So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

The intent always was to have the allegation as vague and unspecific as possible. By doing so and then screaming as loud as possible they avoided the pitfall of anything specific which he could easily prove is a lie.

If they named a specific address, there was always the possibility that it could be proven that the house was vacant at that time or owned by an elderly couple with no kids.

If a specific date was used, they didn't know what Kavanaugh's real schedule was and what if he had been in another state, country or whatever?

If she named who had brought her to the party or how she had gotten home with and with whom, what if they popped up and said, hey, I never hung out with those kids, or I hadn't moved to that area until a year later.

MUCH better to keep all the allegations as vague as possible and let the Progressive lemmings do their thing.

It's the way Dims do things. Scream and rant but never, ever, be specific.

2 keys to the end of this fiasco that are pertinent----------->

Notice that Grassley has stated publicly that...………...anyone coming forward now and proven lying WILL be prosecuted!

And 2----------> The FBI is going to also investigate the leak.

What that means in essence is-----------> The Far Left better have all their eggs in a row, because if not, they are going to end up par boiled!

I URGE all of you to understand----------> The FBI is going to investigate LYING in allegations; not of Ford so much, but the other 2. Do we understand what this means? If EITHER of the other 2 can be proven to be LYING, the Me Too movement is toast, and they can thank the Democrats. AND, if either of the other 2 are proven as liars, the association of all allegations together will become not only inconsequential, but an impetus to bury the far Left.

You Leftists insist this is all true? You better hope so, because if ANY of them end up being proven liars, you are all hosed!

Who are we talking about, these "other 2"? Can you be ---- what is the word --- specific?
You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...
They haven't got shit. "If, if, if." So far all we have is "lie, lie, lie." You're an imbecile.
the ONLY one of the witnesses that LACKED CANDOR in that hearing, was Kavanaugh... on several occasions...

pick a better, conservative candidate that can fly thru, like Gorsuch.
/----/ Who the hell said it was a beach party? Are you insane?
Yeah I guess we've lead very different lives. Where I grew up, wearing a swim suit under one's clothes if you were going swimming later on or to the beach was pretty common.
/—-/ Where the hell was this party? I mean exact location from the nearest beach? BTW I have lived within a half hour drive of the beach my entire life and never did that. My wife and daughters would wear a cover up over their swimsuits. Geeeze talk about grasping at straws.

I've seen it, but it is something I've seen done, when the people are going to the beach. They take off their clothes at the beach and are ready to swim.

To do that, when going to a frat party? Very strange.

/----/ Who the hell said it was a beach party? Are you insane?
Yeah I guess we've lead very different lives. Where I grew up, wearing a swim suit under one's clothes if you were going swimming later on or to the beach was pretty common.
/—-/ Where the hell was this party? I mean exact location from the nearest beach? BTW I have lived within a half hour drive of the beach my entire life and never did that. My wife and daughters would wear a cover up over their swimsuits. Geeeze talk about grasping at straws.

See ---- this is why I refrain from jumping into an issue before I know what it's about. A week ago for example I was nowhere near any of this. But I happened to take a road trip on the same day the hearing was going on and it started the same time I got on the road so it became my soundtrack and I followed the entire thing.

The woman has already described how she had spent the day swimming and diving, apparently that's what she was into at that age. That's why she had a swimsuit on. Obviously she threw on some clothes over that after drying off and stopped by this house party. All of that was explained.
Last edited:

Can any of these men you know essplain how the fuck Harvey Weinstein works into this?

Isn't Weinstein the big Democrat Party fund raiser who has dozens of women claiming that he sexually assaulted him?

The Moon Bat asshole that would spend one day enriching the coffers of Democrats and the next day assaulting young Hollywood starlets?

Not only did Crooked Hillary attack the women that exposed Slick Willy sexually assaulting them but she yucked it up with one of the biggest sexual predators in the world.

This guy?

The intent always was to have the allegation as vague and unspecific as possible. By doing so and then screaming as loud as possible they avoided the pitfall of anything specific which he could easily prove is a lie.

If they named a specific address, there was always the possibility that it could be proven that the house was vacant at that time or owned by an elderly couple with no kids.

If a specific date was used, they didn't know what Kavanaugh's real schedule was and what if he had been in another state, country or whatever?

If she named who had brought her to the party or how she had gotten home with and with whom, what if they popped up and said, hey, I never hung out with those kids, or I hadn't moved to that area until a year later.

MUCH better to keep all the allegations as vague as possible and let the Progressive lemmings do their thing.

It's the way Dims do things. Scream and rant but never, ever, be specific.

You mean the way wags like WillHaftawaite are bending over backward to deflect away the very specific date of July 1st 1982 with the very specific names that match those in Ford's testimony?
July 2 1982 is also a very specific date. So is July 3 and July 4. None of them mean a thing since Christine Ford didn't name any of them as the date when she claims to have been raped.

