So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

As I said, do you have another day that includes the same people and the "skis" in the same setting that perfectly matches Ford's description? If you do, notify the FBI. Rachel Mitchell is a professional prosecutor and that's the date she found but if you have more ---- bring 'em on. I don't.

What the fuck, dood? You have a perfect match and you keep asking "what's the significance". You have a revealing document that immediately gets diverted from and you have no explanation for why it's diverted. Rachel Mitchell is literally never heard from again.

What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Graham had been practicing that speech in the hallway during lunch break. Clumsy as it came out, it was scripted. I heard it paraphrased an hour before it got spewed. It was a calculated nuclear option. The only thing left to be decided was when it would be deployed, if it would be deployed at all since it was obviously a desperation maneuver. Once July 1st revealed the same names that Dr. Ford had already cited (remember, Kavanaugh did not watch Ford's testimony) --- the Chair had its "uh-oh" moment and pushed the button.

I'm happy to help you figure out the machinations of how this works but there's really nothing "funny" about it. This is stark, serious stuff.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)

FBI already knows, thanks to Rachel Mitchell. That cat has fled the proverbial bag.

What you need to do is alert the FBI to the dates you have.
What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?
I've got all night, to answer your stupid assertions.

Odds are, Mitchell could have put the calendars on a wall, blindfolded herself, threw a dart over her shoulder, and hit a similar date, with similar information.

and you still wouldn't have any proof that is the date Ford is talking about.

How thick is the concrete between your ears.

Quick, get on the phone, and tell the FBI you've broken the case.

I tend not to waste my time on posts that contain no intelligent content.

quotes a different day, and a girl named Becky.

but, thanks to your brainwashing, it "contains no intelligent content"
Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

As I said, do you have another day that includes the same people and the "skis" in the same setting that perfectly matches Ford's description? If you do, notify the FBI. Rachel Mitchell is a professional prosecutor and that's the date she found but if you have more ---- bring 'em on. I don't.

What the fuck, dood? You have a perfect match and you keep asking "what's the significance". You have a revealing document that immediately gets diverted from and you have no explanation for why it's diverted. Rachel Mitchell is literally never heard from again.

What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Graham had been practicing that speech in the hallway during lunch break. Clumsy as it came out, it was scripted. I heard it paraphrased an hour before it got spewed. It was a calculated nuclear option. The only thing left to be decided was when it would be deployed, if it would be deployed at all since it was obviously a desperation maneuver. Once July 1st revealed the same names that Dr. Ford had already cited (remember, Kavanaugh did not watch Ford's testimony) --- the Chair had its "uh-oh" moment and pushed the button.

I'm happy to help you figure out the machinations of how this works but there's really nothing "funny" about it. This is stark, serious stuff.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)

FBI already knows, thanks to Rachel Mitchell. That cat has fled the proverbial bag.

What you need to do is alert the FBI to the dates you have.
What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?
I've got all night, to answer your stupid assertions.

Odds are, Mitchell could have put the calendars on a wall, blindfolded herself, threw a dart over her shoulder, and hit a similar date, with similar information.

and you still wouldn't have any proof that is the date Ford is talking about.

How thick is the concrete between your ears.

Quick, get on the phone, and tell the FBI you've broken the case.

I tend not to waste my time on posts that contain no intelligent content.

quotes a different day, and a girl named Becky.

but, thanks to your brainwashing, it "contains no intelligent content"

And this "Becky" has what the fuck to do with anything?

See what I mean? This retard can't understand how Brett The Fuck Kavanaugh isn't in charge of everybody who walks into a building. I can't help him. I don't have the training to communicate with the retarded.
You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)

The coward wouldn't even address post 530. Me thinks that yellow streak is showing.

I tend not to waste my time on posts that contain no intelligent content. 530 is such a post. Have a good cry and then come back with something that actually has meaning.

I enjoy watch a coward hauling ass. You enjoy believing lies and false memories that aren't even allowed in court.

You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

As I said, do you have another day that includes the same people and the "skis" in the same setting that perfectly matches Ford's description? If you do, notify the FBI. Rachel Mitchell is a professional prosecutor and that's the date she found but if you have more ---- bring 'em on. I don't.

