So here's what I think happened between Kavanaugh & Ford

It is blatantly obvious that nothing happen between them. She didn't even hang in the same social circles as Kavanaugh. She is lying big time.

She was simply somebody that the Democrats found that was willing to lie about Kavanaugh. They needed to go back to high school because then it would be hard to prove that it never happen. He had too stellar of a reputation as an adult for the filthy Democrats to ever hang anything on him like a public hair in coke can or something.

She is a card carrying Moon Bat from a family of Moon Bats. Perfect lying bitch for the Democrats.

There is no evidence that she is "lying",
Similarly there is also no evidence that he is "lying".

There is however evidence that he would often get into situations of deep inebriation on "skis" to the point where he couldn't remember what had happened. In fact there is indication he still does. So it's entirely possible that when he says it never happened he is honestly relating what is in his memory.

--- which would mean nobody is "lying". As far as they know.

Well said, and I agree. Still, are you willing to see a man's life destroyed based on zero evidence? If that is what our Country has devolved to, we are in a sad state.

It is not even a question of giving the benefit of the doubt to the accused in a "he said/she said" situation.

It is a question of letting the filthy Democrats get away with a despicable campaign to gain by dishonesty what they were unable to gain at the ballot box.

There is absolutely no doubt she is lying.

The invitation remains WIDE OPEN to prove that.

Fingerboy can't do it. He runs away given the invitation.
Correll can't do it. ThePuke can't do it. And coming up next AZGal can't do it.

In fact nobody can do it. It involves proving a negative.

You can't prove a negative. Don't believe me? Ask Clarence Thomas.

Good luck. Prove a negative, win a prize.
Last edited:
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

You are not the only one here who has partied. First off this happened in high school and this was not dry humping. Whatever he did, it was unwanted. The fact he lied to the senate long before Ford was an issue just keeps getting ignored.
Kavanaugh never raped or attempted rape on anyone. No one should just "believe" an accusation just because it comes from women. Show the evidence. My guess is that Chrissy was having problems with her boyfriend back then. She was probably an annoying kook back then too, and an unpopular girl.

And you were there TOO?

God DAMN a lot of people live in Maryland and just happened to hang out 24/7 before winding up on this board. Isn't that ----- how did another poster put it ----




Insert lots of carriage returns to take up blank space, etc. and festoon with emoticons............

Oh and the offer to prove a negative remains W I D E O P E N. Feel free to essplain to the class why "no one should just believe an accusation just because it comes from a woman" while at the same time "everyone should believe a man who denies it". Show us how these pretzels are made.

Having it both ways ----- Priceless.
/----/ Who the hell said it was a beach party? Are you insane?
Yeah I guess we've lead very different lives. Where I grew up, wearing a swim suit under one's clothes if you were going swimming later on or to the beach was pretty common.
/—-/ Where the hell was this party? I mean exact location from the nearest beach? BTW I have lived within a half hour drive of the beach my entire life and never did that. My wife and daughters would wear a cover up over their swimsuits. Geeeze talk about grasping at straws.

I've seen it, but it is something I've seen done, when the people are going to the beach. They take off their clothes at the beach and are ready to swim.

To do that, when going to a frat party? Very strange.

/----/ Who the hell said it was a beach party? Are you insane?
Yeah I guess we've lead very different lives. Where I grew up, wearing a swim suit under one's clothes if you were going swimming later on or to the beach was pretty common.
/—-/ Where the hell was this party? I mean exact location from the nearest beach? BTW I have lived within a half hour drive of the beach my entire life and never did that. My wife and daughters would wear a cover up over their swimsuits. Geeeze talk about grasping at straws.

See ---- this is why I refrain from jumping into an issue before I know what it's about. A week ago for example I was nowhere near any of this. But I happened to take a road trip on the same day the hearing was going on and it started the same time I got on the road so it became my soundtrack and I followed the entire thing.

The woman has already described how she had spent the day swimming and diving, apparently that's what she was into at that age. That's why she had a swimsuit on. Obviously she threw on some clothes over that after drying off and stopped by this house party. All of that was explained.
/—-/ Who the hell puts dry clothes on over a wet bathing suit except you? Your grasping at straws is comical
Soros and Steyer are pouring money into Ford's gofundme account for payment for her lies.

Jonathan Turley: “This whole aspect of GoFundMe is relatively new, and really our ethical rules haven’t really caught up…We have all types of rules about the classic situation where someone gives you money for testimony — but this is a new creature for us.” @IngrahamAngle

Fox News (@FoxNews) September 29, 2018

According to snopes, what you say about Soros is not true.

Snopes is run by two Left Wing assholes and quite often spin political fact checking.

