So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

So, taking a 15 year old female into a locked room, against her will, putting a hand(s) over her mouth to keep others from hearing her (potentially) screaming, removing some of her clothing, you don't see that as an attempted rape?

That tells us all we need to know.

There is zero evidence that ever happened. The book you mentioned does not have that scenario in it. You are just making shit up now because your partisan sheep mind has to.

That is the scenario Ford claimed; can't you keep up?

Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


Are you kidding, Ford has no idea what month, let alone what day this supposedly happened.
This is definitely one of more annoying things the Dems have been doing, acting surprised, offended, and concerned that a guy drank a lot of beer in college. In a vacuum, that means zero, and they know that.

Partisan politics. Yuck.

Haven't seen or heard anyone "act surprised, offended, concerned that a guy drank a lot of beer in college" --- haven't even seen anyone bring up that at the time the Maryland drinking age was 21 and therefore he was illegal.

What I have heard is questioning on what he did while drunk, and his history of drinking to the excessive point of puking, passing out, etc.

The drinking age in MD was 18 when Brett drank beer as a senior. I am not going to clutch my pearls that teenagers drank beer. The fiction about puking and passing out is Dem Smear Spin. It's rather beneath you to indulge it.

No, it's not.
Many of Kavanaugh's Yale classmates are speaking out about his drinking.

Put this in your pie hole and light it up:

Kavanaugh's college friends say he lied under oath about drinking
View attachment 219327▶ 5:59
17 hours ago
Two friends of Brett Kavanaugh's from Yale University say he was not being honest when he testified about ...

Kavanaugh dodges repeated questions about his drinking habits ...

2 days ago - The Times said a group of Kavanaugh's Yale classmates also recalled that he once got so ... Klobuchar replied, "I have no drinking problem.".
Kavanaugh's 'choir boy' image on Fox interview rankles former Yale ...

4 days ago - Some took issue with the Supreme Court nominee's description of his ... But it was his comments about drinking that rankled some Yale ...
The Impunity of Brett Kavanaugh's Binge Drinking - The Atlantic

1 day ago - Klobuchar: “I have no drinking problem, judge.” ... He'd talk about getting into Yale, and then into Yale Law, which, he would like to remind ...
Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after 'choir boy ... › News › World › Americas

2 days ago - Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh said in a nationally televised interview that in ... But it was his comments about drinking that rankled some Yale University classmates, ... “There was drinking, and there was alcohol.

Unless you have breathalyser tests, it all subjective and 36 year old opinions.

Which has been corroborated by Kavanaugh's own statements about his drinking when questioned by the senators.
He became very defensive. He evaded some questions.
Too bad you didn't see it.
But that's what alcoholics due when challenged.
Add his high school yearbook comments into the mix and those 36-year-old opinions carry a lot of weight.

But that's what alcoholics due when challenged.
Maybe you should figure out the language before expressing total bullshit.

"That a 15 year old girl would not have reported this violation to the police is not unusal because in order to do that she would have had to tell her parents that she was somewhere that she may not have had permission to be, assumed to be doing all the things that are the reasons why young people are warned not to go to those types of parties but mostly because we still live in a society where females (and males) sometime feel ashamed when a violation occurs because society makes it seems as if it was their fault, that they somehow contributed to the violation - "you shouldn't have been there", "you shouldn't have been wearing that", "you shouldn't have been drinking", etc. Consent given can always be revoked, but too many guys act as if once it's given it's a green light to the finish line."

I understand all of that, and there's a lot of truth there. BUT - there are a few other things. At the time she's 15, right? To my mind, there's no way that such a traumatic event such as that could occur without some changes in her behavior later. And not 30 years later, sorry. How can her parents and family and friends not see a change in her at some point, or would you have us believe that at 15 she was so good at controlling her emotions and hiding the effects of that night. She gets married and has a couple of kids, so no sexual problems then? How about between 1982 and when she meets her husband, or has other boyfriends before then. No sexual issues at all? That's hard to believe.

Then there's Kavanaugh. Guys who drug and rape young women as Swetnick accuses him of, or attempted rape as Ford accuses him of, or exposes himself as Ramirez claims don't just stop that stuff when they turn 19. Are we to believe that for 35 years a guy who did these things would go on to be the perfect husband and father, with absolutely no one in all those years to claim that he did something unacceptable? In all that time, nobody comes forward and says he groped me or whatever? You look for a pattern, and it ain't there so it's very hard to assume guilt on his part.
There is zero evidence that ever happened. The book you mentioned does not have that scenario in it. You are just making shit up now because your partisan sheep mind has to.

That is the scenario Ford claimed; can't you keep up?

Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


Are you kidding, Ford has no idea what month, let alone what day this supposedly happened.

I'm aware of that, I was just checking if the commie did.

Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
You should ask for your two cents back. What a fence sitting worthless theory.

Four people deny this ever happened. That’s the four SHE brought to the table to back up her claims. Not. One. Did.

