So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

No, moron...fact..... It was even brought up several times at the hearing...there are two men who have stated they are the two attackers in question. One submitted a written statement to the committee, the other spoke with committee investigators over the phone..... the democrat press ignored this since it would destroy Ford's attack on, however, the FBI is free to question anyone about any part of this investigation with Ford.....these men were not questioned during the last Background check of Kavanaugh...but now....they are fair game for an interview with trained agents and they will be questioned under threat of perjury.....
Why do you believe these two guys but not Ford?

Why not? Would you admit to a crime you did not commit? I would not

But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.

It was from a thyroid operation.

So you're claiming it was from a thyroid operation or saggy skin? Sure looks like the marks from a sex collar. Prove me wrong. I will get a petition of 200 people all agreeing it looks like a sex collar to them to back me up. That's about as much proof as Ford has given us that Kavanaugh ever laid on top of her grunting and drooling as he pawed at her.

And you want to hang his ass. You are a rube.
You have one of two choices with the Progressive idiot named POGO...
[1] Put on Ignore.
[2] Thank the Lord you’re not emotionally and mentally disturbed like POGO.

But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.

It was from a thyroid operation.

So you're claiming it was from a thyroid operation or saggy skin? Sure looks like the marks from a sex collar. Prove me wrong. I will get a petition of 200 people all agreeing it looks like a sex collar to them to back me up. That's about as much proof as Ford has given us that Kavanaugh ever laid on top of her grunting and drooling as he pawed at her.

And you want to hang his ass. You are a rube.
You have one of two choices with the Progressive idiot named POGO...
[1] Put on Ignore.
[2] Thank the Lord you’re not emotionally and mentally disturbed like POGO.

I see no reason why you can't go with both options.
Prove it, asshole.

AM I THE ONLY ONE who has noticed the ring around Chrissy's throat?

View attachment 219298

What is that?
  1. Residual marks left from her B&D sex collar removed for the hearing?
  2. Deliberately put there to subliminally make her appear more the "victim?"
  3. Leftover choke marks from her husband after pleading with the psycho liberal bitch not to go through with this crap failed?
I want this to end up with Brett on the Supreme Court, Feinstein impeached and Chrissy Ford counter-sued for one million dollars.

It was from a thyroid operation.

So you're claiming it was from a thyroid operation or saggy skin? Sure looks like the marks from a sex collar. Prove me wrong. I will get a petition of 200 people all agreeing it looks like a sex collar to them to back me up. That's about as much proof as Ford has given us that Kavanaugh ever laid on top of her grunting and drooling as he pawed at her.

And you want to hang his ass. You are a rube.
You have one of two choices with the Progressive idiot named POGO...
[1] Put on Ignore.
[2] Thank the Lord you’re not emotionally and mentally disturbed like POGO.

I see no reason why you can't go with both options.
No, moron...fact..... It was even brought up several times at the hearing...there are two men who have stated they are the two attackers in question. One submitted a written statement to the committee, the other spoke with committee investigators over the phone..... the democrat press ignored this since it would destroy Ford's attack on, however, the FBI is free to question anyone about any part of this investigation with Ford.....these men were not questioned during the last Background check of Kavanaugh...but now....they are fair game for an interview with trained agents and they will be questioned under threat of perjury.....
Why do you believe these two guys but not Ford?

She hasn't provided any corroborating evidence. Her FEELZ are not evidence of any individual's guilt.
No, moron...fact..... It was even brought up several times at the hearing...there are two men who have stated they are the two attackers in question. One submitted a written statement to the committee, the other spoke with committee investigators over the phone..... the democrat press ignored this since it would destroy Ford's attack on, however, the FBI is free to question anyone about any part of this investigation with Ford.....these men were not questioned during the last Background check of Kavanaugh...but now....they are fair game for an interview with trained agents and they will be questioned under threat of perjury.....
Why do you believe these two guys but not Ford?

Why not? Would you admit to a crime you did not commit? I would not would certainly be an interesting development.....