What the fuck, dood? You have a perfect match and you keep asking "what's the significance". You have a revealing document that immediately gets diverted from and you have no explanation for why it's diverted. Rachel Mitchell is literally never heard from again.

What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Graham had been practicing that speech in the hallway during lunch break. Clumsy as it came out, it was scripted. I heard it paraphrased an hour before it got spewed. It was a calculated nuclear option. The only thing left to be decided was when it would be deployed, if it would be deployed at all since it was obviously a desperation maneuver. Once July 1st revealed the same names that Dr. Ford had already cited (remember, Kavanaugh did not watch Ford's testimony) --- the Chair had its "uh-oh" moment and pushed the button.

I'm happy to help you figure out the machinations of how this works but there's really nothing "funny" about it. This is stark, serious stuff.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)

FBI already knows, thanks to Rachel Mitchell. That cat has fled the proverbial bag.

What you need to do is alert the FBI to the dates you have.
What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?
I've got all night, to answer your stupid assertions.

Odds are, Mitchell could have put the calendars on a wall, blindfolded herself, threw a dart over her shoulder, and hit a similar date, with similar information.

and you still wouldn't have any proof that is the date Ford is talking about.

How thick is the concrete between your ears.

Quick, get on the phone, and tell the FBI you've broken the case.

Are you STILL illiterate?

I axed you several posts back to essplain where I claimed July 1st named Ford. You ran away. Now here you are again expecting different results pretending I said it was "proof".


I know exactly what I wrote. Maybe you should find the fuck out too.
Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)

The coward wouldn't even address post 530. Me thinks that yellow streak is showing.

I tend not to waste my time on posts that contain no intelligent content. 530 is such a post. Have a good cry and then come back with something that actually has meaning.

I enjoy watch a coward hauling ass. You enjoy believing lies and false memories that aren't even allowed in court.

Hey, you're the klown trying to bring up "Becky" in a desperate attempt to get the spotlight off a different date. That's a coward hauling ass if ever I saw one.
And this "Becky" has what the fuck to do with anything?

a different date, a different get together, (and this one obviously had girls at it.)

But, that one is irrelevant…

It's not July 1st

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

As I said, do you have another day that includes the same people and the "skis" in the same setting that perfectly matches Ford's description? If you do, notify the FBI. Rachel Mitchell is a professional prosecutor and that's the date she found but if you have more ---- bring 'em on. I don't.

What the fuck, dood? You have a perfect match and you keep asking "what's the significance". You have a revealing document that immediately gets diverted from and you have no explanation for why it's diverted. Rachel Mitchell is literally never heard from again.

What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Graham had been practicing that speech in the hallway during lunch break. Clumsy as it came out, it was scripted. I heard it paraphrased an hour before it got spewed. It was a calculated nuclear option. The only thing left to be decided was when it would be deployed, if it would be deployed at all since it was obviously a desperation maneuver. Once July 1st revealed the same names that Dr. Ford had already cited (remember, Kavanaugh did not watch Ford's testimony) --- the Chair had its "uh-oh" moment and pushed the button.

I'm happy to help you figure out the machinations of how this works but there's really nothing "funny" about it. This is stark, serious stuff.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)

FBI already knows, thanks to Rachel Mitchell. That cat has fled the proverbial bag.

What you need to do is alert the FBI to the dates you have.
What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?
I've got all night, to answer your stupid assertions.

Odds are, Mitchell could have put the calendars on a wall, blindfolded herself, threw a dart over her shoulder, and hit a similar date, with similar information.

and you still wouldn't have any proof that is the date Ford is talking about.

How thick is the concrete between your ears.

Quick, get on the phone, and tell the FBI you've broken the case.

Are you STILL illiterate?

I axed you several posts back to essplain where I claimed July 1st named Ford. You ran away. Now here you are again expecting different results pretending I said it was "proof".


I know exactly what I wrote. Maybe you should find the fuck out too.

every time you bring it up as relevant, you're pointing to Ford.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

As I said, do you have another day that includes the same people and the "skis" in the same setting that perfectly matches Ford's description? If you do, notify the FBI. Rachel Mitchell is a professional prosecutor and that's the date she found but if you have more ---- bring 'em on. I don't.

What the fuck, dood? You have a perfect match and you keep asking "what's the significance". You have a revealing document that immediately gets diverted from and you have no explanation for why it's diverted. Rachel Mitchell is literally never heard from again.