Try learning how to commit logic before you attempt another post.
Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...
They haven't got shit. "If, if, if." So far all we have is "lie, lie, lie." You're an imbecile.
the ONLY one of the witnesses that LACKED CANDOR in that hearing, was Kavanaugh... on several occasions...

pick a better, conservative candidate that can fly thru, like Gorsuch.

---- or Rachel Mitchell. After all she deftly outmaneuvered Kavanaugh; she's clearly his intellectual and legalistic superior.
I merely asked a question. I think the answer would go to HER legitimacy. What was she doing at a drinking party at that age? Why did she go upstairs with boys into a private room? If, that is, we are to believe what she says which, I don't because she can't even remember where or when and nobody supports her story. No, sorry I don't believe she was a victim of Kavanaugh.

Any of you cultists care to explain why even your Lord and Savior say Ford's testimony was credible?
He didn't say that, turd.

Yes. He did. His exact words were "But certainly she was a very credible witness."

Would you like to see the video of your Lord and Savior spreading the Good News?

Trump Calls Christine Blasey Ford a 'Very Credible Witness'
That's pure politicking. He doesn't want to be accused of bullying her. However, the truth is that she's an obvious liar. Every witness she named said she's lying. She was caught lying about several other claims she made. She's a crazy, lying psycho-bitch.
NO ONE accused her of Lying.... period.

Why do you and all the other right wingers/ trumpsters on here keep saying that meme?
Of course they said she lied. All the witnesses she listed stated in no uncertain terms that her description of events never happened.
Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...
They haven't got shit. "If, if, if." So far all we have is "lie, lie, lie." You're an imbecile.
the ONLY one of the witnesses that LACKED CANDOR in that hearing, was Kavanaugh... on several occasions...

pick a better, conservative candidate that can fly thru, like Gorsuch.

Oh Puh-leeze. Yet more Ritual Defamation from a rote leftist.

The Degeneration of Belief: Compiled By Laird Wilcox

He threatens abortion and must be stopped by any means.

I hope when he makes it to the Supreme Court he insist on hearing an abortion case and gives the filthy ass Liberals a little payback. It would serve the Moon Bat assholes right.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

There is zero evidence that Kavanaugh interacted with Blasy at the party.
There is zero evidence that Kavanaugh was at the party
There is zero evidence that Blasy (Ford) was at the party
There is zero evidence that there was a party

Should we lynch a man on zero evidence? According to the Nazi democrats we should.

He threatens abortion and must be stopped by any means.
No one is lynching any one the guy is being vetted. Dumb fuck. When you are in the public eye allegations get made and you must defend. It has never been any different. So quit crying like your fucking baby judge! What a little bitch crying on national TV. He loses his man card over that alone.
They are lynching Kavanaugh. These allegations are pure fiction, and everyone knows it.
NOt bad, but that does not explain the highly suspicious timing.
The timing is terrible, the optics are terrible. I'm just making a wild-ass-guess.

NOt bad, but that does not explain the highly suspicious timing.
The timing is terrible, the optics are terrible. I'm just making a wild-ass-guess.

That is what I mean. It looks suspiciously like this "scandal" was manufactured based on the goal of the timing and the optics.

"Timing" is subjective. Neither what happened to the 15-year-old girl, nor her recounting of the incident, are recent. The fact that most of us just now heard about it doesn't make it something that "just popped up" except in our own experience. That's the fatal flaw with all these wags who sit on the internet and crow (about this or any other issue) that somebody "waited until now" and "did nothing", seemingly oblivious to the fact that just because Numero Uno didn't hear about something--- doesn't mean it never happened.
The intent always was to have the allegation as vague and unspecific as possible. By doing so and then screaming as loud as possible they avoided the pitfall of anything specific which he could easily prove is a lie.

If they named a specific address, there was always the possibility that it could be proven that the house was vacant at that time or owned by an elderly couple with no kids.

If a specific date was used, they didn't know what Kavanaugh's real schedule was and what if he had been in another state, country or whatever?

If she named who had brought her to the party or how she had gotten home with and with whom, what if they popped up and said, hey, I never hung out with those kids, or I hadn't moved to that area until a year later.

MUCH better to keep all the allegations as vague as possible and let the Progressive lemmings do their thing.

It's the way Dims do things. Scream and rant but never, ever, be specific.

You mean the way wags like WillHaftawaite are bending over backward to deflect away the very specific date of July 1st 1982 with the very specific names that match those in Ford's testimony?


pogo is whining about me wanting proof that July 1 is the day everything changed.

Tell us, omnipotent one..'

Was July 1st the ONLY time that summer that group of boys got together?

Were there ANY girls at the gettogether on July 1st?
(doesnt' seem to be any listed on his calendar)

July 1st... date is midsummer.

Ford has no idea WHEN it happened.

Could it have been BEFORE, possibly AFTER, that date?

