So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?


Senator Whitehouse is a former prosecutor; what fucking rock did you slime from under?

And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.


Go look at the successful case % for Senator Whitehouse as a prosecutor.

You people are so full of shit you don't even know when the prison door has been slammed & locked on your poor asses.
I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?


Senator Whitehouse is a former prosecutor; what fucking rock did you slime from under?

And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.

No females were listed because they weren't on his calendar, period. Nobody claimed what's on Brett Kavanaugh's calendar is the complete definitive list of the entire population of a party --- it's just "meet with X, Y and Z". That doesn't preclude A,.B, C, D, E and F from being there too.
Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?

"No reason at all" :rofl:

This date was brought up and centered on directly by the Republican attorney Rachel Mitchell who appeared on their behalf. SHE brought up these names at the same time she established that Kavanaugh would have logged such events, including specifically an event such as Ford had described. At the same time she established that they are a reliable contemporary record of who was involved where at these gatherings. At the same time she established that Kavanaugh had

July 1st, which is by the way a THURSDAY. And Thursday is a weekday, recalling that right in his opening statement Kavanaugh deliberately drew attention to weekends and away from weekdays in an attempt to establish he could not have been in the area on a weekend ---- a premise that Dr. Ford never made in the first place.

His calendar bites him right here at the 6h28m mark with Rachel Mitchell's questioning, which is the first mention of "July 1st".

You'll note that this was the LAST questioning Rachel Mitchell was permitted to do after the Chair had established that would be the format. The next round from a Republican Senator went instead to Lindsey Graham for his hissyfit rant and the rest of the Republicans followed suit after that, all of which drew attention AWAY FROM the calendar entry of July 1st. Apparently it was not enough to draw Sheldon Whitehouse's attention away. I noticed the same thing. She in effect trapped him. Apparently she's a better lawyer than he is.

Rachel Mitchell did her job well. So well she uncovered something those who hired her wish she hadn't.

I tell ya what, based on what we saw in this hearing maybe Rachel Mitchell should be the new SCOTUS judge. She's even a Republican. I'd be completely behind that.

Pure speculation and supposition. Better know as BULLSHIT!!!!!!!
Nuthouse nailed nothing down.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?

"No reason at all" :rofl:

This date was brought up and centered on directly by the Republican attorney Rachel Mitchell who appeared on their behalf. SHE brought up these names at the same time she established that Kavanaugh would have logged such events, including specifically an event such as Ford had described. At the same time she established that they are a reliable contemporary record of who was involved where at these gatherings. At the same time she established that Kavanaugh had

July 1st, which is by the way a THURSDAY. And Thursday is a weekday, recalling that right in his opening statement Kavanaugh deliberately drew attention to weekends and away from weekdays in an attempt to establish he could not have been in the area on a weekend ---- a premise that Dr. Ford never made in the first place.

His calendar bites him right here at the 6h28m mark with Rachel Mitchell's questioning, which is the first mention of "July 1st".

You'll note that this was the LAST questioning Rachel Mitchell was permitted to do after the Chair had established that would be the format. The next round from a Republican Senator went instead to Lindsey Graham for his hissyfit rant and the rest of the Republicans followed suit after that, all of which drew attention AWAY FROM the calendar entry of July 1st. Apparently it was not enough to draw Sheldon Whitehouse's attention away. I noticed the same thing. She in effect trapped him. Apparently she's a better lawyer than he is.

Rachel Mitchell did her job well. So well she uncovered something those who hired her wish she hadn't.

I tell ya what, based on what we saw in this hearing maybe Rachel Mitchell should be the new SCOTUS judge. She's even a Republican. I'd be completely behind that.

Pure speculation and supposition. Better know as BULLSHIT!!!!!!!
Nuthouse nailed nothing down.

You call Rachel Mitchell "Nuthouse"? Why is that?

I've "speculated" nothing. I quoted what actually went down and then supplied the video of the entire day that backs up what I quoted complete with the time reference to the relevant part.