What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Graham had been practicing that speech in the hallway during lunch break. Clumsy as it came out, it was scripted. I heard it paraphrased an hour before it got spewed. It was a calculated nuclear option. The only thing left to be decided was when it would be deployed, if it would be deployed at all since it was obviously a desperation maneuver. Once July 1st revealed the same names that Dr. Ford had already cited (remember, Kavanaugh did not watch Ford's testimony) --- the Chair had its "uh-oh" moment and pushed the button.

I'm happy to help you figure out the machinations of how this works but there's really nothing "funny" about it. This is stark, serious stuff.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)

FBI already knows, thanks to Rachel Mitchell. That cat has fled the proverbial bag.

What you need to do is alert the FBI to the dates you have.
What the fuck dood? How long can you play dumb here?
I've got all night, to answer your stupid assertions.

Odds are, Mitchell could have put the calendars on a wall, blindfolded herself, threw a dart over her shoulder, and hit a similar date, with similar information.

and you still wouldn't have any proof that is the date Ford is talking about.

How thick is the concrete between your ears.

Quick, get on the phone, and tell the FBI you've broken the case.

Are you STILL illiterate?

I axed you several posts back to essplain where I claimed July 1st named Ford. You ran away. Now here you are again expecting different results pretending I said it was "proof".


I know exactly what I wrote. Maybe you should find the fuck out too.

every time you bring it up as relevant, you're pointing to Ford.

Maybe you don't read too good. I said, "QUOTE ME".

Get busy.
You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
You should ask for your two cents back. What a fence sitting worthless theory.

Four people deny this ever happened. That’s the four SHE brought to the table to back up her claims. Not. One. Did.

Yet you're still trying so hard to give her credibility. Why?
The left has robbed the term "credible" of all meaning. Having a vagina is all that's required to be credible in their universe.
Who has more benefit from lying, kavanaugh or ford?
is just lying for fame or something else. what woman wants to be famous for being raped?
Ford has far more benefit, obviously. Furthermore, then did that equation determine who was telling the truth? The bottom line is that she has no evidence at all other than her personal testimony, and she isn't credible, at all.
You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...
They haven't got shit. "If, if, if." So far all we have is "lie, lie, lie." You're an imbecile.
Growing up in a Muslim country I am very thankful....that this nonsense partying, drinking, sex with no limitations, rape, lies, frats, culture wasnt part of my school days....I say to those who complain about Muslim women being it, you want women naked and ready for you to jump on anytime you wish...keep your shit to yourself and respect women's will and dignity.
Yeah, because making them wear a Burka that covers every square inch of their body is how you respect women's dignity.
Wrong again. Most musk countries domt force women to wear anything.....every woman I knew of that wore, she did by Choice....stop the fucking lies....or just bothers you because u want them naked and you can choose which u wanna grab her pussy.
Women wore the burka as a choice? What was the alternative choice, a severe beating? No one would wear those horrors if they had a real choice.
Huh? Name me countries that women get beat up foe not wearing burka out of the 56 Muslim majority countries ?
Now tell me how many women get sexually harassed and raped in the US? U even elected a pussy grabber.
Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen
What is a 15 year old doing at and adult party.
The reprehensible right ever reprehensible: blame the victim.

I merely asked a question. I think the answer would go to HER legitimacy. What was she doing at a drinking party at that age? Why did she go upstairs with boys into a private room? If, that is, we are to believe what she says which, I don't because she can't even remember where or when and nobody supports her story. No, sorry I don't believe she was a victim of Kavanaugh.

Any of you cultists care to explain why even your Lord and Savior say Ford's testimony was credible?
He didn't say that, turd.

Yes. He did. His exact words were "But certainly she was a very credible witness."

Would you like to see the video of your Lord and Savior spreading the Good News?