Yet you're still trying so hard to give her credibility. Why?
What is a 15 year old doing at and adult party.
The reprehensible right ever reprehensible: blame the victim.

I merely asked a question. I think the answer would go to HER legitimacy. What was she doing at a drinking party at that age? Why did she go upstairs with boys into a private room? If, that is, we are to believe what she says which, I don't because she can't even remember where or when and nobody supports her story. No, sorry I don't believe she was a victim of Kavanaugh.

Any of you cultists care to explain why even your Lord and Savior say Ford's testimony was credible?
He didn't say that, turd.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
You should ask for your two cents back. What a fence sitting worthless theory.

Four people deny this ever happened. That’s the four SHE brought to the table to back up her claims. Not. One. Did.

Yet you're still trying so hard to give her credibility. Why?
The left has robbed the term "credible" of all meaning. Having a vagina is all that's required to be credible in their universe.
No, moron...fact..... It was even brought up several times at the hearing...there are two men who have stated they are the two attackers in question. One submitted a written statement to the committee, the other spoke with committee investigators over the phone..... the democrat press ignored this since it would destroy Ford's attack on, however, the FBI is free to question anyone about any part of this investigation with Ford.....these men were not questioned during the last Background check of Kavanaugh...but now....they are fair game for an interview with trained agents and they will be questioned under threat of perjury.....
Why do you believe these two guys but not Ford?

They have their entire world to lose....she has only millions to gain. Do you doubt that coming forward and telling the world you sexaully assaulted a 15 year old girl would devestate your life and your family.....? Ford had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. She would help in stopping Kavanaugh, as a democrat activist and bernie sanders supporter. She gets the book and movie deals, as well as huge speaking fees and the limelight, becoming the first #metoo millionaire.....they get their lives destroyed....for real......and if the statute of limitations does not apply, she can still press charges against them......

Now do you see why?

And also...

Ford can't state a date, place or time of the alleged attack.

Ford named 4 people who were at the alleged party...Judge Ceyser, Kavanaugh and Smyth...all say it did not happen.

She can't say how she got home. She can't say how she got to the party......actual victims of sexual assault remember every detail.....they remember it so well that they need therapy to forget it and get past it....she needed therapy to actually remember it.

Now do you see why?

Lastly......I am suggesting that now the FBI can question these two men under oath, having made no claim that they are the actual attackers, only that their story can now be investigated and asking that if they can back up this would that effect the lies of Ford?
Do you remember when Kobi Bryant appeared on camera denying that he even knew the woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her? He kept shaking his head and looking down and had the most pained expression on his face and I clearly remember thinking that he looked the way he did, not because he was being falsely accused but because his deeds were being publicly aired.

He lied to the police that he had any sexual contact with the accuser but apparently when weighing the consequences of being caught cheating versus an allegation of sexual assault the choice is obvious.

If I were the FBI investigator I'd be really interested in specific examples of the things that Kavanaugh said that looking back on them now makes him "cringe" in connection with the times he had more beers than he should have.

And unless you've been sexually assaulted or raped yourself, you don't know how the mind stores those memories and how they are recalled. Not all sexual assaults result in severe trauma but they do imprint upon the brain a feeling of violation, sometimes anger instead of fear and they can either end up being repressed or remain at the surface of one's memory.

That a 15 year old girl would not have reported this violation to the police is not unusal because in order to do that she would have had to tell her parents that she was somewhere that she may not have had permission to be, assumed to be doing all the things that are the reasons why young people are warned not to go to those types of parties but mostly because we still live in a society where females (and males) sometime feel ashamed when a violation occurs because society makes it seems as if it was their fault, that they somehow contributed to the violation - "you shouldn't have been there", "you shouldn't have been wearing that", "you shouldn't have been drinking", etc. Consent given can always be revoked, but too many guys act as if once it's given it's a green light to the finish line.
Do you have any actual facts to support your claim? No one but the most gullible of snowflakes is swallowing your radical feminist rape theory horseshit
No, moron...fact..... It was even brought up several times at the hearing...there are two men who have stated they are the two attackers in question. One submitted a written statement to the committee, the other spoke with committee investigators over the phone..... the democrat press ignored this since it would destroy Ford's attack on, however, the FBI is free to question anyone about any part of this investigation with Ford.....these men were not questioned during the last Background check of Kavanaugh...but now....they are fair game for an interview with trained agents and they will be questioned under threat of perjury.....
Why do you believe these two guys but not Ford?
She's a proven liar.
He got her into a room on false pretenses

false pretenses?

She claimed they forced her into the room.

you're claiming he TALKED her into the room?
There are several accusers, I may have mixed them up.

Let me fix that....

There are several false accusers who are lying about Judge Kavanaugh....

There, fixed it for you.
No, you just did your usual move of presenting your opinion as if it was fact.

Sorry kid, don't work that way.
So, taking a 15 year old female into a locked room, against her will, putting a hand(s) over her mouth to keep others from hearing her (potentially) screaming, removing some of her clothing, you don't see that as an attempted rape?

