So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

It looks suspiciously like this "scandal" was manufactured based on the goal of the timing and the optics.
Sure. Add to that this toxic environment we're in, where it seems like there are some who will do absolutely anything to "win". Then we have the Democrats (as we're seeing in this thread) who won't back one inch away from their "Kavanaugh is an alcoholic rapist, guard your wives and children" meme, just making it all worse, clearly for partisan political advantage.

It's fucking ugly. At the same time, though, none of that ugly behavior means that nothing happened. I'm just wondering if there is another possibility outside of the two extremes that might make sense.
The reprehensible right ever reprehensible: blame the victim.

I merely asked a question. I think the answer would go to HER legitimacy. What was she doing at a drinking party at that age? Why did she go upstairs with boys into a private room? If, that is, we are to believe what she says which, I don't because she can't even remember where or when and nobody supports her story. No, sorry I don't believe she was a victim of Kavanaugh.

Any of you cultists care to explain why even your Lord and Savior say Ford's testimony was credible?
He didn't say that, turd.

Yes. He did. His exact words were "But certainly she was a very credible witness."

Would you like to see the video of your Lord and Savior spreading the Good News?

Trump Calls Christine Blasey Ford a 'Very Credible Witness'
That's pure politicking. He doesn't want to be accused of bullying her. However, the truth is that she's an obvious liar. Every witness she named said she's lying. She was caught lying about several other claims she made. She's a crazy, lying psycho-bitch.

So first you claim he never said it.

Then you claim he didn't mean it (i.e. he was lying).

And yet, Ford is the one who has a credibility problem?
/----/ Who the hell said it was a beach party? Are you insane?
Yeah I guess we've lead very different lives. Where I grew up, wearing a swim suit under one's clothes if you were going swimming later on or to the beach was pretty common.
/—-/ Where the hell was this party? I mean exact location from the nearest beach? BTW I have lived within a half hour drive of the beach my entire life and never did that. My wife and daughters would wear a cover up over their swimsuits. Geeeze talk about grasping at straws.

I've seen it, but it is something I've seen done, when the people are going to the beach. They take off their clothes at the beach and are ready to swim.

To do that, when going to a frat party? Very strange.
It looks suspiciously like this "scandal" was manufactured based on the goal of the timing and the optics.
Sure. Add to that this toxic environment we're in, where it seems like there are some who will do absolutely anything to "win". Then we have the Democrats (as we're seeing in this thread) who won't back one inch away from their "Kavanaugh is an alcoholic rapist, guard your wives and children" meme, just making it all worse, clearly for partisan political advantage.

It's fucking ugly. At the same time, though, none of that ugly behavior means that nothing happened. I'm just wondering if there is another possibility outside of the two extremes that might make sense.

If those on the left believe half, a third of what they are saying, ie that the "nazis" stole the election with the help of the KGB, and are out to oppress everyone terribly and start wars, and destroy the planet, ect ect ect.

then of course they would be willing to anything to fight against that.

Lying? To stop that? Would be completely called for.
I merely asked a question. I think the answer would go to HER legitimacy. What was she doing at a drinking party at that age? Why did she go upstairs with boys into a private room? If, that is, we are to believe what she says which, I don't because she can't even remember where or when and nobody supports her story. No, sorry I don't believe she was a victim of Kavanaugh.

Any of you cultists care to explain why even your Lord and Savior say Ford's testimony was credible?
He didn't say that, turd.

Yes. He did. His exact words were "But certainly she was a very credible witness."

Would you like to see the video of your Lord and Savior spreading the Good News?

Trump Calls Christine Blasey Ford a 'Very Credible Witness'
That's pure politicking. He doesn't want to be accused of bullying her. However, the truth is that she's an obvious liar. Every witness she named said she's lying. She was caught lying about several other claims she made. She's a crazy, lying psycho-bitch.

So first you claim he never said it.

Then you claim he didn't mean it (i.e. he was lying).

And yet, Ford is the one who has a credibility problem?

It is stupid of you to call him, "lord and savior". That is just a lib not able to understand supporting someone politically.
YOU obviously did NOT watch, NOR listen to Senator Whitehouse, during that short, 3 minute video. He fully explians himself, and he ALSO states, "this COULD be."

He dose not state it as fact.

Next time; pay some fucking attention.

I'm done with your dumb ass.

Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.


Go look at the successful case % for Senator Whitehouse as a prosecutor.

You people are so full of shit you don't even know when the prison door has been slammed & locked on your poor asses.

Nuthouse's prosecution record is irrelevant, by the end of next week we're going to be at the same place we were yesterday. And Nuthouse will hold his usual 1% of the senate vote. He will still be crying in his beer when Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Actually we haven't even established whether Sheldon Whitehouse likes beer.

Brett Kavanaugh actually asked him that question.

Let's reiterate that in a separate line. In a judiciary hearing for a SCOTUS position, the candidate asked a Senator on the committee what kind of beer he likes. The Senator did not answer.

It didn't matter and if the FBI comes back and says Kavanaugh is Jesus incarnate with the wisdom of God himself, Nuthouse still wouldn't vote for him.


The 'process' is NOT ALL about a vote; idiot
It looks suspiciously like this "scandal" was manufactured based on the goal of the timing and the optics.
Sure. Add to that this toxic environment we're in, where it seems like there are some who will do absolutely anything to "win". Then we have the Democrats (as we're seeing in this thread) who won't back one inch away from their "Kavanaugh is an alcoholic rapist, guard your wives and children" meme, just making it all worse, clearly for partisan political advantage.

It's fucking ugly. At the same time, though, none of that ugly behavior means that nothing happened. I'm just wondering if there is another possibility outside of the two extremes that might make sense.