Trump Calls Christine Blasey Ford a 'Very Credible Witness'
That's pure politicking. He doesn't want to be accused of bullying her. However, the truth is that she's an obvious liar. Every witness she named said she's lying. She was caught lying about several other claims she made. She's a crazy, lying psycho-bitch.
Growing up in a Muslim country I am very thankful....that this nonsense partying, drinking, sex with no limitations, rape, lies, frats, culture wasnt part of my school days....I say to those who complain about Muslim women being it, you want women naked and ready for you to jump on anytime you wish...keep your shit to yourself and respect women's will and dignity.
Yeah, because making them wear a Burka that covers every square inch of their body is how you respect women's dignity.
Wrong again. Most musk countries domt force women to wear anything.....every woman I knew of that wore, she did by Choice....stop the fucking lies....or just bothers you because u want them naked and you can choose which u wanna grab her pussy.
Women wore the burka as a choice? What was the alternative choice, a severe beating? No one would wear those horrors if they had a real choice.
Huh? Name me countries that women get beat up foe not wearing burka out of the 56 Muslim majority countries ?
Now tell me how many women get sexually harassed and raped in the US? U even elected a pussy grabber.
Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen
Wrong....Only Iran and Pakistan that require the Hijab and not even the burka....which is a huge difference. Certainly not the other countries that you mentioned.....educate yourself please....bigotry and racism stems from ignorance and you are clearly have a FOX news opinion without facts.
Then WHY are you bringing up that date?

it has NOTHING to do with Ford, unless you have some other proof.

Actually somebody else brought it up, after Sheldon Whitehouse brought it up, after Rachel Mitchell originally brought it up in the hearing on Thursday. That's the all-day video I linked with the time reference to 6h28m where she does bring it up. And it lists the same names that Ford did plus a couple of others.

It's the same exchange where Mitchell asks him if there is any entry on any day in that entire calendar from that summer that could even remotely fit Dr. Ford's description, at which point Kavanaugh responds "no" and bites his lip and looks off to the side. Yet there it is in his own handwriting. The same names --- on a Thursday, a weekday, the kind of day Kavanaugh intentionally tried to shift the focus away from with the premise of "weekends" that Ford never brought up.

THAT is why July 1st is brought up. Because Kavanaugh just got trapped by Rachel Mitchell, his legalistic superior. It's all right there in the video. And that's also the last questioning Rachel Mitchell got to do that day, the committee at that point, with the exposure of the July 1st dated, immediately turning to Lindsey Graham and his tantrum, drawing attention away from the matter of dates and calendars, and plummeting the circus into a grand exercise in Argument from Emotion.

THAT is why July 1st got brought up. Because it's a crucial turning point. And Grassley could see that, and took action to divert it.
Oh, "he bit his lip and looked away?" That's your interpretation of his behavior, and that proves he's lying?

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Yeah, because making them wear a Burka that covers every square inch of their body is how you respect women's dignity.
Wrong again. Most musk countries domt force women to wear anything.....every woman I knew of that wore, she did by Choice....stop the fucking lies....or just bothers you because u want them naked and you can choose which u wanna grab her pussy.
Women wore the burka as a choice? What was the alternative choice, a severe beating? No one would wear those horrors if they had a real choice.
Huh? Name me countries that women get beat up foe not wearing burka out of the 56 Muslim majority countries ?
Now tell me how many women get sexually harassed and raped in the US? U even elected a pussy grabber.
Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Sudan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yemen
Wrong....Only Iran and Pakistan that require the Hijab and not even the burka....which is a huge difference. Certainly not the other countries that you mentioned.....educate yourself please....bigotry and racism stems from ignorance and you are clearly have a FOX news opinion without facts.
Then why do women wear the Burka in all those countries? Whether it's legally required isn't up for discussion here. The question is whether the culture imposes it on women, which it obviously does.
You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.
Why did what happen when it did? We have no evidence that anything happened. All the designate witnesses say it didn't.
You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

Great, You just described about 1/3 of the houses in the DC area.

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

You have access to his calendar. When does he ever say "the guys?"

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

probably half the student population of every high school got drunk every weekend in those days. I know I did. We had these huge parties called "keggers" which half the student body attended.

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...

Nothing you listed confirms anything other than the fact that he was a normal kid in high school.
Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?


Senator Whitehouse is a former prosecutor; what fucking rock did you slime from under?

So what?
Just how the hell would you act if you'd been put through the hell he and his family has?

He was perfectly right to be emotional and angry. And, in no way does it disqualify him to sit on the Supreme Court. If anything, it shows his humanity, an important factor in someone determining the fate of a nation.

I think when he started ranting Hillary is out to get him, that's when he disqualified himself.


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