There's nothing you can do about that. Maybe you should send Lindsey Graham to throw a tantrum.
Make sure he wears a bib this time.
Growing up in a Muslim country I am very thankful....that this nonsense partying, drinking, sex with no limitations, rape, lies, frats, culture wasnt part of my school days....I say to those who complain about Muslim women being it, you want women naked and ready for you to jump on anytime you wish...keep your shit to yourself and respect women's will and dignity.
Yeah, because making them wear a Burka that covers every square inch of their body is how you respect women's dignity.
Wrong again. Most musk countries domt force women to wear anything.....every woman I knew of that wore, she did by Choice....stop the fucking lies....or just bothers you because u want them naked and you can choose which u wanna grab her pussy.
Women wore the burka as a choice? What was the alternative choice, a severe beating? No one would wear those horrors if they had a real choice.
Huh? Name me countries that women get beat up foe not wearing burka out of the 56 Muslim majority countries ?
Now tell me how many women get sexually harassed and raped in the US? U even elected a pussy grabber.
So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?


Senator Whitehouse is a former prosecutor; what fucking rock did you slime from under?

And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.


Go look at the successful case % for Senator Whitehouse as a prosecutor.

You people are so full of shit you don't even know when the prison door has been slammed & locked on your poor asses.

Nuthouse's prosecution record is irrelevant, by the end of next week we're going to be at the same place we were yesterday. And Nuthouse will hold his usual 1% of the senate vote. He will still be crying in his beer when Kavanaugh is confirmed.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?


Senator Whitehouse is a former prosecutor; what fucking rock did you slime from under?

And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.


Go look at the successful case % for Senator Whitehouse as a prosecutor.

You people are so full of shit you don't even know when the prison door has been slammed & locked on your poor asses.

WOW, two back to back posts spewing the exact same drivel. Your good. ROFLMFAO

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?


Senator Whitehouse is a former prosecutor; what fucking rock did you slime from under?

And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.

No females were listed because they weren't on his calendar, period. Nobody claimed what's on Brett Kavanaugh's calendar is the complete definitive list of the entire population of a party --- it's just "meet with X, Y and Z". That doesn't preclude A,.B, C, D, E and F from being there too.

So how did he post larger gatherings? Provide an example please.

Senator Whitehouse is a former prosecutor; what fucking rock did you slime from under?

And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.

No females were listed because they weren't on his calendar, period. Nobody claimed what's on Brett Kavanaugh's calendar is the complete definitive list of the entire population of a party --- it's just "meet with X, Y and Z". That doesn't preclude A,.B, C, D, E and F from being there too.

So how did he post larger gatherings? Provide an example please.

Dafuck is so hard to understand about this?

Kavanaugh makes an entry that he's meeting (four?) friends at "Timmy's". THAT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY MEAN NOBODY ELSE WILL BE AT "TIMMY'S". It's a calendar of what he is doing ---- not what the entire world is doing.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?

"No reason at all" :rofl:

This date was brought up and centered on directly by the Republican attorney Rachel Mitchell who appeared on their behalf. SHE brought up these names at the same time she established that Kavanaugh would have logged such events, including specifically an event such as Ford had described. At the same time she established that they are a reliable contemporary record of who was involved where at these gatherings. At the same time she established that Kavanaugh had

July 1st, which is by the way a THURSDAY. And Thursday is a weekday, recalling that right in his opening statement Kavanaugh deliberately drew attention to weekends and away from weekdays in an attempt to establish he could not have been in the area on a weekend ---- a premise that Dr. Ford never made in the first place.

His calendar bites him right here at the 6h28m mark with Rachel Mitchell's questioning, which is the first mention of "July 1st".

You'll note that this was the LAST questioning Rachel Mitchell was permitted to do after the Chair had established that would be the format. The next round from a Republican Senator went instead to Lindsey Graham for his hissyfit rant and the rest of the Republicans followed suit after that, all of which drew attention AWAY FROM the calendar entry of July 1st. Apparently it was not enough to draw Sheldon Whitehouse's attention away. I noticed the same thing. She in effect trapped him. Apparently she's a better lawyer than he is.

Rachel Mitchell did her job well. So well she uncovered something those who hired her wish she hadn't.

I tell ya what, based on what we saw in this hearing maybe Rachel Mitchell should be the new SCOTUS judge. She's even a Republican. I'd be completely behind that.

Pure speculation and supposition. Better know as BULLSHIT!!!!!!!
Nuthouse nailed nothing down.

