the way Dims do things. Scream and rant but never, ever, be specific.

2 keys to the end of this fiasco that are pertinent----------->

Notice that Grassley has stated publicly that...………...anyone coming forward now and proven lying WILL be prosecuted!

And 2----------> The FBI is going to also investigate the leak.

What that means in essence is-----------> The Far Left better have all their eggs in a row, because if not, they are going to end up par boiled!

I URGE all of you to understand----------> The FBI is going to investigate LYING in allegations; not of Ford so much, but the other 2. Do we understand what this means? If EITHER of the other 2 can be proven to be LYING, the Me Too movement is toast, and they can thank the Democrats. AND, if either of the other 2 are proven as liars, the association of all allegations together will become not only inconsequential, but an impetus to bury the far Left.

You Leftists insist this is all true? You better hope so, because if ANY of them end up being proven liars, you are all hosed!
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
A tougher girl would have smacked him or hit him in the balls. She was a snowflake. Remembers it worse than it was. Or remembers it exactly how it happened from her viewpoint.

I agree with you completely. This was a long time ago and that’s how drunk young men acted in the 80s.

After hearing her testimony they need to seat that son of a bitch. I don’t like it but it’s true
that’s how drunk young men acted in the 80s.
No, it's not. Well, at least not in the 70's they didn't, and I have asked all of my students, of various ages, some just out of high school and they ALL have told me that this is not "normal" behavior. It is highly aggressive and on the verge of criminal, if you ask me. It's not just copping a feel. It is a whole lot more than that. He locked the door so no one else could come walking in to "rescue" her. He turned up the stereo to drown out her yells and covered her mouth with his hand. He attempted to rip off her clothes. He may have done it as some kind of dare or joke with his buddy, but it was anything but "that's how drunk young men acted " in any decade.

If it happened, and if it happened that way, and if it was even him.
/----/ Who the hell said it was a beach party? Are you insane?
Yeah I guess we've lead very different lives. Where I grew up, wearing a swim suit under one's clothes if you were going swimming later on or to the beach was pretty common.
/—-/ Where the hell was this party? I mean exact location from the nearest beach? BTW I have lived within a half hour drive of the beach my entire life and never did that. My wife and daughters would wear a cover up over their swimsuits. Geeeze talk about grasping at straws.
NOt bad, but that does not explain the highly suspicious timing.
The timing is terrible, the optics are terrible. I'm just making a wild-ass-guess.

NOt bad, but that does not explain the highly suspicious timing.
The timing is terrible, the optics are terrible. I'm just making a wild-ass-guess.

That is what I mean. It looks suspiciously like this "scandal" was manufactured based on the goal of the timing and the optics.

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