Not a trusted site.


Then it should be easy for you to debunk their debunking, shouldn't it.

Go ahead, we'll watch.

Feel free to move it up on the to-do list even in front of proving that negative you can't prove.
It is blatantly obvious that nothing happen between them. She didn't even hang in the same social circles as Kavanaugh. She is lying big time.

She was simply somebody that the Democrats found that was willing to lie about Kavanaugh. They needed to go back to high school because then it would be hard to prove that it never happen. He had too stellar of a reputation as an adult for the filthy Democrats to ever hang anything on him like a public hair in coke can or something.

She is a card carrying Moon Bat from a family of Moon Bats. Perfect lying bitch for the Democrats.

There is no evidence that she is "lying",
Similarly there is also no evidence that he is "lying".

There is however evidence that he would often get into situations of deep inebriation on "skis" to the point where he couldn't remember what had happened. In fact there is indication he still does. So it's entirely possible that when he says it never happened he is honestly relating what is in his memory.

--- which would mean nobody is "lying". As far as they know.

Well said, and I agree. Still, are you willing to see a man's life destroyed based on zero evidence? If that is what our Country has devolved to, we are in a sad state.

It is not even a question of giving the benefit of the doubt to the accused in a "he said/she said" situation.

It is a question of letting the filthy Democrats get away with a despicable campaign to gain by dishonesty what they were unable to gain at the ballot box.

There is absolutely no doubt she is lying.

The invitation remains WIDE OPEN to prove that.

Fingerboy can't do it. He runs away given the invitation.
Correll can't do it.

In fact nobody can do it. It involves proving a negative.

You can't prove a negative. Don't believe me? Ask Clarence Thomas.

Good luck. Prove a negative, win a prize.

The reason the filthy ass Democrats got the Ford bitch to lie is because they had to find somebody that knew Kav decades and decades ago. With his stellar record as an adult they sure as hell could not come up with a "public hair on Coke can" now.

They looked for a Liberal asshole that was willing to conjure up some blatantly false story that happen back when Ronald Reagan was President. Something that couldn't be proven but that the filthy Liberals would use to waylay the nomination.

The majority Republicans should have told told the filthy Democrats to shove their lies where the sun don't shine but as usual there are some weak minded RINOs that side with the destructive agenda of the Democrat and that is the only reason Kavanaugh has not been already confirmed.

As Graham so forcefully said the other day we have seen the Democrat politics of destruction big time and it is despicable.

There is absolutely no truth in anything that asshole lying Libtard bitch Ford said.

If it did happen then she need to come up with a lot more proof than this silly ass "I remember it". That dog don't hunt.
Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)

The coward wouldn't even address post 530. Me thinks that yellow streak is showing.

I tend not to waste my time on posts that contain no intelligent content. 530 is such a post. Have a good cry and then come back with something that actually has meaning.

I enjoy watch a coward hauling ass. You enjoy believing lies and false memories that aren't even allowed in court.

Hey, you're the klown trying to bring up "Becky" in a desperate attempt to get the spotlight off a different date. That's a coward hauling ass if ever I saw one.

No, oh ignorant one, it's a simple example of him listing the names of girls on his calendar when they were present. BTW did you hear the committee has issued a criminal referral on the dude that lied about the boat thing and later admitted it didn't happen. Several folks are going to jail over this commie freak show and I'll bet none will be Kavanaugh.

I have no inkling of an idea what you're babbling about here with "boats" and shit. Perhaps Harvey Weinstein finally explains how he got into this thread --- I don't know and I don't care, I stay on the topic.

Again --- if you list in your calendar that you're going with "A, B, C, and D" to location Q, NOTHING IN YOUR PLANS PRECLUDES X, Y and Z from showing up at the same location. This is not fucking rocket surgery. Your puerile attempt at feeblemindedness is just not working.
Any of you cultists care to explain why even your Lord and Savior say Ford's testimony was credible?
He didn't say that, turd.

Yes. He did. His exact words were "But certainly she was a very credible witness."

Would you like to see the video of your Lord and Savior spreading the Good News?

Trump Calls Christine Blasey Ford a 'Very Credible Witness'
That's pure politicking. He doesn't want to be accused of bullying her. However, the truth is that she's an obvious liar. Every witness she named said she's lying. She was caught lying about several other claims she made.

Links to any of that Fingerboi?


Look in your toy box. Maybe they're buried in there with your utter cluelessness and failure to acknowledge that political parties don't hold conventions on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin in December.
Here ya go, asshole:

NOBODY is going to sit through a 20 minute YouTube concocted by some unknown jackoff in a baseball cap. If you have a point you can articulate it. If you don't have one --- you can't.