^^^ Ritual Defamation Element #3 ^^^

An important rule in ritual defamation is to avoid engaging in any kind of debate over the truthfulness or reasonableness of what has been expressed, only condemn it. To debate opens the issue up for examination and discussion of its merits, and to consider the evidence that may support it, which is just what the ritual defamer is trying to avoid. The primary goal of a ritual defamation is censorship and repression.
No, moron...fact..... It was even brought up several times at the hearing...there are two men who have stated they are the two attackers in question. One submitted a written statement to the committee, the other spoke with committee investigators over the phone..... the democrat press ignored this since it would destroy Ford's attack on, however, the FBI is free to question anyone about any part of this investigation with Ford.....these men were not questioned during the last Background check of Kavanaugh...but now....they are fair game for an interview with trained agents and they will be questioned under threat of perjury.....
Why do you believe these two guys but not Ford?

They have their entire world to lose....she has only millions to gain. Do you doubt that coming forward and telling the world you sexaully assaulted a 15 year old girl would devestate your life and your family.....? Ford had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. She would help in stopping Kavanaugh, as a democrat activist and bernie sanders supporter. She gets the book and movie deals, as well as huge speaking fees and the limelight, becoming the first #metoo millionaire.....they get their lives destroyed....for real......and if the statute of limitations does not apply, she can still press charges against them......

Now do you see why?

And also...

Ford can't state a date, place or time of the alleged attack.

Ford named 4 people who were at the alleged party...Judge Ceyser, Kavanaugh and Smyth...all say it did not happen.

She can't say how she got home. She can't say how she got to the party......actual victims of sexual assault remember every detail.....they remember it so well that they need therapy to forget it and get past it....she needed therapy to actually remember it.

Now do you see why?

Lastly......I am suggesting that now the FBI can question these two men under oath, having made no claim that they are the actual attackers, only that their story can now be investigated and asking that if they can back up this would that effect the lies of Ford?
What is a 15 year old doing at and adult party.
The reprehensible right ever reprehensible: blame the victim.

I merely asked a question. I think the answer would go to HER legitimacy. What was she doing at a drinking party at that age? Why did she go upstairs with boys into a private room? If, that is, we are to believe what she says which, I don't because she can't even remember where or when and nobody supports her story. No, sorry I don't believe she was a victim of Kavanaugh.
Why do you believe her and not Judge?

First of all, because Judge has reason to lie in denial of Ford's claims. But Ford has gained nothing by making her claims.

But more broadly, I have the ability to listen to someone and evaluate what they say in a rational and objective manner. That is something you lack. You believe what you want, just because you want.

But Ford has gained nothing by making her claims.
Yeah, except pro bono lawyers that lied to her and a $500K go fund me account. Where do I sign up?


Hot damn, you cracked the case! This was all an elaborate scheme to bank off of a gofundme campaign.


And a political plot to kill a nomination. Funny how ordinary people can be sucked into funding that kind of shit.

What is a 15 year old doing at and adult party.
The reprehensible right ever reprehensible: blame the victim.

I merely asked a question. I think the answer would go to HER legitimacy. What was she doing at a drinking party at that age? Why did she go upstairs with boys into a private room? If, that is, we are to believe what she says which, I don't because she can't even remember where or when and nobody supports her story. No, sorry I don't believe she was a victim of Kavanaugh.

Any of you cultists care to explain why even your Lord and Savior say Ford's testimony was credible?

But I think it was more than just a dry hump for fun

He tried to remove her clothes but she had a bathing suit on underneath and he gave up
Yeah, cuz everyone knows that rapists are always thwarted by bathing suits.
It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.
If you touch someone without their permission or against their will that is assault. If the touch involves certain parts of the anatomy then it's considered sexual assault. If you're making out with someone and they decide they want to stop even if previously they consent or seemed to have consented perhaps because they don't like how you're responding or they just suddenly changed their mind, then legally you're obligated to stop.

This is what the law says but it would appear that the majority of men and a significant number of women believe that anything less than being assaulted or raped at the point of gun or knife by a stranger is the only thing that consitutes sexual assault or rape.

And women are often blamed when men can't control themselves.
I see. So....Alyssa Milano wearing that SEE MY TITS blouse at the Kavanaugh hearing...if some guy leered at her, its her fault. Why yes, I agree.

Poor child, she ain't aging well either, Milano might want to avoid public places.

/—-/ WTF wears a bathing suit under their clothes when going to a party? Are you serious?
Is this really that suprising to you especially since the party may have occurred during beach week.