You call Rachel Mitchell "Nuthouse"? Why is that?

I've "speculated" nothing. I quoted what actually went down and then supplied the video of the entire day that backs up what I quoted complete with the time reference to the relevant part.

There's nothing you can do about that. Maybe you should send Lindsey Graham to throw a tantrum.
Make sure he wears a bib this time.

Did you enjoy quoting speculation and supposition?

Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?

"No reason at all" :rofl:

This date was brought up and centered on directly by the Republican attorney Rachel Mitchell who appeared on their behalf. SHE brought up these names at the same time she established that Kavanaugh would have logged such events, including specifically an event such as Ford had described. At the same time she established that they are a reliable contemporary record of who was involved where at these gatherings. At the same time she established that Kavanaugh had

July 1st, which is by the way a THURSDAY. And Thursday is a weekday, recalling that right in his opening statement Kavanaugh deliberately drew attention to weekends and away from weekdays in an attempt to establish he could not have been in the area on a weekend ---- a premise that Dr. Ford never made in the first place.

His calendar bites him right here at the 6h28m mark with Rachel Mitchell's questioning, which is the first mention of "July 1st".

You'll note that this was the LAST questioning Rachel Mitchell was permitted to do after the Chair had established that would be the format. The next round from a Republican Senator went instead to Lindsey Graham for his hissyfit rant and the rest of the Republicans followed suit after that, all of which drew attention AWAY FROM the calendar entry of July 1st. Apparently it was not enough to draw Sheldon Whitehouse's attention away. I noticed the same thing. She in effect trapped him. Apparently she's a better lawyer than he is.

Rachel Mitchell did her job well. So well she uncovered something those who hired her wish she hadn't.

I tell ya what, based on what we saw in this hearing maybe Rachel Mitchell should be the new SCOTUS judge. She's even a Republican. I'd be completely behind that.

Where does is say in that video, that July 1st is the date he 'partied' with Ford?..

It mentions 4-5 guys, no girls
No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?

"No reason at all" :rofl:

This date was brought up and centered on directly by the Republican attorney Rachel Mitchell who appeared on their behalf. SHE brought up these names at the same time she established that Kavanaugh would have logged such events, including specifically an event such as Ford had described. At the same time she established that they are a reliable contemporary record of who was involved where at these gatherings. At the same time she established that Kavanaugh had

July 1st, which is by the way a THURSDAY. And Thursday is a weekday, recalling that right in his opening statement Kavanaugh deliberately drew attention to weekends and away from weekdays in an attempt to establish he could not have been in the area on a weekend ---- a premise that Dr. Ford never made in the first place.

His calendar bites him right here at the 6h28m mark with Rachel Mitchell's questioning, which is the first mention of "July 1st".

You'll note that this was the LAST questioning Rachel Mitchell was permitted to do after the Chair had established that would be the format. The next round from a Republican Senator went instead to Lindsey Graham for his hissyfit rant and the rest of the Republicans followed suit after that, all of which drew attention AWAY FROM the calendar entry of July 1st. Apparently it was not enough to draw Sheldon Whitehouse's attention away. I noticed the same thing.

Rachel Mitchell did her job well. So well she uncovered something those who hired her wish she hadn't.

FVCKING BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the GOP cannot stand it!!! :21:

God; I love prosecutors!!!!!!!!!!!!

appears you didn't watch it
Senator Whitehouse is a former prosecutor; what fucking rock did you slime from under?

And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.


Go look at the successful case % for Senator Whitehouse as a prosecutor.

You people are so full of shit you don't even know when the prison door has been slammed & locked on your poor asses.

Nuthouse's prosecution record is irrelevant, by the end of next week we're going to be at the same place we were yesterday. And Nuthouse will hold his usual 1% of the senate vote. He will still be crying in his beer when Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Actually we haven't even established whether Sheldon Whitehouse likes beer.

Brett Kavanaugh actually asked him that question.

Let's reiterate that in a separate line. In a judiciary hearing for a SCOTUS position, the candidate asked a Senator on the committee what kind of beer he likes. The Senator did not answer.
No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?