(do you have OCD)

(BTW, as far as the smilies, I have a tendency to laugh at clowns. Want me to stop them, stop being a clown)
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!

You have no reason to assume her story is correct.

Correct. And Finger Boy has even less reason to ass-sume "She's a crazy lying psycho bitch".

Concede THAT and we've turned a corner.

I doubt you have the stones to do it though.
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

My two cents. Yours?

My guess is that the Democrat leadership had the list of possible nominees and developed this strategy, recruiting Activist Ford if a nominee from the Washington DC area was chosen.

If another potential court nominee from DC were chosen instead of Kavanaugh, Ford would have done that one as well.

Other activists were lined up for slanders if different nominations were made.

There was no way to avoid it.

A lot of people drank in college. It lends "credibility" to stories made of whole cloth
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?
Nothing happened. He's totally innocent. She's a crazy lying psycho bitch.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!
I've always claimed that all leftwingers are lying douchebags and morons.

Actually Fingerboy I'll back you up on this. You have indeed always said that. In fact it's the only argument you have for anything. That's why I've been ridiculing you from the day I got here.

Can any of these men you know essplain how the fuck Harvey Weinstein works into this?

Isn't Weinstein the big Democrat Party fund raiser who has dozens of women claiming that he sexually assaulted him?

The Moon Bat asshole that would spend one day enriching the coffers of Democrats and the next day assaulting young Hollywood starlets?

Not only did Crooked Hillary attack the women that exposed Slick Willy sexually assaulting them but she yucked it up with one of the biggest sexual predators in the world.

This guy?


I neither know, nor care, who the fuck Harvey Weinstein is. Never heard of him until about a year ago.

My question was, is now, and ever shall be, what the fuck he has to do with this issue. That question remains unaddressed.
It is blatantly obvious that nothing happen between them. She didn't even hang in the same social circles as Kavanaugh. She is lying big time.

She was simply somebody that the Democrats found that was willing to lie about Kavanaugh. They needed to go back to high school because then it would be hard to prove that it never happen. He had too stellar of a reputation as an adult for the filthy Democrats to ever hang anything on him like a public hair in coke can or something.

She is a card carrying Moon Bat from a family of Moon Bats. Perfect lying bitch for the Democrats.

There is no evidence that she is "lying",
Similarly there is also no evidence that he is "lying".

There is however evidence that he would often get into situations of deep inebriation on "skis" to the point where he couldn't remember what had happened. In fact there is indication he still does. So it's entirely possible that when he says it never happened he is honestly relating what is in his memory.

--- which would mean nobody is "lying". As far as they know.

Well said, and I agree. Still, are you willing to see a man's life destroyed based on zero evidence? If that is what our Country has devolved to, we are in a sad state.

Surely not. Nor should a scientist/professor have her life destroyed based on zero evidence. Because need I remind us, there are two parties under attack here, not one.

But I also don't think not getting a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land amounts to "a life destroyed". That's more than a little melodramatic.
I wil not say all conservatives are shit but you are!

You have no reason to assume her story is correct.
I have not said that her story is correct nor have I said that Kavenough is guilty. Bripat has had his mind made up since day one. You have no proof she is lying. When you put your self in the public eye you are open to scrutiny . Candidates for high court are put under a great deal of scrutiny it has always been this way. Vetting is not a coup. Bripat and his piece of shit ilk have called it a coup. Called her a lying whore from the get go. They posted pictures of her with lying whore bitch carved into her face. They have said she should be killed. They have advocated death for Jeff Flake. There was a time when it was standard procedure to investigate all allegations for such a candidate and both sides of the isle supported the vetting of such candidates as it should be. The complaints must be heard and investigated for this type of position, you do not want pieces of shit on the supreme court......

THe timing is highly suggestive.

If they wanted it investigated, why wait to the last minute?

That's not what you do, when you want to find the truth. That's what you do, when you want to smear someone.
Why did it take 30 years to put Cosby behind bars. It has already been established by the accuser that she did not want to come forward until recently. I guess you want to disregard what the victim has to say. Do you think she would say the dems have mistreated her or the republicans? Seems to me she was right in her reluctance considering what the piece of shit republicans are saying about her. Please understand my last sentence I did not say republicans because not all of them have attacked her in the manor that Bripat and others have. Only the shit republicans did in this manor.

It is very convenient for the dems that the timing of the woman coming to terms with coming forward, just happened to coincide with the ending of hearings.

Lucky for them she did not need another week or two, out of 36 years, or it would have been too late.

So, very, very lucky.

YOu know what I mean?

I mean, really, REALLY, REALLY, lucky.

----- and if you want to you can peruse old Beatles albums and find all kinds of "clues" that Paul McCartney died in 1966. Same thing.

What exactly would have been the point for Dr. Ford to wait until AFTER he got on the SCOTUS, considering her motivation was to reveal something about his character? What possible purpose would that serve?

Gotta think these things through before you hit the Post button.

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