People also wear swim suits under their clothing when they're going to pool parties.
/----/ Who the hell said it was a beach party? Are you insane?
There is no attempted rape scenario. Attempting to have sex with a girl is not the same as attempting to rape them, no matter how much you want to pretend it is. IF if were then every man in America would be guilty of attempted rape

So, taking a 15 year old female into a locked room, against her will, putting a hand(s) over her mouth to keep others from hearing her (potentially) screaming, removing some of her clothing, you don't see that as an attempted rape?

That tells us all we need to know.

There is zero evidence that ever happened. The book you mentioned does not have that scenario in it. You are just making shit up now because your partisan sheep mind has to.

That is the scenario Ford claimed; can't you keep up?

Yes, it is. And you are claiming that the book in question backs up her story. That is a lie. But you seem rather good at lying so I guess I should not be surprised.

No; I am not the liar here. You are the lying POS here.

This is what I said earlier: "The July 1 date on Kavanaugh's own calendar could possibly be the very day this happened."

I see you are STILL having issues keeping up.

You are also accusing me of being a liar.

Those are the attributes of a Trump supporter: Lying & brainless.

Congrats asshole.

Did Ford or anyone else verify that date?

No, moron...fact..... It was even brought up several times at the hearing...there are two men who have stated they are the two attackers in question. One submitted a written statement to the committee, the other spoke with committee investigators over the phone..... the democrat press ignored this since it would destroy Ford's attack on, however, the FBI is free to question anyone about any part of this investigation with Ford.....these men were not questioned during the last Background check of Kavanaugh...but now....they are fair game for an interview with trained agents and they will be questioned under threat of perjury.....
Why do you believe these two guys but not Ford?

They have their entire world to lose....she has only millions to gain. Do you doubt that coming forward and telling the world you sexaully assaulted a 15 year old girl would devestate your life and your family.....? Ford had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. She would help in stopping Kavanaugh, as a democrat activist and bernie sanders supporter. She gets the book and movie deals, as well as huge speaking fees and the limelight, becoming the first #metoo millionaire.....they get their lives destroyed....for real......and if the statute of limitations does not apply, she can still press charges against them......

Now do you see why?

And also...

Ford can't state a date, place or time of the alleged attack.

Ford named 4 people who were at the alleged party...Judge Ceyser, Kavanaugh and Smyth...all say it did not happen.

She can't say how she got home. She can't say how she got to the party......actual victims of sexual assault remember every detail.....they remember it so well that they need therapy to forget it and get past it....she needed therapy to actually remember it.

Now do you see why?

Lastly......I am suggesting that now the FBI can question these two men under oath, having made no claim that they are the actual attackers, only that their story can now be investigated and asking that if they can back up this would that effect the lies of Ford?
Do you remember when Kobi Bryant appeared on camera denying that he even knew the woman who accused him of sexually assaulting her? He kept shaking his head and looking down and had the most pained expression on his face and I clearly remember thinking that he looked the way he did, not because he was being falsely accused but because his deeds were being publicly aired.

He lied to the police that he had any sexual contact with the accuser but apparently when weighing the consequences of being caught cheating versus an allegation of sexual assault the choice is obvious.

If I were the FBI investigator I'd be really interested in specific examples of the things that Kavanaugh said that looking back on them now makes him "cringe" in connection with the times he had more beers than he should have.

And unless you've been sexually assaulted or raped yourself, you don't know how the mind stores those memories and how they are recalled. Not all sexual assaults result in severe trauma but they do imprint upon the brain a feeling of violation, sometimes anger instead of fear and they can either end up being repressed or remain at the surface of one's memory.

That a 15 year old girl would not have reported this violation to the police is not unusal because in order to do that she would have had to tell her parents that she was somewhere that she may not have had permission to be, assumed to be doing all the things that are the reasons why young people are warned not to go to those types of parties but mostly because we still live in a society where females (and males) sometime feel ashamed when a violation occurs because society makes it seems as if it was their fault, that they somehow contributed to the violation - "you shouldn't have been there", "you shouldn't have been wearing that", "you shouldn't have been drinking", etc. Consent given can always be revoked, but too many guys act as if once it's given it's a green light to the finish line.

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