Had you ever in my six years on this site actually posted anything of redeeming intellectual value then MAYBE you would have earned the right to take twenty of my minutes. There's no way you're even remotely close.

Now about that political convention on wet Wisconsin trolley tracks in December --- you ever going to admit you royally fucked up making that suggestion?

No, I thought not.
You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.
Why did what happen when it did? We have no evidence that anything happened. All the designate witnesses say it didn't.

That's exactly why I supplied a video of the entire day's hearings, morning and afternoon. You can see everything that was said in the order it was said. The fact remains --- the questioning about July 1st was the last questioning Rachel Mitchell was permitted to do, The fact remains, the next round of Republican commentary (wasn't really questioning) came from Lindsey Graham, which was the first time all day that a Republican did not cede their time to Mitchell, who was never heard again, as Grassley had announced would be the format. That's all there in the video, at the time mark I gave, and it's all in order exactly as I have described it here. And it all takes place immediately after the exposure of the entry of July 1st.

There's nothing you can do about that, Fingerfuck. You can start spewing "moron" and "imbecile", as is your usual astute argument, you can throw your toys against the wall, you can drool on your shoes and point fingers à la Graham, you can sit and hold your breath until you turn purple, none of it's going to change that order of events. PERIOD.

And once AGAIN there are no "designate witnesses" --- or people of any kind outside the accusee himself --- who "said it didn't". None of them are QUALIFIED to say it didn't. That would require proving a negative, which is impossible. And guess the fuck what ----- there ain't nothing you can do about that either.
What do you imagine you are proving?

What do you imagine you are accomplishing by claiming a negative you can't know, getting called on it, running away to hide, and then popping up to run the same play expecting different results?
Nothing you listed confirms anything other than the fact that he was a normal kid in high school.

I never tried to rape anyone in High School. You have an odd definition of normal.
Kavanaugh never tried to rape anyone in high school, douchebag.

So you were tagging along with him everywhere he went in those days were you Flingerfuck?

God DAMN you get around.
I wasn't tagging along with you either. Does that prove you raped someone?

You obviously lack the capacity to commit logic.

"Logic"? :auiqs.jpg:

Fingerboy posts the word "logic" after claiming a negative he can't prove and running away? "Logic"?


Your post said --- and it's still sitting right there above, and I quote, verbatim:

Kavanaugh never tried to rape anyone in high school, douchebag.

What part of "prove that" eludes your tiny little mind?
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

There is zero evidence that Kavanaugh interacted with Blasy at the party.
There is zero evidence that Kavanaugh was at the party
There is zero evidence that Blasy (Ford) was at the party
There is zero evidence that there was a party

Should we lynch a man on zero evidence? According to the Nazi democrats we should.

He threatens abortion and must be stopped by any means.
No one is lynching any one the guy is being vetted. Dumb fuck. When you are in the public eye allegations get made and you must defend. It has never been any different. So quit crying like your fucking baby judge! What a little bitch crying on national TV. He loses his man card over that alone.

Well I can't agree with that last part. If he is unjustly accused he has every right to be upset about it. And as noted far back in this thread it's entirely possible that both (a) the incident happened as described and (b) he honestly does not remember it because he was too drunk, a state he readily conceded to being in often. So his outrage may in fact be sincere to the best of his own knowledge.
The intent always was to have the allegation as vague and unspecific as possible. By doing so and then screaming as loud as possible they avoided the pitfall of anything specific which he could easily prove is a lie.

If they named a specific address, there was always the possibility that it could be proven that the house was vacant at that time or owned by an elderly couple with no kids.

If a specific date was used, they didn't know what Kavanaugh's real schedule was and what if he had been in another state, country or whatever?

If she named who had brought her to the party or how she had gotten home with and with whom, what if they popped up and said, hey, I never hung out with those kids, or I hadn't moved to that area until a year later.

MUCH better to keep all the allegations as vague as possible and let the Progressive lemmings do their thing.

It's the way Dims do things. Scream and rant but never, ever, be specific.

You mean the way wags like WillHaftawaite are bending over backward to deflect away the very specific date of July 1st 1982 with the very specific names that match those in Ford's testimony?
July 2 1982 is also a very specific date. So is July 3 and July 4. None of them mean a thing since Christine Ford didn't name any of them as the date when she claims to have been raped.

Try learning how to commit logic before you attempt another post.

Far as I know Christine Ford didn't name any specific date at all. Rachel Mitchell brought up July 1st. And when she did it turned out that the names on his calendar for that date matched the names given by Dr. Ford. In other words the circumstances FIT.