If those on the left believe half, a third of what they are saying, ie that the "nazis" stole the election with the help of the KGB, and are out to oppress everyone terribly and start wars, and destroy the planet, ect ect ect.

then of course they would be willing to anything to fight against that.

Lying? To stop that? Would be completely called for.
Wouldn't honesty and reason work better than lying?
It looks suspiciously like this "scandal" was manufactured based on the goal of the timing and the optics.
Sure. Add to that this toxic environment we're in, where it seems like there are some who will do absolutely anything to "win". Then we have the Democrats (as we're seeing in this thread) who won't back one inch away from their "Kavanaugh is an alcoholic rapist, guard your wives and children" meme, just making it all worse, clearly for partisan political advantage.

It's fucking ugly. At the same time, though, none of that ugly behavior means that nothing happened. I'm just wondering if there is another possibility outside of the two extremes that might make sense.

If those on the left believe half, a third of what they are saying, ie that the "nazis" stole the election with the help of the KGB, and are out to oppress everyone terribly and start wars, and destroy the planet, ect ect ect.

then of course they would be willing to anything to fight against that.

Lying? To stop that? Would be completely called for.
Wouldn't honesty and reason work better than lying?

They don't seem to think so.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!
And Ford was so traumatized by this... She went and had real sex with 54 different guys before college.
Wow so now we have a ford stalker! You have video evidence of that fuck head? Talk about baseless accusations! PFA facts buddy, Ilove pfa idiots. I also love idiots who support draft dodgers, rapists and crying babies infront of the world. Have great pride in your idiocy buddy!
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!

You have no reason to assume her story is correct.
It looks suspiciously like this "scandal" was manufactured based on the goal of the timing and the optics.
Sure. Add to that this toxic environment we're in, where it seems like there are some who will do absolutely anything to "win". Then we have the Democrats (as we're seeing in this thread) who won't back one inch away from their "Kavanaugh is an alcoholic rapist, guard your wives and children" meme, just making it all worse, clearly for partisan political advantage.

It's fucking ugly. At the same time, though, none of that ugly behavior means that nothing happened. I'm just wondering if there is another possibility outside of the two extremes that might make sense.

Look, when a party loses power and is in the minority they should continue to represent their constituents and oppose legislation and judicial nominations I'm fine with that. But that's not what this is, this is the modern day version of the Salem witch trials.
She hasn't provided any corroborating evidence. Her FEELZ are not evidence of any individual's guilt.
What in your opinion would be corroborating evidence?

Take a look at the questions she was asked by Rachel Mitchell. Examples:

- A witness at the party who supports her story.
- Someone who gave her a ride to and from the party.
- The actual date and address where the party took place with confirmation by the owners/residents that it did and she was there.
- A police report.
- People that she told what happened at the time, i.e. a friend or her parents who recall the actual names of those at the party - not just that something happened.

All we have from her is an unproven allegation.
Actually I did watch that little clown show, I thought his request the people listening to him suspend common sense and go along with his fantasy was classic propaganda. (I'm paraphrasing of course). Then he tried to explain away why there were no females listed, I thought that little fantasy was cute. Of course they weren't listed because none were there.


Go look at the successful case % for Senator Whitehouse as a prosecutor.

You people are so full of shit you don't even know when the prison door has been slammed & locked on your poor asses.

Nuthouse's prosecution record is irrelevant, by the end of next week we're going to be at the same place we were yesterday. And Nuthouse will hold his usual 1% of the senate vote. He will still be crying in his beer when Kavanaugh is confirmed.

Actually we haven't even established whether Sheldon Whitehouse likes beer.

Brett Kavanaugh actually asked him that question.

Let's reiterate that in a separate line. In a judiciary hearing for a SCOTUS position, the candidate asked a Senator on the committee what kind of beer he likes. The Senator did not answer.

It didn't matter and if the FBI comes back and says Kavanaugh is Jesus incarnate with the wisdom of God himself, Nuthouse still wouldn't vote for him.


The 'process' is NOT ALL about a vote; idiot
Of course it is. It's all about keeping a conservative from getting on the court, and that's all it's about.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!
I've always claimed that all leftwingers are lying douchebags and morons.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!

You have no reason to assume her story is correct.
I have not said that her story is correct nor have I said that Kavenough is guilty. Bripat has had his mind made up since day one. You have no proof she is lying. When you put your self in the public eye you are open to scrutiny . Candidates for high court are put under a great deal of scrutiny it has always been this way. Vetting is not a coup. Bripat and his piece of shit ilk have called it a coup. Called her a lying whore from the get go. They posted pictures of her with lying whore bitch carved into her face. They have said she should be killed. They have advocated death for Jeff Flake. There was a time when it was standard procedure to investigate all allegations for such a candidate and both sides of the isle supported the vetting of such candidates as it should be. The complaints must be heard and investigated for this type of position, you do not want pieces of shit on the supreme court. You do not want to find out after the fact that you have placed a Jeffry Dahlmer on the supreme court. Considering our dollar is based on trust in the American government and is not backed by gold or any other commodity of value. Sowing distrust in the government by making such mistakes will eventually effect the dollar. Already how many people appointed by this administration are convicted felons. This administration has attacked the FBI, all intelligence organizations, the press, and the supreme court it’s self. This administration has tried to delegitimize any institution that disagrees with him on anything. Let the senate and the FBI do their work vet all allegations. Check out Bripats posts and the things he advocates you will see my assessment of him is correct. He is as radical as they come. So fuck him and the jack ass he rode in on.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!
I've always claimed that all leftwingers are lying douchebags and morons.
STFU peice of shit. Please do not ask me to define words in my post any more also. Get off your lazy ass and pick up a dictionary.

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