"No reason at all" :rofl:

This date was brought up and centered on directly by the Republican attorney Rachel Mitchell who appeared on their behalf. SHE brought up these names at the same time she established that Kavanaugh would have logged such events, including specifically an event such as Ford had described. At the same time she established that they are a reliable contemporary record of who was involved where at these gatherings. At the same time she established that Kavanaugh had

July 1st, which is by the way a THURSDAY. And Thursday is a weekday, recalling that right in his opening statement Kavanaugh deliberately drew attention to weekends and away from weekdays in an attempt to establish he could not have been in the area on a weekend ---- a premise that Dr. Ford never made in the first place.

His calendar bites him right here at the 6h28m mark with Rachel Mitchell's questioning, which is the first mention of "July 1st".

You'll note that this was the LAST questioning Rachel Mitchell was permitted to do after the Chair had established that would be the format. The next round from a Republican Senator went instead to Lindsey Graham for his hissyfit rant and the rest of the Republicans followed suit after that, all of which drew attention AWAY FROM the calendar entry of July 1st. Apparently it was not enough to draw Sheldon Whitehouse's attention away. I noticed the same thing. She in effect trapped him. Apparently she's a better lawyer than he is.

Rachel Mitchell did her job well. So well she uncovered something those who hired her wish she hadn't.

I tell ya what, based on what we saw in this hearing maybe Rachel Mitchell should be the new SCOTUS judge. She's even a Republican. I'd be completely behind that.

Where does is say in that video, that July 1st is the date he 'partied' with Ford?..

It mentions 4-5 guys, no girls

It doesn't.

Where does it say in my post that I claim that's what it says?
Then WHY are you bringing up that date?

it has NOTHING to do with Ford, unless you have some other proof.
What is a 15 year old doing at and adult party.
The reprehensible right ever reprehensible: blame the victim.

I merely asked a question. I think the answer would go to HER legitimacy. What was she doing at a drinking party at that age? Why did she go upstairs with boys into a private room? If, that is, we are to believe what she says which, I don't because she can't even remember where or when and nobody supports her story. No, sorry I don't believe she was a victim of Kavanaugh.

Any of you cultists care to explain why even your Lord and Savior say Ford's testimony was credible?
He didn't say that, turd.

Yes. He did. His exact words were "But certainly she was a very credible witness."

Would you like to see the video of your Lord and Savior spreading the Good News?

Trump Calls Christine Blasey Ford a 'Very Credible Witness'
And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.

No females were listed because they weren't on his calendar, period. Nobody claimed what's on Brett Kavanaugh's calendar is the complete definitive list of the entire population of a party --- it's just "meet with X, Y and Z". That doesn't preclude A,.B, C, D, E and F from being there too.

So how did he post larger gatherings? Provide an example please.

Dafuck is so hard to understand about this?

Kavanaugh makes an entry that he's meeting (four?) friends at "Timmy's". THAT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY MEAN NOBODY ELSE WILL BE AT "TIMMY'S". It's a calendar of what he is doing ---- not what the entire world is doing.


Not what Kavanaugh said, he said he used it as a diary too, like his dad, so it would be more detailed than that. Since you deflected from my question I'm guessing you don't know the answer.

Last edited:
And that's supposed to impress me when he's pulling shit out of the air for no apparent reason, other than 4 guys got together? Were there other similar situations on the calendar that included female friends at the gathering? Nuthouse just pulled this crap out of his ass trying to force Kavanaugh to prove another negative.


YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.


Go look at the successful case % for Senator Whitehouse as a prosecutor.

You people are so full of shit you don't even know when the prison door has been slammed & locked on your poor asses.

Nuthouse's prosecution record is irrelevant, by the end of next week we're going to be at the same place we were yesterday. And Nuthouse will hold his usual 1% of the senate vote. He will still be crying in his beer when Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Actually we haven't even established whether Sheldon Whitehouse likes beer.

Brett Kavanaugh actually asked him that question.

Let's reiterate that in a separate line. In a judiciary hearing for a SCOTUS position, the candidate asked a Senator on the committee what kind of beer he likes. The Senator did not answer.

It didn't matter and if the FBI comes back and says Kavanaugh is Jesus incarnate with the wisdom of God himself, Nuthouse still wouldn't vote for him.


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