That may or may not be significant but it's a start. And it was also in the same series of questions where Mitchell established that Kavanaugh had examined all the dates of that summer and concluded that there was no entry that "even remotely" fit Ford's description of circumstances. And yet --- here's exactly such an entry where everything does fit.

So clearly somebody's in denial here, and not just on this message board.
Any of you cultists care to explain why even your Lord and Savior say Ford's testimony was credible?
He didn't say that, turd.

Yes. He did. His exact words were "But certainly she was a very credible witness."

Would you like to see the video of your Lord and Savior spreading the Good News?

Trump Calls Christine Blasey Ford a 'Very Credible Witness'
That's pure politicking. He doesn't want to be accused of bullying her. However, the truth is that she's an obvious liar. Every witness she named said she's lying. She was caught lying about several other claims she made. She's a crazy, lying psycho-bitch.
NO ONE accused her of Lying.... period.

Why do you and all the other right wingers/ trumpsters on here keep saying that meme?
Of course they said she lied. All the witnesses she listed stated in no uncertain terms that her description of events never happened.


NOBODY ANYWHERE said that outside of Kavanaugh himself. NOBODY ANYWHERE CAN say that because nobody anywhere can possibly know everything that goes on everywhere. And nobody who is not one of three people inside a locked bedroom can possibly say what did or didn't happen inside that room. There is LITERALLY no way to do that, period.

Go ahead, prove me wrong and show me anybody who said the events "never happened". Batter up.
I think the OP has a pretty good perspective on what many guys do in their younger years, but...

I really doubt a High School junior and even a senior virgin would have the balls to try force himself on a woman, especially in front of another guy and especially if he was a virgin into his college years.

No virgin would ever have the self-confidence to try to forcibly rape a girl. That kind of behavior only comes from stupid guys who have already had sex with the lights on a dozen times. When I was a virgin it was the girls who had to do all the seducing, and I am now in my 60s (so I lost it at an earlier time than Kavanaugh by over a decade). Even in the 80s guys were not that bold.

No - I really don't think it happened that way.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...
They haven't got shit. "If, if, if." So far all we have is "lie, lie, lie." You're an imbecile.
the ONLY one of the witnesses that LACKED CANDOR in that hearing, was Kavanaugh... on several occasions...

pick a better, conservative candidate that can fly thru, like Gorsuch.

Oh Puh-leeze. Yet more Ritual Defamation from a rote leftist.

The Degeneration of Belief: Compiled By Laird Wilcox

Oh Puh-leeze yourself, the poster is correct. Kavanaugh continuously dissembled, evaded questions, deflected onto "I got into Yale" and "I like beer" and clearly tried to eat up so much time on bullshit deflections having no relationship to the question posed that the questioner would run out of time. He also deliberately misstated the same thing I just busted (again) Fingerboy on --- the idea that "all these people say it never happened". They cannot say it never happened, nor did they.
Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...
They haven't got shit. "If, if, if." So far all we have is "lie, lie, lie." You're an imbecile.
the ONLY one of the witnesses that LACKED CANDOR in that hearing, was Kavanaugh... on several occasions...

pick a better, conservative candidate that can fly thru, like Gorsuch.

Oh Puh-leeze. Yet more Ritual Defamation from a rote leftist.

The Degeneration of Belief: Compiled By Laird Wilcox

Oh Puh-leeze yourself, the poster is correct. Kavanaugh continuously dissembled, evaded questions, deflected onto "I got into Yale" and "I like beer" and clearly tried to eat up so much time on bullshit deflections having no relationship to the question posed that the questioner would run out of time. He also deliberately misstated the same thing I just busted (again) Fingerboy on --- the idea that "all these people say it never happened". They cannot say it never happened, nor did they.

I'd like to see you put on trial before the world accused of some heinous things with vague details and that you did not do and being told you have to prove your innocence.

I bet you'd handle it far worse than Kavanaugh did.

Oh, and today's reading assignment:

The Degeneration of Belief: Compiled By Laird Wilcox
Having spent four fairly boozy years in college, having been to my share of college parties, and just having a fundamental understanding of that environment, here's what I think happened.

I think he was drunk and he dry humped her for "fun". Stupid, sophomoric, thoughtless, "fun". The mix of booze, testosterone and adrenaline can make a young guy do some pretty stupid shit, and you can DOUBLE that when a buddy is there. He and his buddy laughed about it, and maybe she hid her horror by not acting like she had been attacked. Ask them about it a week later, and they may or may not have remembered it.