That tells us all we need to know.

There is zero evidence that ever happened. The book you mentioned does not have that scenario in it. You are just making shit up now because your partisan sheep mind has to.

That is the scenario Ford claimed; can't you keep up?

Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

Growing up in a Muslim country I am very thankful....that this nonsense partying, drinking, sex with no limitations, rape, lies, frats, culture wasnt part of my school days....I say to those who complain about Muslim women being it, you want women naked and ready for you to jump on anytime you wish...keep your shit to yourself and respect women's will and dignity.
That is the scenario Ford claimed; can't you keep up?

Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


Are you kidding, Ford has no idea what month, let alone what day this supposedly happened.

I'm aware of that, I was just checking if the commie did.


and what about the Russian; Trump?
Growing up in a Muslim country I am very thankful....that this nonsense partying, drinking, sex with no limitations, rape, lies, frats, culture wasnt part of my school days....I say to those who complain about Muslim women being it, you want women naked and ready for you to jump on anytime you wish...keep your shit to yourself and respect women's will and dignity.
Yeah, because making them wear a Burka that covers every square inch of their body is how you respect women's dignity.
Growing up in a Muslim country I am very thankful....that this nonsense partying, drinking, sex with no limitations, rape, lies, frats, culture wasnt part of my school days....I say to those who complain about Muslim women being it, you want women naked and ready for you to jump on anytime you wish...keep your shit to yourself and respect women's will and dignity.
Yeah, because making them wear a Burka that covers every square inch of their body is how you respect women's dignity.
Wrong again. Most musk countries domt force women to wear anything.....every woman I knew of that wore, she did by Choice....stop the fucking lies....or just bothers you because u want them naked and you can choose which u wanna grab her pussy.
Growing up in a Muslim country I am very thankful....that this nonsense partying, drinking, sex with no limitations, rape, lies, frats, culture wasnt part of my school days....I say to those who complain about Muslim women being it, you want women naked and ready for you to jump on anytime you wish...keep your shit to yourself and respect women's will and dignity.
Yeah, because making them wear a Burka that covers every square inch of their body is how you respect women's dignity.
Wrong again. Most musk countries domt force women to wear anything.....every woman I knew of that wore, she did by Choice....stop the fucking lies....or just bothers you because u want them naked and you can choose which u wanna grab her pussy.
Women wore the burka as a choice? What was the alternative choice, a severe beating? No one would wear those horrors if they had a real choice.
Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened.

If only Ford remembered when and where...:21::21:

Not to mention you have a link to the book and then stated this....So, I believe Mark Judge & Bart O'Kavanaugh aka Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape a very young Dr. Ford.

Implying the book supported your view...which it does not

The FBI is already on the job and Mark Judge is one of their first interviews.
And they're interviewing Dr. Ford.
And Deborah Ramirez. And many others.
I'd hold on to your little emojis if I were you.
There have been cold cases that were busted wide open long after all the witnesses were dead.
These people are very much alive.

I would tell you not to hold your breath waiting for them to come back and crucify Kavanaugh, but in reality I am sort of hoping you will

How about this...... Someone owned the house the attack allegedly happened in......right? They didn't break into a home to have the party...following Ford's account, it would have to belong to the family of Judge, Kavanaugh, Ceyser, or Smyth...right? So they could then pinpoint where exactly she had to walk home from by looking at all of their homes...right?

Nope, not right. We don't know who else was there besides those four.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
You should ask for your two cents back. What a fence sitting worthless theory.

Four people deny this ever happened. That’s the four SHE brought to the table to back up her claims. Not. One. Did.

Yet you're still trying so hard to give her credibility. Why?
The left has robbed the term "credible" of all meaning. Having a vagina is all that's required to be credible in their universe.
Credible and racist. Words that used to mean something before the left changed them.
There is zero evidence that ever happened. The book you mentioned does not have that scenario in it. You are just making shit up now because your partisan sheep mind has to.

That is the scenario Ford claimed; can't you keep up?

Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?


I do not believe so BUT there may be some clarification on that IF the FBI does their JOB.

We shall C.

So mr nuthouse zoomed in on a date for no reason at all? How does he know he's even in the right month or year?


But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.

It was from a thyroid operation.

So you're claiming it was from a thyroid operation or saggy skin? Sure looks like the marks from a sex collar. Prove me wrong. I will get a petition of 200 people all agreeing it looks like a sex collar to them to back me up. That's about as much proof as Ford has given us that Kavanaugh ever laid on top of her grunting and drooling as he pawed at her.

And you want to hang his ass. You are a rube.
You have one of two choices with the Progressive idiot named POGO...
[1] Put on Ignore.
[2] Thank the Lord you’re not emotionally and mentally disturbed like POGO.

I'll tell you what your choice is here, smudgemouth. You click back to my actual post which has been EDITED to completely change its meaning, and you see what a DISHONEST HACK Tubesteak really is.

You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. --- USMB Rules and Guidelines

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. He's just been reported. Wave buh-bye now.
Last edited:

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