Different people (men and women) are sensitive to entirely different things. Clearly this really, profoundly hurt Ford, even though he was clowning around. It wasn't a rape, it wasn't an attempted rape, it was a short, stupid, ignorant act by a drunk kid who was showing off and should have fucking known better. Some women would have laughed it off, some would not, and there is no right or wrong response to it.

Should that disqualify any candidate, three decades later, nominated by a President from either party, for the Supreme Court? Not in my book, but it certainly provides a pretty good excuse for partisans of the opposite party nowadays.

My two cents. Yours?

There is zero evidence that Kavanaugh interacted with Blasy at the party.
There is zero evidence that Kavanaugh was at the party
There is zero evidence that Blasy (Ford) was at the party
There is zero evidence that there was a party

Should we lynch a man on zero evidence? According to the Nazi democrats we should.

He threatens abortion and must be stopped by any means.
No one is lynching any one the guy is being vetted. Dumb fuck. When you are in the public eye allegations get made and you must defend. It has never been any different. So quit crying like your fucking baby judge! What a little bitch crying on national TV. He loses his man card over that alone.

No, it's a lynching.

You Nazis failed to derail him during the vetting and pulled up a magic last second "witness" who has been paid a million dollars, to magically derail what you failed to derail earlier.

It's a lynch mob and a disgrace. The fact that you pigs have done this has damaged the confirmation process beyond repair.
Well I can't agree with that last part. If he is unjustly accused he has every right to be upset about it. And as noted far back in this thread it's entirely possible that both (a) the incident happened as described and (b) he honestly does not remember it because he was too drunk, a state he readily conceded to being in often. So his outrage may in fact be sincere to the best of his own knowledge.

Comrade Sluggo:

There is zero evidence that Kavanaugh interacted with Blasy at the party.
There is zero evidence that Kavanaugh was at the party
There is zero evidence that Blasy (Ford) was at the party
There is zero evidence that there was a party

Does this disqualify him from the court in your alleged mind?
You have entries for July 14th, July 23rd or August 11th that include not only Judge and PJ but "skis"?

Don't need them, but no doubt they are on his calendar.

said meet at timmy's?

There ya go.

Now Ford has a place and time.

Just find timmy, and find out if Ford was there.

I agree that's a clue as to the setting, and I believe in the video he gave Timmy's last name as well. If I'm the FBI that's on the top of my to-do list. There may be several leads to follow but that's in the forefront. Which is --- AGAIN --- the point of bringing up July 1st.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

You have an explanation for why Rachel Mitchell was suddenly usurped after that point in favor of Graham and the Hissyfit Brigade?

Seems to me Graham got fed up with the total bullshit coming from the left, and decided to read them the riot act.

the rest followed, making Mitchells questions irrevelant

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

You don't have an answer. Actually you do, and it's the same answer I have. You just can't admit to it.

I keep explaining this to you and you keep clicking "funny".

Because it IS funny.

You're basing your entire argument on a date likely picked at random, because it was mid-summer, and listed the names of several of his friends, Mitchell picked it, and the senators parroted it, thinking, like you, something actually happened that day.

I just said that's what happened. The question I put to you is why it happened WHEN IT DID.

Because Graham had had enough.

That seems pretty obvious.

Now, send all your investigative work to the FBI, tell them to locate timmy and the boys, and find out if Ford was there July 1st

(you could get a Gold Star, instead of a funny)
she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...

she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...

Exactly how did she get out if she was LOCKED IN? Every bedroom I've seen with locks, is locked from the inside.

if the FBI gets in Timmy's old house and it has not been remodeled, or gets old pictures of it, and the layout matches her drawing, that is corroboration, the 3 men that she mentioned at the party, on the K calendar that summer day, is also corroboration, now that they have a date, they can try to get the member log ins for those who were at the country club pool that day, july 1st, 1982 and if she was there that would corroborate her story as well.....

Actually you would first have to prove that floor plan is unique in that area and there are none similar, for it to corroborate anything. Also according to Kavanaughs explanation of his calendar entries they met around 8 PM after their workout, not during the day.

Did you say member logins from 36 years ago? LMAO I bet they don't have them from 5 years ago. Any more straw you wish to grasp for.

they can check his calendar to see if he never put girls on his calendar, and only mentions of ''the guys''....

The Aug 7 entry proves he includes girls.

they can confirm whether he was a heavy drinker... what he was like when he drank?

there are many things that can end up corroborating her story...

You're putting a lot on 36 year old memories, yeah, good luck with that.

she drew a picture of the inside layout of the house, with description... small living room, stairway to go up to 2nd floor, bathroom at top of stairs and bedroom near it that she was thrown in to and locked in...


It happened in my mom and dads house....

ah, never mind.

they lived in Ohio then

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